Asking for advice on my stack

Your situation is probably different than mine because you have Productivity Enhanced, and you have boosted it.
When I first got the old Stop Procrastination item, I could feel the shift in energy when I had it on. It took me a few weeks to adjust to it. I expected it to work immediately.
I slowly became more productive over the next few months, after a period of a few weeks of less productivity than usual.
The change it brings is subtle for me, but I haven’t boosted it so maybe it’s different in your case.

The Productivity Enhanced item is a combination of the old Stop Procrastination and Efficiency items.

Stop Procrastination has 2 sub-fields in it:

Dopamine Increase in the brain.
Desire to Get Things Done

Efficiency has 4 sub-fields in it:

Time Gap
Desire for Excellence


I didn’t consider that a combination would also mean that the sub-fields would be combine. It’s obvious actually. Maybe I will have to update this thread and my stack again, hopefully not, but I can tell you, I feel really bad about constantly changing stuff and readjusting to the situation.
What I can tell now is that it is very draining to working with so many fields, formulas and subliminals at the same time. I think I will stop doing stuff at night, so I get at least a bit of rest.


The problem is I am just establishing some structure in my day now because before I would go to work and come back but now I am at home all day and it is so easy to get distracted.
I feel overwhelmed with work right now although I know it isn’t as much as it seems, but I am just depleted of energy right now. Also, I feel like my work is conflicting with my self-exploration / working stuff out - endeavours, because it feels so demanding right now. I want to have time for myself to learn more about myself while I have this chance and not waste it with stupid time-consuming laziness.

I read the link Dream sent me about the numbers and if it is true, then the universe is urging me to deal with blockages and stuff within myself. I have no idea how to do that rn, I already did alot of trauma-releasing over the past years, maybe I’ll just have to meditate and it will show up. Maybe it is showing up right now in front of my face in the garment of laziness and feeling overwhelmed.

And at the same time I am a self-development-junky. I must say I really mistreated my body during school and I continued doing so even after I got out, and therefore I have some health issues now, one of which is the inflammation.
At the same time I don’t want to be hindered by this “boring stuff” and make use of the time in quarantine as much as possible to be able to go out, have dates, have a strong body, make money, make friends etc. But I feel like before I got to do this, I have to deal with the “boring stuff”

So you see, there are numerous things blocking me right now and I constantly change something about my stack because a circumstance changes.


Very understandable, I also changed what I was listening to in response to circumstance for months before I got a sense of what felt right. There are also so many great fields to listen to and things to pursue, it can be difficult to decide which to pursue.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with work, it’s also possible that it could be partly due to working with so many fields, formulas and subliminals.

I experienced something similar with feeling overwhelmed with work when I was listening to and wearing too many fields. I had the intuition that it could be due to fields, so I experimented with significantly reducing the number of fields worn to 3 and listening to only 2-3 fields per day. The feeling went away within a few days. Work was still very busy, but I stopped feeling overwhelmed.

I thought that doing that for a week should reduce everything sufficiently to be able to test whether I was feeling overwhelmed due to overdoing it with fields. At that time, I had been wearing 4-5 fields while listening to around 8 fields per day. I actually got a lot more done when I reduced them, and the fields worked much faster.

After that, I gradually built up the number of fields again, adding in Jing Restoration and Brain Regeneration to help recharge, while being mindful of feeling exhausted or overwhelmed. After a month, I had already gotten the results I wanted from several physical change fields and started listening to a different set of fields.

It’s possible you could experiment with paring down the number of things you’re doing for a few days or a week to see whether you notice a positive difference, as you can always add anything back in.


A little update on my current stack, for everyone who is interested.

  • Semen Retention by Quad = No noticeable effects

  • Superhuman Genius by Sapien = Don’t notice the effect immediately afterwards but I feel like I can handle my job a bit better

  • Mindfulness & Slow Down Time = I start to feel like the days are getting longer, 1 day feels like 1.5 but this can also be because I sit at home all day everday

  • Inflammation by RIFE = Just started out, let’s see how it goes but I have a good feeling about it

  • Hair Loss by Quad = Seems like my hair started to regrow, probably just a 2 more weeks and it will be back to normal again

  • Stress Relief by Sapien & Quad = Helps whenever I use it

  • Dopamine Redux & Brain Regeneration by Sapien = Feels like it keeps working, it is still hard to describe how I feel with it though. I once read an Iboga-testimonial (It’s a very powerful African plant that resets dopamine receptors to 0. So strong it makes you forget how to walk) This feels like I am currently at 0.1% of it. It probably makes more sense to just use it for longer periods of time than to listen to it at night.

