HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training with Contrast Hydrotherapy

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) not only challenges the body but also promotes a cascade of positive changes, many of which play a crucial role in the anti-aging process. HIIT is a testament to the power of intense, focused exercise to shape our bodies and fortify our futures.

Incorporated Exercises

• Explosive Squat Jumps
• Full-Throttle Sprints followed by a recovery walk.
• Dynamic Burpees: Upright position then a squat, plank and a push-up, culminating in a leap skyward.
• Swift Mountain Climbers: Rapid knee-to-chest motion in a plank position, resembling an uphill sprint.
• Kettlebell Arcs: A smooth ground to chest-height swing of the kettlebell powered by the hips and legs while the arms remain straight.
• Energetic Jumping Jacks
• Vigorous High Knees: Running in place mimicking the motion of an intense on-the-spot sprint.
• Foundation Push-Ups
• Leap Squats: Deep squat with an upward leap, challenging the legs and glutes.
• Agile A-Skips: A light, skipping motion on the spot, with knees lifting high and a spring in the step.
• Lateral Skater Hops: A side-to-side leaping motion, landing on one foot while the other sweeps behind, mimicking the motion of a speed skater.
• Plank Spread Jacks: A plank variation similar to a horizontal jumping jack.
• Rotating Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back and alternate bringing knees and elbows together in a cycling motion.
• Forward Lunges: Step forward into a lunge, then push back to the starting stance.
• Core Sit-Ups
• Targeted Crunches: Lie on your back and lift your shoulders off the ground, focusing on engaging the core muscles

Cool Down: Concludes with a 5-minute stroll to gradually decrease your heart rate, followed by a comprehensive stretching session targeting all key muscle groups to promote recovery and enhance flexibility.


• A powerful stimulant for cellular energy factories, boosting their output significantly.
• Leads to improved circulation and respiratory efficiency.
• With regular engagement, HIIT contributes to an increase in both muscle strength and mass.
• Potentially turns back the clock on some of the cellular decline that accompanies aging.
• Regulator of Glycemic Balance: A formidable ally in regulating blood sugar levels, diminishing the risk of developing insulin resistance.
• Significant uplift in cardiorespiratory fitness, a reliable indicator of health and a marker of longevity.
• Protector of Chromosomal Integrity: May contribute to the preservation of telomere length, which is linked to extended cellular lifespan
• Promoter of Vascular Health: More efficient blood flow, potentially mitigating the risk of cardiovascular issues

Contrast Hydrotherapy

Immersing oneself in alternating baths of hot and cold water, one can experience a cascade of health benefits that transcend the physical realm - it refreshes the body, invigorates the spirit, and fortifies the immune system. This ancient practice, offers a simple yet profound method to tap into the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

How does It work?

Thermal Fluctuation: A warm water soak expands the blood vessels (vasodilation), which boosts blood flow and warms the tissues. This is followed by a cold water soak, causing the vessels to contract (vasoconstriction), which decreases swelling and soothes discomfort.
Circulatory Dynamics: The shift between temperatures acts like a circulatory pump, enhancing blood movement. This helps clear out waste and delivers essential nutrients to the affected area, aiding in quicker recovery.
Cardiac Response: The body’s heart rate also responds to the temperature changes. Immersion in cold water raises the heart rate, while warm water immersion can decrease it. This cardiac reaction plays a role in the therapy’s beneficial effects.

Benefits of Contrast Hydrotherapy:
• A Fountain of Youth: The alternating temperatures act as a catalyst for vitality, promoting youthful vigour by enhancing blood circulation. This dynamic flow carries away the by products of stress and fatigue, leaving behind a sense of renewal. The improved circulation also aids in delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell, encouraging a youthful glow from within.
Immune System Boost: As the body adapts to the shifting waters, it becomes more resilient. The process stimulates lymphatic movement, bolstering the body’s defences against colds, flu, and other ailments.
Pain Relief and Recovery: Contrast hydrotherapy offers a sanctuary from the aches of daily life or the demands of athletic endeavours. The warmth soothes sore muscles and joints, while the cold reduces inflammation and accelerates recovery, allowing one to emerge from the waters reborn, ready to face the world anew.
Mental Clarity and Emotional Balance: The ritual of contrast hydrotherapy is a meditation in motion. The focus required to embrace the extremes clears the mind, while the rhythmic change in temperatures balances the emotions, leading to a state of mental clarity and emotional equilibrium.

