Attacks and Entity Infestation

No, beings can leech off people who are unaware of them.

One time, waiting in a public place, a person sat next to me, who was infected by a being, but she was completely oblivious to it.

In my case each day brought a new attack with a being stronger than the day before. Suddenly the fields from Sapien, that worked before had no effect anymore.

This is not something that naturally occurs with regular beings.

But to update I’m not 100% sure anymore, that the subliminal videos I mentioned were the root cause.

Another explanation for this whole mess is, that I might have been cursed in a live chat. Had a little back and forth with a troll (establishing etheric cord), then he suddenly became a bit more friendly and asked me where I’m from and if my user name was my real name (which it was).

Seconds later the first being was in my face bothering me. Angelic Intercession instantly got rid of that thing, but maybe I’ve been targeted by the guy / his curse since then, which lead to this thread here. Right now I’m 50/50, which was the root cause.