  • Corona, Lungs v2, Immune Supercharger = Just keep working. This flu really was annoying though. You know when you catch a cold and the major symptoms vanish quickly but smaller things like a closed nose etc. stay with you for a week.

  • Weight Gainer = Since I am not using it for too long and my eating habits are a bit distorted right now, too early to comment on this.

  • Productivity Enhanced Item = Seems like we’re getting there. I can tell you, I am never going to underestimate Field Booster again. Productivity Enhanced seems like it isn’t giving me an immediate push when I am wearing it, but more like the field starts to change my behaviour long-term, so I assimilate the productivity-pattern more than that I would get a boost

  • Dominance, Confidence, Authority Item = Not too many chances to see if it works, due to lack of social contact right now in quarantine, but I guess this too starts being assimilated into my field. I also feel like it helps with anxiety, at least I feel less anxious and more confident when I wear it. But it takes a few minutes/hours before I notice a change.

For the rest, meaning cards, mandalas and sigils, I have ditched them altogether for multiple reasons

  • I was about to lose overview about everything I use
  • I found out some of them were advanced sigils (Jing, Wealth & Fame), so I guess I wont be able to use them for now
  • I don’t feel comfortable with the mandalas and cards, there is still my ego telling me it wont work etc.

I really want to lucid dream though… Will think about how to do that without unbalancing anything



  • Mindfulness & Slow Down Time = It is easier to become mindful, time keeps getting longer and longer. I also find myself enjoying pure mindfulness-meditations where you just are. I enjoy the idea of just existing as consciousness in space. A very relaxing idea.

  • Dopamine Redux & Brain Regeneration = Yup, definitely works. It’s just great. It has much much more benefits than just letting go of addictions, it actually helps you to reset your whole character and life. I will continue to use this for quite some time.

  • Productivity Enhanced Item = Now there are times when I feel the effects more and sometimes less. For example, the past few days I just did all the work I had to do for my job in the morning so I had the rest of the day for myself. But yesterday I was extremely lazy in the morning. It is like a tug-of-war-thing where odds slowly tend to the field’s favor

  • Dominance, Confidence, Authority Item = Feels like we got stuck. Maybe it came to a barrier in my subconscious where some trauma stops it from proceeding and I just have to continue.


Little Update:

I know it has been only a day but I wanted to share some thoughts. The fact that I just wrote an update yesterday is part of it. The time slows down more and more. A day feels like 2 and more now.
Sometimes… this is carzy. Sometimes I think about something that happened and I just realize it happened the same day, while I thought it was yesterday or the day before.
In combination with the repeating nature of daily tasks, it is a weird mix. Some things seem like they happened long ago, while at the same time it feels like the day goes by extremely fast.

2.nd I think I should put more emphasis on healing my anxiety/fear. I am listening to Quad’s formula for more than 3 months straight now and I got really got results, my baseline heightened alot and most of the time I am just fine. He did an amazing job and I am very very grateful. May all his dreams come true.
At the same time I think I should do more about it since the nature of anxiety is very “sticky” it comes, then it climates, then I have some sort of mystical experience (either in “real life” or in my dreams) then the fear dissolve and everything is fine, then I start worrying again and the whole cycle repeats.
It was foolish of me thinking just a little bit of this and that would solve the problem, especially when you consider I have this anxiety for 5 constant years now. This is a lot of brain/physiological damage that needs a lot of time to be healed.
I thought about buying the Fear Item today, which I will probably do if I have the money and if the anxiety remains until then.

Today was one of the worse day, not really worse but not really fun either. I also think that the fear strikes even harder now that I do more about it, because my body wants to keep its homeostasis.
Most of the time I am fine, just when there is additional stress, the anxiety overwhelms me.

So I thought I’d add Sapien’s Anxiety & Depression Reversal. I used it once back in the day, when I didn’t really know how to use the fields and I stopped using them because I didn’t felt any effects after 1 week or so. Now I know I need to use them for longer periods of time.

I will think about a way to integrate it in my schedule.

Wow, this “little update” turned into a speech…


A very good friend of my family departed… May his soul rest in peace.
This year is such a mess… I have so many questions in my head right now.
Life suddenly seems so… fragile.

Thank you.
Actually … My thoughts are all over the place right now… It is very sad that it happened but I guess we should be grateful for getting to know him and how he helped us tremendously. And hope he is at a better place now. While I too am grieving, I am more worried about my family right now.
They aren’t as emotionally stable as I am and need time.
I don’t know what else to say. This year is just… lets say mind blowing. And we are just 3 months in.
I never expected this to happen, and I never expected the quarantine to become like this.
I guess life doesn’t care about what I expect.

