Atomic Rebel Field Brainstorm - Musician Field

With Sammy’s permission in DM, I thought we could start pulling together components of what would make a good field, or set of fields that would be helpful to the would-be rock, rap or other genre music star.

Let us not try to make this an incredibly dense field. It may wind up being multiple fields, as I stated above.

Trying to figure out what makes a successful artist is like trying to catch smoke. We know that for every example of one star, there is a counter-example of someone without these skills that is also a star.

But to start the conversation, here are a couple of possible functions I captured in the previous topic, the field could be:

One that would combine elements of virtuosity with poetic sense, divine inspiration, rock/rap star aura, woven worlds for bringing the right people and circumstances, grit/persistence for pushing through writers block…etc. just brainstorming.


Out of experience i would say that it’s extremely important to have completely control over one’s music instrument. When one is truly one with one’s instrument pure creativity starts to flow effortlessly. This gives the musician a kind of mystical aura & appearance, a kind of divinity. Mastery over one’s instrument is extremely attractive. People can feel the musician’s surrender to some higher force.

I would also say they are all interconnected. It becomes a chain reaction and one will trigger the other.


Wrote this during NFT era before it got cancelled maybe we can pull some aspects from this draft and incorporate in our atomic rebel field ?
A smart field designed specifically for the user (everyone has a different stories to tell & different aspects to themselves)

Main Field 1: Writing/Free-styling Ability of a God something not from this universe. But co-creating with the universe having the abilities to open your emotions and write songs not just about yourself but the world is a unique attribute great Musicians have) Ex: Michael Jackson- We are the world / Tupac - Brenda’s gotta baby etc
( Wordplay, rhyming, Lyrics Structure
A.Essence of a musician/Charisma Divine respected Aura ( some musician just have “ that “ quality it’s dope watching rappers or musicians most of use enjoy their charisma why not have this imbued to the owner and lisner but specific to their nature and own creation of music)
B. Marry Maker aspect for the studio sessions / always motivated
( I tend to hit the studio alone it be dope to get the vibes flowing without having 10 different people around me )

C. A field to attract Wealth or passive income like wealth generation ++ or the passive income NFT but for music. ( if you work hard to create amazing music and invest in yourself you should definitely receive compensation for it

Main Field 2: Insturmental and Beat picking genius. You always find the right combinations to your tracks. So we aren’t searching endlessly looking for ( type beats ) etc you just automatically know this beat or composition will work with your song.

A. Artistic Expression & Influence (your words and writing influence those who listen) have you ever listened to a song and thought damn they have gone through what I have or their dreams and goals are similar to mine? It’s what makes us relate to the musician
B. Removing blockages towards writing and free styling and ability to write songs and lyrics without any instrumentals just from pure inspiration. Also a smart structure to understand how to place certain lyrics with your writing to allow things to flow.

C. Enhanced Auditory Expression ( allowing us to hear and listen with ease ) getting into that FOCUSED and attention vibe for creating a spark for your songs

Main Field 3: A smart field that tailors to your voice and essence so you have your own unique “ flow” or “ sound “
we aren’t here to mimic others but to start and create our own lane.
A. throat Chakra Healing / Voice of Charisma / removing blockages toward speaking

B. Similar to B.O.A. sub field which repels negativity and the darkness of the music industry so when we all make it we aren’t compelled to ruin our morals or sell our soul. ( unless you wanna do that lol) not judging

C. An attraction field so people tend to flock and notice your music videos, mixtapes, singles, albums & music more easily ( Prestige & Grandeur attract fame concepts but mainly for music) whether your music is on sound cloud, YouTube, Spotify etc it will reach who it needs to as long as it’s of quality and substance

Main Field 4+: the abilities to open your emotions and write songs not just about yourself but the world is a unique attribute great Musicians have) Ex: Michael Jackson- We are the world / Tupac - Brenda’s gotta baby etc

A. A humbling & respect aspect so we never forget where we came from so those of us who have yearned to be at a position like this once we reach it we are not taking advantage of others but helping them

B. Journey of the chosen one ( why not have this backed by positive energy and gratitude as well as have the universe root for us at our every spark of creation.

  • Influence of Muses?

  • World play mastery

  • Rhyming

  • Change pitch of voice to high or low

  • ability to write music for any genre

  • Hear the write beat for your specific creation

  • Charisma and glamour

  • Journey of the chosen one

  • Divine aura and recongizaitin. for when in music videos

  • Remove energy blockages and mental blockages from writing

  • A unique “ flow” as most rappers or musicians have a flow so your own unique flow tailored to your voice and and your essence

  • Ability to freestyle at ease.

  • An attraction field so people tend to flock and notice your music videos or music more easily

  • The ability to listen with ease


all chakras can enhance one’s voice

during my sound healing period my voice changed phenomenally when i worked for years on grounding (earth chakra). the voice became more stable, i was more confident etc. the water chakra has to do with flow while singing and also creativity. all chakras add different qualities to one’s voice. for singing the whole body has to become one’s instrument.


It’d be awesome if it’d be a general field for musicianship and performance excellence, not just for rap. ;)

Some ideas off the top of my head:

  • attracting a loyal, appreciative audience
  • attracting contacts to help on your way both in and outside of the industry
  • striving for excellence in what you do with music

I’ll edit this post if I come up with anything else.


Never thought about that bro :thinking:I’ll definitely take this into note for my personal journey while working on each chakra

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it’s funny because i was thinking about something similar last night (it was dancing for me), and one of the things i felt most deeply was this: being capable of activating / enlivening in those who resonate with your art dormant / unknown parts of self to the extent that is most aligned with their highest good / desires / decisions in a subtle, ‘passive’ way, without taking anything from your energy but rather nurturing it as well since you’re serving as a vessel for sooo much of goodness :white_heart:

edit: art inherently does this, but maybe we could boost that even more? that would be pretty beautiful

I agree with everyone’s ideas. I also really like the idea of incorporating blueprint of artistry, journey of the chosen one & glory/prestige & grandeur for music. Here are some other ideas I think that would be good for this:

Music Engineer-

Install the knowledge & skills of a professional level music engineer including recording, mastering & recording.

Fearlessness & confidence-

Have confidence & belief in self to be successful. Also have no stage fright when performing. Be fearless when performing & creating.

Opportunity attractor-

Be able to attract opportunities. Whether that is opportunities to perform at events, concerts, get a record deal, get collaborators or business partners.

Cord cutter-

A mass cord cutter to repel negativity from negative people, jealous people, hecklers & haters you may attract with your success for those seeking to be famous or in the spotlight. Repels negative things & people that can hinder your confidence, success & creative abilities.


Successful sales of your musical creations if you choose to sell them.

The magician-

Be able to manifest the type of success you want. You have the energy, tools & resources you need to make your desires & dreams come true.

I will get back to this tomorrow. Playing a festival this weekend and am heading out shortly for travel. I do want to be careful that we aren’t trying to create and all-in-one field.


I do this for others, this is the field I build in, and one thing that is always important is reconnecting awareness to your own personal essence and what it has to share. Eliminating the influence of the external world, putting on the Master’s hat and trusting your inner voice.

Once it’s out, the editing and production can be applied but with a high state of mind and awareness of musicality.

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Who do I send tracks to ?

Cap. He is the one who is going to work with them, either way.

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Has anything come of this?


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Ima cook soon dw.