Any Scientific Reasearch on Sapien Med audios? I feel skeptic as of right now

And me :heart_eyes_cat: <3

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This lecture is in large part about scientifically verifying spiritual phenomena. This will help you a lot.

Just put the theory and words aside.
Test the audios, fields by yourself and see the results.
The “worst thing” could happen is n

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the whole point is to PROVE it…we arent making a documentary about just testimonials. We are filming everything including all the doctor visits and results of the tests. In this first case, my friend’s Hep C.

Why be selfish when we can help a lot of people? I just don’t agree. We obviously know there will be skeptics.


In order for the study of consciousness to be complete, we need a methodology that would account not only for what is occurring at the neurological and biochemical levels but also for the subjective experience of consciousness itself. Even when combined, neuroscience and behavioral psychology do not shed enough light on the subjective experience (meaning what we can verify through our own consciousness), as both approaches still place primary importance on the objective, third-person perspective. Contemplative traditions on the whole have historically emphasized subjective, first-person investigation of the nature and functions of consciousness, by training the mind to focus in a disciplined way on its own internal states. ―The Dalai Lama, The Universe in a Single Atom ―The Dalai Lama, The Universe in a Single Atom

This ties into verifying morphic fields effectiveness for ourself.


I think this will be very hard and long time to be scientific approved.

Because the term “morphic fields” by Rupert Sheldrake is considered pseudo-science ( i believe his work but i only speak the reality now ).

My teacher is a PHD about physic and he believe in energy work, practice energy everyday his whole life, but he claim that it take 100-300 years from now until human totally believe in subtle energy and use energy to healing.

I can see that many religious talk about energy and conciousness thousands years but only few percentages of human truly believe in that. Our nature is to believe in what we can see and measure.


I barely use audio now for my depression but I got my subconscious limit removal field on me. This thing works like instant relief :relieved:. Mind just feel high 24hr :joy: that’s biggest results I would say. Try yourself and feel the magic :wink:


He is probably right. The masses learn very slowly and it pains me everytime I think about it.

We’ve had scientific research of Near Death Experiences since the 70ies, that was 50 years ago. Thousands of books have been written on this topic – yet the masses still believe in death.

We’ve had research and experiments on out of body travelling starting in the Victorian Era, that was over 100 years ago – yet the masses still identify with their physical body.

We’ve had UFO pictures for thousands of years througout all of history, we’ve had the Ancient Aliens topic, we have the 3 Great Pyramids in Giza as touchable proof, we’ve filmed and photographed UFOs tens of thousands of times – yet the masses still believe they are alone in this universe, despite having trillions times trillions of stars just in the physical universe alone.

We’ve had thousands of crop circles with messages for decades – yet the masses act as if those were fake and/or never existed.

We’ve had radionics technology in application for 100 years with farmers protecting their crop from bugs without chemicals – yet mainstream science and the masses are just too brainwashed to grasp it, even if they have the measurable proof right in front of their eyes.

Let’s hope with the internet and platforms like YouTube humanity will speed up its learning curve.

For as long as science is looking for proofs in a materialistic, statistical and quantifiable way, it will always fail, because the problem to define consciousness has been there since like forever and esoteric technologies associated with it:

Science in its current form is not able grasp the concept of Qualia and Quality (Qualia - Wikipedia) and thus is not progressing when it comes to “esoteric tech”.

The only thing they can do as of now is to measure physical results, that were achieved by those consciousness technologies.


Because Science is a system based on evidence, models and theories to investigate the natural world.
Science is mostly operating as it should. Science is not about studying everything, it has its method and limits. It breaks down systems into pieces. "Natural and physical"

There is spirituality for a reason. Many scientist have been spiritual people trying to prove their spiritual beliefs.

The problem is not science per say, it’s that people focus only on science. And science on it’s own is too hard for most people to follow, because we specialize to the point where no one individual can master the whole subject. Anyway, we are incapable of apprehending life holistically.

It’s a matter of balancing science and spirituality and eventually create a new system that studies the material and immaterial together. Science itself is not unified and the spiritual community doesn’t even get along that much.

Many people work on their own school and principles.

With limited resources (intellectual and temporal) people focus on their subsistence, their original programing for self-conservation nothing surprising.

Most people don’t understand the crops circles and pyramids they’ve never seen in real life ?
How many know how TV works or the internet ?

My point is if science went into the immaterial, it wouldn’t be science anymore. It would be something new. Our culture favor science, but science also fed them, flew them in the sky and entertained them.

People obsess over a system of enquiry. That’s part of the problem.
If you want science to explain the spiritual, you help or wait that it can explain spirituality in a material way and is able to influence it.

Or you do your thing being spiritual and promoting it.

Science is Physics, Chemistry, Biology… spirits is for another system called spirituality and most people don’t care.
Some spiritual things can be explained materially, that will take time

Few people are in science, few are in spirituality, both influence the masses.

Also, materials have been easier to exploit for millenium even by animals, we evolved with it.


Quickly in, and then will be out.

It’s traditionally been called “Science-Magic” for a reason.

Ie. “Magic” is just science that isn’t understood yet.

Very few people even practice “science” (as always) …it’s just various forms of philosophy.

All the fields are based on scientific principles but pretty sure no one here grasps the underyling SCIENCE even at a basic level to re-create them :man_shrugging:





Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, for me this is true for some aspects, however I’m willing to explore the topic regardless. I agree that science will take eons (figuratively) to even venture into the realms of spirituality; however, their perspective is that anything that cannot be quantified by numbers and graphs doesn’t meet the requirement of modern research and financial support. It’s still science if your recording results as a part of an experiment, in this case if it were fields, they may not understand how it works, but seeing/recording results is still valuable to the community.
Anything that is out of the ordinary, such as the majority of spirituality will be ridiculed and disregarded by the majority of the scientific community. Although that scientific mind may be of assistance in assessing the physical, it’s practically useless in spirituality, especially due to their lack of advancement in the movement. What Philip said, as of today’s understanding, scientists can only measure the outcomes produced, as a result of , for example morphic fields/energy in general. Until they understand how it works, this field will be kept in the closet for the foreseeable future. It’s unfortunate that anything that seems mystical or improbable, is just ignored. This is not to say science is completely useless, quite the contrary in-fact. But if you’re going to explore into the depths of spirituality, you can only really learn from experience, and likely measure the side effects, even though not fully understanding it.

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Wow, that’s an amazing story of your Hep C disappearing even when modern medicine couldn’t fix it. I’m excited for the documentary and really looking forward to it. Any clue on when it might be released?

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That’s the question. The one participant I was able to get went for the initial baseline testing and we gave her half the $ up front as Dream and I agreed to. She proved she was dedicated, but then asked for the rest of the $ and I gave it to her out of my own pocket. Then, she continued to ask me for favor after favor- which I did for her. Then, she wanted even more $ and when I said no she got angry. Since her, I have attempted to get 3 people with auto immune diseases to participate. While one seemed interested, she ultimately never came through. This is way over most people’s heads. I haven’t given up. A friend on this forum lives close to me and I intend to revive the effort soon. I will keep everyone updated.


That’s unfortunate. Hopefully, you can make progress soon.


Oops didnt read to the end


Ah well no, so again, does this documentary still will be released? @El_Capitan_Nemo :slight_smile:

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No…nobody wants to participate. I gave up for now.


Honestly experiments not involving humans will be far easier to do.

  1. Experiments on environments, and then measuring the change in activity, for example, purchases/spending behaviour, relaxation, increased/reduced activity, crime rates, etc.

  2. Experiments on plants -

  3. Experiments on crystals - changing their composition or colour, etc.

  4. Experiments on materials - making things harder/softer/brittle/unbreakable, etc.


Science has its limitation. I introduced Dreams fields to a well known scientist . He 100% supports them.
He has explained how science works also that many end up in a belief of a power/ intelligence bigger than understandable.
They also have a reputation to consider.
He is known for his work with consiousness & subconsiousness.
But he works with energy privatley. He hugs a tree every day for at least 15 min. But that is something he cant be open with.