excuse me do you know anything for attracting money wealth or getting jobs with handsome sallary etc either from Sapien or anyone others products creators if you ever used it or if you have heard from someone it worked??
due to corona many of us became jobless and that sucks : /
Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance (Energetically Programmed Audio)
POWERFUL GOOD LUCK ENERGY: Attract Good Fortune and Miracles W/ Law of Attraction Vibration
A life of Magical Abundance (morphic/psychic energetically programmed)
In addition to @Atreides’s excellent suggestions, Probability Alteration and Luck is an updated version of Powerful Good Luck Energy which also helps to directly alter the outcome of events, and depatterns beliefs and energies which lead to differed ‘bad luck’ or bad situations.
From the description:
This will also alter probability to help get the best outcomes of situations for you.
The problem a lot of people may have is that; sometimes there is a differed ‘bad luck’ or bad situations which happens.
This occurs, because mentally you may believe you do not deserve these blessings and mentally create situation to ‘right’ it.
This will also work on removing that and depatterning it from you.
Here is Dream’s explanation from the YouTube comments:
Other YouTube comments:
The new Bountiful Harvest album is meant to help with abundance as well.
From the descriptions:
Bountiful Harvest
Blessings for the Hearth and Home
This audio fills your environment/living space with the energies of abundance, positivity and good luck. It’s almost like energetic feng shui for your home. Living around this kind of energy will certainly have a transformative effect on your own energy patterns and help you begin to draw these things more consistently to your life.
Coincidence and Synchronicities
This audio helps induce you into a flow state of being where the right things keep happening to you in a very noticeable way. Coincidences and synchronicities are words used to describe these random and pleasant happenings that lead to the right meetings and situations to help you on your path to abundance.
Luck and Probability Alternation
This audio works to alter the outcomes of situations or rather influence it so that they work out in your favor.
It works also like a beacon the draw wealth, abundance and luck to you and also directly removing negative thought processes that lead to subconscious self sabotage.
The Guided Path
This works by allowing your subconscious to help you make those unconscious sequence of choices that lead towards the path of abundant living.
It helps guide you along those paths that you need to take to live the life you want to live. It works similarly to best path but is more geared toward the path to abundance.
aye man
don’t forget this one too