Anyone Using EARBUDS?

What happened? Was the issue that you overplayed the field, or was the issue that you listened to it while sleeping and the same amount of looping when awake felt different to you?


It was just too much, felt way over-charged. Too many loops at once, and it didn’t matter that I was awake or not. It wasn’t stronger or weaker because I was awake or asleep, it seems to be always the same. Just too much at once for me, and I didn’t plan on looping it for as long as I did. Woke up 1.5 hrs later, and when I say woke up I was AWAKE. Kinda cool, but overall just too much.

Dream’s morphic fields work when you sleep, they work when you’re awake, if you have certain conditions you have to fulfill to get them to work for you, you will have to abide by those conditions to make them work. Little and often over the long haul, stay within your limits, be consistent with a core number of fields, stick with them over a significant period of time, and let things change as necessary, try not to jump around. Everyone knows this, it’s the basics. Just thought I’d repeat them again.

Edit: last paragraph not directed at you, @Maoshan_Wanderer


Succinct and judicial. Good phrasing.

As per the rest, wowza, yes. I accidentally fell asleep to some of the internal healing fields (physicals) and it was similar to as you said. I wouldn’t say there was harm necessarily, but just a significant over-activity in the areas in question. Too much stimulation and energy activation in the particular organs. If I remember correctly I lost my apetite and did an impromptu fast the next day, naturally inclined.

No issues since, but definitely more careful about physical fields in particular.


Got it, so essentially even if you’d listened to it while sleeping or awake, it would have been the same.

People have all kinds of unique blockages - what I am trying to understand is - is there a valid reason why listening to fields should be less effective/ineffective for a general population. I’ve seen no such reason based on personal experience or from posts on this forum for the last few years…

Essentially, fields work or not work based on blockages/limits - but is there any data that leads us to generalize that fields work better while awake (passive listening, not active meditative listening which of course is a whole different deal) vs while sleeping?


I was kind of obsessed with hearing them, but not anymore.


Seems that way, yes.


There’s nothing in the last 100 years of energetic studies (based on much longer lineages), which includes the last 40 of morphic fields and however many of scalar that would suggest the fields cannot inject into the field of the subject under any condition. The aura doesn’t turn off when we’re asleep, and if anything expands and opens in particular ways. Depending as you said on any of the person’s subjective blockages, the fields should be able to permeate and integrate into a person’s field regardless.


I guess I should add here that obviously resistances, blockages, shields, etc may come into play but as a generalization it doesn’t matter of the person is asleep, awake, actively or passively listening, etc etc.

This doesn’t mean that one of a person’s subjective blockages or resistances couldn’t activate while they’re asleep. Especially if they’re in a particularly uncomfortable dream/nightmare state that might cause them to be more guarded. Similar to the videos of Octopus dreaming, our auric fields shift based on our experiences in dream space.

But again, assuming gentle, restful, normal sleep, as a baseline function of the aura, the fields can enter.


Thanks Kedrik, that is exactly my understanding as well.


Really interesting stuff.

I’ve slept looping Aura clearing field once and woke up feeling like shit. I was very overwhelmed.

Other time I slept looping Energy blockage removal and had tons of wierd and vivid dreams.

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Oh yes. I definitely slept in a dozen replays of cord cutter once and felt very strange but quite good also. Light. But also sort of light headed.

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My usage of fields is odd, to be frank. I play them on phones at low volume and wear earplugs if I want to play them when I sleep. I also play them, if conditions allow, during the daytime at low volume and tuck the phone in my pocket or bags.

The sound is just a media to propagate the field. As long as the sound waves can reach your aura, then fields will interact with you.

My hypothesis is that volume doesn’t matter, as long as parts of your body is in the range of the sound waves’ transmit range. Playing it clearly audible of course is fine, but I don’t think volume matters.