Any genuine Christians here? Question about reconciling Christian faith while using Morphic fields/embedded items

Or a goddess energy, is partly also into say the exorcism one,
no, they are all all separate and made always completely differently according to how it is supposed to function properly :slight_smile:


ahh well i think the description is secret so you need to ask the sellers


I asked but itā€™s a secret so no clue but Iā€™ll pm the seller to be more direct lol

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Oh, itā€™s on sale already ?

I wonder who it is.

If itā€™s a real sale and not just ā€œputting a crazy high price out there to boost my confidence and attract better money in another unrelated way with no intention to sellā€ Iā€™ll share the description.

I wonā€™t share the description if itā€™s a stolen copy though

One thing Iā€™m also wondering,
for example a goddess energy, is it a thoughtform inside the field
or more the energy of that entity / person to provide a certain benefit

Yeah I saw it on sale via Venly

Hey Kevin11,
I totally understand where youā€™re coming from I am Christian as well. I believe that these fields can be beneficial to anyone using them but I personally donā€™t use the ones that I think will clash with my faith. A lot of the work that dreamweaver and the team have put into these has improved my health and well-being tremendously and I am so grateful for that. Of course like anything such as food, alcohol, watching TV etc you can abuse these fields and end up putting them above God in your life. I believe at the end of the day what matters most is your heart towards God and your heart towards others.


I find this book helps me understand more of Jesus, and of Christā€¦ and how the latter affects us allā€¦

Hope it helps you too. Old books, yet if I understand correctly newly published.
This is the image referred to:

These Sapien audios help me keep my mind on positive things, be optimisticā€¦ despite what is going on in this world. Helps me see more connection, esp.the one withinā€¦
We all need support, as this is most times a rather lonely journeyā€¦ usually friends and familh will not understand your drive. Yet, this is your soul, your life, your decissionsā€¦ Keep looking UP! :pray:t2:

choose one path and follow it honestly, a person cannot walk two roads at the same time without suffering

So walk on grass xD

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