Arcana Archetypes 3

Possibly, lots of questions are share to come.

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Maybe. The Lovers was originally called Indecision, and in the image is a man standing between a virgin and a whore, with his face towards the whore, symbolizing being between purity and impurity, listening to our higher self or the ego. So this field helps us choose the right path probably.

But, Iā€™m hoping it also brings lovers back into union. The Lovers are usually separated, in my opinion, on the microcosmic level meaning in a love reading.


So, BPIL or soulmate union as an audio? sign me up!

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And your gif :)) :+1:t2:

Yes, I looked for my top hat while listening to it. And a monocle with patent leather shoes (had to google translate all those terms lol).

Temperance is very :cocktail: too. And again some winks to older fields musics, here and there in the album. Classy one, definitely.


thanks, I will check this out.

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These audios right now are so game changing.

Just getting the Devil in reversed opened up a whole new way of using it as a subconscious limiting belief removal.

I donā€™t think Iā€™m going to do these audios any justice but right now Iā€™m thinking of using:

The hangman
The world
Devil in reversed
internal alchemical crucible


Death / i was tired and death give me some peace anything can release resistance to change is good


Excellent. Iā€™m drawn to Temperance and the World the most. Thank you :100:


Do you guys know how we can use our birth chart tarot cards related to this?

Like insisting on those? Or perhaps balancing their effects?

Ps: I have the Devil (nice) and the Lovers

Update: yeah literally I feel itā€™s nice to focus on those, both resonate so much with life path and the biggest struggles I had. Niiice


I see that Dream does not upload Arcana Archetypes albums on Parteon. Is there any other way to download them?

the album is now out on spotify!

makes it easier for me to loop than youtube!

i actually love the whole album. i feel like they all work together for me and my goals!


Could you please send me the link?

it should get uploaded on amazon eventually!


But how to buy from Spotify and download whole album on phone storage
I canā€™t see options

Album isnā€™t yet on Amazon I checked
Is there any other platforms for buying maybe

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Music Apple Arcana Archetypes 3 click on iTunes store link


Arcana Archetypes 3 on Amazon


we have lift off!


The Lovers has definitely made a huge impact on my personal life.

i canā€™t really go into any details right now as everything is way too personal and way too new (in a good way).

i do enjoy the fact that itā€™s been barely three days since i started using it and iā€™ve had such immediate results.

iā€™m pairing The Lovers with Emotional Mastering Protocol with great effects! iā€™d love to add in The Devil Reversed when itā€™s purchasable/downloadable.


Love reading your post,

I too feel like thereā€™s been some massive change in my personal life.

Pairing the devil in reverse is going to be a massive help for me.



Did it work for you to purchase them from Amazon?

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