Armor of Light and Glory

Here are some discussions:
Cloaking field
The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver

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So I bought this last night and listened twice before bed. Yeah. Donā€™t do that. Had me buzzing for 3 hours trying to go to sleep!

But itā€™s AMAZING !!!

I am recovering from the Rona, and itā€™s hard to get going each morning (the advanced healing voltage field is what helped me kick it so Iā€™m finally getting better). But energy is still a struggle.

But this field right here?! I was able to exercise for the first time since getting sick on Christmas !

The Rona has caused so much muscle fatigue. But after playing this, I was like WHAT in the world ?!
The energy was coursing thru my veins. I exercised and there was zero fatigue in my body. I was in shock. I hope this is an affect all the time and not just cuz itā€™s the first day. Ha
But this was WONDERFUL to feel good for the first time since being sick since Christmas Eve !

It also seemed to make me feel so happy. Like not a care. (And thereā€™s some intense stuff going on in my family). But I felt at such peace ALL day

I hope this continues like this, because that is some of the best $77 I could ever spend.

When you feel like you lost your health for over a month (I was healthy), and to get it back with even BIGGER gains because of these fields, THAT is being rich my friends. Health IS wealth!

Thank you again Sapien!

This field and Advanced Healing Voltage :fire:


Bumping this, best shield protection right now until 3.0 drops


The point of no return is good for jealousy protection


Yes I have that, but I feel like adding it with armor of glory really helps sooth in the protection not just for jealousy, but everything else.


what are you referring to @Rosechalice ?


Such a beautiful description. You certainly have a way with words.


Is this an audio field or tag/image? It does not say audio in the description

First post

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Yes, but itā€™s confusing, are all items that says Digital product, audios? Or just some? Because several of them says Audio, such as knight/warrior

Navigator of Awe and armor says Digital product and mentions nothing about audio in the description on teespring. Wanted to make sure there hasnā€™t been a change or anything

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From teespring for this:

ā€¦ your passive listeningā€¦


True - question still remains about the confusion between the categories(?) Digital product - Audio

I guess itā€™s safe to check the forums first to see if itā€™s an audio or not
I bought this anyway, sounds very promising. Someone mentioned they did not feel affected by toxicity. Does this protect against mental warfare/negativity? Like a ā€œrepel negative energyā€ field

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It is an audio track; I donā€™t know if itā€™s just a field or if it has a servitor.

I believe itā€™s just a field.

(Do audios have a servitor? I canā€™t really think of one that does but I havenā€™t had my coffee yet, so brain no work gud.)

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perhaps the spell removal oneā€¦ something like it was in the descriptionā€¦my assumption i dont know for sure.or it was in the topic of the said audio.

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I meant, connected to a servitor

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Its ā€œjustā€ an audio


Ahh, thank you, even with coffee, thatā€™s not one that I wouldā€™ve thought of, as Iā€™m not so familiar with it.


Where I can buy this field?

It seems all the audio fields were pulled from Teespring without notice. Whilst others have been posted for sale on other platforms (Gumroad,The Sapien Shop and possibly The Sound Weave) it doesnā€™t seem like this one made the cut.

Send SammyG a DM to see if it will be sold on one of the platforms.