Any genuine Christians here? Question about reconciling Christian faith while using Morphic fields/embedded items

I never saw fields as something separate from christianity,when using Grace of Saints I would feel blessed,when using Prayer and Faith I would keep thanking God for everything I have,and sometimes even for everything bad that happened because it helped me become who I am today.
Dream has fields which contain rituals from other cultures,fields that contain energy of different mantras etc.
The point is he has covered a wide variety of things so different people with different beliefs are happy.
I never allowed my belief to keep me from trying specific field,and as a result now I feel more like orthodox christian than before I discovered Dream.
Before Dream if I ever prayed there would always be a feeling of me asking for something,but fields have changed my perspective.
Finally,I truly feel like Islam,Christianity,Hinduism etc. are somehow equal in a sense that they teach u to be kind to others,love unconditionally,humillity,gratitude etc.To me,these things matter more than which religion "belong " to.


Hey so I just found this topic and have been reading throughout it. Iā€™m kinda struggling with the same situation as since January Iā€™ve been exploring Christian beliefs and Iā€™m unsure whether using sapien med fields / NFTs essentially goes against these. For example how some products are related to other Gods/teachings (Horus, Anubis etc)

My intention when using sapien fields are to improve the quality of my life in different areas, nothing above that

Is anyone else in a similar position to me who align with Christian beliefs and feel conflicted. I would love to know your guys opinions.

Hey Kevin
then use what you are comfortable with.
Because one thing has something different like
an nft, doesnt mean that the rest of stuff are the same.
The youtube ones and all else clearly say what they do and doesnā€™t not include any entity or otherwise.
So if you have conflicts about the parts that generally cause conflicts then just avoid them.
It doesnā€™t tie you into something else.
The same way some agricultural companies make pesticides and also sell fertilizer.
I do not believe the people buying fertilizer will think, ahh but they sell pesticides.
It must mean the fertilizer is a lie.

But in the same way you go into a store and buy somethings you want, and avoid the rest.
this is an easy way to satisfy your mind.

Also generally, do not assume i just a person and spreading ā€˜my beliefsā€™
All things presented are part of the normal human experience as there are a variety of cultures and beliefs throughout the world.
The idea is the celebrate them all.

So live within the world you choose to live in, and navigate with your beliefs, you think these are weird for now, then keep away from that.
stay with the things you are okay with.


I understand where youā€™re coming from, and btw just so you know Iā€™ve been an advocate for sapien med fields for years now but I guess some aspects like Iā€™ve mentioned have been conflicting for me.

I suppose the best approach is like you mentioned choose ones that align with my beliefs, if itā€™s an NFT then Iā€™ll try choose ones that donā€™t have entities or such, and are more centered around the energy itself.

Overall, Iā€™m just trying to understand myself better and donā€™t wanna make choices that arenā€™t part of my belief set. Like I intentionally try avoid occult stuff for example.

And I fully understand everyone in the world has different culture and belief sets.

Thanks for the advice, would be open to any other thoughts


Sounds like a great approach Kevin,
and of course i am glad you are here.

You can even probably start a thread or a room.
We can have threads representing various faiths, so they can interact with people of shared beliefs.

Whatever works


Thanks I appreciate that, it can just be a bit scary at times cause the fields are beneficial but then having that phase where you donā€™t know if thereā€™s a consequence for it in some beliefs cause morphic fields are a fairly new concept.

But yeah Iā€™ll stay active within the community and go with the approach I mentioned, thank you :slight_smile:

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yeh and just keep in mind, they are all made separately and are self contained.
So one doesnt affect or influence the other.


As in the field only affects the person who bought it?

in that, one for a mantra doesnā€™t relate to another field for say foot health.

doesnā€™t overlap or interrelate.


Does the Major League Human have entities, cause I wanted to get that one?

Or a goddess energy, is partly also into say the exorcism one,
no, they are all all separate and made always completely differently according to how it is supposed to function properly :slight_smile:


ahh well i think the description is secret so you need to ask the sellers


I asked but itā€™s a secret so no clue but Iā€™ll pm the seller to be more direct lol

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Oh, itā€™s on sale already ?

I wonder who it is.

If itā€™s a real sale and not just ā€œputting a crazy high price out there to boost my confidence and attract better money in another unrelated way with no intention to sellā€ Iā€™ll share the description.

I wonā€™t share the description if itā€™s a stolen copy though

One thing Iā€™m also wondering,
for example a goddess energy, is it a thoughtform inside the field
or more the energy of that entity / person to provide a certain benefit

Yeah I saw it on sale via Venly

Hey Kevin11,
I totally understand where youā€™re coming from I am Christian as well. I believe that these fields can be beneficial to anyone using them but I personally donā€™t use the ones that I think will clash with my faith. A lot of the work that dreamweaver and the team have put into these has improved my health and well-being tremendously and I am so grateful for that. Of course like anything such as food, alcohol, watching TV etc you can abuse these fields and end up putting them above God in your life. I believe at the end of the day what matters most is your heart towards God and your heart towards others.


I find this book helps me understand more of Jesus, and of Christā€¦ and how the latter affects us allā€¦

Hope it helps you too. Old books, yet if I understand correctly newly published.
This is the image referred to:

These Sapien audios help me keep my mind on positive things, be optimisticā€¦ despite what is going on in this world. Helps me see more connection, esp.the one withinā€¦
We all need support, as this is most times a rather lonely journeyā€¦ usually friends and familh will not understand your drive. Yet, this is your soul, your life, your decissionsā€¦ Keep looking UP! :pray:t2:

choose one path and follow it honestly, a person cannot walk two roads at the same time without suffering

So walk on grass xD

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