Anything for dealing with Vertigo?

I recently had a serious bout of Vertigo to the point I had to go to the ER. Never experienced anything like it before and thought I was dying lol. I’m relevantly new to sapiens work. Been listening to fields for around 3-4 weeks give or take a few days. I’ve joined sapien’s patreon and have also purchased from gumroad.

I have no idea if the fields contributed to me experiencing Vertigo or not. I will say that I’ve never had anything like it before so it may have been a case of me possibly overwhelming myself with fields. Right now I’ve stopped listening to anything and wanted to check here to see if the list I was listening to could of lead to this and what I should start listening to right now that could help with the recovery process. Here is what I was listening to daily in order

Subconscious limit remover 2.0 (1-2 times)
Clear all Negative Energy and Entity Removal (1-2 times)
Vibration of Creation
Energy Blockage Removal
Love, Gratitude and Appreciation
Pranayama Training
Jing Restoration (1-3 times)
Pranic Swirls (Recently added)
Luck and Probability Alteration ( 3 times)
A life of Magical Abundance (1 time maybe a couple times a week)
Fat Burning Genetic Advantage (Just recently added. 3 times everyday)
Automated Upper body workout (3-4 times) (3 times a week)
Automated Lower body workout (3-4 times) (2 times a week)
Automated Glute workout (same days I do the automated lower body workout)
Core Strengthening (3 times) (Almost everyday)
Stomach Shrinking and Toning (3 times) (Almost everyday)
Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal (recently switched from the other stem cells field. Listen to around 5 or so times everyday)
Posture Help with Atlas Adjustment (2-3 times daily)
Nullify Negative Planetary and Astrological Effects (recently added)
Amplify Positive Planetary and Astrological Effects (recently added)

Never knew how many I was listening to until I just listed it all out haha. To note, I did feel off/weird when I started listening to the planetary more so over any other fields.

Anyways, is there something in there that could of conflicted and maybe triggered some undesired effect with my body? Any advice or recommendations on what I should be listening to right now?

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Hi @judgeofwings, welcome to the forum!

Those fields don’t seem to conflict with each other. It’s possible you’ve overwhelmed yourself with fields or they’ve combined with some sort of underlying issue.

If you’re unsure of the cause, Anti Aging (Patreon) and Advanced Healing (Gumroad, Teespring) and reducing the number of fields are always a good starting point for healing.

Some of these fields may help with general healing as well. Perhaps try a few of them and see how you feel:

Vagus Nerve Stimulation might help as well if you begin to experience vertigo again.

If you feel off/weird after listening to particular fields, perhaps give those fields a go again later. Not all fields resonate with our physical and energy body at a particular moment and it can help to listen to your intuitions about what resonates most with you.

The planetary effects fields felt a bit strange to me when I first listened to them as well but felt fine after I’d spent a few months listening to morphic fields.

Many people build up their morphic field ‘muscles’ over time and find they can listen to more fields at once after a while and experience fields like that feeling less strange.

Keep in mind that the fields can also be played at a low volume and will work so long as they’re consciously audible. Some of the sounds, including those in the planetary fields, can be harsh for your ears and might cause discomfort at a higher volume.

Best of luck with healing!


Welcome @judgeofwings! :slightly_smiling_face:


@uial Thanks! Yeah there is no definitive answer how it happened. From what the Doctor and nurses told me it can happen suddenly for a variety of reasons. It’s where your ears can’t define “space” anymore and it throws your whole equilibrium off. They didn’t find anything during a cat scan and all my blood work and such came back fine. There was no difference in my daily routine besides just getting started with these fields so maybe I did overwhelming myself with these fields.

From what you recommended. I’m going to try and compress my list as minimal as possible. So something like

Advanced healing (since it will target whatever needs healing and can eliminate the need for other fields)
Energy Blockage Removal
Endocrine System Rejuvenation
Fat Loss Combo
Hair Growth

I’m also big on fitness. I’ve been advised that it would be a good idea to stay away from the gym for a while so I was thinking to throw in the fat loss combo for the time being to keep in shape while also shredding some of this body fat I’ve been meaning to get off. Might as well throw the hair growth in the too since I’ve been having issues with that.

Something I haven’t heard talked about much and was trying to see any input on this. When switching between different fields. Is there an optimal “break” period? I know we can listen to one field multiple times to increase its effects. When switching to another field in your list can we just jump straight to the next audio or should we wait like 10mins - 1 hour before listening to the next?

BlockquoteIf The planetary effects fields felt a bit strange to me when I first listened to them as well but felt fine after I’d spent a few months listening to morphic fields.

Yeah it was strange. Glad I wasn’t the only one that have experienced this. I think I do have an issue with listening to these audios too loud. I play them on my phone and I turn the audio up quite a bit so that I make sure I hear everything clearly which from what I understand now isn’t necessary.

@This_Boy_Here Thanks man!


No problem! :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re welcome, glad to be of help. :slightly_smiling_face:

You can play the next audio immediately, no need to wait. :slightly_smiling_face:

The last audio that you’ve played may become more of a ‘priority’ for your mind and energy body, but all fields will have a continual impact for a while after you listen to them.

Another user in the forum observed this and I’ve observed the same:

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I experienced this also. Alot of people like to listen many SM fields in one day. I found out my results are very slow if i do that, even tough i use morphic fields for more than year. For me every video that i use supress effect of last one (not completely). So i like to focus on 1 change and leave my most important audios for last.


@uial @Sat That’s interesting, for now I think it’ll be a good idea to keep the advanced healing at the end since I want that to be a priority. Also since I’ve heard it can be draining.

Are there any fields that are advised I may want to stay away from for the time being that could maybe trigger vertigo again?

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There are none in particular but playing the fields at a lower volume and listening to your intuition if you feel strange or uncomfortable may help. :slightly_smiling_face: