Any Scientific Reasearch on Sapien Med audios? I feel skeptic as of right now

What do you mean by “in the zone” ?

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Although I have no doubt anymore that frequencies/morphic fields /energy work ,works there is some research on it . There’s is a study showing that a simple 20hz frequency can reduce plaque in the brain . 20 hz is also known as the cure all frequency ,just type it in on YouTube.
Also binaural nutrition posted that there was some blood work done befor after listening to his audios . I think he posts it in the descriptions of all of his audios .

Those are not the exactly the same as sapiens audios, but they would all be grouped into woo-woo stuff by skeptics.

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He mean’s when you are in the gamma brainwave state, where you can immensely focus and achieve feats you are unable to do, whilst not being in the zone.


Binaural beats are scientifically proven, so they are sorta in a different category.


Ohh ok :slight_smile:

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I posted something about urine and blood tests on me.


You should attend the course “Energy awakening” in here, read about Rupert Sheldrake Morphogenetic fields to understand how this works.
That’s the science behind this.


I meant going at least Alpha State.

When you do so, things flow. It is weird to explain, really…

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Dream and I are working on a documentary right now to accomplish exactly that. Prove scientifically the medical effectiveness of his treatments.

His Hep C field cured my Hep C in less than 8 weeks so I’m very passionate about proving this to others so they can be helped too.

If that’s not proof idk what is. I had Hep C for 10 years. Did the treatment with sovaldi and ribavirin 10 years ago, didn’t work. 10 years goes by, the field came out. I got tested, was still positive. Used the field for 6-7 weeks, got tested, gone. Forever.

Now, we are working with my friend Chelsi who also has Hep C to prove this. She’s the first of many. And we will get to other medical fields as well.

Side note: even before the field cured me, I didn’t need “science” and “empirical evidence” to prove what I already knew to be true: that the fields work. All of them have always worked for me. So, I used the Hep C field KNOWING it would work. I had no doubt. Direct experience is better than any empirical evidence. If you are self aware enough, you know whether they are working or not.


lol yeah…NPC for sure

I don’t understand why most people are so inclined to need “empirical evidence” to “prove” something is true. Test for yourself lol.

However, it is what it is. So, we will prove it, empirically.


I know right? It amazes me, something as simple as the strawberry and cream audio some were asking for reviews :rofl::woman_shrugging:t2:

When i say simple it’s obvious not that the field is simple because those audios where we can SMELL something are top notch but i mean that smelling like a strawberry is nothing invasive or that itd change your life for ever if you listen to it just 2 times in a row and they still asking for testimonials My God. :joy:


I used to think to even find Sapien Med, it was a gift from the Higher Self/Ascended Masters/God/Universe. But, now I’m starting to think it’s the discernment to see the fields for what they are that is the real gift. I guess tons of people come across Sapien Med and have no clue what they are missing out on when they dismiss it for being “ascientific.” LOL. “Science” has become a religious dogma to lots of people. The Western mind especially is bottled up within the dogma of the scientific method/newtonian physics, etc.


I also think there are a lot of very young kids on here. No offense to the young kids who are mature and get it.


I mean not that bad :joy:

Every person is at different levels in their process and thats ok we have all been at the beginning knowing nothing at some point, and its ok to question everything in fact we should always question everything, and i think its ok people to be cautious about health but im talking about more the audios to raise vibration, to feel happy to fall asleep etc like come on its not gonna grow you a third arm just try then once they blow your mind then you try others, but what can we do? At least they are here, haha thats a first step i suppose :blush:

Thumbs up for what you are doing i keep thinking how to do it where i live but honestly im hermit work home work. Just my coworkers i know because i am not from here, but im still looking and ill jump in the boat once i can.


No, questioning is great. I just think some of the posts like this, (maybe not this guy), are sarcastic and are trolling. So, it gets annoying to me. But, yeah exactly, why not just try the ones like you said and see for yourself that they work.

I hope they stick around and get the benefits we get.


Thanks. So far Im just trying to get people I know to be involved. But, I’m going to start combing forums where people with certain conditions gather and see what I can come up with. For now, I’m just focusing on my friend. Once we are done with her, we can really get the ball rolling.

Yeah, def join us when you can! That would be a big help.

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Like you guys said, it doesn’t take long to figure out if something is working or not. Test. It. Out.

I’d almost rather things stay “unscientific” so that we continue to benefit from it. What do I mean? Maybe it’s just me, but I’m not sure I want the mainstream scientific community getting their greasy paws on this stuff. In my mind, it just leads to the possibility of government regulation/ intervention bc Big Pharma’s bottom line is being cut into. No thanks. It’s also why I’m conflicted about a possible documentary. In a perfect world it’s a no-brainer to do it. One hundred percent. But in the world we’re living in right now? I don’t know. It might be best that things stay where they are and we just allow the community to grow organically and not push the issue. Sapien Medicine will find those who are ready for it.


I’m also open to having my mind changed :blush:

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Idk man, Dream is all in. We’ve been working on it, so apparently he doesn’t agree. But, I see your point.

I really just want the documentary to open the eyes of everyday people more than anything so they can actually cure some of their diseases, not suffer with the “sick care” at the hands of big Pharma. Screw the scientific community. We don’t have to cut them in or involve them in any way. But, that’s ultimately up to Dream as it is his work.


Also, the more people who heal themselves with the medical fields, will naturally be opened to a whole new world and also experiment with the spiritual fields maybe. The more people that ascend and break the conditioning, the better off we are as a humanity.