Attract your soul tribe (Patreon)

Plot twist: we are all in one gigantic soul tribe and this field โ€œjustโ€ makes it easier to connect with everyone


The ES forum has got that โ€˜soul tribeโ€™ feel to it, you know. :slightly_smiling_face::pray:t3:


This is the specific stack I played, the first few days after I get this track.

Stress and Anxiety
Knight Mindset
Blarney Stone
Looped all Quantum Love tracks once or twice
Probability Wave
Attract Your Soul Tribe

The first days I began playing this track, I text my tia on a Friday night, to see how she and my cousins were doing. My tia invited me to go out to the movies on the weekend, just the two of us. :grinning: Which was cool because honestly, I havenโ€™t got out doing too much fun stuff lately, besides my nightly walks after work. Then I played Plasma Flower on my cell phone inside my purse, the whole time I was at the movies. Now we have stayed in contact with each other weekly since then. :slightly_smiling_face::pray:t3:๐Ÿชท Even if itโ€™s just a few texts, โ€˜hey how are you doing,โ€™ that is fantastic to me. Also, my cat seems to be even closer with me than ever. She has always been my little soul tribe sister lol, thats my girl. :grin: Thank you for such a field as this, Dream.


Some additional motivation :smiley:


Same with my dog!

Another thing with this field is that I wanna go out all the time, even when I feel dead tired thereโ€™s a push to go out and willingness to talk to just anyone. Also doing things such as coffe dates by myself. This one really puts you into manifested mode :slight_smile:


๐’ฎ๐‘œ๐“Š๐“ ๐“‰๐“‡๐’พ๐’ท๐‘’ ๐‘œ๐“‡ ๐“ˆ๐‘œ๐“Š๐“ ๐’ป๐’ถ๐“‚๐’พ๐“๐“Ž, with individuals interconnected by vibrant energy lines and their deep, intuitive connections. :revolving_hearts:

:two_women_holding_hands: :people_holding_hands: :two_men_holding_hands:

Sprinkled with
:sparkling_heart: :sparkles: Quantum Love :sparkles: :sparkling_heart:


So beautiful @ecaiii :heart_eyes: Thank you for sharing!
I recently met a Japanese girl in a hostel. A Mexican friend looked at us as we were in a deep conversation. Then out of nowhere he said โ€œYou are friends from a past life. I cannot explain how I know this. But it is what I can feel.โ€


So I could manifest a good friend group or even a partner with this field

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Sure yes.

Possibly, but not surely.


This field seems so interesting to me. While listening, I want to visualize myself how I meet new wonderful people and we start to connect.

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Goat field?

Greatest Of All Time :smiley:

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Not the โ€žgoatโ€œ misunderstanding again :rofl: love it!

This is my favorite field. Was able to connect with so many beautiful like-minded people last year, some of them truly feel like soul family. I usually listen 2-4 times a week. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This is nice to play before an event, gathering at a friends house, before going on a trip, or any other places you could have unexpected encounters! :heart:


Have you even tried listening to it for 4 or more days in a row?

Yesss, looped it daily for 30min when it came out while taking a quick nap :face_with_hand_over_mouth:! I found an amazing community during my travels and very meaningful conversations with strangers happened noticeably more often.
But now Iโ€˜m happy with just listening every other day.


Anyone experienced significant changes with this one? :)

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Yes, most noticeable for me was the effect of builiding up deeper connections and finding more things I have in common with people I already know.
But I got to know quite a few new people too.


Does it also repel toxic friends? I noticed I was befriending great new people, getting closer with all my best friends, but one of them who I was having daily conversations with (purposively ignoring the fact that she was a bit toxic, since sheโ€™s a childhood friend) seems to put herself away naturally.

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it has filtering functions with regular use. ut does search matvhes claryfies whether real match and then if good it will further deepen good connections. however in my exp the field will draw you to real soul friends. some of them could have been your enemues before this field. this amends connections and will be very suited if you work on your own belief and ego. your habbitual reactions to other folk can sometimes repel passable people from you. in short it is also a healing field


I love this field. On the days that I listen to this, I am often bumping into people I get along with in my work building and in my apartment building, as well as meeting new people with whom I quickly discover many commonalities.

I had similar experiences with my brief use of the Attract Like Minded Friends mandala almost a year ago!

So 3 or 4 Fridays ago I tried it before a night out, when my cousin was visiting in town. I thought it would be fun to introduce him to some of my friends. But it was a rainy night, and last minute, so I meditated on this field. That night my two best friends who I reached out to agreed to join us, and my cousinโ€™s friend who lives nearby also agreed to join us. So it was 5 of us, and we all got to know each other well, had great conversations and got along really well. We had such a great time! I even ran into a few other regulars I knew at the bars and met a new person who I had a ton of commonalities with and he joined in with us all for a bit. I regret, we were bar hopping and I didnโ€™t find a way to keep in touch when we suddenly left.

So fast forward to last Friday night, after my previous success, this time I decided to meditate on three fields, Probability Alteration and Luck, Coincidence and Synchronicity and this field. I ran into so many people I knew and met so many new people who I connected with that I lost count! On my way to meet my two best friends at the local bar, I saw on the street someone I met at a medical freedom rally 3 years ago! I knew after that the rest of the night was going to be magical. I donโ€™t go out much like I used to, but when I do I prefer to stick to a few of these local bars where I know I might run into some people, but that night was like none other! Just all throughout the night running into people, people reaching out to me to meet up, great conversations, people I knew just coming and going and meeting so many new people. I was so uplifted the next day all I could think about was all the great connections I made and how happy I was. :)