Any all in one field for health conditions?

Is there any field that could make our body much more self sufficient in being able to fight health conditions or not let them happen at all? I have had several health issues from a young age and tend to freak out a lot, pain in lower right abdominal side? “What if It’s hernia or Appendix?” says my brain, which just stresses me out and I end up feeling increased heart rate, but trying to find a field for everything gets tiring too, any suggestions?

Edit: I can’t afford any paid fields for now, but thank you i will keep them in mind for when I can.

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Have you had your concerns checked out by a medical professional of any kind? Self-diagnosis can be a bit tricky unless you are very familiar with self-healing, and even then it can lead to stress.

There are many free and paid fields and NFTs that address general healing.


I have got diagnosed for a few things like indirect inguinal hernia in past which I am using Abdominal wall re-creation for (even tho it says wide range of hernia, i’m unsure since my issue is more groin related ) and some other issues, but I can’t afford to get some other tests at the moment. Are there any free ones you would recommend?

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Thank you; I really appreciate that.

Dna repair system and dat to stem cell

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Thanks. I started using the DNA repair system, but I’m not sure about fat to stem cells since I’m underweight.