Arcturian Energy and Intercession

Yes, but you out of everyone should know that dimensions is just a reference to higher realms , home to a higher state of self, Call it soul or higher self or whatever.
Its mostly where “souls” reside, and no science is ever gonna explain it, nor touch it. Its literally a different realm, you cant go there while in human form , not even in alien form, no form actually lol.

You yourself once said, that the fifth dimensional self is “up there”, watching over all its 300+ incarnations, all at once.

I actually agree that most “channelers” are full of shit, especially since anyone that has done pathworking with beings should know that the first “rule” is to keep your mouth shut, and keep it to yourself.

Even the aliens will tell you that, everyones path is unique to themself.

Ah yes Atlantis…or Lemuria…I want to cry just thinking of the place…ugh, draco filth…


I don’t trust channeled information. But it’s a language of lore that I try to use to communicate with people who do trust it. I’m a little surprised that you don’t trust it, figured I was the only one. Seems everyone is stratified into fundamentalists vs atheists vs new agers. Like “pick a side”. Choose your faction.


How did Dreamweaver know that he needed to alter the Arcturian dogtag to meet their desires?

By Channeling the Arcturians.

Channeled information is as reliable as the source. Be careful not to throw out the baby with the bathwater (not all channelers are nutjobs). Verify the credibility of the source, cross-reference the material with other sources, look for inconsistencies, etc. If the channeler and the channeled info passes your tests, then trust it.

Same thing you would do if your friend told you they got “secret insider info” from a contact “on the inside”, but you can’t talk to the “secret insider” yourself.


I was speaking in general terms. Not saying " I never have any trust whatsoever for any channeled information."

The greatest source of information comes from yourself, trust yourself, don’t always look for validation or information outside of yourself. We all come here for different reasons so the information that we each receive is geared towards that.

My reason for being on earth is very simple and basic, I am here to wake people up to who/what they are, and about love. So the information/knowledge that I receive is geared towards that. My dreams where some information is revealed to me are always about love, vibration and connection.

Yesterday I spent some time at a beautiful 14th century Abbey, a very spiritual energetic place, while I was there sitting quietly I received a lesson regarding manifestation from my guides, I trust it, no need to question whether the information was correct or not.


Now I know I will enjoy that tag :slightly_smiling_face:


Exactly what I thought :rofl:


Not all. Just 99.99% are nutjobs…or utter fakes…or super unreliable sources.
Why? because they have EGOS.
Even if the information was “pure” the Ego is going to filter it.
Kinda why all ancient traditions tell one to find an ENLIGHTENED. HUMAN. BEING.
Who has transcended their own ego and call you on your shit when you try to bullshit them with your ego. IN PERSON.
Or when you misinterpret the message consciously or unconsciously. IN PERSON.

Of course, when one doesn’t want their Ego “crap” brought up, they go to the new age equivalent of the carsalesman preacher/motivation speaker…
the channeler.

Aliens actually know all this too. And a clear “channeler” would get this information rather quickly from their source.
Tell their listeners to find a reliable “human” source…and shut down contact after a while.
Funny (not funny) how that never really happens tho. :thinking:


That’s why I’m very very cautious about going around telling what I think I have received as informations by beings or whatever


Giving my experience also with this audio.

So, I decided it would be nice to sleep with it. As a matter in fact I’ve fell asleep quite rapidly.

After what seemed hours, “I Woke up” and looked at the time on my phone.
Weirdly enough only a few minutes had passed. I “woke up” again and nearly an hour has passed.
Then, I “woke up again” and it was 04 AM.
Then I moved my position and “woke up again” and it was 6 AM".

Then I was starting to become confused become I remembered having awoken up, without having gone to sleep lol. Even though each time was the first time waking up. Even worse, the audio lasts for something like an hour or so, and I had woken up at different times already without being repeating the audio (like 00AM - 1 AM - 4AM - 6 AM)…

Turns out I had been waking up at different hours, in different “places” ( but it was always my room) until I actually awakened.

It sounds a mental story :man_shrugging:
I can’t explain it any better, but I’ve had “dreams” inside dreams and inside dreams. 3 layers and lucid dreaming. Led me to a mental breakdown when I was younger lol

If these were 4+ layers of dreaming, I’m baffled. I’m still confused and excited.

I’m definitely going to try exploring it more tonight.

Edit: Created a topic, I believe it didn’t exist “here”


Since the day the Arcturian Tag was released I always felt drawn to it…

The tag arrived :partying_face:, removed all my tags and started using yesterday, when I put it on within a few seconds I felt the heaviness of it in a good way, I felt the heat/warm around my heart and it kept building up for a bit, so I went a bit further and start using the Arcturian Energy Infusion Meditation wow after 30 minutes my emotions got hit by this feeling of deep peace, care, warmth, totally calm, lasted all night since my vivid dreams were around those emotions has it contained a few conceptual messages in a sense.

Was not sure what to expect with this tag but so far I love it.


It’s really sad that those fields are not the center topic of the forum anymore I remember every single one of them when the premiere was up.Hope you like the dogtag and who knows, might see you on a mothership when I get mine :stuck_out_tongue: .


@Yuichi, keep us posted with your review!! I think the only tags I don’t have are the Best Path and the Galactic group tags… I keep telling @This_Boy_Here that I ain’t gonna buy no more tags in the near future, but then… who knows? haha


Same here. Was just thinking this too.

It’s nice to see this topic revived.

We travelled far together as a crew on our small spaceship with @Captain_Nemo. :slight_smile:


yes, amazing things.


Anytime I feel pride that’s exactly what I do. Start contemplating what little speck I am in the cosmic scheme of things.

I would love it if there were more testimonials about these tags.
I haven’t spent enough time with the meditations to be able to decide which one to get. Besides, i will soon have so many tags that I need to get used to that I am trying to hold myself back from getting more for now :D


A little try of testimonial, then:

I have a galactic pendant/necklace since 3-4 months now (a custom one, not a tag from the shop). I remember that the first days have been extremely strange; nothing comparable with any other tag and field that I use, nor the “usual” energy drainage of the first days, nor even other “getting high” experiences that I have had in the past through other stuff.

No, it was like having no more ground to walk or stand on during several days, giving some sense of grandiosity or even megalomania: one night, after having finished our evening class with my students, we went outside on our way home and there was a quite impressive moon, so people started to praise it. Internally, I was like “what’s all this silly commotion about a ridiculous piece of crap-rock? The moon? Hehe… I have it in my pocket, you morons”. A sort of I-rule-the-Universe mode, you know. Maybe partly due to my frequent ambivalence towards anything extraterrestrial, like “I despise you while admiring your abilities too…”

Then, this initial nonsense eventually calmed down and my feet touched the Earth again, if I can say so. I started feeling sort of “backed up” in different contexts, as if walking around with an invisible and crowded clan behind me. Sometimes it can seem like being spied, but most of the time it’s comforting and even confidence-boosting in some cases. I feel a kind of lack at days when I don’t wear the pendant. Not that I have become dependent of the galactic group (I hope not), but I do believe that I receive some support about healing, faster decision-making, mentally organizing various stuff, looking at things from unusual angles, etc.

About the downsides: it’s only a guess but I wonder if I absorb the general daily “weather”, mood or ambience of the group/constellation. It’s hard to explain. I sometimes feel “contaminated” by unexpected emotions, some that I fail to categorize or describe. But very different from those that one can get from other human people or settings… more brutal and intense, maybe. Not controlling or dominating, trying to make you lose control, no. It’s more like managing to adopt a psychic system which was not designed for you, maybe.

Some other times, I also feel sudden temperature changes and even again that no-more-ground-under-my-feet impression of the first days. As if co-vibrating with them and their constellation. However, these downsides are less unsettling since I have the Fae Servitor (great one for sure: thanks to her, I have had zero problem even during the first days with the Plasma and Torsion fields, even while looping them more than necessary).

So at the end of the day, all this seems to me like a contract signed reciprocally: they are here for me and I’m here for them. It’s not unidirectional in my interpretation. We serve and feed each other or play interstellar chess together. I still struggle to decipher the “role” that I “have to” play towards them, their expectations from me, etc. but overall, I can say that it has gradually become a smoother cohabitation in my case.

The effects surely depend on the group/constellation that one chooses and there’s also the fact that despite the most well-known “stereotypes” and features, each group includes various facets and energies. Nothing all black nor all white, fully positive nor fully negative. Not the easiest type of tag but definitely enriching. Once the first disturbances resolved (even partly), one begins to minimize older difficulties which used to seem huge. When I say minimize, it’s of course not in the sense of belittling or ignoring. It’s simply a change in scale or proportion. Exchanging binoculars against a telescope, maybe.

Thank you Dreamweaver.


Good to have you back!


This Tags makes your dreams more vivid and intense, the rest is up to you and meant for you, if strange things happen, keep em to yourself :)