Been on my mind for a while

So, I was having a thought due to an talk I had with my brother, Some back story before I start.

I was talking with one of my friends about privacy in tech, He said that there was a story recently where a bank refused to give someone a loan based on his internet history. Well, you may be asking how did they get his history. Well believe it or not, what I got told was that his Internet company sold history to the banks who were interested in individuals.
His bank refused to give him the loan due to the guy visiting multiple gambling sites online. Which the bank could see.

Anyway I was talking to my brother about Sapien medicine (He uses the fields and has gotten decent results with them). So i was talking to him about the NFTs and i was explain how I connected to chiron (Blueprint of learning) by talking to it and to medatiate while using it.

He just started laughing at me, saying things like you talk to the picture? I said to him its exactly the same as the fields. Anyway, It got me thinking what if it was public knowledge that you use the fields? Would you get rejected from jobs?

Imagine if you were under oath in court, they could with great success try to convince the witness stand that you’re crazy and it wouldn’t be hard to.

I like to think am really bending reality and cheating the world using these fields. But if anyone where to ever find out, they will just think am just a werdio for believing in this stuff.

I have told a friend about Sapien medicine cause I genuinely wanted him to get better in life. But all I got was a concern and you can tell he felt sorry for me or some pity because I believe this stuff. I told him I have been using this for a long time if they didn’t work I would have stopped by now.

What am getting at really is, would the world ever accept fields as somthing real/science? And if so would there be a backlash?


People will definitely judge you and label you as deluded. But what they fail to realize is that, that’s always been the case, everybody is deluded in their own fantasy.

Obviously things will change in the future the more conscious people get, until then, they will always look the other way. (On whether fields are real or not)

Happens alllllll the time.

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Does it matter?

The world changes on a daily basis.

Those who do not adopt to the latest technologies and the most effective and efficient tools (for example Sapien Medicine fields), will simply be left behind in the long term.

Those who are not open minded enough for amazing new tech in the end are only hurting themselves and delaying their own progress.

New tech and tools are always first adopted by a group of pioneers, whom the rest of the world usually does not understand. In the long term, a part of this rest of the world finally adopts the new tech and the other part is left behind in their old thinking and adaptation patterns – until they are simply replaced by a younger more open minded generation.

The only thing you need to be aware of and care about in my opinion, is to protect yourself from those who are stuck in the past and make sure they don’t become road blocks on your way to the adoption of the latest tech.

For example, how long will it take until humanity adopts to open communication with the Arcturians?
I don’t know.
Do I care?
Not really, as it most likely won’t happen during my current incarnation.
Like most of the spiritual tech that is being discussed on this forum.

Usually, before speaking with someone about such topics, I run a basic questions test of how open people are to certain spiritual ideas. Depending on the outcome I know how far into spirituality and esoterics I can take the conversation with them. Most people are just not ready yet and wouldn’t even believe in aliens if a physical UFO would land in their own garden and take them with them, lol.

Here are a some thoughts I had around this topic one year ago about how the masses can’t even adopt some basic spiritual facts which even have been studied scientifically for many decades:

Most people don’t even believe that they have a subconscious mind and a psyche – I guess their are in full identification of their ego role, just passive passengers on a tour through the various incarnational experiences.

But also, everyone has all the time in the world and amount of incarnations they want and need, until they make certain realizations. Everyone goes at their own pace. We can’t force anyone into spiritual development. It is a process of growth that consciousness undertakes by itself. If the process could be forcefully accelerated, the Source would be already doing it.

Ironically, being as consciousness in the physical dimensions is already being in some type of simulator that accelerates the growth process.

And so with that, let’s primarily focus on our personal growth and experience in the here and now inside the physical matrix… once enough humans have made certain realizations, the rest will follow as it will become easier for them to access the growing collective human morphic field with regards to these realizations.



To be honest, I am shocked
This world has lost all respect and decency for an individual, being human means nothing anymore. Truly horrifying

Next you´ll lose your health insurance because they found out you are eating too much junk food

I am really just annoyed at this point seeing this world turning into a dystopian nightmare every novel of the past 100 years warned us about


Well people have their own time to discover. What you are now. Enjoy the benefits. You clearly went to this path to discover this thing alone is already another achievement in life.

Just like a game. cheat code for example. People know it exist but they don’t know how to do it or they just refused to use it because they feel comfortable in their current position. Or a belief that why need cheat code when I can just play it? Ect ect. Many reason but you can see the resemblance lol.


Even my boyfriend told me I’m a hacker
( I wish am a hacker so I can make money🤣)

But he know I’m a little behind of that technology stuff and still thinking I’m a hacker…

because sometime how can I know what he been doing? And I explained him well it just naturally come to me. If I was hacking you how can I know too many details of that activities? Which has nothing to do with computer or a cell phone. He know i have this ability. He does acknowledge it. But then he stil skeptical about it and looking for another way to explain his own theory. On how I can know his stuff?

When I explained numerous time it’s just intuitive thing.

Still he saying I hack him. Sigh :joy:

See…It will be boring if all people know how to do these stuff.

Same thing as loving one person and people only loving that individuals without any hate or dislike.

There is always balance to it.

Give it time. Don’t force it. And just let it happen naturally. Eventually the person you trying to explain will soon understand. At least you already planted a seed in his mind about this stuff.

Sooner or later he will come into realization that there are more things in life. The supernatural side of it that he never discovered before.


I don’t have problem expressing my thing with my parents though because they are quite religious.

But the only thing that quite scares me still. They think I have devil friend :flushed: and sometimes it get me into trouble with them.

Saying I need to be cleanse. Ect. This is why I don’t like sharing this stuff to lot of people.

Because I know not lot of people have the same understanding as me or at least the people in this forum. Which is why I feel comfortable enough to share something here.

So what you can do?

Just live it. Enjoy your magical fields that help you. If a friend come to you and ask for help. Never be afraid to help in many ways. Including to fields. If they open to it. Then give all the information you have. If they give you that answer ( hmm ya hmm idk oh well no hmm)

That’s when you need a little more time. At least until they come to you again( okay I’ll try) :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s very cute man :+1:

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“As with the general trend in human societies, it is particularly difficult to go beyond the accepted beliefs of one’s world view. When a new thought or idea is presented, the first response is usually not ‘pleasant’, mockery abounds. New ideas have to be around for a while before anybody will support it. As we persist in growing this ever evolving library and as more of this knowledge spreads, we can see the effects of what defines a Morphogenic field. (100th monkey effect) An undeniable idea that is proven to be solid. Unshakable and imbedded deep into the world views of society.
Those who grow with these concepts and ideas as a normal part of life, will undoubtedly be the ones to shape a new world as old dogmas fall away.
The future is yours”



Very true about if alien took them. They wouldn’t even believe it is real.

I said to my friend. I said why don’t u at least try fields then say their fake? Like give it a shot at least.

He response no lie, Was what if they work?

I said ur intentionally turning a blind eye because ur scared that they actually might work.

The alien thing you said reminds me of one of the things Allah says. Allah doesn’t make much promises in the Quran. But Allah says somthing like this.
I swear if I were to bring them up to me, they would beg me to give them a second chance and if I were to go ahead and do that. They would say we were merely just dreaming. Their hearts don’t change.

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Do you think it will be impossible? It will never happen.

The world? Depends on who you are referring to.

Are you referring to people glued to the boob tube? They will accept what they’re sold.

Are you referring to people who think for themselves?

Then we can have a conversation


This has been going on for some time.

Your credit card companies do the same, as do your banks. Loyalty programs are yet another source of this information. And of course, cellphones and apps have been long recognized doing this. Someone upthread mentioned insurance rates. Many insurance companies can know these days how often you go to a bar each week and how long you stay there. They’ve long moved past knowing how much per week you spend on groceries and can parse how much of your grocery budget is spent on what, right down to specific brand items, if they want.

Many of these companies even work around “do not sell my information” requests but not “selling” but sharing the information.

In the U.S., the largest purchaser of such information are the Federal 3-letter organizations who are often prevented by law from spying on citizens. There have been certain court rulings which have given them permission for this circumvention of their missions because they’re purchasing data that’s for sale publicly, rather than “spying” or doing the spying themselves. Another way they get around this protection for their citizens is have allies in foreign governments do this spying for them and then swap that information.

tl;dr: Each of us are the product. (sigh)


No, I just thought it was cute.
It’s a compliment

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I know you are but what am I ?

They ain’t got nothing on ya
The government is broke, they ain’t got nothin on ya
I think that sht’s just paranoia

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There’s an old joke about paranoia. :laughing:

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You don’t say there is a joke, you tell the joke man sigh lol

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You don’t tell the joke if everyone’s already heard it. That’s b o r I n g. :wink:

“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.”

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If we could actually get real studies done, how could they deny it? The mainstream scientific establishment and big pharma will still try to discredit it, but atleast the data would be there waiting to maybe be discovered later and used as a basis for more studies, and hopefully eventual acceptance mainstream.

I tried to do this with one person already but she got greedy and wanted more money to continue in the study. This would have to be a community effort to really get it done. Or at least a good team of us.


lol check this out :joy:

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For myself,
Its insurance in a way. Its good.
Because if word caught, think: you really think state institutions would be thrilled with this?
That too with something they can’t control; let alone is basically free?
Usually they erase those who(m)’ve threatened to take away the State’s narrative.

But that’s not to say this ruling of their’s where the depiction of Morphic fields as a ludicrous concept will last forever, of course; nothing stays the same, it’s all temporary- &if you think about it, state institutions have only been in power for like what 300 years? So you never know, it is possible there will be a day; maybe not in our liffetimes, but perhaps our grandchildren’s children.

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