Hey folks, couldn’t post much the last few days, because I had to deal with entity attacks every day. They usually popped up around 9:30 p.m every day.
The being during the first attack was weird. Felt like a heavy weight was on my energy body, but every morphic field, every intercession made it weaker and weaker, until it disappeared.
But then on the second day, no morphic field or mandala seemed to work. The entity was constantly pushing at the area around my crown chakra. @_OM gave me this advice on psychic shielding:
just visualize white light in shape of an egg. Play around it… Make it harder, brighter, etc
Negative entities are wanting a response of fear/anger, so if you are to control those emotions then that’s more than half the battle.
Try Atmospheric vibration raiser for an hour
The psychic shield worked really well and I even managed to push the entity around, by creating different shields in different areas. The attack on the following day was just as easy.
Entity Infestation
When I woke up the next day, I felt a being moving around and messing with my energy body. Barely could push it out. Every shield I created was destroyed in seconds. The thing was constantly moving back and forth between my 3rd eye Chakra and my stomach.
Only DrVirtual7’s “LIGHT SHIELDING THYSELF” could push it out and give me some rest, but the being didn’t leave.
After discussing possible reasons with _OM, there is only one theory that can explain the reasons for this mess. I’m convinced, that some form black magic was being hidden in subliminal videos, that I listened to years ago. [NOT on YouTube]
These videos promised to enhance masculinity, but they were ultimately aimed at destroying it step by step. Never did I experience such extreme effects, from any sub, hypnosis track or binaural beat. And a bunch of videos had different sigils flashing on the screen, as well.
Kicking it Out
After starting the prescribed night stack, I noticed how the being was messing with my stomach again. My body started to feel weaker. At this point I bought Soul Restoration.
From me that night:
Just one round of SR worked wonder. The thing became super easy to push around. But still won’t leave.
But what’s weird:
After using the SR on the brow, it clings to a part of my right brain hemisphere, right above my ear. Can’t push it out…
Figured it out. Just have to push it out of the mouth
_OM again:
And use the egg… try violet, white, a mix of violent.white
Go thru the colors like a chakra exercise, red, orange, yellow, blue, green, etc . a few times, ending with white or violet/white (which ever feels stronger at the time)
I started pranayama breathing and after trying some colors I started visualizing a red shield around me. After about 10 minutes it was gone.
Brain feels weird
Even when the entity was gone I could still feel strange energy buzzing, where the entity didn’t come out. What was even more interesting, with the thing gone I could suddenly feel massive etheric cords connected to that area.
Looped the Etheric Cord Cutter for at least an hour. Additionally I consciously directed the energy of the field to the area.
Interesting thing to note: Every time I play Ego Dissolution, Entity Removal or any track from the Point of No Return Stack I can feel these fields working on the “infected” area.
During today’s afternoon session I could sense, that even Atmospheric Vibration Riser Ver 2.0, Love, Gratitude and Appreciation and Vibrations of Divine Love did the same.
My Daily Cleansing Schedule
Everyone who is planning to use the following schedule, please keep _OM’s caveat in mind:
“techniques may need to be individualized for the person”
“i dont have time stack” :
Aura Deep Clearing and Vibes of Creation.
Rule of thumb:
The point of no return series in the mornings or as needed…
Morning stack:
Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
Subconscious Limits Lemoval
Entity Removal
Love, Gratitude, and appreciation
Atmospheric Riser.
Vibes of Creation (if you have time)
Subconscious limits removal
Ego Dissolution
Entity Removal
Atmospheric Riser.
Love, Gratitude, and appreciation
Vibes of Love
Subconscious limits removal
Entity Removal
Atmospheric Riser.
Love, Gratitude, and appreciation
Vibes of Transcendance/Vibes of Creation
Bonus: Point of No Return Stack as YouTube Playlist
Huge shout-out to _OM. I can’t thank you enough. You probably saved my life that night