Ascension Tag, is it still sold?

Hi everyone!

I’ve been wondering where the famous Ascension Tag could be found even if it is no more sell, just by curiosity cause i still don’t understand where Tags are sell ahah

Also is there a way to buy it in anyways? I know it’s an extremely valuable tag but i am feeling drawn to it so i was wondering if anyone could kindly sell it :relaxed: Maybe i could check the selling

An other question, is Ascension-naut NFT similar to Ascension Tag? I’ve read someone saying that Ascension-naut NFT is softer than Ascension Tag so i wanted to know if anyone had used those 2 to testify pleasd :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I have an unused and unboosted Tag that was never used if you are interessted you can PM me :blush:


Ho that’s great! Thank you! :blush:

I have both and the Ascensionaut NFT feels much much softer on the person


Thank you for the answer :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: how did they affected you on a daily basis pls?

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It sets you on a really healthy path
A lot of shedding of old patterns need to be released.
Actually the description for the ascension tag is kind of scary, because it will force you to look at your self and become responsible for yourself.

The reward?
A much better life overall on various aspects.
You respect yourself more, so others do too
You love yourself more, so others do too
You dont tolerate any low vibes
Even when your life is rocky, you feel calm

Everybody should have an ascension tag imo, but not everybody is ready for it.


Wow that sound quite intense :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: does it makes you go through a purge moment like a “dark night of the Soul” type of things? Or is it “dissolving the negative energy by itself without side effect? :thinking:

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Yes, your ego will battle against it heavily.
My ego didnt even want me to go to the post office to pick it up, when I knew it arrived…


Damn the ego knew it would destroyed it :rofl: was ready to fight i guess ahah


I was wondering, does it make you feel much more ungrounded or not? Is it sometimes too much to wear it? Also have you ever slept while wearing the Ascension’s Tag and has it been to much or affected you too much while you rest?

I am asking this cause it kinda makes me wonder if it is like wearing a moldavite while sleeping, sometimes it’s overwhelming and can give headaches. Obviously it depends a lot on the person’s capacity to handle that energy, but personally i have been wearing a moldavite for a year now and the headaches was only the first few time i wore it so i was wondering if this Tag can have the same affect physically and feel uncomfortable at time :blush:

Whilst you’re waiting for your answer, I’ll just chime in to mention that Moldavite (the tag and the actual crystal) is sort of renowned for its potentially–erm–pronounced effects. True Moldavite is not of this earth. So, it doesn’t play by our earthly rules or expectations. And I think that’s one reason people seek it out.

IIRC, the old Ascension products were crafted with our human experience (including our human expectations) in mind, if only as the starting point of our journeys. Of course, some people still experienced “ascension symptoms.” (Perhaps because some of them had that expectation, too? :man_shrugging: )

My point is there’s a fundamental difference that muddies the comparison I think you’re wanting to make. So, you might want to keep that in mind as you’re doing your research and making your decision.


Thank you for that explanation! Will definitely keep that in mind :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: