Usage of fields

Hello :wave:
I am still dealing with a fatigue. I get easily overwhelmed. Is it okay to listen to a field every other or second day and Pause in between, is it possible to still get good results?


Hi @LisaBeget

Nice2CU again KY


Hi it’s been a while :slight_smile:


I can’t speak for anyone else, but I still get results even if I don’t listen every day, however I see better results if I listen daily.

So, only you can answer that (on your behalf/for yourself).
Try and see.


Yes it is.

Ideally though, like any other habit, you’d listen to it every day. But you know, some people listen to 736367484846473 fields a day and it’s certainly possible that it won’t be easy to repeat that daily.

Look at it from a bigger perspective, like, you could ask yourself or even take notes “Did I listen to my fields 90% of the month?” Which would mean 27 out of 30 days. There’s an overall momentum you can build up, just as if you would work out regularly, learn a new skill, etc.

So if you miss a day or take a break, I think it’s ok as long as the momentum is still there.

I personally warmly recommend this:


Your avatar just reminds me of the Creepy version of Garfield :sweat_smile: