So, I was having a thought due to an talk I had with my brother, Some back story before I start.
I was talking with one of my friends about privacy in tech, He said that there was a story recently where a bank refused to give someone a loan based on his internet history. Well, you may be asking how did they get his history. Well believe it or not, what I got told was that his Internet company sold history to the banks who were interested in individuals.
His bank refused to give him the loan due to the guy visiting multiple gambling sites online. Which the bank could see.
Anyway I was talking to my brother about Sapien medicine (He uses the fields and has gotten decent results with them). So i was talking to him about the NFTs and i was explain how I connected to chiron (Blueprint of learning) by talking to it and to medatiate while using it.
He just started laughing at me, saying things like you talk to the picture? I said to him its exactly the same as the fields. Anyway, It got me thinking what if it was public knowledge that you use the fields? Would you get rejected from jobs?
Imagine if you were under oath in court, they could with great success try to convince the witness stand that youâre crazy and it wouldnât be hard to.
I like to think am really bending reality and cheating the world using these fields. But if anyone where to ever find out, they will just think am just a werdio for believing in this stuff.
I have told a friend about Sapien medicine cause I genuinely wanted him to get better in life. But all I got was a concern and you can tell he felt sorry for me or some pity because I believe this stuff. I told him I have been using this for a long time if they didnât work I would have stopped by now.
What am getting at really is, would the world ever accept fields as somthing real/science? And if so would there be a backlash?