HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training with Contrast Hydrotherapy

I increased the number of loops to 15, making it a full hour of listening. I feel slight muscle tiredness and I became hungry several hours after listening. I find it slightly energizing, not exhausting. I will be using it for an hour or two per day for the next 6 months and we’ll see about physical results. :slight_smile:


It is not. I don’t sweat while using this and I’m well hydrated. This is because it actually mimics what it says, so you will naturally feel tired. It is an unbelievable field.


Sure. And this:

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This HIIT field does not include the production of hormones to help gain muscle mass (hgh, testosterone).

While the “automated upper body” energy field does.
In the description of this field it is indicated 4 times maximum per day.

I think we can repeat it as many times according to the capacity of our body. we must go gradually and follow our bodily feelings.

Allow sufficient time for rest and growth of the muscle, the evacuation of possible waste produced by muscle work and the Hydrotherapy effect of contrast.

When working with the HIIT field I also think that there must be a very slight increase in heart rate, almost not perceptible (my feeling).

Several sessions (short or long) of HIIT during the day. I experiment :slightly_smiling_face::muscle:


So im actually asking myself why this thread is not blowing up? We have explosiveness and Power, cardio and Mobility, plus recovery and hydrotherapy.


Can’t wait to read feedback from people who have bought this!!


I just bought this, and I’m wondering if it works for triceps and biceps


burpees, kettlebell, push-ups, plank


good, thanks!

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I woke up this morning with aches in my abs after several loops yesterday


Likewise, my body feels like it’s had a workout, especially in the arms, back and pecs.


To the users, how efficient is this in recovering the muscles? Are u guys walking around sore all the time?

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It’s pretty good. I feel like I’ve had a workout but I’m not “sore”, at least I wouldn’t put it that way. Maybe a little bit when I move around dynamically. So it’s pretty good in this regard (and I’ve been using it for two hours per day, so that’s quite a lot).


That sounds great for 2 hours usage. So you could just go on about your normal workout routine without being too exhausted?

It ahould be fine, adjust as needed.

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Also any improvements on heart rate, energy, endurane, Overall vitality,well being?

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It’s only been four days, I can’t really tell you much about long term effects. :slight_smile:

Yeah youre right, just curious😆

I did get increased heart-rate first time I listened, now I think it’s still slightly increased but I don’t feel it as much or I got used to it.

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Interesting!! :face_with_monocle: I have to read the experiences with this.

This is incredibly fascinating, actually… I don’t have the full words to describe my thoughts.

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