But for the most part, I am full of questions. Why did this happen? Where did he go?
What is life all about? Why do I keep seeing these numbers 911 and 119, I thought they mean something good, what do they really mean?
Am I sensitive to this stuff because I just thought about him hours before I heard the message.
Just… I got so many questions…
The least it did for me is appreciate life more and… value it more and remind myself that life too short to waste it not fulfilling one’s dreams…


Thank you very much, wish the same for you.
It is interesting experiencing this with Sapien’s field though. I was worried about catching Corona now, that I had contact with people who visited, but well… I don’t want myself to get dragged into this rabbit hole too now.

Is this mother earth’s lesson for us? While we stay at home and hospitals are overcrowded and things like this happen, nature starts to recover from decades of abuse. We can’t be separated.
This really is the apocalypse that will change our species and our world forever and I hope as much people as possible stay alive to witness this

Dear Friends, hang in there. Mother Earth is Acending and for those who chose to ascend with her must go through this transformation. For those who are not ready, chose to exit (which is why you are consistently hearing about death).

I lost my father a few years ago and knowing him, I knew he certainly wasn’t ready for this. Nonetheless I love him for who he is and am grateful for the experience I had with him in this life. I respect and accept the choices he made in spirit for his own development.

Mourning is totally natural but we should know that each person is an eternal consciousness and they aren’t really gone but rather changed form and we can still contact them psychically or via dreams.

Intense times are ahead of us indeed but if we get through it together with unconditional love, we will have something revolutionary to celebrate. A start of a new Era never witnessed before in history.



Sapien releasing Probability Alteration and Luck
It just became even harder to not change my stack any further


The process my body is going through is very intense. I have a habit of putting so much stress on my body because I want to achieve everything ASAP. That’s probably the real reason why my hair keeps falling out.
Therefore I have updated my schedule and removed some parts.


  • Superhuman Genius
  • Corona
  • Lung Restoration v2
  • Immune System Supercharger
  • Lucid Dreaming
  • Wealth Sigil
    and a few other things from another vendor.

My current stack now is this:

  • Confidence Necklace
  • Confidence & Fear Reduction Mandala
  • Productivity Tag
  • Weight Gainer
  • Hair Loss Formula
  • Depression & Anxiety Formula
  • Depression, Anxiety, Stress Reversal
  • Dopamine Redux
  • Brain Regeneration
  • Slow Down Time
  • Mindfulness
  • Anti-Inflammation RIFE

I’ll think about cutting the stack down further…

Edit: I guess I will continue to use Wealth-Sigil since it started working so fast


No Coronavirus anymore? :grin:

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Yeah I thought about it and to me it didn’t make sense to keep using the corona-related-fields this much anymore (especially not when I am being deprived)
I mean I am at home 99% of the time, I don’t have contact with anyone and if something happens I’ll just start to use them again. I used them for about 20 days now, which should have left a good imprint on my energetic field, so I can just start using them again when I want to


Makes sense!! Probably I should do the same.


Added: Transmutation of Lower and Basal Energies


Do you think this stack is too much? (daily)

  • Subconscious Limits Dissolver x2
  • Love, Gratitude and Appreciation x2
  • Attract more love into your life x2
  • Myostatin Inhibitor x2 (Patreon)
  • Weight loss combination (Patreon) Almost all day/night unless i’m tired.
  • Human Growth Hormone x2 (Patreon)
  • Overcome Any Addiction ( Dopamine Receptor Repair…) x2 (Morning and night)

Idk if I can add Super Metabolism Boost and Weight Loss with Cellulite Reduction (Patreon) or that would be too overkill. Any opinion?

Since you seem to be dealing with an addiction too, I highly recommend you replace Attract more love with Brain Regeneration. I don’t know about you but since we are all in quarantine the “attract love into your love”-part would be a bit difficult right now, wouldn’t it?

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I had an idea.
I think about running a schedule with Energetic Cord Cutter, Taffeite and Quasi Crystal 1-2 weeks each.
My idea is to cut the cords with the things that cause me to suffer, resulting in direct stress, anxiety, blockages and addiction. Then Taffeite and Quasi for the same actually, just for a more powerful effect.
If I am going to do it, I will have to sacrifice a field. I think about Mindfulness, since ECC etc. boost the results of the Anxiety, Stress & Depression Stack more directly.
I also think I will use Weight Gainer more often. Maybe 3 times/4days a week to begin with and then see.

What do you think guys?

Edit: I can definitely assure you, I am not jumping around with my stack…! Right?!
Well, to be honest… it really isn’t easy at all, I guess you know that yourself. What I am doing right now I see what I can sacrifice so I have more fields working in synergy to achieve goals faster so I can move on