Are gumroad chakra audios necessary if I listen Energy Blockage Removal audio?

Rebalancing and flow of energy from blockages being cleared. Your chakras are an integrated, interconnected system which work together.


Is it normal for chakra audios to cause negative symptoms from detox? I never get colds but I’ve been really under the weather all day today

Aren’t “negative symptoms” the way we know we’re having a “detox”?

All fields cause changes within our energy system. Isn’t it normal for our energy systems to need to adjust to the changes you’re placing upon them with your use of your fields?

If you’re having “symptoms” which are uncomfortable for you, 4 things for you to do:

  • Drink more water (LOTS more)
  • Listen to the grounding fields
  • Listen way, way less to your fields (like only part of a play of a field, if you’re that sensitive)
  • Rather than worrying and thinking about your reactions as something going “wrong” (as you have been in this and other threads), notice instead how your fields ARE working, for you! (A half-empty glass is also a glass that’s half-full.)
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Where can I find these Chakra fields?

On Gumroad. (I answered more completely in the first thread you asked this question.)