I wonder what Dream thinks of this. But really I also wonder what others in this community think of it.
I watched some of this years ago when I was trying to ascertain whether or not there was real science backing the idea that crystals can have an effect on a person just by wearing them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM21geOzyj8
He starts the lecture by saying Crystals are Alive. Which is why I didn’t watch much of it at the time. It was too much for me.
But I’ve gained many real effects from crystals over the years; as real as morphic fields from tags. But with crystals you have to learn for yourself what they do even though there are descriptions and books. You have to learn first hand. Guides are helpful but they are just a starting point.
So, recently I was wearing a new crystal. And then I happened to go online to look at other crystals. And then I happened to buy a few more crystals. And then I was just sitting there looking at the photos of all the crystals of this type that were being sold. And I realized that I had bought every crystal that was the exact same color and opacity as the one I was wearing.
Even though all the crystals were the same “type”, there were many variations.
And then I had this odd thought. What if the crystal I was wearing somehow motivated me to gather other crystals that were exactly like it, like I was bringing it’s family to it.
Ok… yes, maybe it was just personal preference moving me. But I don’t know. Something felt strange about it.
Crystals are planning to take over the world actually, they lure in naive humans into thinking they are helping them but in reality they take over your mind and control you.
They have already gathered an army and will attack soon, be ready.
That is interesting. Rose Quartz always made me feel too soft or unmanly so I steer clear of it. Maybe you were resisting it. But it is great at rare times if I get way too cynical, bitter or unforgiving.
Amethyst was my gateway crystal. I don’t know why but it was my starting point.
Humanity be prepared from Attack of Crystals
maybe it’s functions trough humans something like symbiots like Venom lol but subtle, who knows… shrugged
I went through a phase where I was obsessed with crystals. I have a pretty good collection but I would say my ultimate favorite one I carry the most is lapis lazuli
Crystalvaults.com is good. Most of their descriptions comes from The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons.
Amethyst changes how you see things. It can reveal to you a person who is trying to communicate a message to you about who you are, through their behavior. You will see things on a more subliminal level. And it can reveal to you what the message is that your own behavior is communicating to others.
Great post, and thank you for sharing the video, which is now on my playlist to watch tonight.
I had overlooked the value of crystals for years (the new age crowds went overkill, and it pushed me far, far away ), though I always had an intense connection to them, growing up.
Raw stones vs polished tend to have a stronger vibration, at least from my own experiences. I love the protective energy of black Tourmaline and the grounding from Smokey Quartz. Labradorite and Moldavite (if you find the real deal) can be powerful, too.
Interestingly, I purchase them in groupings of their own kind, as well. I feel very pushed to do so, actually — something I’ve always wondered about.
Nikola Tesla’s opinion I cannot easily brush aside. I feel like crystals are nature’s very own items imbued with morphic fields. Like how plants and herbs are nature’s vitamins. They don’t come isolated. You can buy Vitamin C. But if nature gives it to you it will come with bioflavinoids. But just because you find something growing in nature, doesn’t mean it won’t poison you either.
I’m not saying crystals are better or worse than morphic fields we create. I’m saying they are different. But similar.
“Mineral evolution is a recent hypothesis that provides historical context to mineralogy. It postulates that mineralogy on planets and moons becomes increasingly complex as a result of changes in the physical, chemical and biological environment.”
“In the Solar System, the number of mineral species has grown from about a dozen to over 5400 as a result of three processes: separation and concentration of elements; greater ranges of temperature and pressure coupled with the action of volatiles; and new chemical pathways provided by living organisms.”
Since in the physical universe crystals do become more and more complex over time, and also since time does not really exist, would it be possible to access more complex crystal energies from the future and use them in fields today?
Or is there no need for that, since all the possible minerals and their energies are already kinda documented in various astral databases and libraries?
Just an idea I had, while reading that Wikipedia article. Thank you.