I looked at this thread already, "The Ascension Glossary" - trustworthy source or nah?
And it is remarkably empty, I am surprised more people don’t have input considering Ascension Glossary has been around for many years now.
It seems like most of it is correct, but a lot of it almost seems wishy washy or fabricated. Some of the terminology is weird, I was honestly wondering who her target audience is because I am pretty much sure 90% of the people that even stumbled upon her site have no clue what most of it means. (Especially if the intention is to help people re-orient themselves, why else call it a glossary?)
But a good portion of it seems to be right, so I really don’t know. Weird to be honest. Also I can’t find any information on Lisa herself other than what she says, which is, I am assuming she is a contactee.