Any genuine Christians here? Question about reconciling Christian faith while using Morphic fields/embedded items

So I would like to say that in recent times I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I feel I am at a point though, that I must confront and reconcile my confession in my faith with my abundant use of morphic fields and other such “frequency” treatments. I would like to get the advice of other possible Christians that are here (if there are any) on your thoughts on these treatments and if they would cause one to be led astray from Jesus ( a possible loss of faith.) One thing I know is that as a Christian, I am to put my faith onto the Lord with all of my heart and mind, and I feel that relying on these frequencies (which I do believe help), I am essentially turning away from God. I would say that my depending on these frequencies could be perceived as a form of Idolatry, which would be a unrepentant sin in my case. I try my best to turn from sin, and repent as soon as I acknowledge my sinful behavior, but it just dawned on me that perhaps my use of frequencies/morphic fields is literally a commitment to the sin of Idolatry, for which I have not repented or turned from. Of course I welcome the responses of all who have something to share. I just want to be steadfast in my faith and do the right thing.


Frequency is just information that being programmed and hold in specific items/ sound.
A good kind of frequency doesn’t make someone turn into infidel :woman_shrugging:t3: but maybe if you think it is.


Well, the way I see it is, when I listen to these frequencies to benefit me, or even improve my life, I am taking time away from committing myself to prayer. Instead of turning to God in prayer, I turn to these frequencies to “manifest” the results. I hope that makes sense.

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I’m sorry you feel that way.
it’s a dark side of Christianity (and some other religions) that sometimes rules are rigid and the explanation of the old testament cause fear (of God/hell/whatever) in people instead of the love and acceptance that Jesus taught.

I think you should look into your soul and find guidance there because it is your perception that causes you to suffer.
Everything is created by God. Open your heart to the love and acceptance, and choose it over fear as Jesus taught.


I am a Roman Catholic and I pray daily. I am also open-minded and I use Sapien Medicine audios, mandalas (Sapien and MF) everyday. For me, this behaviour is not in conflict with my religion.


And ask yourself. Do you really want to know the truth? If so stop using the field just feel how you feel without it. Then come back again and how you feel about it. If it’s still feels wrong to you. I would suggest to work on why you feel it? Is it because the fear that they been installed to you? God is loving my friend and that’s it. Other than that. It’s just an agenda to make you fearful to see something outside of your frame.

But I totally get it. I was once like you and I know how it feels to be in your position. (:
And I know deep down you want to change something that you want. But you’re too afraid of it. Like I said. Just take a break and ask yourself. And come back. But you have to be open minded though

And for you to discover these stuff. It’s actually a sign for you. To see the bigger picture of things that don’t exist before in your bubble of belief. And this can be intense. and your mind will make assumptions Oh it’s witchcraft. Oh it’s dark magic stuff. :smile::smiley: no it’s not. It’s just energy. It is all that is. And that’s what make it "magical’


I won’t name any because I should have said interpretation/institution around religion rather than religion itself. Any example would be wrong because there are always exceptions.
In general, any religious ideology that preaches fear (you must not do that because you will be punished, if you do. X then you are bad), hatred of “others” (it can be other religion, or people who behave differently etc) is contrary to spirituality and hinders spiritual evolution/ascension.
At least that’s my experience.


So what about morphic fields make you feel this way? Maybe it helps when you see how it’s found in life and nature and all consciousness around

Watch this so you get a wider and better understanding, pretty interesting visuals!

@MonkeyOwl evolution and ascension is discussed differently in religions so what hinders it here might be what accelerates it there.


This is a good example of how religions usually start out with a great intent, and then it gets distorted over time, misinterpreted and used to gain power, usually through fear or guilt.

The children of the Law of one say independent from your religion, if you believe in a world of kindness, compassion and harmlessness, well that’s a great world to live in.

So the question is, do the fields make you in any way less kind, more harmful and less compassionate? If yes to any, better to withdraw from them


I was born and raised in a Christian family. And I don’t see any contradiction between fields and faith in God :woman_shrugging:


I don’t see how using fields is idolatry. Unless you’re ‘worshipping’ said fields.

