Asking for advice on my stack

What? I didn’t realize I was joking.

Alright, I’m sorry. To me it looked like it.
I was very agitated and just hit rock bottom. My problem was that I used too many fields and other stuff, not too less. So, I recommend it to all of you, keep the number of fields, subliminals and goals down.


Yes I love that one because I can play it in my sleep, and really anytime, with my own music too. The one with the music, I find distracting, and gave me a shock a few times before.

How has your progress been of late?
I notice that I tend to pile on a lot rather than focusing on a few at a time. Been wondering about being disciplined but haven’t figured out the best way yet. So I’ve started back to basics with the point of no return protocol.


The new ptsd is out on patreon :)

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