HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training with Contrast Hydrotherapy

Among the benefits of HIIT, will this creation help the body burn calories at a higher rate, even up to 48-72 hours after listening to the audio, and change body composition, have a slim and toned constitution? Thanks :pray:


I sure hope so, it’s one of the reasons I purchased it and am running it 2 hrs per day. :wink: We’ll know with time, won’t we?


Contrast hydrothepy is awesome for muscle regeneration.
You can do it despite the field as addition.

Field contains extra muslce recovery.
Its very potent so extra protection is of course included :wink:


Thank you :slight_smile:

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So i just got this aswell, was looking for a field, which will keep me fit and athletic longterm. Was wanting to purchase the project hpge nft but those are just RNA changes, which dont put your body in a permanent state of athleticism. I got this one for permanent changes (given the right circumstances ofc).

Ironically, im listening to this one for the 8th time now in a row and my heart rate got lower. About 8- 11 BPM.


These aspects are extremely pronounced with this field. So pronounced that the real ‘work’ the field is doing can sneak up on you!

I’m using it very modestly – 3x, twice a day – once in the morning, once in the early afternoon. I love the energizing and vitalizing effect. It’s super in the front of actual exercise and gives a big boost to performance. Also pairs well with other workout fields (like Muscle Roar).

At first, the soreness was so minimal it wasn’t clear anything was really happening, but as the days have piled up and the ‘work’ has continued, my muscles are complaining appropriately loudly! Definitely a strong and effective workout that gets a little bit of everything.

It’s worthwhile to put rest-days in between uses of this field, as if it were a ‘real’ workout. Sometimes you might need one!

It is, of course, too early to say anything about longer term results, but I’m looking forward to keeping this in the stack for a while to see what happens with my muscle growth, strength and body composition.


This is btw highly, highly efficient in pushing vitamins, Minerals, and nutrients through the System. Supplementing and feel so much more energized


I’m using this together with Belly Burn, a diet (calorie deficit) + some barbell exercises and pushups/situps and I’m losing weight and feeling pretty good. My muscles feel tired sometimes, though, although that’s probably due to the barbells.


I was inspired by David Sinclair routine.

here its short explanation about HIIT putting your system in uncomfortable state to stimulate it .
I would not loop it for hours . These are real exercises ( 10 minutes) compressed in an audio :wink:


Some people can take hours of this with no sweat while some could not take 20 minutes. Many reasons as to why, but the the main one is how developed is your energy body and system is. Someone with years of experience and trial and error will have a far stronger energy system than someone new to these tools.

Everbody is diffrent i agree.
I always keep in mind not everbody is aware how intense fields can be.
Its better to put a little warning.sign.:wink:


Not everyone can do HIIT. Hitting 75% and above of your maximum absolute effort already requires a baseline level of fitness and conditioning that most of the general population just doesn’t have.

If this simulates the after-effects of max effort sprinting physically and physiologically, then this is surely very special. Sprinting is one of the most intense exercises, yet has immense benefits for health.

The large boost in HGH, fast twitch muscle fibres getting stronger & more efficient, fat burning, highly boosted metabolism, increased blood flow, far stronger legs, better core strength, better balance, increased brain health, more athleticism, the list indeed goes on and on.


Agree. I didn’t use it once yet.
Im working on my overall condition before HIIT.
Im sure it would not cause any damage but results ,level of well being will be much bettter.

Field is safer than real execices still…

These are real execices enchanted in the file…


I toned it down from two hours to one hour. I’m getting more pronounced results with the field over time, last time I listened I could feel my muscles getting a workout and an increased heartbeat during and for some time after.


Same, looped for 2 hours and felt energized, fit. Now i need to tone it down because my legs are taking a beating lol. But at the same time i feel like my legs are stronger and handle my bodyweight better, feel a little Lighter almost. Also resting heartrate improved, which came unexpectedly fast. So far so good :slight_smile:


Is this usable by people over 50 with sedentary life styles?


Of course it is . But i would prepare first with lighter routines . The point of HIIT is to put your body into shock but… I agree i t’s better to prepare a bit. It’s worth it cause it’s amazing for keeping youth and health .

I’m doing some automated exercises but lighter and incorporating more movement ;)


Thank you. You always reply so quickly :heart:
Yes, I am doing the automated exercises too. I will start walking more too.


I noticed that when I broadcast this field for several minutes (more than 1 hour sometimes) + automated upper body work x4 and the others in the series (for the production of testosterone and HGH ) I am in metabolic acidosis. As I have renal weakness my body has difficulty evacuating lactic acid (produced by the muscles) and toxins set in motion (fat breakdown, improved blood circulation, etc.).

So for those who have renal weakness be careful, do not abuse the field lol :warning:

Otherwise I feel the work of the muscles :muscle:.
I am very happy with the purchase of this field, a great investment for health :ok_hand: :muscle:


I am not sure if this is solely HIIT but I think the majority is from it. Yesterday I started again with The Kinetic Quasi Crystal and also doing Muscle Roar for quite some time.

With HIIT I started five days ago. 3 loops a day, yesterday only two.

At night I started having cramps on my abs. They were really sore. In fact, when I went to sleep I could not lie on my back because my abs hurt so much.

This morning while I am writing this I still feel that my abs are so sore. I have never got abs so sore from the gym and I worked them many times.

So for today, I would rather skip HIIT and tomorrow will probably go only with one loop.