The Spirit of the Dragonfly

Spirit of the Dragonfly

Did you know…?

Dragonflies hold a rich tapestry of symbolism across various cultures. Often associated with water, dragonflies symbolize emotional depth and the subconscious mind. In many traditions, they represent transformation and adaptability, reflecting the insect’s own life cycle from aquatic larva to graceful aerial adult. In Chinese culture, dragonflies are symbols of good luck and prosperity, believed to bring positive change and new beginnings. They also embody lightness and joy, reminding us to embrace the moment and appreciate the beauty of life. As messengers of the spirit realm, dragonflies encourage us to trust in our inner wisdom and to follow our spiritual path with courage and grace.

The Spirit of the Dragonfly is an immersive audio journey designed to guide you through a transformative experience, integrating the wisdom of the dragonfly into your body, mind, and spirit. As you listen, the processes are seamlessly and negentropically woven into your being, allowing you to consciously and effortlessly interact with them (smart field).

The journey begins with the Dragonfly Flow, a dynamic sequence inspired by the dragonfly’s graceful movements. The audio guides your body into a series of yoga poses that enhance flexibility, balance, and strength. As you move, the energy of the dragonfly flows through you, aligning your body with its fluid motions. Your muscles stretch and strengthen, balance improves, and the entire body harmonizes with the rhythm of the dragonfly. This process also charges and strengthens the three energy centers (Dantians), invigorating your body’s energy system. The Breath of the Dragonfly, a specialized pranayama technique, synchronizes your breath with the dragonfly’s delicate wing beats, promoting calmness, clarity, and a deep flow of Qi. Visualize the dragonfly’s wings as you breathe. Notice your aura beginning to purify and crystallize, enhancing your focus and awareness.

Next, enter a state of deep mindfulness with the Dragonfly’s Stillness meditation. The audio gently guides you into a serene state, mirroring the dragonfly’s poised calmness. This meditative state purifies your aura and clears your entire meridian system, allowing energy to flow effortlessly. The dragonfly’s energy envelops you, promoting relaxation, focus, and inner peace. This state also induces a profound sense of full coherence in the body, optimizing bodily functions for better overall health and well-being. The meditation deepens with the Dragonfly’s Perspective visualization, expanding your awareness and providing a broader view of life. As you engage with the dragonfly’s energy, you may experience a timeless state, a sense of infinity that transcends ordinary perception.

The program weaves in the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life, aligning your energies with this universal symbol of creation and unity. This geometry, combined with a torus-shaped energy field flowing in, out and around you, fortifies the program’s effects by creating a powerful amplifying force around you. The final part of the journey, the Dragonfly Energy Alignment, guides you through a ritual of transformation. The dragonfly’s vibrant essence flows through your chakras, aligning and energizing them. You feel a profound sense of renewal as old energies are released, making way for new growth. Your spirit is revitalized, and your energy system is harmonized, leading to a state of balance, coherence and optimal function.

The Spirit of the Dragonfly offers a holistic approach to personal transformation


talking about a primer and booster of other energy work. and field work…thanks a million, Captain!

i always adored the species dragonfly in its nature, strong, smart, fast,cunning.

they are beautiful insect predators and no matter what weapons they posses they would never hurt humans or other vertebrate animals.

if a dragonfly trusts you you can carry it on your palm and it will never be aggressive.

they do not trouble like other insects and they do not eat carrion.

they only survive hunting life pray.

they have all sences developed.

the larva of a dragonfly is remeniscent of the Gyger xenomorph with mouth that shoots out to catch pray.

for me the species is a hero type among insect kingdom. i feel honored to be able to connect to their species through this gem of an audio.



love it


@Nice2knowU fantastic field. One question though how deep does the auto workout go


It’s a good question @jstarr7

I haven’t had the time to test this yet. It is a very dear project that I’m delighted to see it is brought into existence.

You know it will definitely not be as brutal as, let’s say if you looped core strengthening+ stomach shrinking. On average, people deem yoga less intense than regular workouts. But obviously yoga can be very intense as well (if you’ve ever tried it). That said, this field is designed smart, meaning you can interact with it based on your personal needs or personal preferences. My guess is, by default, meaning if you don’t interact with it consciously, it’ll probably be right on the sweet spot of what you can tolerate plus a few percentage points above, to leave room for improvement.

On a whole, this should give mind blowing benefits. Since it’s an entire system, I would say, feel free to expect long-term beautiful effects from this on the physical, mental and spiritual level.

I am tbh really excited for testimonials . Once I test it, I’ll also give a review


This is really well crafted, I’ve notice a huge upgrade since the new servitor were released as they has the same pattern of being extremely fine tuned and precise wholistic with the balance as a central point.


I love dragonflies and this field seems extensive in its reach. What kind of music does it have?
Congratulation on this amazing concept :bouquet:


thankyou for responding @Nice2knowU definitely on my purchase list


I am really grateful that this field exists, especially considering the price, this feels it should be 2-3x the price.

The entire workweek was absolutely mad in terms of workload, which admittedly in part is my own fault, accepting too many tasks and thinking I could finish them all. But it is what it is. I’d say this was probably the week with the highest workload ever, or at least among the top 3. My productivity, focus, determination, resolve, energy - all off the charts. And guess what?

Yep, I was mostly playing this field.

Granted, at first, while I definitely noticed sth, through later listens, I didn’t notice all that much. But I didn’t question it and simply focused on the process. To me it feels like my energy baseline has dramatically improved. I had days where I did not sleep well or much overall, woke up groggy the next day, but still easily being able to fire up that productivity. I recall some years back I had a streak of roguhly 3-4 weeks of doing the five tibetans, and from what I remember it was a similar feeling, simply like you are supercharged and even if/when you are tired, you can still complete your work with relative ease. Especially today, it was like the culmination of workload silliness, and I simply breezed through. While I’d normally notice the mental fatigue after work, that is just gone. Its really cool.

Coming back to some more of the initial effects I have noticed: I am experiencing a very smooth breathing, gentle, a kind of “tuning” in or “honing” in - into what? I don’t know… Into a flow state of mind, but not in any way rushing, simply being, very mindful, very focused. That creates that determination that I mentioned above.

And then I, well I am not certain if its true, but I feel I am walking more quickly, a longer stride, and that I want to move more and further. Then while I am walking, it feels more rhythmic in a way that is hard to describe. Very lightweight, but still on the ground. I don’t know if that makes sense :smiley:

There is also overall more laughter and fun, as if my body knows how good humour is. From there I also noticed, when paying attention to my thoughts, they would by default revert to positive thoughts. Compare that for instance with me - I do clearly remember that in my past years ago, I would revert to negative thoughts by default.

Oh yeah, another thing, I had a pizza some days ago and oddly enough, I was not tired afterwards. Instead, there was again this desire to actually move more, not less.

Also, I had some minor cold symptoms - basically my throat feeling itchy. And that was as far as it got lol. No other symptoms, a mini cough that disappeared after a day or two.

Overall a very positive experience, feeling overly energized and kind of lucky.

Really can’t recommend this more.

Be blessed
