Attract Good Luck and Fortune Audio ( Law of Attraction Vibration)

Been using Sapien Medicine for around 9 months now and for some reason this is the ONE audio I keep coming back to. I’m magically drawn to it. Why idk but that’s a story from another time.

I’ve been wondering what other people’s experiences have been with it. Does this audio work best for you when you consciously guide the energy towards manifestation, or just play the audio and let it do its thing?


I think its best when you detach from luck results. When i used it i won 3 times on slot machine, i won about 50 euro. Then i started obsesing about casino and my results, and i started loosing. Also I was so focused on money and winning but it worked in other situtations. For example i was waiting bus and my friend suddenly call me that he saw me from his car and then he picked me up. I don’t think that was coincidence.


Yea seems most people do just go about their day, I’m just wondering how the field is intelligent enough to know what one needs or wants if not consciously guided, wonder if it works with the subconscious.

@_OM once posted something about cycles of luck. For me that was best and most logicaly explanation of luck.

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For me this has definitely worked better then the Probability and Luck audio


Hmm ok so basically seems to work subconsciously to fulfill desires. One must be able to recognize and capitalize on opportunities but it’s seems @Captain_Nemo made this audio to do most of the work to help keep one detached from desires and outcomes.

For me this audio is a real mood and energy booster as well. I’m sure a big part of that is via raising my vibration. Gotta say that when combined with the “magical life of abundance” and “ Attract wealth, prosperity and abundance” fields, it seems I’m almost completely worry free and things that are needed for me the most are manifested at Godspeed.


That’s awesome.

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Mechanically speaking from the perspective of Universal laws, you are always abundant. The universe always gives you abundance of what you are the vibration of. So it is not so much thinking I need to be abundant because you always are already so nothing will change. However the question you need to ask yourself is what am I abundant in? Abundant in lack? depression? anger? hate? self-worthlessness? Pinpoint the destructive abundance and simply rise it’s frequency to it’s constructive polar opposite.

You ask how? it comes down to your belief system. This is why meditation is so important. It helps you to be honest with your self and objectively evaluate your beliefs. Once you catch a belief that is generating a destructive behavior, you have the power to change it and re-write your own programming. So meditate and practice mindfulness really easy to start and keep these as a lifestyle. It will truly change your life to the better and place you as the captain of your ship.

So why do you start being unlucky when you’ve had an impressive streak of luck? It’s self-sabotage where the ego comes in and adds lower vibrations of greed or unworthiness of that much luck.

For luck specifically, I would play the Attract Good Luck and Fortune Audio along with Probability and Luck audio which has some self-sabotage prevention.

Good-Luck :four_leaf_clover::+1:


Is this still available?

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