Attract & Radiate Quantum Love Album

I’m playing it nightly, haven’t sleep with that serenity in months, like in 3 minutes I’m already in the dreamlands


Update – 2nd day of looping the playlist several times in a row:

Audio 1 – highly irritating and makes me aggressive, probably emotional detox :angry:
Audio 2 – not feeling anything :no_mouth:
Audio 3 – feeling of being hugged :relaxed:
Audio 4 – feeling pressure in chest area, but not heart chakra :confused:


4th day into looping

First Track Good feeling.
Second Track makes me want to cry (feels my heart chakra warming up)
Third Track feels little good.
Fourth Track feels fully loved feels fresh energy around my body.


I´ve noticed an urge to stay away from the audios after my initial experience. “Don´t overdo it”.

I bet that´s my ego fighting back.


feel incredible after listening to this. going on my daily playlist for sureee

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I think you are a senior member but you still have trouble about “feeling the fields”
I know it is not necessary to feel the fields, but come on just develop your energy sensitivity further more.

JAAJ didn’t took the energy awakening course. So you can’t judge member like that. Everyone has their own NS tolerance level.


Maybe you can start really slow and play each one just one time. It’s like bathing in a shower of pink fairy dust! :slight_smile:



Those are gorgeous!
Each mandala corresponds to different song from the album? Or the field is the same for all of them?

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Woow, soo beautiful pictures.

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It’s the same mandala for each.

Feel free to use the images and I invite others to also create and post some here!

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Thanks a lot! How did you create them? You just blended in Photoshop the original Quantum Love Node Mandala with new picture?


And the new mandala will have the strength of the original without any additional energy work on it?

  1. We know that the actual color of the mandala doesn’t matter, so if it’s vivid, black and white or purely red it won’t make a difference.

  2. so long it’s within your realm of frequency, doesn’t matter if the opacity is at 3% or 100% if your subconscious mind can perceive it’s fair game to interact with you.

Now I’ll see if i can get Dream to confirm if it’s fine to alter the image to just contain the hearts and nothing else and see if it’s still the same effect.


Could please explain the steps taken in photoshop? Thanks, @Zen

This really has to be the ultimate album. I mean love is the greatest thing one can feel, we thrive when we are being loved. We become our best selves effortlessly. Thank you for the best gift a human can receive :heart:



During all 4 tracks my insides were on fire. From my intestines till my thyroid I felt an extreme burning sensation which started from the first seconds. As far as I know the gut and the thyroid are highly related. Interesting.

2nd track the tears started.

3rd track uncontrollable crying… Oof

4th track absolute peace and serenity.

Just wow! I only heard them once and couldn’t go more. I have been feeling so unloved these past years so better start slowly.


I never get any damn upvotes on this site haha. But I’ll say it again, these are absolutely amaazing!! Strangers have been sitting next to me in class, smiling, holding the door open. I could really get used to using these daily :)