If I start using testosterone,adrostenol,DHT and HGH will there be a problem with my own natural production?
DHT is created from your existing testosterone levels, aka converted.
Testosterone boost will increase natural production aswell.
No idea about HGH.
thank you very much. Anyone else got an idea about HGH?
The description of the 2.0 version on Gumroad seems to describe increasing your natural production of HGH, and rejuvenating the pituitary gland.
I think that it doesn’t decrease your endogenous production and instead helps stimulate it by stimulating the pituitary gland.
Edit: And perhaps it also raises the levels of HGH by encouraging your body to be in a state similar to when you produce more HGH. Based on the goal of the 2.0 field being to rejuvenate your pituitary gland and HGH levels, I think it should be working with your own natural internal production of HGH. Downregulating your natural production seems like it would be counter to the aim of the field and cause problems, and Sapien’s fields are generally designed to leave you in a better place than you started in the long term.
From the Youtube decription:
A combination of frequencies and energetic/morphic programming that will help stimulate the pituitary gland and elevate the levels of human growth hormone in your body,
From the Gumroad 2.0 version description:
This version is updated to return the levels to that of about 16-18 years of age and also rejuvenate your pituitary gland
I think that Sapien’s hormone fields tend to work holistically with what production capabilities or hormones already exist within your body, unlike taking exogenous hormones which can downregulate your internal production. But I’m not certain, and it’s still quite possible you may be able to overdo it by listening too much to some of them.
Telepathy test uial did you receive my deleted test, yes, sure or no way?
As far as I know, the body will naturally increase estrogen to compensate with increased testosterone.
So i’m afraid if you’re gonna max out on test you’re gonna have to inhibit aromatase.
No idea bro.
The thing about sapien’s Test boost is that it’s not just a one time boost.
If it were to just boost it once, it could actually convert to estrogen by aromatase.
Another thing is that your mindset also plays a big role. If you think and act “feminine” it actually decreases testosterone, this new Test boost has lion’s dominance in it as well, so that also adds to the test boost.
Do you know if the HGH audio on Patreon is v2, or v1?
Guys have sucked the life out of me so many times. I am both victim and survivor. Where is “Noth”?
I think Perry is a troll. They’ve spammed a bunch of threads with nonsense
lol at least they came to the right place to get treated
The description of the Patreon version is different from the Gumroad version, so it may be v1. It doesn’t include this:
This version is updated to return the levels to that of about 16-18 years of age and also rejuvenate your pituitary gland
True! I was just unsure cause both the patreon and gumroad audios are 15:00 minutes and almost identical file sizes.
Good point! Version 1.0 on Youtube is also 15 minutes long, so it seems both versions are the same length. I think HGH Release 2.0 was created some months after the Patreon file was uploaded.