Ascension related question

All right. I only asked that because someone said before that when you feel physical vibrations that you’ve gone to a higher level. Forgive me if I misunderstood, but it sounds like they’re not related, and what I was previously told is one of those misconceptions mentioned earlier in this thread.

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Is anoyone in this thread vibrating at a higher rate or knows anyone that does?

That sounds about right. I have been gaslit in the past, a lot, mostly when I was little at the hands of my sperm donor, and at the hands of a state-funded agency. Yes, I have been heavily abused. Is that something for trauma tracks, or ego dissolution?

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It’s okay. I had a feeling that might have been the case

When i chant mantras i can feel the sounds in different bodies it’s easier to perceive them in the physical body for it’s gros. Subtle energies ask for more refinement. When you start to vibrate higher and become more quiet you will start to perceive them more easily.

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Yes. Check Out

After heavy trauma we are often unable to even comprehend how fucked up our perception is.
The good news: You can change that! And you can start today.

Doesn´t mean it will necessarily be a fun ride, but it´ll get easier with time and mid-/long-term you will have a way better life

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Spiritual process is about awaken the inner guru (guide) and remove all the ignorance so we learn to see for ourselves otherwise you have to believe someone and seeking the truth outside ourselves is never the way to go. Btw all my messages our about how i perceive and experience things and is still subjective although it may hold the truth.

I’m putting this together now, but I can’t find Inner self Critic to Inner Self Supporter on YouTube.

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I tried putting the tracks for that together, but it’s next to impossible. I’m coming across tracks in the long stack that are either not in YouTube, or not in Patreon, such as Inner self Critic to Inner Self Supporter. What makes it worse is that they have to be played in a certain order, when it’s a case of “never th’ twain shall meet”. I hate to say it, but I’m going to have to give up on it.

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How about alchemy in regard to childhood, rewriting it, and lots of fear release?

Also Programmed Intention have silent mandalas that can be played all night.

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That I might be able to do. What do you mean, rewriting it? As in rewrite my entire childhood, like the real one never existed?

BTW, what’s Programmed Intention? Is that a free track, or a paid track? Keep in mind, I have a fixed income and limited funds.

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maybe this

Programmed Intention is a creator, his stuff is very cheap (1$ patreon)

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Yes, that one, this one for alchemical revision of sexual trauma is on patreon.

And on youtube if you have a premier account. I tried his mandala for sleep last night and it’s my best night in weeks.

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It’s not coming up on Patreon, for some reason. Got a link?

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Yes, I do have a Premium account. I got it specifically for Sapien tracks to run overnight. I got sick of the auto-pause function.

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Alchemical revision of childhood is Dreamseeds on youtube, its also Dreamweaver. It’s not on paetron, but the alchemical revision of sexual trauma by sapien is only on paetron.

Programmed Intention playlist for sexual abuse and trauma.

Got the Playlist set up.

I’m sorry about going off topic on this. It wound up going from Ascension related stuff to tracks for trauma.

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I’ve never tried to loop anything over night before Programmed Intention, I can’t sleep to sound so for me this opens up opertunities. My husband to just said he havent slept like this in years, now I’m gonna loop one by one. I do feel them different though. Some are harder for me than others. Like it is to deal with things and put them behind you.

I’ve been through a relationship with gaslighting/abuse/isolation in the past and managed to put my hate for the person who caused me all this in the past. I’ve recrated the bad situations of the past, and gone in, picked myself up and carried myself out of the worst situations. Alchemy works too! This works. We can ascend later, we just have to clear our back-log.