The synergy of HIIT with the rejuvenating effects of Contrast Hydrotherapy can lead to a more vibrant, energized, and youthful self. This holistic approach supports the body’s natural healing processes, fortifies the immune system, and contributes to a resilient physique that stands the test of time. By integrating these methods into a regular wellness routine, you can experience an overall enhancement in health and well-being, effectively turning back the clock on the body’s natural aging process

Dream comments

( it is a bit time compressed but let say you get a 10min benefit of the exercises above and more so the direct benefits of it.)


Wow, epic field!


wow, just the field we needed, this is crazy!


im gonna love the testimonials for this one




Purchased, listening now. I’d like to use it to get a boost in my weight-loos/fitness journey, as other weight-loss fields don’t have too much of an effect on me unfortunately.

The track itself is very relaxing.

There’s plenty of fields with energetic exercises by other creators but I think it’s the first one by Sapien. Gonna give it a shot.

Currently I seem to be sweating a little.


I did 10 loops, feels like my bloodflow seems to have improved/intensified, I’m also breathing deeper. Not much sweating, though. Will keep at it with 10 loops per day for some time. I also became a little hungry, but not too much.

My muscles feel slightly as if I had exercised a bit some time after listening.


Hi @Albert!

Welcome KY Flowers


Definitively going to get it this week, I started doing hiit again two days ago and was thinking about focusing on that during this month instead of lifting weights like always, wished there was an audio like this targeting everything I neglected recently and it drops perfectly when needed.


Great synchronicity, Moshiro! :partying_face:


Amazing field. Must buy for sure.


I also tried 10 loops to start, here’s what I noticed. Blood flow is very intense.

  • In the 2nd play, my feet got really warm, almost hot.
  • I was feeling tired when I started playing, but by the 3rd play I felt very energized - especially my brain felt clear and I could easily focus on anything.
  • My abs felt tight, and I felt some warmth, looseness and comfort everywhere that previously had some aches or stiffness (joints, etc.)
    The differences I felt between the 3rd and 10th play were a little more intensity in my brain and some soreness in my chest and arms.
    I wouldn’t use this at night because it feels like it could cause insomnia with it’s energizing effects.
    Awesome field!

Bought this. Was looking for something like this for a very long time. A genuine life cheat code of a field.


So this HIIT energy field provides all these effects mentioned as a real HIIT session?

This is crazy stuff :hushed:

I don’t have much experience with energy fields on automated muscle stimulation.
I tried the “automated” series for a while, the versions that date from 2019.

I bought the field :ballot_box_with_check:, we’ll see :muscle:.

Edit : I was expecting workout music :boom: lol. I like the music, it’s nice to listen to :slightly_smiling_face::notes:


Should also help in cholesterol levels then


It’s like regular HIIT, intense af
Lol don’t use it at night :milky_way:
Good point


This afternoon, I was stretching my legs on the beach. I was thinking about listening to the HIIT audio from my phone, which was in my bag with the Zen Lion. I gave it the instruction to memorize this field in the dimensional pocket.

After a few minutes of stretching, I felt the need to check my bag and look at the time: 21:21 PM :star_struck:.

This is confirmation that the field has indeed been recorded in the Dimensional Pocket :ballot_box_with_check:.

The next test will be to ask Zen Lion to activate the field when I am in the water :swimming_man:.

I feel the work a bit more in my abs. I did a one-hour loop yesterday, no problem.

However, I need to be careful not to overdo it. Muscle activity will cause fat breakdown, which will release toxins. So, I need to take that into account. Good hydration and walking are necessary :+1:.


I feel sleepy after listening to 5 loops,it is like really I have done a really fast walk for one hour !


I do 15 times which is an hour. I had to take a nap. I have used most energetic workouts audios and never ever had this happened to me. This audio is next level for sure.


I have two questions please:

How many loops of this are safe per day?
I assume this would be similar to the Automated Cardio field where the heart rate goes up?

Is this mimicking the actual HIIT workout?
Or is the field directly working on establishing the benefits which are the consequence of the workout?

Thank you.


If you feel tired or sleepy after listening to this, it could be a sign of dehydration. I find this field requires a lot of hydration (look at all it’s doing!), so I’m drinking a lot of water around and after listening - I think that helps to make it energizing.