Anyone Using EARBUDS?

If yes than please suggest me their brand and model name, I’m gonna purchasing
I’m not against Sapien faq but some of earbuds and earphones didn’t emit that much clear energy ,
I’ mean , I’d tried with 40mm driver HEADPHONE those works GREAT and gives 10x more results than device speakers,
only Earbuds that worked best for Morphic field was Samsung buds and Tozo t6 that worked well on me and I can sense Morphic Fields easily,
other hand id tried many of 10-13mm driver based HD stereo type earphones but those didn’t gives results at all,
According to mine long experience,
Those are ok for binaural , rife or subliminal but not for Morphic Fields,
Any Suggestions ???

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I use anker soundcore buds they are good

They have a little case that recharges them - so you can charge them in the case with the case plugged into the wall and then if you’re out somewhere and the battery is low you can just take a break and charge them again in the case


I’m using Google Pixel Buds and they are working well

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you are right the sound quality does make a difference i noticed this many times. I just use koss earbuds apparently they are really good. Apple earbuds meh not the best.

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can you please share model name

I thought on the FAQ and general consensus is that speaker is preferred to project energy to your aura? So you are saying that a quality headphone is a big unit size gives you better results?? I do have a headphone with 36mm driver that I use when I absolutely have to.

I only ever play fields through my phone or computer speakers, it seem to help the energy spread throughout the entire body…

Any idea where the energy is located?

Is in the music you hear or the soundwaves produced by the music?

I believe it’s the sound that carries the energy.

But then, a sound wave is just a vibration the sound takes when it passes through something…

This way both are equally true.

The sound contains an energy field and carries it to the ear in the form of a wave.

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It has been said a lot by both Sammy and Dream that headphones or speakers do not matter and that they only recommended speakers in the beginning because some of the tones were hard on the ears if played too loudly.

I only saw it be recommended one time for Swords of Adipose Annihilation to try speakers since the person was saying they were not getting results with headphones

And since that was recommended that time, it leads me to say this:

Try both and see what feels right to you. That’s the way you should listen, then


Dream has also said that just 1 earbud is fine for those who need to multitask/hear other people


preferably speakers are definitely better, but when you have to use earbuds they are good too like when you go outside in public. But what I’ve noticed this is just me don’t take my word for it. Good quality earbuds work better. good quality speakers in a trapped room work better. Especially car speakers in the car works really good probably because energy gets trapped in the car.


Yes indeed and high definition sound matter a LOTTT,
It’s mine personal experience

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My earbuds plug cost like $5 but it works so well. Moslty using my laptop though not mobile phones, when I use the fields.

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It’s the sound, not the music, so if you cannot pick up the sound that’s creating the field but still hear the music, it’s likely too faint to work. Some active sound processing software can ruin the formulas such as Nahimic and others. Focus on the formulas very well, you should be able to pick up the field-generating sound, be it through headphones or speakers. I use average Razor Nommos as speakers and Bose QC 35 II as headphones, and the latter are absolutely amazing for fields.

The idea that using speakers is better than headphones came from the ones who tried to ride the morphic field hype train after Dream created the genuine article… they probably got it from his YT comment section. If anything, I’d prefer headphones because it makes it clear that you are the target of the programmed field. Just be careful with the audios he made 3+ years ago, because the sounds that carry the energetic and morphic programming (dream uses both) in those were very harsh on the ears.


yup it’s definitely not the music. It’s either silent field with music, or I hear the choir like sounds which are probably doing the work.

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I’m surprised to see some of the answers here. These are Morphic fields. Similar if not identical to Scalar waves, though neither of us make fields using a machine as with Scalar. The information is encoded in the track, object, or space. You could listen to these tracks on silent and as long as they’re playing the field will activate. Same with everything I do at Ritualis.

As Sammy and Dreamweaver have said themselves, the quality of the speaker doesn’t technically matter.

What matters is your EXPECTATION. If you expect that it is the sound quality, you are setting up a subconscious filter that it must pass through for the fields to take effect, and that’s fine. Same as if you expect that you must hear it at all, consciously. Nothing wrong with these things, except that it sets you into a particular way of accessing the fields. Careful with projecting anecdotal personal experience onto the mechanistic function of these things. Other folks may not have your particular assumption filters but if they believe you they will.

I listen to most tracks at almost zero volume. And when I am asleep I set my night-playlist on repeat and turn the volume to zero. Works equally well if not better, though I suspect some of that is the increased access to my field while I am sleeping.


In pharmaceutical trials to test the efficiency of drugs sometimes they give people placebo tablets and tablets that actually have the drug they’re testing to check the results based on the drug and not the placebo.

The thing about the drug is that it works even if the person is 100% sure that it won’t work.

Does this mean that SM fields won’t work if you believe they don’t work? Aren’t they supposed to work even without the placebo effect (belief/disbelief)?

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Dreamweaver is particularly skilled at laying masterful morphic fields. And I will say that my Ritualis totemic work has similar results, albeit a lot less variety. In both cases I expect there’s some degree of effectiveness regardless of belief. With fully formed morphic fields and scalar waves, you can think of it as a sort of energetic injection into the auric field of whomever in within range. If it’s a smart field targets to the owner (as I believe most of the paid Sapien fields are) it won’t propagate in other peoples’ fields.

The injected packet enters the aura and as per it’s design, integrates into their energy bodies.

But just like in biology we have all sorts of effects happening in our systems ranging from resistance to viability, defense, disbelief, hyper-belief, etc etc.

If a person is holding strong skepticism, that creates a particular vibration in their auric field and will in turn dampen the effects of morphic or scalar injections. Will it dampen it 100%? I suspect this is rare. But it does occur.

Short answer:

If you aren’t sure they will work (skepticism), they will still work fairly well.
If you explicitly believe they do not work, the effects will be greatly diminished.

Dreamweaver has provided at least two support audios for this:

  • Subconscious Limits Dissolver
  • The Skeptic

Both will support dissolving these resistances/shields if you have them.


While i agree with almost everything

Sammy has said also that music is the energy carrier so low volume is ok but not zero.