Anything That Can change my life miraculously?

I am feeling stuck. like not moving forward in life
God help me…


The Point of No Return is when you’ve hit the lowest low in life and no matter what you do to rise above your problems, you just keep running into more problems.


We are very precious beings and sometime life appears complicated. Often it is dependent upon where our attention lies. You perceive your life is a certain way, yet people looking from the “outside” might see it differently. That means there is more than one way to perceive a life, your life. Locking ourselves into seeing only part of what appears to be going on can tend to make us feel like we are in a rut. Pretend you are an actor taking on a role, something different that what you think is your current life. There are no bars on your imagination. The Point of No Return is indeed an excellent place to start. I would also add Malleable Ego and SLR3. And maybe Higher Self Connection and try these too if you can: Lucky Flows


@high I also found some very potent results thru Potion of Manifestation and Aureus Fortuna. Maybe if you can share some more of your perceptions, like what area of your life you would like to progress more in?


Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love (Youtube)
The Alchemical Revision of Trauma (Youtube)
Alchemical Revision of Innocence (Patreon)
The Blossom of Abundance
Become a being of Beauty and Innocence

Think of the things that bother you, i.e., traumatic events, guilt, etc, and play these audios in the background. They are tools that aid in resolving issues that PREVENT significant forward movement in life. you don’t need to analyse each detail just feel what comes up once you think of these events until the feeling kinda just eases into nothing (no longer has a hold on you)


Try Wim Hof Method


I find myself feeling something similar and am using the fields: Point of No Return, Architect of Reality, The Potion of Manifestation and Subconscious Limits Removal ver 3.0 to work on that, get things moving and going forward (in a direction I’d enjoy).


I also use Your Energetic Being with the above for auric health and energy blockage removal with cord cutting.


Compassionate Acceptance and Understanding

Would be a good add on IMO

And The Inner Pillar of Power


Will you share in the Fortuna thread?

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I’m pretty sure I did

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Hi @high ,

You. It’s you.
You yourself can change your life in miraculous ways. That power resides in all of us.

The hero always starts out well, then faces obstacles, then has to resolve it.

On the forum, you can find countless stories of people who have hit the absolute rock bottom and still managed to get out from these situations. Objectively it’s a miracle, but to them it feels like something normal, something that was going to happen anyways.

Of course it helps if you share details about which areas in life you feel you aren’t moving forward.

The wim hof method is great imo. Watching interviews with Wim Hof is in itself very helpful as he is a beacon of love. On top of that the method itself is easy to do. You literally do the breathing once a day (about 10-15) minutes and the cold shower (1 minute+). This builds resilience, determination, focus, and it feels good to accomplish something on a daily basis. It’s also very healthy, brings mental clarity, balances emotion, etc.


I thought you might say that :sweat_smile: I’ll have a look

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I’d do it this order. First you fill yourself with positivity, strength, resilience, etc, and then you do the heavy work.

Old fields are really good for these situations imo. They had a bit of a more positive and comforting tone.

But newer fields are very strong. I think Angel Blessings + Ho’oponopono would be a great combo.

Golden Keys and the latest mindset and luck fields too.

And then, there is grace, faith and intercession fields ofc.

Moldavite energy tends to be…intense in changing lives too.

You are stuck and not moving forward is because of the patterns that keep looping in your life. You need to be aware of these toxic patterns first. Once you are aware, you need to properly address them. You see, the problems & events that occur in your life, that you find uncomfortable exists in order for you to overcome and move forward. Universe undoubtedly expects you to figure out and overcome the set obstacles for you to progress from your current state of being. It’s the same as Rising vibration, which will bring out things that you have to work on. So being aware of patterns & addressing them properly is the key here.

So, how you do it?
Use the fields effectively to assist you in your path.

  • Point of no return.
  • Clear negative energy (Patreon)
  • Voodoo Detangled (Patreon)
  • Emotional release with Crucible. And I’m sure there are plenty of fields available to clear out your negative state of being. Go through the descriptions of the fields and choose them accordingly.

For mindset and belief, look into Pattern awareness, Identity shifting, mirror principle, law of assumption and so on… And for fields,

  • Ego dissolution.
  • Subconscious Limits dissolver v3.
  • The Malleable Ego.
  • [Dissolver of Mental Limits album. And I’m sure there are plenty of fields available to assist you on the mental plane.

I’d suggest you to also check out this thread Resistance in the Path & this The thing about ‘Entities’ & Curses


Like the Career path, Studying part and relationship path (a little bit of that, a little bit of this and so on)
From That day till now, I have got new hopes like feeling uplifting
started praying

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