Any Help With Mystery Illness?

I hope this finds everyone well.

I came across Sapien MD’s videos on YT as I have been searching all over to heal myself of this mystery illness that has basically left me debilitated with Chronic Fatigue and a host of other inexplicable being complicated health issues going on 10+ years.

I have been all over the globe trying to find answers and treatment that could help but nothing has worked in 10 + years. I have tried everything from conventional, Biological, stem cells natural, spiritual, emotional etc. all that has led me to energy and frequency medicine.

Though no doctors seem to be able to know what is causing what (and I’ve been to the best of the best doctors and clinics) , I refuse to give up.

I believe if there is a problem, there must be a solution.

I wanted to try my luck to see if anyone had any suggestions with regards only to Sapien MDs work and frequencies/rife.

All I have left is frequency and energy medicine.

It’s been excruciating but knowing that I can get my health back keeps me going.

Please, if there is something you can recommend for Chronic Fatigue, (sometime they say Lyme but no test…even the good ones…are showing it) I would be so grateful.

I always seem to get massive healing crisis “Herx” but never the healing.

There has to be an answer

Thank you in advance❤️


What are the other symptoms?

But, the three treasures could help. For the sceptics, photosynthesis and super mutant for sun energy. I’ve hratd people say plasma light can give energy also.

Edit: Also I’m really sorry for what you’re going through my friend.


You can try some grounding fields in start.


Thank you so much!


One adrenal gland disorder has a symptom of extreme fatigue, so this could possibly help


Thank you so much for your post. This forum is already full of caring people. My main symptoms are debilatimg fatigue, depression from no real life for the last 10+ years, brain fog, “toxic feeling” , recently my hand blew up like a ballon and no one could figure out what is causing that, severe back pain, and now I think I am having kidney issues because the pumped me with 6 bags of vancomycin plus some other antibiotics while I was in the hospital a few weeks ago. I know I have to be careful of stimulating the Immune for the potential of an inflammatory cascade or automimmue. I don’t know if there is some mystery virus or fungus or biotoxin etc causing this. Even tho I stated the above, I do believe that healing is possible. I refuse to believe this is permanent. Thank you for your help and caring


Thank you! I actually just tried this one along with the Adrenal and kidney stem cell one. I’m hoping it can help. Do you think it is ok to do both of the 2-3 x per day?


This can be really helpful as I Am up on the fourth floor so I’m sure I’m not getting a good connection to the earth. Do I do all of these 2-3 x per day everyday? Is that the rule of thumb? I’m new so just learning

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With schuman and tree experience you can loop as you want.
Grounding maybe not soo much but also can loop safely till you feel better.


Ok thank you!


I think it would be okay, but I am not completely sure

I appreciate your help. Where can I find the “start” section on the forum ?

No problem my friend. We all hope we can help you get better. I think you should add point of no return stack also (from dreamseeds channel aura cleanse and exorcism. Sapien medicine subconscious limit breaker and gratitude and appreciation.) I think the whole mental health stack will help for depression and love gravitational wave.

I’m really sorry to hear that. Sounds like some really bad inflammation. Induced hepatocyte growth factor should help if that was that or an allergic reaction.

Does the brain fog and toxic feeling go hand in hand? Could you go into detail about that feeling? And for your back do you have any illnesses for joints? Arthritis one might help and joint pain.

I also think you should loop stemcell and scar tissue removal. It helps the nerves to heal.


And 2-3 times is the amount on the video that says is enough.

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Thank you so much. And thank you for caring. I am just getting use to some of the terms like “stack” etc. I have a rife pemf device so familiar with frequencies but this seems a little more adnaced which has drawn me to it.

I just subscribed to the dream Seed channel. I assume that is also Sapien MDs work as well?

I will look for those that you recommend and save them. I assuming I don’t want to do too many things at once so as I can gage what is working best and what I say not.

I don’t suppose you would recommend what would have the biggest priority when starting out. I want to try to avoid a huge healing crisis if that makes sense…I tend to get much much worse and then I’m screwed for months and live by myself so it gets very tough when that happens.

And yes, that horrible toxic feeling def goes hand in hand with the brain god. It feels like I have been drugged and my brain inflames and causes so many problems. So much disassociation and like I am not here.

Regarding the Pain and diagnosis, no one has given me one to date. They just say Chronic Fatigue, depression, and Lyme. I’m sure arthritis is a factor. It sucks because I was always a really active guy and this just came a stole my life away. They had me on drugs for a while for what they thought was epeilepy and then when I weaned off of them, these “infections” went crazy in my body and caused this cascade of illness. So sorry for the book I just wrote you

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Anytime. I don’t know, but you can explore the forum with the search option (magnifying glass) in the top right corner


Ok great. Thank you

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No problem my friend. And it’s ok you’ll get used to it soon. It’s just a lot at first probably. Ohhhh that’s really cooll. I’ve always wanted one of those! And it’s definitely more advanced but it’ll still probably help too with the fields. What hz do you use?

And yes it’s also his. He also has another channel called energetic alchemy that’s where the three treasures album is.

And yeah that would be best. Also there is a bacteria and fungus destroyer video on sapiens main channel btw.

I would say your best bet would be point of no return and kidney adrenal and other help ones would be ur best. Also just experiment with a few of them at a time.

And hmmm you might need brain regeneration too. Definitely the hepatocyte one for inflammation too.

And hmmm if it’s lyme these might help.

And it’s ok I understand. It’s something that deserves a couple books I’m sure.


Adding to this conversation what I would do for myself if in a similar predicament.

Micro-kinesis Therapist (gumroad)
Tennant voltage portion of Advanced Healing (gumroad)
Liver regeneration (patreon)
Kidney regen (patreon)
Full body detox (patreon)

Possibly also Parasite Destroyer even though you’ve sort of ruled it out.


Sometimes it is hard to pinpoint what the issue is. In such cases we can take two approaches.

One - use fields that heal the entire body and bump up the body’s natural ability to heal itself (aka heal what is needed). One or more of the below may help.

Two - seek help from higher entities - these open doors which we don’t know existed.

Always end a session with Grounding.