Astaxanthin Aspartic Dsup (Longevity Series)

Beautiful, looks nice and cool up there. Views the pics longingly


Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


:blush: love you zuzu :two_hearts:

virtual hugs


:heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
(I needed that!)


Regarding the damage supressor protein, from what I read it is really good at preventing stresses such as radiation damage but does anyone know if it undos the damage as well? Asking for someone that has permenant nerve damage from an MRI many years ago. All responses much appreciated

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Nerve Damage Help: New Release

and the multitude of “brain stack” audios that focus on nerve connections, growth, and repair.


This doctor is absolutely great I watch his videos

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Thank you OM! We’ve been listening to that one quite abit and it does help alittle but the damage is very severe. Also been using Plasma Protocol with Blueprint of Life and Vagus nerve but I havn’t tried any of the brain fields yet, great idea.


Really cool field, a couple quetions though. Astaxanthin is mainly found in alge and most seafood, how is the field creating it? Is it useing raw materials we eat to construct it? Really interested in understanding it and thanks abunch DW

Off-topic but



This field is god sent for alopecia, can’t believe nobody is talking about it for hair related purposes!

and yes @luna I’ve been using it and it’s filling my thin spot lol

My crown was thinning cuz of anxiety and stress and this seemed to fill it back in

Been using it for 1 solid week 4-5 times (5 usually lol)


Brother do you realize how many audios, aims, targets, goals, needs there are within all his channels and items?

We focus on what we need. And we talk about the experiences with what we use.

If we dont need every single one we wont be talking about every single one.

You are one that is always talking about hair, beard, kidneys, blood sugar. Like ALL THE TIME. So your focus is on those things, and every single time you find out about something that can help u with YOUR goals you come and say “i cant believe no one is talking about this field or that field”

Yet, tho you are the #1 with those goals, dont exactly ralk about experiences, how youve used it, how often, for how long etc. Im sorry but to me you just sound all hype then little consistency or getting through and then some weeks later either under hair, etc posts or request fields post you again asking for something to grow your hair.

Mi nah believe yuh no more.

Come talk bout real results and show pics.

Until then let us do us with what we need.


Lol all that for a simple ok from me, of course everyone is going to give there “own” testimonial

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You don’t need to believe me lol, Dreams work speaks for itself, so it’s basically me expressing my results to dream, and I’m not obliged to show pictures of myself, don’t feel comfortable doing so! But nonetheless, it basically says dreams fields are powerful and work quite fast


Nah. Im talking about facts with your comments about the same every time.

And the thing is you make ppl doubt the efficiency of the fields you use because it always the same…

But anyway great youre seeing results.

And i hope it gives you all the hair you want.

Got a full head of hair! Just some anxiety caused some thinning but as I mentioned it is growing back and the thinning is not there

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Yah then 3 weeks later you are asking how to grow hair.

See my point?

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Well if I want to boost the efficiency of something I might as well ask

Hey Shivy, I’m having bad thinning on my crown, could you list your stack? Ik you use endocrine system too, so how many times a day for each? Thank you! Also how long did it take to notice results? I’m taking finasteride