Attract & Radiate Quantum Love Album




Lol just finished up the 4 series and the music got me acting like “dis so beautiful”. IMG_2314

Going to sleep with beautiful dreams. :metal:


Was just thinking about my last night’s experience listening to the music, my experience with them afterwards and everyone’s experiences mentioned here, while doing suryanamaskars, anulom vilom and kapalbhati this morning and had a vision of the lipomas opening up and melting away, disappearing into nothingness as I sat in gratitude after the exercise.

I used to visualise this in my meditations, but this was autonomous!
Visions of the lipomas on the limbs and spine just reducing and disappearing…

P7Bd (1)

Even had a vision of hair growing back like grass and leaves on a tree.



I became mad and upset because my brain loses control of my bodily functions (muscle problems).
I listened to this and I immediately calmed down and the sun began to shine when I thought of the future :hearts:
Thank you!


I wonder if the effects would be different on each track or is it just the same field?


I slept with this. This review can be about the fields or simply my natural sleep cycle xD

So here goes:

  • QL Number one: Too energizing, can’t sleep with it. Better to play like 5x max way before you’re in bed.

  • QL Number two: Still energizing, but may give colorful dreams. At first I saw a yellow light sheet with a golden star seal on it.

  • QL Number three: Well at this point I was asleep. This may be the best to sleep to, or it may simply be I’ve been for hours in bed. I feel it is energizing so it could help to sleep less, have dreams, and still survive next day.

  • QL number four: Woke me up, but it can be slept to. It made me sleepy once again, took me to deep sleep (after keeping me awake for a while). It made me feel really ungrounded so once I managed to (yes, makes for really deep sleep) I looped automated grounding…which sent me to another bout of deep sleep and then I had real trouble waking up.

I don’t know how to optimize this…but it’s better to either avoid number four, or go through them faster, or I dunno…but I’m sure if I woke up and afterwards looped grounding, I’d have gotten sleepy again.

I think playing number one and four before sleep, then number three while sleeping and number two for waking up would be best. Or play only number three on loop.

As for the dreams themselves…love is in the air. And awareness/lucidity too. Enjoy (or not, cause it’s gonna make you feel “alright” with people you hate, see them in love, etc).

When I was awake and struggling to sleep, and then asleep and struggling to wake up, I couldn’t help but think of past relationships too, and how I have nothing against those people and even still admire them (but my mind was closing the story even more than it already is).

  • QL Number one: Too energizing, can’t sleep with it. Better to play like 5x max way before you’re in bed.

I may agree here; I accidentally looped it more than 5 times, and then I had a headache. Unfortunately, I cannot recall how my crown chakra was this time.


I am looping this playlist, now for half an hour, and don’t feel anything :man_shrugging:
What am I doing wrong?

When I play “Attract More Love Into Your Life” or “Blueprint of Love” I can feel it.


I feel like these two works on your energy field to be sensed by the public world when ever you go that’s why you are able to feel those

Quantum love album works on connections between you and your soulmate…

If you are already with it strength it

If not it radiate and attract it your way


Sorry, but where does it say anything about “soulmates”?
These Quantum Love fields do not have a public description.
Do you think the album’s title is a reference to this book?


I took this from my experience with it, in the past to love energy field

And this one seems not the same attraction is there not same feeling of it, the first one would stimulate heart chakra and you can feel it, this quantum field its barely there.
If Quantum taking by its name that could mean only Quantum entanglement.

Actually i didn’t take that amazon description i took the Quantum entanglement concept. I think that dream wouldn’t put quantum just as fancy name. If its there then there is meaning to it.


Isn’t it comparable with the tor browser? Each of us acting as a sending/receiving knot, strengthening the “love-network” with every listen, which also attracts more and more listeners, perpetual mobile effect like.

At least for me it has a strong “global love-network” feeling to it.

The users are aiding in the healing, connecting and vibrational raising of humanity, while healing themselves and their immediate environment.

Win-Win for everybody

The Takeover of Love


@rphilipose5825 Funny, just as I glanced over your response I heard/felt “maybe that’s not quite true”. What if your sensitivity is just occurring in a way you don’t notice because it’s different than what you expect. Check all your 3D senses, then check for extra senses and dreams. Scan your body with your mind and see if you might be holding onto energy because you don’t know how to process it (or think you don’t). I sense that there is something really miraculous happening with you.


Played these yesterday, got more interested looks from boys and girls lol. Even my gay boss complimented me out of no where. Got more touches from women also.


I’m so grateful for your response. Its reassuring knowing that whatever I’m doing is having an effect on me and thus others can see it. For the longest time I’ve been chasing after money and a way out of my career but recently I’ve shifted towards growing more spiritually and connecting to my higher self to align with my soul purpose. Maybe that’s the miracle that you see.


I don’t know how to explain it. Listening to this album feels so gooood.
I also believie there is some quantum etangelment talking place.
My relationship looks like this sińce i stared to listen.1000009414


Infinite possibilities (is this different from quantum “realm”?) + love = more loving possibility?

That’s how I see quantum love so far. It’s like probability wave but for yourself (if it creates loving outcomes out there, I don’t know, but it seems to like to work internally).

Maybe it could help us answer “how would love see this?” or “what would love do?”

Many of us simply have no clue, so it could be a way to guide us to love so we can finally cultivate it and actually choose it (otherwise it’s our already biased ideas and self-interest, power plays and yada yada).

Not that I claim it does that, but maybe it can.

I’m a bit blocked with fields lately…maybe that’s why Dream released detachment field, because we need to level-up for the new fields, and stay detached for a while until they become the normal for us.


It makes me so peacfull and cozy that i feel sleppy imedialtly. Maybe its just my thing. I can only listen to album in the evening.
I suppose that threre is tons of internal changes taking place.
Its one of my favorite albums so far :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Last night, this album acted like a detachment field. or maybe it was because I meditated to it, but really, I don’t usually get to such a state from such a short meditation. I had 0 thoughts, my mind was so clear and I was full of love.


After i’ve spammed detachment for spiritual growth for few hours

The Quantum feels different to me now, it feels it works on me more than the external world, it gauge me with gentle loving energy very smooth while still thinking of love without attaching myself to it.