Are gumroad chakra audios necessary if I listen Energy Blockage Removal audio?

I would like to know if with the audio “Energy blockage removal” it is no longer necessary to listen to each particular audio of each chakra, thank you very much.


You still need to listen to the gumroad chakra audios as they are more specific and work better. The energy blockage removal is for general use and is not as strong as the ones on gumroad


You could think of it in terms of removing negatives and adding positives.

Energy blockage removal will get rid of some negatives, but that’s it. If you also want to add in positive changes, you could use the Chakra audios.


Buy the chakra tag it replace all audios from chakra and in addition he has to expanded the energy flow to make you more sensitive and to feel more the energy


1 investment I haven’t done. The question is would the ascension tag work on the chakra too or?


Yes, the Gumroad chakra audios have a stronger and more specific effect on the chakras, and are more efficient for the chakras.

However, Energy Blockage Removal uses slightly different methods and also dissolves and removes blockages throughout the energy body.

(not limited to the chakras)

Energy Blockage Removal grows and stimulates the chakras in a wholesome, positive way as well.

From the description:

The combination of fields energetically programmed here will work towards dissolving and removing energy body blockages as well as stimulate and grow your chakras in a wholesome positive way.


Well, I stand corrected. Thanks Uial.


Ok guys, thanks for your answers :D


Can the throat chakra audio help in stuttering ?




How do you know

because it’s linked to the throat chakra
and someone told it was his results


He said “12 years old stuttering” so I’m not sure if his stuttering was by birth or he got it later…

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Either way, it’s (in part) connected to the Throat Chakra. It sounds like you might want to learn what the Throat Chakra is and does before you’re advising your friend to get this field?


On a similar note, I’m torn between getting Aura and Energy Body Repair and the Gumroad Chakra audios. Can anyone who’s tried both compare their experiences?

Personally I would get the Aura and Energy body repair because it will protect the chakras while you wait to work on them.


Thanks, I’ll probably get AEBR and maybe at least the root/sacral audio.

honestly the chakra audios are essential
if you’r looking for mindset changes go for them, if you’r thinking long term go for the aura field. the aura field strengthen your bodies and makes you able to listen to more fields. I’d go with the chakra series personally

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I don’t know if this will be helpful, but I would get both.

My journey was so that it started with AEBR and it did so very much for me… apparently I had a huge deficit in what this field is fixing. But that was my personal case. Yet I think it’s essential to be healed there and have a robust system moving forward.

For a while, I’ve been feeling called to work on my chakras more, on removing any blocks and growing them. I just downloaded the chakra audios and am presently listening to them, so I cannot say anything about the long-term effects yet, but I already feel them working strongly and so I highly recommend them.

I consider both audios (audio series) essentials.


I’ve gotten only the base/sacral chakra audio for the moment, and the first time listening I’m noticing something moving in my heart/chest region. What could be going on?