Astrologically Inclined

no it is not. This is the updated version of amplify planetary and astrological effects/nullify planetary and astrological effects. Navagraha is about healing the planetary effects, so in theory you don’t need the navagraha if you already have this one (due to nullify), but if you really care about dealing with planetary things you can go for both. Just my opinion.


I have both.

One I use daily, Astrologically Inclined. With the audio added, definitely felt the energetic effects better. Feel more at ease, crazy eclipse and oppositions? Nah.

The other weekly (I know it has longer lasting effects) just that if I feel some challenging aspects happening with celestial transits.

To my understanding, Navagraha Homam is an actual powerful ritual devoted to the nine planets to gratify them.

Using both, I feel personally, the current natal phase albeit challenging, it is smoother.
Helps with rahu/ketu. Remedy to block unfortunate events.
There are good days and bad days, but mostly I feel success.


Thank you so much for the clarification, and for taking the time to reply. :pray:

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Got it! I hadn’t understood that part; thank you so much for clarifying :pray: :heart:

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Amazing audio that has a killer bass line! I love it!! Great NFT!

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I bought Astrologically Inclined a few days ago, is it safe if I loop?
i listen 2-3 times everyday


I loop until I can feel a relief usually in my mind that all negative astrologically effects dissolved


The audio doesn’t work on anything medical and doesn’t expand/boost your energy system directly (as far as I know) so its probably safe to loop

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thanks for the reply :> imma try loop later

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With this printed out now I don’t even have to listen to Nullify + Amplify like I normally would, saving me precious time for my stacks…

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Is this an audio we should listen daily?

My current plan is to listen the few days before and after full moon. However I have no understanding of astrology and the effects, etc other than the fact they exist… that’s why I am asking :sweat_smile:

If possible yes. But u can carry Mandala instead daily 24x7 to get the same benefits.


I couldn’t resist and today I got this NFT.


Can someone please send me audio , thank you .

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Came across this blogpost. Any thoughts from knowledgeable members as it relates to this field?

When we look at the current Navagraha formation, we notice that unlike the individual planetary yantras for each planet, the “master yantra” (the Navagraha that combines the 9 planetary forces in one single formation/yantra) is actually incorrect.

All planetary yantras in Vedic culture are based on the planetary number of the given planet and on this number a “magic square” is constructed. Magic Squares are used all over the world, they are a mathematical arrangement of “dynamic symmetry”. In a Magic Square (and in every single individual planetary yantra) the numbers of each row and each column add up to the same number.

The current Navagraha below on the other hand is NOT a Magic Square, and its energies do NOT channel harmony and do NOT support full potential and bliss.

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The planetary numbers used in the article are not correct as per Tantra. The numbering below is from the book by Numerology: With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology by Harish Johari.

The field is not based on arrangement of these ratnas in a ring but the energy of all the 9 ratnas so don’t worry about it.

May be with the above numbering and the image used in the article which the author says wrong configuration, it may turn out to be a magic square. May be try and see? :smiley:

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The placement of grahaslooks so wrong In there.

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Does this field have an audio?


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