Aphrodite (NFT) Testimonials

I checked with her, if she would like me to donate something on her behalf or she would like something.

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And cue Violet suddenly dying of worry that Aphrodite dislikes me



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Can someone please explain to me what’s the deal with the physical offerings?

Is this all about intent and showing gratitude?

I would assumme that astral deities would not care about some candles made of physical matter etc.?

What can we physical beings really offer to these deities besides attention, gratitude and love?

With Aphrodite I have a very similar feeling as with Nyx:
One just has to be pure hearted, open hearted and 100% honest.
These beings are able to read all of our thoughts and see our true intentions.
So just being honest and and having real gratitude in your heart is what I believe is the key.


Connections with the deities are personal, and therefore very individual. Also they can work with us without our knowing that it is happening. It is an alchemical relationship. Give it time and know that all of your time and attention to her is not going to waste, nor is your sense of lack of response on her part indication that she is not responding to you. She is Goddess of Love and a representative of unconditional cosmic energies. You are loved. Perhaps acknowledging that you and she are one and knowing that it is so will assist you to step into her world.


this makes a lot of sense, I will try talking to her now and meditate with her.

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In addition to this NFT (I absolutely adore her, btw), I have an Aphrodite t-shirt and added her image to a tag.


so I can just download the NFT (image) from my phatom wallet, get it printed on the object and it will work?

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I know that she is melding with you. Love is patient, love is kind . . .


what you are saying is really hitting me hard, I will follow what you have mentioned and give my all and try again with my whole power, I hope mother aphrodite blesses me!


She is the goddess of Love and Beauty.
U can ask for her blessings, then thank her.


You might have more faith in the process. I am not saying you need to implement all the stuff I did, just that I love her vibration so much that I wanted to surround myself with it. Your journey with her is your journey. Just give it time and keep open to perceiving her presence in different ways. Since we are one (including with the deities) all love is self-love.


This might be one aspect but another one is also energywork related which i would see the main aspect of it.
(doing the effort also can be seen as gratitude instead just having nice feeling or words without doing the work)

Because the vibration between you and the deity is so huge and different certain objects are used to create a sort of “bridge” between you and the deity so one is able to assimilate it further on a deeper level.
(meaning, the deity infuse the object with his/her energy to create a stronger bond)

I can feel it pretty good when i offer some fruit on my idol in the room even when it’s just for 20-30min. If i put for example for 1-2days a banana in front of him and eat it i got a pretty strong high that i even sense 2-3hrs+ afterwards.

And sometimes people just have a “supermarket mentality” that just jump over one deity to an another one so maybe certain effort has to be performed to see how serious you are about the connection and friendship?!


Ehhh I think actually they really like it when they are worshiped lol. Not that one needs to - it’s not a must, but they totally are open to it
(But you do not need to that with this over here hence if you’d rather not. Which is why I like to “collect” “them”; feels like a portal a bypass to the system lol)

Also at @majormonogram After reading Mr. Dreamweaver’s comment (s/o to him, hello!!) my faith comment in this case would be more applicable to more abstract concepts ie major BoP rather than beings.
or if you aren’t very energy aware (s/o to the Energy Course by SM) or if you are but can’t really discern anymore because you’re kinda in a blah period in your life (cough cough me cough cough)

Anyways. Have you heard the audio? Maybe that might help

Or play ego dissolution and see where it takes you. (But before that the 30 minute energy clearing on DreamSeeds youtube). Follow your knudge

…oh and ofc Corpus Spiritus. Literally that thing is wonderful.

(As always, the following is simply an opinion, a potentially interesting perspective. :slightly_smiling_face: )

I know what you’re saying. I had one teacher who told me that the ancient Roman deities he was teaching us about had already been given enough offerings and had enough temples built in their honor. They didn’t need (or want) any more of that. :laughing:

But, IME, a practice of offerings can be valuable. I think there are a few things going on with the practice of physical offerings.

You touched on intent and gratitude, which I think are important. And you already know how powerful those forces can be.

There can be an element of sacrifice (if only to go down a different aisle of the market to pick up flowers). That sacrifice can underscore your intent as well as remind our unconscious mind that this connection is important to us. (And you know how important it is to get the unconscious mind on board with our work.)

I once was taught that we “should” (as part of that tradition) cook or put out foods that “they” once enjoyed because, now that they no longer have physical senses, they miss. That always seemed like a tease to me. I think it’s more like, because we’re physical and used to physical things, the physical offerings (even a simple candle) are more to remind us of our intention to connect with them. It’s another way of helping us to tune ourselves up to their vibration, so we can connect with them.

The physical offerings bring them into our awareness because we’re used to deal with physical things and physical beings. Prayers, hymns, visualizations are good but sometimes we humans need a more tangible, physical experience.

And when we make offerings a practice, we’re training ourselves into an expectation of connection, and that that connection is normal.

Hope that helps.


Offerings like incense (if it’s what the deity likes) can also act a bit like a flag/beacon in other dimensions.


Thanks @Rosechalice @Mr.Nobody @WellBeing and @Noesis for your input. Very helpful! I think I received a hug from Aphrodite while reading this :white_heart:


:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


wow, such great convo. I haven’t tried talking to her yet. I will try that with the nft and song playing meditating at some point. i’ll bring incense offering too

woahh, thank you so much!!
really helpul


I just received her and as I was introducing myself, my entire body was buzzing. You could literally feel her high vibrational energy filling you at a spiritual/ cellular level. It was as if she was telling me , “I’ve got you.” That was one of the most powerful introductory energies (next to Universal Om of course).

A long ways back, I was reading “The Black Pullet” and I sensed her presence back then, but it took many years for me to realize who it was. I could feel a feminine presence with me on many occasions. Now, looking into her eyes, it feels as though we are old friends reconnecting. Amazing experience for certain.

I forgot I had “the Prince” on loop for almost 2 hours now and I wonder, if that affected my intro any. :thinking: