Are the audios that help with thoughts safe? im in need of urgent help :(

guys im in extreme extreme extreme need for advice regarding the two audios i wanna use -

1.ego dissolution (the most important one)
2. subconscious clutter (this could help alot)
3. emotional release. (optional/extra)

(you could suggest me some more audios that would be helpful for my issue)

im in journey to reduce my mind momentum and my problem is that i have heard all highly reliable spiritual teachers say that the only way to reduce the mind clutter/momentum is by just letting the mind be. Also, that trying to control/stop/resist the thoughts will only fuel the mind momentum even more.

I have found this thing to be extremely true, since april 2023 i have been doing the “letting go of controlling the mind/letting the mind be” meditation every single day, and words cant describe how much it helped me, almost since i was of age 4-5 years old i have had extreme social anxiety and fear in general. but after doing the meditation which i mentioned ( the letting go one ), my social anxiety has been completely fixed and i dont feel intense negative emotions at all.

however even though my mind momentum is no longer high and im in a way better condition than when i had started that meditation ( april 2023 - its been 5 months), it stills bothers me and keeps me at a low state considering that i have only been doing it for 5 months and i think that i will need to do this meditation for 3-4 months more for my mind momentum to have completely zero grip on me.

but my problem is that at this moment, there are some days that im feeling extremely extremely down like today which makes me feel things like “i wont last long this way” etc.

i believe that ego dissolution and subconscious clutter audios would be immensely helpful in my journey of reducing mind momentum/negativity and i DESPERATELY wanna use it considering how bad and impatient i feel sometimes in this journey.

however my biggest fear that is restricting me from using this audio is that few months ago, i had used the “ego dissolution” audio and after i listened to it two times, my mind momentum had increased alot and my egoic thought patterns literally felt liked were enhanced by 10 times. it took me like one and half week of meditating daily to bring my mind state to as it was again.

when i was thinking why this happened then i suddenly remembered the advice of the spiritual masters that i mentioned earlier “trying to stop the mind will only reinforce/fuel it more” and i thought that maybe this audio tries to stop the egoic force of the mind by suppressing it thats why it seemed like my egoic thought pattern were enhanced by 10 times.

i really wanna use the audio as im in a really bad state sometimes but i also dont wanna lose all the progress i gained from meditating daily for 5 months straight. and if the audio works by trying to suppress the ego then it will ruin my progress since “whatever we resist will persist”.

so im really paranoid of using this audio but at the same time i really wanna use it, so could you all please give me a brief description of how these audios work and if the method that is implemented in these audios work in the similar theory of “letting go of the ego”. Also i have always been cautious from using anything before knowing exactly how it works/if its safe, so this trait of mine makes the matter even worse.

also could you explain to me why had my egoic thought patterns enhanced after listening to it?

words cant describe how grateful i will be if i get answers to my query​:sob::sob::sob:

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Hi spinazzola!

You will get answers! In the meantime . . .

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Maybe try using planetary field. Just in case.

The reason I brought this up. Soon rahu transit in Pisces. It’s very spiritual sign. Now having rahu in here. A planet that is so material and only care about material. Will mess up with the mind of those who are inclined spiritually.

Not trying to fear out for those who are spiritually working on themselves. But just remember. Rahu is the outcast. It create extreme confusion and lost in your practices. This will greatly affect people who are working spiritually.

If not strong enough. You will doubt everything and even become the opposite of spirituality. This is the agenda that soon will have an effect to lot of people.


Are you able to name a few of these here?

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adyashanti, mooji, alan watts, rupert etc

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I am not really familiar with these teachers, but from what I am aware of, the common things in the messages of these teachers are things like:

“Ego Dissolution”, “Letting Go”, “Dissolvement of the I”, “Becoming One with All”

If this is the case, then yes, these fields that you have mentioned will greatly help you on your journey to achieve what you wrote:

Achieving these things is totally doable with the support of morphic fields and these teachers are probably not aware of such tools and thus said there is “only one way”.

You may also want to take a look at the Silent Mind NFT and the Vibration of Transcendence field.

…and one of my favorites:

yes this might be the case since most of the videos by these teachers were 10yrs (or more) ago when morphic fields were not popular.

however like i mentioned, i had tried the “ego dissolution” audio and it seemed to enhance my egoic thought pattern even more

and when i tried the “subconscious clutter” audio 3 times in a row, it felt like my mind had become numb.

thats why im afraid of using it and it would help alot to know how these audios work.

How often have you looped it?

Sounds to me like the ego fighting back.

I myself have a super strong ego, so I personally, need to loop it at least for half an hour to calm my ego down properly.

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yaa i felt the same way because everytime i went through a real life situation that triggered my ego strongly was similar to the effect i had after hearing the “ego dissolution” audio…

ahh im so confused lol

Use this field, the complete 30 minutes:

Then try the Vaikuntha Loka field, but do so for at least 20 minutes.

Or Ego Dissolution for 30 minutes.


“Ego Dissolution”, “Remove Unconscious Clutter” and “Emotional Release”, as well as every field designed by the SapienMed team, are well-thought out and made very smartly. They are safe to use.

Your ego resisting the state Ego Dissolution guides you towards is very common, you can check the thread about it to see the discussion. This process passes with time, as you keep using the field. There’s also an Ego Dissolution Meditation, made to work together with the field, that’s worth checking out.

Also, to ease your anxiety, you might wanna check out other fields, such as the Mental Health album.

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oh i got it thanks alot! im gonna use it now

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