I also think God is much more merciful than you’re implying. And that he would encourage you to use the current sciences and technology to aid to your benefit if used in a healthy manner.

And I don’t see how one can use these fields in a non-healthy manner. It doesn’t lead you to sin, it doesn’t ‘remove you from God’, or anything like that. You’re probably ‘relying’ less on them than you think, and only perceive it that way because you use them a lot, therefore you must ‘rely’ on them.

My 0.02


I think that morphic fields are fruit of the creation, therefore of God!


If Jesus was alive today, I’m pretty sure he’d be healing the cripples, blind and lepers on the internet using something everyone can afford like YouTube.
He wouldn’t be limited to a tent in the desert.

Also, Jesus didn’t give a F, as a child he’d go around and break people’s statues and stuff saying “I’m the son of god”. That guys was a maniac.

Abraham and all those mfkrs all had their magic gimmicks.

I’m pretty sure none of them would’ve minded the fields, they’d explore.

Btw, god blessed all these guys even though they exterminated other tribes and had hundreds of wives :man_shrugging:
Don’t think too much

Christianity became much stricter once it became a tool of the kings, popes and “governments” to control the people through Christian law and divine right :unamused:


Then why take medicine you can just pray :thinking:
Since you’re depending on medicine instead of praying to God
And field is nothing but medicine in audio format without any lovely "negentropic blends"added from government that causes various issues as side effect
And last time I checked medicine was never forbidden lol


I can feel what you’re feeling and can empathize with you on that. But one thing that needs need to be very distinct is the willpower/free will and faith. The religious people often interchange these terms. Even Lord didn’t force you to worship him. He just persuaded you to choose between the right and wrong.

If you think the fields are bad or wrong, my friend, you should be very clear on what you think is right, Are those exploiting people in medicine industry, governments or the gatekeepers of religions are right? Or helping people in need, showing kindness and generosity, and healing people are bad?

God gave you a powerful brain to operate in this world, not to blindly trust and put your faith on anyone.


Ahahahah oh my. I know exactly what you’re talking about. When I was following this said religion I was starting to become this religious narcissist and you know what else is funny? My abundance was a lot less than what it is now.

Coincidence? I think not. Ever since I stopped following this CERTAIN religion people are treating me better and my abundance is growing.

This specific religion puts people in a lack mindset. Pretty sad to be honest…


Well I think generally
I do not work against any body or being.
and sometimes very much so in alignment with,
So I honestly don’t think there should be a problem.

But if you feel uncomfortable, then i definitely would prefer you to be comfortable.
Use what you feel is best for you and your beliefs and ideals, on my side i think it should be quite fine and even complementary.


@CladInShadow, I shall not speak about what is right or wrong here. But perhaps sharing a greater perspective helps.

When you pray you are asking God to send you a specific morphic field, are you not?
How else does he deliver your prayers?

When you walk into a church, you feel a sense of peace and awe. Is it not that the Priests has charged the church with their prayers for peace and other holy symbols?

When Jesus Christ lifts up the sickly and healed him with a touch of his hands, is he not sending a certain healing frequency into the ill soul to be healed?

Think of these morphic fields as SAVED PRAYERS…so you don’t have to sit there and say it 10,000x.
You can listen to a recording that already taps into what someone else has already prayed for.

And perhaps they know it or not, all of these frequencies/morphic fields come from God. No?

The question is…

Is all of these frequencies/morphic fields a gift from God that helps others?
Or do you really believe this is a work of sin and evil?

Sometimes, it may not be best for one’s certain path.
Not because it is bad or evil in itself.

But because it’s gives temptation to move away from God.
The key word “temptation” lies in oneself.

For others, it gets them closer to God and so that is part of their path.

Only you can decide from here on out.


we need Jesus Christ field to communicate with Him to help us


Im a Catholic also
we have a saying

God works in mysterious ways.

Just think of it that God led us here :slight_smile: