Patreon P.2
“title”: “The Whale Experience”,
“content”: “Whales are mammals but are creatures of the open ocean; they feed, mate, give birth, suckle and raise their young at sea. They are very complex and intelligent beings. This will help you experience what it is like to be a whale, to have that powerful body, perhaps you may even understand their songs.Use this experience to grow and expand your mind and consciousness.”
“title”: “The Tree Experience”,
“content”: “Have you ever wondered what it would be like to experience life as a tree? The programming will work towards helping you experience that while listening to this. Feel the moss growing upon your body, your roots extending to collect nutrients, feel your leaves reaching upwards to the light.Trees experience time differently than us as well. Perhaps you may be able to connect with nature and gain a new understanding of nature and the botanical kingdom.”
“title”: “The Plant Kingdom”,
“content”: “Do you know that plants talk to each other? there is massive network underground connected by roots and even bacteria, a vast network, plants will take care of each other, keep sending nutrients to a ‘dead’ stump and magically after years, you see a dead stump come to life again. Its due to the persistence and care of the other trees around. Young trees, diseased trees can request more oxygen, nitrogen or sugars and the others will work together to make it happen. This video helps you to connect and be part of that network, it may be difficult to interpret or abstract, but it is an amazing experience to be connected to a very private thing, hidden from the human realm. Close your eyes and let your mind sense all around you. (the forest in the picture is the one you connect to)”
“title”: “The Comfort Of Those Passed”,
“content”: “What this does is that, it connects you with those special to you who have passed on, you should think of a specific person while listening to this to form that connection. Any things of a darker nature will not connect through this, and it maintains that connection only for the duration of the video (all safety precautions).So you can use this basically to ask for inspiration or advice or just to connect to lost loved one that you miss. While popular opinion and writing use the terms ‘get over’ something or ‘move on’ after grieving. The majority of people who have experienced these kind of losses know that we do not move on, we simply reach a different state of mind where we are able to better deal with it, a sort of acceptance. This can also help you reach that state of acceptance.”
“title”: “Stonehenge Portal”,
“content”: “Feel the energy and power of this old place,let the old knowledge there help you grow.”
“title”: “Majestic Pine Forest Portal”,
“content”: "Close your eyes and feel the cool forest breeze faintly soothe your body, feel the rich oxygen invigorate you. Listen to the birds and drift away into a lovely dream or your short vacation into another world.Don’t be surprised if you sense or feel like if you are actually at the place described, that is what these portals are, programmed energetically to actually carry you there.(right click and choose save as, the file is too large as an attachment) "
“title”: “An Evening in Ireland Portal”,
“content”: “Sit back and enjoy, this ‘energetic portal’ in audio which connects you with a specific place in Ireland. Let the place infect you with its charm and magic.”
“title”: “The All Purpose Anxiety removal”,
“content”: "We new research, a class of cells ‘loosely’ called anxiety cells at the moment have been found to be the direct cause for anxiety related conditions, they reside in the ventral part of the hippocampus. The ventral hippocampus also functions in fear conditioning and affective processes.So these cells are induced to be switched off, resulting usually in a massive anxiety reduction, fear reduction and confidence.As you work with this and set more out of usual comfort zones, the brain will begin to re-wire to reflect these new experiences.So while it work exactly as an anxiety reducer, you can begin to slowly permanently make these lasting changes. "
“title”: “Intestine Healing and Regeneration.”,
“content”: “This is combination of fields, targeted to your intestines directly.It will push for a cancer free, healthy intestine, It will also detox these organs directly.Wounds and inflammation can be reduced and scar tissue dissolved.Muscles are also induced the strengthen a little as well.(I may add more details to the description later)Use 2 - 3 times a day for healing existing damageand then once or twice a week, just to maintain.This can cause you to need to use the bathroom in some instances.So be sure to be in a comfortable well prepared area. (remember this is for intestines, not stomach)”
“title”: “Stomach Healing and Regeneration (feat Star)”,
“content”: “This is combination of fields, targeted to your Stomach and healing and regenerating you stomach, it can help with a wide range of problems including ulcers etc.Wounds and inflammation can be reduced and scar tissue may help some types of cancer and remove a range of harmful bacteria.(always a good idea to repopulate with probiotics)(I may add more details to the description later)Use 2 - 3 times a day for healing existing damageand then once or twice a week, just to maintain.”
“title”: “A Journey to Nibiru”,
“content”: "Nibiru is a planet, named from the works of ancient astronaut proponent Zecharia Sitchin, particularly his book The 12th Planet. According to Sitchin’s interpretation of ancient Mesopotamian religious texts, which contradicts conclusions reached by all credited scholars of Mesopotamian history, a giant planet (called Nibiru or Marduk) passes by Earth every 3,600 years, allowing its sentient inhabitants to interact with humanity. Sitchin identified these beings with the Anunnaki in Sumerian mythology and claimed that they were humanity’s first gods. While we simply present this, as is. Take an energetic journey to Nibiru and perhaps meet some of the being there. "
“title”: “Induced Hepatocyte Growth Factor Production. (For Anti-Allergic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects)”,
“content”: “Hepatocyte Growth Factor is actually what your liver uses to regenerate.This videos works on increasing your own production throughout your entire body to work as an Anti-Allergic and Anti Inflammatory effects) Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is known to influence a number of cell types and regulate various biological activities including cytokine production, cell migration, proliferation and survival. Thus, HGF is now recognized to be a key factor in the prevention and attenuation of disease progression. We have reported that HGF reduces allergic airway inflammation, airway hyperresponsiveness, remodeling and development of Th2 cytokines as well.(excerpt from )In mice models, it has also been shown to significantly suppresses Collagen-Induced Arthritis.Use 2-3 times for inflammation and allergy relief and then as needed.Be sure to use your medicines and be responsible, for example if you have a nut or shellfish allergy, do not use this as an excuse to consume the things dangerous for you.”
“title”: “Gum and Lips”,
“content”: “This works towards reduction in melanin in the gum and lips areas.(can help with discoloration from lifestyle and medical problems)2-3 times until results.”
“title”: “Hair Growth Booster”,
“content”: “(For scalp hair only!)This works to help push for faster extra hair growth, (and for all genders) Not for miniaturized follicles, but you can use both to speed results.The approach here is a combination of a few things.Activation of the sonic hedgehog path ways but only the fibroblasts directly around hair follicle.The removal of Dkk1 and stimulation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathways.Removal the WISE protein Via induced HAIRLESS protein production.(Which seems to switch the rest to re-growth phase)Then finally Lin28a directly targeted to follicles.”
“title”: “Abdominal Wall Restoration”,
“content”: “The abdominal wall encloses the abdominal cavity and can be divided into anterolateral and posterior sections. The abdominal wall: Forms a firm, yet flexible boundary which keeps the abdominal viscera in the abdominal cavity and assists the viscera in maintaining their anatomical position against gravity.This works to gently push back ventral (abdominal) hernia into place while strengthening the entire wall itself.It is also designed to help with Diastasis recti and a few other abdominal wall problems.It will also work toward making the support muscles a little bit stronger and more effective. (by inducing a micro workout) 2-3 times a day”
“title”: “Mind Settings”,
“content”: "These are all designed to help slowly change your mindset to reflect the names of the tracks themselves. While also communicating these ideas directly to your subconscious for faster effects and changes,the concept of fields are also directed to the right hemisphere of the brain so that it integrates and drives you further and fast to help you create the goal you want.It also provides a reinforced energy in the background to help you while also removing actively subconscious programs and limitation that work against these goals, (abundance, million dollar mindset and spiritual growth) It may also help with bringing to fruition or acting like a mind machine where you can manifest goals. The fields will also form a ‘bubble’ around you that actively helps nullify external energy sent to you that can stop these attempts at abundance/wealth/growthThe abundance mindsetThis brings abundance towards you, creates a beacon or draw for general (in all forms) abundance and has the mind set and attitude of people who are abundant. (the energy from these are also made to match your own faster, for easier integration.)Million Dollar Empire MindsetThis focuses more on wealth generation and will also draw wealth and opportunity to you.Business contacts along with the attitudes and mental states of those who seem to effortlessly make money.Spiritual Growth States of BeingConsider this a lucky or a luck and probability enhancement for spiritual growth,Watch as you get into a flow of spiritual growth and have synchronous meetings of like minded people. knowledge and understanding comes easier in often coincidental moments. some of the audios I had to reduce quality to upload here, but it doesn’t affect the effects of it, you can use as you wish. "
“title”: “Spa Days”,
“content”: "These are all designed to give your body a wonderful massage treatment,The only area not included is the brain.You may experience a gentle massaging squeeze as tension is released and blood flow is increased.Relax, and enjoy.(these can also help with healing and long term better functioning, the bone one may also help stimulate and rejuvenate marrow etc) "
“title”: “The Body Forbidden”,
“content”: “These were requested en mass and now presented here for your use.Normal suggested daily use times (2-3 times )The fields will directly place the chemicals etc directly to muscle, bone and fat areas to minimize as much side effects as possible.Please research and use responsibly.”
“title”: “Elektosmog”,
“content”: “All are pretty self explanatory, except Radiation Protection and Removal.this also switches on sirt 1, 3 and 6 (along with the removal of radiation inside the body)within the normal human bio process.(so it goes back off again, but this helps protect DNA from radiation damage)that being said, if you are using it and doing chemotherapy,use it after chemo, not before.(because you want the targeted cells to die, just not spread the radiation to the rest of your body, this can make you a little resistant for a few hours)The rest with 2 - 3 listens, it sticks with you for a while.”
“title”: “Stroke Prevention and Help”,
“content”: "This works on a combination of things to reduce the chances of, and help a little with repairs for both Ischemic strokes and Hemorrhagic strokes.Interlukin 33 is used (induced) to get your immune system to start clearing out the buildup of amyloid plaque. Fatty deposits and scar tissue and generally blockages and gently broken up to be removed in arteries and blood vessels.Finally platelet derived growth factor AB is targeted to damaged arteries and blood vessels to facilitate repairs and regeneration.(how do we know which parts are damaged? usually the body produces a bit inflammation in the areas are damaged, you can use that as a guide to find problematic areas)2 - 3 times a day is usually good. "
“title”: “Enpp6 Enzyme”,
“content”: “The ENPP6 gene codes for an enzyme called ecto-nucleotide pyrophosphatase/ phosphodiesterase. The ENPP6 enzyme plays a key role in enabling your brain to grow new oligodendrocytes , the specific type of brain cells that create myelin for neurons. ENPP6 is also highly expressed in myelin itself, suggesting that this enzyme also plays a direct role in the processes that allow oligodendrocytes to produce myelin in the first place.Having proper levels of this gene is therefore important for overall brain myelination 3, which in turn is crucial for optimal cognitive function.SNPs in the ENPP6 gene (such as rs4241784 3) have also been associated with more specific individual cognitive functions, such as fluid intelligence , processing speed , and learning and memory(From works on inducing your production of this, directly in your brain.Use 2 -3 times”
“title”: “Cardarine”,
“content”: “GW501516 is a selective agonist (activator) of the PPARδ receptor. It displays high affinity (Ki = 1 nM) and potency (EC50 = 1 nM) for PPARδ with > 1,000 fold selectivity over PPARα and PPARγ.In rats, binding of GW501516 to PPARδ recruits the coactivator PGC-1α. The PPARδ/coactivator complex in turn upregulates the expression of proteins involved in energy expenditure. Furthermore, in rats treated with GW501516, increased fatty acid metabolism in skeletal muscle and protection against diet-induced obesity and type II diabetes was observed. In obese rhesus monkeys, GW501516 increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and lowered very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL).(From wikipedia)Cardarine (GW501516) may reverse metabolic abnormalities in obese and pre-diabetic individuals by stimulating fatty acid oxidation, burning fat and increasing glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue, which changes the body’s metabolism to burn fat for energy instead of muscle or carbohydrates.This also contains an induced production of Irisin.Use 2 - 3 times.”
“title”: “Parkinson’s Disease Help”,
“content”: "This works on the Basal ganglia and surrounding areas ( Nucleus Accumbens Thalamus etc ).There is a multilayered approach of amyloid and scar/damaged tissue removal, induced stem cell production in those areas and finally the conversion of astrocytes to neurons.What it should do is start the process of regeneration and help in the repair of dopamine production.Use 2 -3 times and be sure to update me with your progress. "
“title”: “Multiple Sclerosis Help Ver 2.0”,
“content”: "Multiple Sclerosis Help Ver 2.0 (Morphic fields in audio) This video is programmed to work on your spine and brain to remove the buildup of scar tissue, Nerve growth factor to increase the health of your nervous system and brain.and finally induced myelination to help restore function.It seems that mostly the spine and cerebellum are affected hence the growing lack of body control as these functions are in the cerebellum.I haven’t seen much research on that. (but this will work on your whole brain)This may also help other nerve conditions etc.This is designed to be a gentle as possible, but re-growing and repair of nerves in damaged areas can sometime cause some painful feelings, imagine you lose sensations in your feet and muscle atrophy etc., the restoration of sensations can be painful as you are now feeling the actual damage in those areas.But that should be in really far advanced cases. "
“title”: “Devic Intercession”,
“content”: “Deva or devi means ‘shining one’ in orginal sanskrit. Modern references in the western world uses it to describe the elemental kingdom and the host of beings that may inhabit there. This video makes that connection between that world and here and petitions the good members to intercede or help in what whatever way they are able to. Lay back and enjoy the connection to things hidden away in the devic realm.”
“title”: “Enhanced Fat Metabolism”,
“content”: “Fats and sugars are the main fuels that the mitochondria uses as the main fuel in each cell. Usually sugar is the main and easiest fuel of choice.When nutrients are scarce, in time of starvation or extreme exertion, cells will switch to breaking down fats instead. This approach is a little different, what is done here is the enzyme prolyl hydroxylase 3 (PHD3) is inhibited, PHD3 acts as a brake that inhibits unnecessary fat metabolism. This brake is released when fuel is low and more energy is needed, such as during exercise. By inhibiting PHD3 production, we allow for more fat metabolism.AMPK production is also induced to compound this effect along with some enhanced nutrient absorbtion directly to muscles which altogether works toward super charging muscle recovery and increasing the usage to fat for energy which can lead to the loss or rather ‘usage’ of fat stores.Here is a summary from an article on neuro science news"Rapid alterations in cellular metabolism allow tissues to maintain homeostasis during changes in energy availability. The central metabolic regulator acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2 (ACC2) is robustly phosphorylated during cellular energy stress by AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) to relieve its suppression of fat oxidation. While ACC2 can also be hydroxylated by prolyl hydroxylase 3 (PHD3), the physiological consequence thereof is poorly understood. We find that ACC2 phosphorylation and hydroxylation occur in an inverse fashion. ACC2 hydroxylation occurs in conditions of high energy and represses fatty acid oxidation. PHD3-null mice demonstrate loss of ACC2 hydroxylation in heart and skeletal muscle and display elevated fatty acid oxidation. Whole body or skeletal muscle-specific PHD3 loss enhances exercise capacity during an endurance exercise challenge. In sum, these data identify an unexpected link between AMPK and PHD3, and a role for PHD3 in acute exercise endurance capacity and skeletal muscle metabolism."2- 3 times”
“title”: “Trauma Healing and Mental Health (For Animals)”,
“content”: "This is designed for our animal friends, to provide amygdala healing,emotional release an a bit of vibrational rising.They will also be surrounded by unconditional love.(For the Amygdala healing, this description taken from the other amygdala video is applicable)What this does is work on the amygdala by healing lesions, damage degeneration by inducing stem cell production and removal of scar tissue. Stored fear memories will be released and also negative mind and body associations. Finally, the field repairs the serotonin receptors in the amygdalae. Stuck emotional and energies are also depatterned and removed then filled back with unconditional love and acceptance. Animals no doubt have also had a lot of traumatic experiences that affect them throughout their life. This is a gentle approach to help give them the ability to enjoy their life with unnecessary worry and stress due to past experiences.Use as much as you need, or rather as much as they need. "
“title”: “Amygdala Healing (+ Fear Release)”,
“content”: “In complex vertebrates, including humans, the amygdalae perform primary roles in the formation and storage of memories associated with emotional events. Research indicates that, during fear conditioning, sensory stimuli reach the basolateral complexes of the amygdalae, particularly the lateral nuclei, where they form associations with memories of the stimuli. The amygdalae plays a role in PTSD, fear storage, fight or flight response, OCD, depression, drug or alcohol dependency etc…What this does is work on the amygdala by healing lesions, damage degeneration by inducing stem cell production and removal of scar tissue. Stored fear memories will be released and also negative mind and body associations. Finally, the field repairs the serotonin receptors in the amygdalae. It should provide help for a large number of people. All in all, this field covers a wide range of emotional and mental issues. Many such issues stem from over or under stimulation of the amygdala. This field works on permanently healing the amygdala and restoring it back to its natural state which… in turn can help bring you back to your natural mental/emotional state. 1-3 times a day should be enough. (all ages)”
“title”: “Biochemical”,
“content”: "New release - Biochemical Album(Generally 2 - 3 times is good enough)Norepinephrine - This stimulates your adrenals to produce norepinephrine and a little bit of adrenaline, helpful in weight loss and getting the extra push needed during work out.Be careful as it can also increase your heart rate. LGD 3303 - This Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) is probably one of safer of all available, used to help grow and enhance muscle while promoting weight loss without causing too much organ specific Androgenic effects, like body hair growth, etc.Hunger Inhibitor - uses the actions of leptin not leptin itself, to let the brain feel less hungry. works on (hunger-blocking effect on the hypothalamus )Unconditional Androstenol - The same androstanol from youtube but with unconditional love and a few tweaks to help reduce the alpha male problems. "
“title”: “Dragon Experience and Intercession.”,
“content”: “This provides a means to experience a bit of that collective memory with a lot drawn from the mythological dragon itself. A collection of memory and fascination with creatures called dragons.We constantly add them to our stories, TV shows and games. We have toys of them, our children grow up with these stories of wonder and myth. It is a integral part of our world. Perhaps some dinosaurs survived while humans evolved and we carry that memory with us in our legends. Dive into that mystical realm, home of these magical beings, wear their shoes and perhaps exhale some of that fiery energy.”
“title”: “Virus Disruption Ver 2.0”,
“content”: "This is programmed to use a few different techniques for a wider family of viruses.It will provide coercion of the immune system to create the T cells and direct them to the infected areas.But also directly providing directed apoptosis of the infected cells, also included are simulants of purple laser light therapy and (far) UVC light (which does not harm existing cells) but will destroy the ones floating around your environment and outer body.It works for a few more families of viruses but not all.Use as much as you need until you find relief and repeat if needed, viruses tend to be aggressive therefore you should also aggressively work towards destroying it.This work on covid and mutations, influenza, common cold and may help with other viruses. "
“title”: “The Testosterone Boost ver 2.0”,
“content”: “The frequencies encoded along with the energetic programming in this video will cause you body to increase its testosterone levels, This videos also uses energy for testicular stimulation to naturally increase your body’s own production. Updated in this version with a bit of confidence, and the dominating power of a lion. (Also enhanced to be stronger and more effective)(recommended twice daily)Not recommended for females, or use with caution also beware of increases in your aggression levels and general alpha male behavior.Updated more efficient nd effective, Mild aromatase inhibitors included.”
“title”: “Luteinizing hormone and Follicle-stimulating hormone”,
“content”: "This stimulates the pituitary gland to produce increased amounts of LH and FSH "
“title”: "Kidney and Adrenal Healing ",
“content”: “The programming here is designed to work on repairing and regenerating your kidneys and adernals. scar tissue is also removed via apoptosis along with fat buildup.Induced Stem cells are made via existing cells, along damaged areas to help with repair.Also the anti bacteria and anti fungus fields are placed to help with infections.Finally the general energy around the is cleaned an refreshed with a little bit of restorative jing.2 - 3 times a day”
“title”: “KCC2 Activation”,
“content”: "KCC2 is a neuron-specific membrane protein expressed throughout the central nervous system, including the hippocampus, hypothalamus, brainstem, and motoneurons of the ventral spinal cord.Peripheral neuropathic pain, typified by the development of spontaneous pain or pain hypersensitivity following injury to the peripheral nervous system, is common, greatly impairs quality of life, and is inadequately treated with available drugs. Maladaptive changes in chloride homeostasis due to a decrease in the functional expression of the potassium-chloride cotransporter KCC2 in spinal cord dorsal horn neurons are a major contributor to the central disinhibition of γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor– and glycine receptor–mediated signaling that characterizes neuropathic pain. A compelling novel analgesic strategy is to restore spinal ionotropic inhibition by enhancing KCC2-mediated chloride extrusion.Which means it helps to try to restore feeling/movement to damaged nerve areas. "
“title”: “GPLD1 Production”,
“content”: "A little-studied liver protein may be responsible for the well-known benefits of exercise on the aging brain, according to a new study in mice by scientists.The findings could lead to new therapies to confer the neuroprotective effects of physical activity on people who are unable to exercise due to physical limitations. Exercise is one of the best-studied and most powerful ways of protecting the brain from age-related cognitive decline and has been shown to improve cognition in individuals at risk of neurodegenerative disease.But many older adults are not able to exercise regularly due to physical limitations or disabilities, and researchers have long searched for therapies that could confer some of the same neurological benefits in people with low physical activity levels.The new study, published July 9, 2020, in Science, showed that after mice exercise, their livers secrete a protein called Gpld1 into the blood. Levels of this protein in the blood correspond to improved cognitive function in aged mice, and a collaboration with the UCSF Memory and Aging Center found that the enzyme is also elevated in the blood of elderly humans who exercise regularly. But the researchers showed that simply increasing the amount of Gpld1 produced by the mouse liver could confer many of the same brain benefits as regular exercise.This increases the production of GPLD1 in your liver and then it enters the blood stream to circulate throughout your body for help produce those beneficial effects. "
“title”: "FULL BODY DETOX ",
“content”: "Toxins are any substance that can be poisonous or cause negative health effects. “Toxin” refers to all the metals, chemicals, pollutants, artificial food ingredients, pesticides, and poisons that cause the body harm. This audio works with the body’s natural process to remove these from your body,So be careful as body odor and waste may have a higher smell than usual during the detox process and you may also experience sickly or flu like symptoms.Listen as much as you want until you achieve the cleansing you want.The video is only 4 minutes long because any longer can make you very sick. It would be a heavy detox at that point. So, listen to it little bits at a time is much more manageable. "
“title”: "Brain Tumor Apoptosis ",
“content”: “The targets Tumor growth in the brain.It induces all the cancerous cells to go into programmed cell death.It works as the previous cancer field except with more targeting and should work also on non cancerous growth.”
“title”: “Thank you all!”,
“content”: "Hey guys, just letting you all know I appreciate the supportand I should be uploading this week and finally catching up with all messages.(maybe Friday here, as I wanted to put some new videos on the channel before)The last few months we have been working nonstop on finishing the course. lot of editing, writing, explaning etc. lol.I hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe in these times.The new virus disruption also targets corona, but I think its safer to just leave the name as ‘virus disruption’ "
“title”: “Mental Health Album”,
“content”: "All are the same as the previous namesake ones.But they are updated to be more efficient and effective.2 - 3 times is usually standard. But use according to you situation.(which can be longer or shorter) "
“content”: “Fall asleep much more quickly with the production of natural melatonin stimulated by this deep sleep music frequency. Melatonin production is what allows the body to relax and triggers sleepiness at night. It regulates your sleep and wake patterns. This audio stimulates the production of melatonin and places the energetic state of melatonin in your body. At the same time, this audio works towards placing your brain in all the states necessary for falling into a deep restful sleep.Consistent use of this audio can help fix/normalize your sleeping patterns. It can also help tremendously with insomnia. This is recommended for use before bed only, also turn audio off right before you do sleep. (Do not keep this audio in loop. No need) One or two listens should produce enough melatonin to make you sleep.”
“title”: “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Increase Oxygen)”,
“content”: "This energy programming in this video increases available free oxygen around you, and increases your natural oxygen absorption rate. This enhances the body’s natural healing process and also improves your health overall. This video mimics hyperbaric oxygen therapy chambers which have three times the normal air pressure. Under these conditions, your lungs can gather more oxygen than would be possible breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure. Your blood carries this oxygen throughout your body. This helps fight bacteria and stimulate the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing. Other conditions treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy include decompression sickness, serious infections, wounds, bubbles of air in your blood vessels, and wounds that won’t heal as a result of diabetes or radiation injury. Other side effects may also be clearer thinking, more energy and more rejuvenating breathing. Note: Do not overuse. Its fine to use everyday but remember that oxygen broken down becomes free radicals which can cause the oxidation of cells. "
“title”: “Face Lift and Facial Toning Ver 2.0”,
“content”: "The programming in this works towards increasing your collagen and elastin production specifically in your face and neck. Platelet-rich plasma is induced to collect in your face, which will create a faster looking ‘lift’ but this is will settle down after a bit, that is more for the increased healing the higher collagen levels etc. will remain. A simulant of Hyaluronic acid is used to induce the healing and restorative benefits of it.All combined should be a very good treatment, I look forward to reading your comments about the effects. 2-3 times should be fine. "
“title”: “Album Two”,
“content”: “Album two, in the process of being released.You can also preview it here”
“title”: “Environmental Energy Accumulator”,
“content”: “What this does is draw and accumulate energy around you or where ever this is played. It works in the environment around you. Maybe you need excess energy for some form of ‘manifestation’ or ‘materialization’ or just need to revitalize the area around you. All living things in this charged environment will also benefit from this. The energy is cleaned, depatterned and neutral.”
“title”: “Uplift Yourself Mass Meditation”,
“content”: “What this video does is help provide a meaningful meditation that engorges you with unconditional love and helps you reflect this beauty and love to everyone you interact with as well. Finally each time it is played it will work on infusing the earth with positivity and love. Creating a gentle loving push for a better future for all. (by helping to raise your personal and the earth’s vibratory state) It also forms a temporary connection with each person who is listening the field itself, to help spread these thoughts, feelings and mental states throughout the earth by the interconnected listeners. (you become like a temporary node in a giant nexus) This can be a major catalyst for earth shifting/change. (file is too large to add as a secondary attachment)”
“title”: “Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal.”,
“content”: “This combines the previous two fat to stem cells and generalized stem cells along with induced apoptosis of scar tissue in organs, muscles and skin. This video is programmed to induce your fat cells to become stem cells, Listening and allowing the music to flow through you will also theoretically pour the energy states of adult stem cells into your body and being, causing cells to resonate with that morphogenic state, which would help produce the obvious benefits of stem cell treatments. it works with the fat around your organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected. It should help you to regenerate. This combination should be pretty effective and may even help with damaged nerves (Where scar tissue has formed between nerve connections. It should be highly effective for healing. Use as much as you want, No head phones are required.”
“title”: “Hair Loss Treatment Ver 3.0”,
“content”: “The intention and programming in this video works in a few ways to help recover and cause hair growth. It will induce the follicles on your scalp to go into the anagen phase, it also uses HGH, Lin28a and stem cells targeted to the follicles to strengthen, thicken and recover the follicles. DHT buildup will be removed and reduced. Stem cell production will also be induced. Added to this version, blood vessels are dilated to increase blood flow, far light infrared is also targeted to the scalp and finally, Janus kinase (JAK 1, 2, 3 and TYK2 ) are inhibited. one or twice is fine”
“title”: “Leptin Resistance”,
“content”: “This one help with weight gain due to leptin resistance.One or twice a day.(it restores proper leptin production, but to keep it like this you need to change some parts of your diet)”
“title”: “Pregabalin”,
“content”: “Pregabalin, marketed under the brand name Lyrica among others, is a medication used to treat epilepsy, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, and generalized anxiety disorder.Was made for someone who couldn’t receive their medications due to covid restrictions…”
“title”: "Sapien Medicine ",
“content”: “Album One”
“title”: “Teeth Regeneration Ver 2.0”,
“content”: "The energetic programming placed on this video is designed to work towards stimulating your teeth for regeneration from cavities and general damage. It will not re-grow lost teeth. It uses α-MSH (alpha version of melanocyte-stimulating hormone) which has been shown in experiments to produce teeth repair and regeneration.This has been updated to speed the healing and also the addition of Tideglusib (non-ATP-competitive glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibitor) and transforming growth factor beta 1. Merged with this is the previous new tooth regeneration, which may help with regeneration and even regrowth (so far only 2 cases of regrowth but these were in younger individuals.) Finally add to this is some mild UVC and hydrogen peroxide for a whitening effect and bacteria destruction. (localized only to teeth)Use 2 - 3 times a day. "
“title”: “HGH (feat. Vakkuum)”,
“content”: “From sapien medicine - album twocollaboration with Vakkuum. energetic programming in this should help stimulate the pituitary gland and elevate the levels of human growth hormone in your body. HGH can help with anti aging, muscle growth, collagen production, wrinkle reduction, reversing hair greying etc.Updated from the previous version but not the same as version 2.0Enjoy this boosted youtifying hormone”
“title”: “Glutathione Super Anti-Oxidant Ver 2.0”,
“content”: “Glutathione is one of the most powerful, prevalent antioxidant that your body system naturally generates. It is present in every single cell within your entire body.This signals your liver and cells to increase its production of Glutathione so that you can experience its multitude of benefits, Be sure to get extra nutrients in your body so you can sustain the enhanced production. use 2 to three times a day.”
“title”: “Far Infrared”,
“content”: “From sapien medicine - album two Far infrared comes from the sun, it the part that helps us to keep warm and large contributor to that feeling of heat in the sunlight.Far Infrared therapy (FIR) involves the use of Far Infrared rays to gently heal, soothe, stimulate and detox the physical body, as well as the mind.this type of therapy may help in fat loss, chronic fatigue, water retention, skin disorders, as well as in the elimination heavy metals, poisons, and carcinogenic material from our bodies.Far Infrared therapy very gently increases blood flow by expanding the capillaries that carry blood. It also increases oxygenation and regeneration of the blood, deeply detoxifying it for the improved functioning of all of the major organs in the body, which depend on blood for energy. This detoxification is on the deepest level, allowing hidden toxins in the blood and tissue to be dissolved or immobilized.Far Infrared boosts our immune system, increasing the amount of white blood cells and killer T-cells. It can also boost your metabolism.”
“title”: “Energy Blockage Removal”,
“content”: “The combination of fields energetically programmed here will work towards dissolving and removing energy body blockages as well as stimulate and grow your chakras in a wholesome positive way. You may experience better health and spiritual growth with regular listening, you may even notice different abilities growing and developing.”
“title”: “Reiki Massage”,
“content”: “Energy healing video, its like having your body massaged with energy and a reiki treatment. To help with relaxing, muscle pains and a general all round healing.”
“title”: “Repel Negative Energy ver 2.0”,
“content”: “This audio disconnects you from negative energy from your environment and people around you so you are unaffected by it. We generally enter a negative state of mind due to negative energy from other people and the environment. Negative energy is contagious and I know you have experienced this firsthand when you’ve had someone’s bad mood rub off on you. But most of the time, it is subtle and you don’t notice your environment affecting your state of mind and affecting your mood. In fact, some of us live in negative environments and feel like crap on a daily basis. Its not that we’re negative, its the environment that makes us this way! This audio will change that. With this audio, you will disconnect from the negativity from the outside world and be unaffected by it… You will also find yourself getting into a bad mood less and less often. NOTE: The difference between this video and the "clear negative energy video" is that this video disconnects you the negative influence of other people throughout the day. The clear negative energy video clears negative energy that is inside you and negative entities that are attached to do.(As to this update, elements of the negative energy video has been added to this as well.)The gumroad version of the remove negative energy and entity removal is the same as the older one.”
“title”: “Ego Dissolution”,
“content”: “Pausing the ego’s patterns can allow for moments of pure clarity and openness. In these moments of mental malleability, we can create new patterns that stay with us to overcome the negative patterns that dominate our lives. But best of all, its a break of all the weight that the patterns of the mind have on us and feel free for an extended period of time. The effect of this is called ‘ego dissolution’ and it is what this audio induces in you. One thing to keep in mind is that, your ego may fight back against its dissolution. It may feel like ‘you are fading.’ You really aren’t. The ego has a snake grip on your consciousness and it hangs on to dear life when one rids itself of its grip. For the full experience, try to let go and mental freedom will be rewarded. And no, the effects are not permanent. You will regain your sense of self after some time. But you can certainly create new patterns in this state of openness that are otherwise very difficult to create.This can definitely be a great help in your own spiritual growth and development,You may feel resistance but this is probably the most gentle way to do this.Listening to this can also increase your mind’s susceptibility to other fields and enhance their effects on you. Other than the energetic effects, areas of high density of 5-HT2A receptors will have an increased glutamate level, there is also be some enhanced glucose absorption,(brain fuel) to compensate for the increased cell excitability which should take place in the frontal and temporal regions.”
“title”: “Avalon”,
“content”: "It is also sometimes written as Avallon or Avilion, is a legendary island featured in the Arthurian legend, a realm of faeries and of magic.have you ever thought of how it would feel to experience the energy of this place?Enjoy this energetic creation that can take you on a journey to Avalon.Fictional? perhaps, but have you ever heard of hy-brasil? "
“title”: “Eye Regeneration Ver 2.0”,
“content”: “The sounds here are energetically programmed, it is a combination of fields and effects.The three fields and updates added to this are as follows.;1.The frequencies and programming placed on this video is designed to work towards reshaping your lens and strengthen the ciliary muscles that control the lens.2.This works by focusing on the damaged areas and inducing the cells there to turn into a stem cell state then driving those cells to work on repairing the damage.Also helps the optic nerves as well. 3. This works to remove the buildup and clumping of the proteins in the eyes that lead to cataracts,(even for existing cataracts) it should work for humans and animals. (It works similarly to lanosterol.)This also removes any scar tissue buildup and enhance the brain/eye nerve and neuron connections.”
“title”: “Youth Recapture ver 2.0”,
“content”: "Youth Recapture ver 2.0Recapture your youth, this video is made to take you back to that special point in life when you were full of energy and potential. The video is designed to tell the core of your being to let you experience the teen years again. To produce the same level of hormones and cellular age. It is a gentle nudge, not direct programming. So in the end you rejuvenate by your own internal ability and design. "
“title”: “Collagen Booster Ver 2.0”,
“content”: “The fields programmed in this video will cause your skin, bones/joints and cartilage to increase its natural collagen production, resulting in a younger looking and feeling you. Fibroblasts should be induced to produce both type I and II collagen targeted to the areas mentioned above. It should be permanent over time. Use to your desired quality then simply maintain over time.Use 1 - 2 times a day for best results.”
“title”: “Breast Enhancement Ver 2.0”,
“content”: "The programming in this will work towards inducing existing fat cells to increase (by cell division) by using platelet-derived growth factor-AB (PDGF-AB) targeted to the fat cells, along with HGH and estrogen. Fat will also be mobilized from other areas in the body and be coerced to deposited in the breast tissue. Excess skin and stretch mark scar tissue with be induced into Apoptosis, so that it will also firm the gravity related issues. Will also mildly strengthen the muscle tissue underneath. Use 2 - 3 times a day for best results. "
“title”: “Pranayama Training”,
“content”: “Pranayama is basically using your breath to absorb the vital energy around you.An easy method to start doing this is as follows; you take a deep breath for a count of about 4 seconds.Hold that breath for 6 seconds, then exhale for a count of 4 seconds again.Now this part is important, you need to hold an empty breath for 6 seconds, this means do not inhale and keep your lungs empty. Then you restart the process.What this does is create a small ‘vacuum’ in your energy system and lungs, so when you inhale you will automatically draw in energywith the next breath, which then circulates throughout your system.It helps to imagine that you or your nose and lungs have become a giant straw that is sucking in the air/energy.”
“title”: “Animal Regeneration Ver 2.0”,
“content”: “When you care for an animal/pet it becomes a very important part of your life and family, you will always want the best for them. This video is programmed to induce the fat cells of your animal friend to become stem cells, it works with to the fat around their organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected.Also combined are the Anticancer field, Viral disruption and an attempt to lengthen telomeres.It should help them to regenerate even de-age a bit. Use as much as you want, (or they need) No head phones are required.(works better on mammals but would also work on other animals and pets)”
“title”: “Attention and Focus (Morphogenic Field, Energetically Programmed)”,
“content”: "Neuropsychological and imaging studies indicate that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with alterations in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and its connections to striatum and cerebellum. Presented evidence from prior studies indicate that the medial part of the prefrontal cortex is involved in the integration of raw, unintegrated information into coherent, wholistic mental representations such as perceptual objects, episodic memories, emotional states, and motor actions.So reasoning would be that stimulation and neuron growth in the prefrontal cortex would help with ADHD and ADD symptoms.Other than that, it would give a boost to your attention and focus. What is done is some electrical stimulation to help increase neuron connections and specifically targeted NGF and BDGF with amyloid removal and damage repair. 2-3 times "
“title”: “Patreon Posts”,
“content”: “Hey Guys I will uploading here in a day or two,There is a lot to upload so, expect a lot of notifications lol.My apologies for the delays!”
“title”: “The Crystal Cave (Energetic Alchemy)”,
“content”: “This is somewhat like a portal, but you get the energy and experience of actually being inside of this specific crystal cave in mexico.”
“title”: “Pranic Swirls”,
“content”: “Gathers raw prana from around you and compresses it into your system, It is cleaned and depatterned at first.”
“title”: “Rain Drops (Energetic Alchemy)”,
“content”: “This infuses you and environment around you with the energy and environmental state of a thunderstorm.In fact, playing it on loop can even cause rainfall, but its not actually designed for that especially.”
“title”: “Body Nerve Healing”,
“content”: “So what this does is promote apoptosis on scar tissue between nerve connections, target NGF and induced stem cells to those areas as well and ‘super charging’ the mitochondria in each cell to speed the healing process.Some of this is sent to bone area as well.Use 2 - 3 times a day.”
“title”: “Pleurisy”,
“content”: “This works like the new lung restoration ver 2.0 but also helps with inflammaion/Pleurisy.”
“title”: “Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity”,
“content”: “The part of the brain that connects the two hemispheres of the brain is called the corpus callosum. It contains a bundle of neuronal fibers found in humans and other higher-order mammals that allow the two hemispheres to talk to one another.The left side of the brain is responsible for controlling the right side of the body. It also performs tasks that have to do with logic, such as in science and mathematics. On the other hand, the right hemisphere coordinates the left side of the body, and performs tasks that have do with creativity and the artsGreater neuron connectivity between the hemispheres can enhance whole-brain thinking, it was said that Einstein’s Genius is Linked to Well-Connected Brain Hemispheres.This works by inducing the neurons in the corpus callosum to fire and form new and more connections between the left and right while also inducing the production of nerve growth factor and BDNF in this specific area.Use 2 - 3 times a day.”
“title”: “Pancreas Regeneration (energetically programmed audio)”,
“content”: “The programming here is designed to work on repairing and regenerating your pancreas from damage at the same time removing any blockages in the veins.Scar tissue is also removed via apoptosis along with fat buildup.Induced Stem cells are made via existing cells, along damaged areas to help with repair and regeneration.Betatrophin is also targeted to the pancreas to increase the beta cellsAlso the general energy around is also cleaned an refreshed.(use 2 - 3 times a day)”
“title”: “Kanpu Masatsu (Automated)”,
“content”: “Kanpu masatsu (乾布摩擦, literally dry towel friction) is a Japanese custom where one rubs a dry towel along the body to create warmth and friction, particularly in cold weather, to promote good health or ward off disease. Although it physically resembles a vigorous sponge bath, kanpu masatsu is not a form of bathing as its goal is to warm the skin by friction and not to cleanse or wipe the body. Kanpu masatsu is often practiced in a group environment, particularly among children in schools where it is sometimes part of a morning exercise routine. Popularly imagined to prevent disease, especially colds and flu, like many folk beliefs its effectiveness is unclear, though there is some evidence it may be mildly helpful. A 2012 study of 24 males at the Department of Immunology, Niigata University School of Medicine found changes in lymphocyte and granulocyte levels versus a control group and concluded that kanpu masatsu is a "mild aerobic, systemic exercise that might affect the immune system via the autonomic nervous system." A 2002 study at Central Aizu General Hospital of bedridden elderly patients reported possibly beneficial results, concluding "This technique may be used to reduce a variety of complications caused by the decreased immunity observed in bedridden old patients." The description above is from Wikipedia, but this replicates a full body version of the exercise with the static build up. personal observations as to the benefits include better blood flow, surface toxins removal and finally bacteria and fungus reduction on the outer skin due to the static electrical destruction”
“title”: “Alien Intercession”,
“content”: “This is an interesting creation, I am not sure if it is for everyone, but anyways, this one calls on; (like the previous intercession ones), this calls specifically our universal neighbors.This works to call and invite help in whatever beneficial way there is, from our surrounding neighbors (in the universe, as in what people call ‘alien’) but only those who have your best interest in mind. It also invites that help directly into your personal life, in the same way.This is encoded energy, it works by just listening.Use as much as you please.”
“title”: “Tap into the Collective Consciousness”,
“content”: “The collective consciousness is according to Durkheim (Sociologist), is the set of shared beliefs, ideas, and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society, in a more spiritual sense, it is the sum of experiences and knowledge that have been experienced by people or even being throughout the universe. We have a natural connection to this as we each contribute to it as just a natural function of our being, This works in a specific way, in that it will help provide you with answers to any question you may have. Maybe you need guidance or ideas.To use this you think of the questions you have, and it will search the collective for these answers and then provide it to you in a conceptual fashion.You will observe that the answers will come to you in an inspired way. Or even in meditation afterwards.It also helps develop your own natural connection to this.Use 2 - 4 times. Its not made for meditation with, but you can if you wish.”
“title”: “Heart Restoration (Energetically Programmed Audio) ver 2.0”,
“content”: “The programming here is designed to work on repairing and regenerating your heart from damage at the same time removing cholesterol and Plaque buildup in the arteries.The cholesterol removed and the plaque broken up into tiny bits and removed from your system.It targets a larger area than just around the heart (for plaque and blockages)scar tissue is also removed via apoptosis along with fat buildup.Induced Stem cells are made via existing cells, along damaged areas to help with repair.Also the general energy around the heart is cleaned an refreshed.(use 2 - 3 times a day)”
“title”: “Mitochondrial‐targeted catalase (Longevity Series) (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: "Age is a major risk for cardiovascular diseases. Although mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been proposed as one of the causes of aging, their role in cardiac aging remains unclear. Tests have been done, showing that that overexpression of catalase targeted to mitochondria (mCAT) prolongs murine median lifespan by 17-21%.This works in the same way for you, by directing the Catalase to Mitochondria.It may not have drastic effects on younger people but older or with the modern day commercial diet it should be very helpful.You can read more below. "
“title”: “Liver Cirrhosis Treatment ver2.0 (Energetic Video)”,
“content”: “The energetic/morphic information encoded in this video will cause you body to produce high amounts of Hepatocyte growth factor and Epidermal growth factor specifically targeted to your liver, these factors help with liver regeneration and restoration of functions. It has also been updated to promote apoptosis of fat and scar tissue.So it is also beneficial for removing fat from fatty livers and regeneration without scar tissue. Use as much as you need to(2-4 times)”
“title”: “Appendix Problems”,
“content”: “This works on healing the damage to the appendix and intestines, also antibacterial and antifungus to kill any bacteria etc that may be causing the appendix/intestinal painIt should be safe to use, even if you do not have issues in there areas, always remember to get probiotics after, use as much as you need, until you start feeling better”
“title”: “Probability Alteration and Luck”,
“content”: "What this does is draw the concepts of abundance and luck to you and also place you into the flow of luck. "the flow of luck’ is a state of being where everything seems to just flow into place,this happen at the right time in an almost coincidental way.This will also alter probability to help get the best outcomes of situations for you.The problem a lot of people may have is that; sometimes there is a differed ‘bad luck’ or bad situations which happens.This occurs, because mentally you may believe you do not deserve these blessings and mentally create situation to ‘right’ it.This will also work on removing that and depatterning it from you.The effect should stay with you for a bit after listening, it depends on the normal energetic weathering you experience. Use as much as you need, but once or twice is usually fine for a day. "
“title”: “Synesthesia (Morphic Field Audio)”,
“content”: “Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. People who report a lifelong history of such experiences are known as synesthetes. Awareness of synesthetic perceptions varies from person to person. In one common form of synesthesia, known as grapheme–color synesthesia or color–graphemic synesthesia, letters or numbers are perceived as inherently colored. In spatial-sequence, or number form synesthesia, numbers, months of the year, or days of the week elicit precise locations in space (for example, 1980 may be "farther away" than 1990), or may appear as a three-dimensional map (clockwise or counterclockwise).Synesthetic associations can occur in any combination and any number of senses or cognitive pathways.This is energetically programmed to induce and create those connections with the neurons for a more unified sensory experience.This may take some time, but it should also help somewhat with aphantasia Use 3-4 times a day/.”
“title”: “Varicose and Spider Veins Removal Treatment”,
“content”: “This works towards helping diminish and remove Varicose and spider veins throughout your body.It promotes apoptosis of the veins so that blood flow is rerouted through other areas. Results may take a while.Use 3 to 4 times a day. (It may be painful to some or have heavy sensations)”
“title”: “Unstoppable Willpower”,
“content”: "Willpower is the ability to control oneself and the decisions one makes. It’s the ability to delay gratification and choose long-term rewards over short-term rewards. Research supports the notion that willpower and the ability to delay gratification are vitally important for a successful, productive life.This is energetically programmed to work towards directly strengthening and developping that innate ‘will’ you have.The subconscious blocks and limits to this is also actively removed/dissolved while it is being strengthened.Willpower can help us develop good habits and eliminate bad ones. It allows us to persist in difficult times and to act ‘gritty’. It also provides us with the fortitude to stick to our decisions and see things through even when we do not feel like it. Use as often as you wish, there is a compounded effect as well. "
“title”: “Higher Self Connection”,
“content”: “This works on growing strengthening and solidifying your connection to your higher self, or the higher state of being that exists with a deeper connection to the source of all things.With general use, expect inspiration, signs even direct communication (depends on how your brain itself works, each person has different ways of interpreting data (Information).Use 3 - 4 times a day.It removes blockages to that connection as well.(image also has the field in this one)”
“title”: “Etheric Cord Cutter”,
“content”: “An Etheric Cord is something that allows you to connect to another person, place, time or event and receive and send energetic information. This audio works on an energetic level when listened to; on cutting and removing those connections negative and lower beings have made with you.It may be painful for some, but the gain in life, energy and power is immense.Literally you feel lighter afterwards.”
“title”: “Emotional Release”,
“content”: “This works to energetically remove the stored negative emotional energy stored throughout your body and heart areas, it also will also help remove the memory of trauma and pain stored in different areas of your body, due abuse/damage etc. Its pretty safe to use as much as you need. Usually the body keeps a sort of memory of things that have happened to it, like say a knife wound or even tattoos.Even emotional energy can be stored, like emotional hurts/pain throughout your body and heart area. To reach a higher level of healing, these things sometimes need to be removed and released. Or you may even be looking to just move forward in life and let go of the past hurts.”
“title”: “Atmospheric Vibration Riser”,
“content”: “This is designed for your environment, to help remove the stuck lower vibrational energies from around the place you are (where ever you play it).It excites the ambient vibration around you then propagates it, so there is an continuous added effect (in the area it affects) I think it is important, that your environment also remains ‘clean’.We all do not have the luxury if we are on a spiritual path to find a cave to live in or remote mountains, where we can keep away from the conflicting energetic states around us.So this provides a mean by which you can easily keep your surroundings clean, or maybe there was an argument or even criminal activities and you want to get rid of that ominous energies and emotions.Use as much as you need.”
“title”: “BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor)”,
“content”: " Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, also known as BDNF, is a protein that, in humans, is encoded by the BDNF gene. BDNF is a member of the neurotrophin family of growth factors, which are related to the canonical nerve growth factor. Neurotrophic factors are found in the brain and the periphery.BDNF acts on certain neurons of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, helping to support survival of existing neurons, and encouraging growth and differentiation of new neurons and synapses. In the brain, it is active in the hippocampus, cortex, and basal forebrain—areas vital to learning, memory, and higher thinking. BDNF is also expressed in the retina, kidney, saliva, prostate, motor neurons and skeletal muscle.So this may accelerate healing from damage in all of these areas, and compound the effects of the other brain related videos.Use once or twice a day. "
“title”: "Irritable bowel syndrome ",
“content”: "Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a prevalent and debilitating gastrointestinal condition. Research has reported persistent, low-grade mucosal inflammation and significant overlaps between patients with IBS and those with dyspepsia, suggesting a possible pathogenic role of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in IBS.This works specifically to help heal your stomach and kill the Helicobacter bacteria.May not help all types. But a large amount of user who had this experienced a marked reduction in problems.Use 2- 3 times a day, longer should be fine also. "
“title”: “Rectocele”,
“content”: “A rectocele is a herniation (bulge) of the front wall of the rectum into the back wall of the vagina. The tissue between the rectum and the vagina is known as the rectovaginal septum and this structure can become thin and weak over time, resulting in a rectocele. When rectoceles are small, most women have no symptoms.This works to help heal and repair that. Use up to 3 times a day as sensations may be strong.”
“title”: “Rectovaginal fistula”,
“content”: “What it does is help remove bacteria etc buildup, to ‘sanitize’ the area and infection potentials.The fistula itself will be induced to become stem cells and then to heal and seal properly.May work on other fistulas as wellUse up to 3 times a day”
“title”: “Delays”,
“content”: “”
“title”: “Some evidence”,
“content”: “Here is something you may be interested in,one of these was placed over night with the new plant field.As you can see what happened in the morning, its growing towards the speaker where the field was playing. With fresh new leaves unfurling. I hope to compile a lot more of these and maybe get a study done or just keep it as evidence/proof for all the constant slander.”
“title”: “Alchemy Of Love”,
“content”: “Hope you all can download it now”
“title”: “Plant Growth and Enhancement (Energetically Programmed)”,
“content”: “This is for your plant friends, to promote robust growth and strengthening or even recovery from damage, it has unconditional love, plant life force and some plant growth factors.Use for your plants 2-3 times.Also maybe a good test, since obviously plants cannot be affected by placebo or a group mentality. I would love to see your results also.also a re-paste of this Hey Guys, we need your help on this one, if you are up to it, we would like to collect a body of evidence in a non invasive kind of way, So if you have plants and would like to send us before and after pictures, progress reports etc we would appreciate it. (time stamps are good also) email us Chances are with evidence, we can have more parties interested in doing studies and research with with us.”
“title”: “Myostatin”,
“content”: “Myostatin (also known as growth differentiation factor 8, abbreviated GDF-8) is a myokine, a protein produced and released by myocytes that acts on muscle cells’ autocrine function to inhibit myogenesis: muscle cell growth and differentiation. In humans it is encoded by the MSTN gene.What does is change the cell expression for two changesIt is located on Chromosome 2 and these changes are made, cell function, not genetic.rs35781413(A;A)rs1805086(G;G)For hypertrophic functions”
“title”: “Lower Your Blood Pressure (Morphic/Energetic Programming)”,
“content”: “The frequencies encoded along with the Morphic/Energetic Programming in this video uses two methods to control your heart and blood pressure, Beta-Blockers ( Beta-blockers also keep your heart from pumping so hard ) and alpha blockers ( This type of high blood pressure medicine reduces nerve impulses that tell your vessels to tighten. Your blood vessels remain relaxed, lowering your overall blood pressure.) Its all natural and cost free without the risk of any heart damage. (recommended twice daily)”
“title”: “Kidney Regeneration (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “Using frequencies and energetic progamming, this audio is specifically made to help stimulate the Wnt-beta-catenin signaling pathway in your kidneys which helps begin the process of renal regeneration.”
“title”: “Experimental Keratosis Pilaris Treatment (Energetically Programmed)”,
“content”: "Keratosis pilaris or “chicken skin” is a common skin condition that causes patches of rough-feeling bumps to appear on the skin. These tiny bumps or pimples are actually dead skin cells plugging hair follicles. These bumps sometimes appear red or brown in color.Keratosis pilaris is caused by a buildup of keratin, the protein that protects skin from infections and other harmful things. The buildup forms a plug that blocks the opening of a hair follicle, but doctors don’t know what triggers the buildup.This works to help moisturize the skin and remove the Keratin Buildup along with the hair follicle, it would also help with removing the melanin builup which causes the discoloration. Use 2 -3 times a day until you see results, this condition can also take a while to clear up. But I think it should work well. "
“title”: “Justice For all”,
“content”: “For help with the injustices you have experienced in lifeThis works to call upon whoever can help, to intercede on your behalf to provide you with justice from your perceived wrongs.It is done in the most beneficial way to you. Use as needed. Will also call upon the archetypes of lady justice and Raguel.”
“title”: “Automated Grounding”,
“content”: “Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body.What this does is automate that process, but also in addition the energy grounded is depatterned and has unconditional love added to it, to also serve as a mutually beneficial process between you and the earth. 2 - 3 times is usually enough and should last quite a while until you feel like you need it again. You can use for longer if you need.”
“title”: “Cloaking Field”,
“content”: "Sometimes you just want to be left alone, what this does is blends your aura into the back ground of the environment around you, so that you don’t stand out and really cant be perceived psychically. It also has some of the invisibility field effects. So people will generally find it harder to notice you.Entites around will still remain but they wont be able to ‘see’ youIt should last a while after you listen. "
“title”: “Natural Effective Breast Enlargement ( Psychic/Morphic energy programmed audio )”,
“content”: “At each cell division in your breasts, the frequencies encoded in this video along with the subliminal and supraliminal programming will cause those new cells to become or take on the attributes of stem cells, fat cells, and human growth hormone, (this will cause those specific cell and hormone types in increase in your breasts) which gradually causes your breasts to increase in size over time, naturally and cost free. You can look at it as often as you wish for faster results.”
“title”: “CBD (Cannabidiol) Energy Frequency”,
“content”: "Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound in cannabis that has a lot of medical effects. It even functions in a neuro-protective way on your brain. The frequencies encoded in this video will program work as consuming CBD exercising all of its effects and benefits on your body. "
“title”: "Anti Aging ",
“content”: “It uses an cellular memory capture, to find out how it was structured when around 16- 18. Then overlays this information on the cells, so that that grow into this age.This is finer of the finer details, otherwise it also works on your general body functions with hormone levels and collagen levels.Slowly with each listen, keeps or puts back cellular age to around 16 - 18”
“title”: “Hope and Happiness (Energetically/Morphic Programmed audio)”,
“content”: "What does is help to provide a safe place to keep you going in these trying times.Be there to help comfort you if you need it, and help lift the burden off your shoulders. It helps to directly clear the negative emotional energy buildup in your heart and brain while replacing it with positivity. "
“title”: “Lung Restoration and Strengthening Ver 2.0 (Morphic Field)”,
“content”: "The frequencies encoded in this video will program work to strengthen and restore your lung functions and increase its capacity. This would be beneficial to smokers, ex-smokers, as well as helping with age related breathing difficulties. This has been updated to also help with scar tissue and damaged tissue removal. "
“title”: " Posture Help with Atlas Adjustment (Energetically Programmed Audio)",
“content”: "This works on gradually training your muscles to hold a proper posture and well as aligning your atlas vertebrae along with few others into a straighter position.Use 2-3 times a day then reduce as you normally start holding a proper posture. "
“title”: “Vagus Nerve Stimulation (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “The frequencies and programming used in this video will work on stimulating the vagus nerve of the listener for the duration of the video. Can help reduce epilepsy problems, (length and frequency ) Help with insomnia (listen before bed or until you start feeling sleepy) There is a host of other things it may be able to help with from depression to lowering blood pressure. Do not listen and operate heavy machinery or go driving. Use as much as you need.”
“title”: “Vitiligo Experimental Treatment (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: "This works towards changing the function of a specific heat shock protein that regulates the immune system specifically which causes the auto immune response, that destroys the melanin producing cells on your skin.(HSP70i Gene)Use 2- 3 times a day.Let me know of your results. "
“title”: “Automated Calves and Feet Muscle Workout with Joint strengthening”,
“content”: "This is designed to provide a complete workout for your calves and your feet muscles, to increase and induce muscle strengthening and growth.Rev-ErbA targeted to all those areas along with micro contractions. For muscle growth there will be platelet derived growth factor AB targeted directly to the muscles. The Joints are also strengthenedUse 3 - 4 times at most. (per day)For all genders and especially beneficial to those who are paralyzed or have muscle wastage or for whatever reason. "
“title”: “Corona Virus Disruption with UVC silent version”,
“content”: “Corona Virus with UVC silent version”
“title”: “New Forum”,
“content”: " to build the community, if you are interested, please check it out. "
“title”: “Access More videos?”,
“content”: “Hey guys, the highest tier is only the 4.50 one, there are no more videos.This is just a mistake or problem with Pateron marketing, Most other Patreon accounts from other creators are 5 dollars and above, so I think they don’t ‘register’ it on their system. There aren’t anymore tiers”
“title”: “The Lip Plumper (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: "This works towards inducing the production of collagen and some fat in both the upper and lower lips, it works towards producing a permanent or long lasting change, both for male and female usage.Use 2 times a day at most, results should be quite fast. "
“title”: “The Soul Of Japan (Language Series)”,
“content”: “Amaterasu Omikami (‘the great divinity illuminating heaven’) is the sun goddess, the most important deity of the Shinto religion and ruler of Takama no Hara (the High Celestial Plain), the domain of the kami or spirits. Her descendants, claimed by the past emperors of japan. Have ruled there for centuries.This audio here presents the essence of Japanese culture and language, that speaks directly to your subconscious mind, to help with understanding and immersing your self into the soul of this culture.You will gain an instinctual understanding of the culture and language.'This will help speed the learning of the Japanese Language. languagesUse as much as you like, be sure to post your experiences.”
“title”: “The Star Being Experience”,
“content”: “With this one, you get to experience what it is like (within human senses mostly) to be a star.This one is for our own sun. Let me know what you feel and think, the benefit other than pushing you to experience new things out the normal stream of human experiences but to understand what an expanded awareness is.”
“title”: “Sinus Drainage (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “This is energetically programmed to directly work on sinus drainage when you listen to it. It works for destroying most Bacteria/Fungus buildup in your sinus and opening it up to drain out properly (down your throat)Use as much as you need.Or until you get the relief you need.”
“title”: “Induced Sestrin Proteins Production (Longetivity Series)”,
“content”: "This works on two sestrin genes SESN1 and SESN2.Sestrin 1, also known as p53-regulated protein PA26, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SESN1 gene. This gene encodes a member of the sestrin family. Sestrins are induced by the p53 tumor suppressor protein and play a role in the cellular response to DNA damage and oxidative stress. The encoded protein mediates p53 inhibition of cell growth by activating AMP-activated protein kinase, which results in the inhibition of the mammalian target of rapamycin protein. The encoded protein also plays a critical role in antioxidant defense by regenerating overoxidized peroxiredoxins.Sestrin-2 also known as Hi95 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SESN2 gene.This gene encodes a member of the sestrin family of PA26-related proteins. The encoded protein may function in the regulation of cell growth and survival. This protein may be involved in cellular response to different stress conditionsBoth are stimulated to produce the respective proteins, to help in your body repairing and to act in a protective way during stress responses. Sinus Drainage (Energetically Programmed Audio)This is energetically programmed to directly work on sinus drainage when you listen to it. It works for destroying most Bacteria/Fungus buildup in your sinus and opening it up to drain out properly (down your throat)Use as much as you need.Or until you get the relief you need. "
“title”: “Serotonin”,
“content”: "Serotonin is a chemical nerve cells produce. It sends signals between your nerve cells. Serotonin is found mostly in the digestive system, although it’s also in blood platelets and throughout the central nervous system.It has a popular image as a contributor to feelings of well-being and happiness. This induces your body to produce this neurotransmitter when listened to, use as you need, but do not overuse. "
“title”: “Precambrian Era Time Portal”,
“content”: “This opens an energetic portal through time at the localized area you are in to the Precambrian Era, to allow you to experience the energy, power and potential of that time period.It semi one way, so you cant ‘go in’ but the energy and maybe matter may come through.who knows lol. Experimental with new ideas of ‘Mass’ and "Dimenson’ added to the portals.”
“title”: “Love Gravitation Wave”,
“content”: “Gravitational waves are disturbances in the curvature of spacetime, generated by accelerated masses, that propagate as waves outward from their source at the speed of light. They were proposed by Henri Poincaré in 1905 and subsequently predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein on the basis of his general theory of relativity. Gravitational waves transport energy as gravitational radiation, a form of radiant energy similar to electromagnetic radiation.What this does is harness that to project a wave out from you the listener during the duration of your listening to this, spreading it throughout the earth and universe.A small thing like this can lead to big changes later on.The personal effects for you also can be profound on a spiritual level.It may also attract the attention of higher vibrational beings,Futher explantation if it was over the topYou become the center of a wave, you are like a ball bouncing in the ocean of spacetime and the ripples you are sending out affects the world around you and universe at large over time.It works toward helping change you and the world/ collective consciousness by propagating a bit of love to the general experience of life on this dimension. (it is not meant to grant you wishes or petition your cause amongst other beings, its just that it may be when you do larger things like this, your presence is noticed more)”
“title”: “Grief Loss Loneliness (energetically programmed audio)”,
“content”: "This is designed to help you ease out of the feelings of Grief, Loss and loneliness, to gently bring you out of your state of mind, in the most loving, and natural way.Use as often as you need until you feel the relief you need. "
“title”: “Automated Gluteal Workout (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “This is designed to provide a complete Gluteal Workout, (Maximus Medius and Minimus ) to increase and induce muscle strengthening and growth.Rev-ErbA targeted to all those areas long with micro contractions. For muscle growth there will be Myostatin inhibiting, and platelet derived growth factor AB targeted directly to the muscles. Use 3 - 4 times at most. (per day)For all genders and especially beneficial to those who are paralyzed or have muscle wastage or for whatever reason, the glutes can provide a lot of body support.”
“title”: “Acetylcholine Production”,
“content”: “Healthy acetylcholine levels are important for strong, healthy, metabolically active muscles and it improves tissue health, muscle growth, skin tone, bone density and fat loss. Low levels of acetylcholine are often a result of aging, over-exercising, poor nutrition as well as Alzheimer’s and other memory disorders.Acetylcholine is one of the most powerful neurotransmitters in the brain, known to support all aspects of cognition such as memory, language learning etc.This works towards increasing the production of Acetylcholine in you body when listened to.But it is a good idea to consume the raw materials needed to help with its production. (Choline is an essential nutrient and a building block of acetylcholine. Foods that are naturally high in choline include whole eggs, meats and fish, and whole grains.)”
“content”: "What if you could walk around and attract good luck wherever you go? If you could have everything go your way and get what you want by coincidence? There are some people who exhibit this type of luck and go through life without stress or effort because things always work out for them. Having good luck is like having the universe work in your favor to attract the things you desire into your life. Your will is aligned with the universe and very often, the universe most of the work in getting you what you want. The combination of programming and frequencies embedded in this audio will work toward helping you draw good luck and good fortune into all areas of your life. The more you listen to this audio, the more you become one of those people who naturally attract good luck all throughout their life. You need extra money? Luck could bring you to a finding an antique item that sells for $2,000. You need to get to the meeting in 20 minutes but woke up too late? Luck could bring you no traffic and green lights on the way to work. You need some relaxation? Luck could bring you a free vacation to the Caribbean. Need some extra luck at the casino? Luck could bring you thousands of dollars in one night. Need a new job? Want to win more at games? Need to get lucky with a girl for once? With good luck, the universe will bring you what you need and want. You can’t go wrong with more luck in your life. "
“title”: “Negative EMF protection and conversion”,
“content”: “What the prgamming in this does it change the frequency of the deterimental EMF we are bombarded with day to day, it will change it to The earth based EMF is called the Schumann resonance (7.83 Hz) which is shown to be very beneficial to the human body. The effect from this should last for a couple of hours when you play it.”
“title”: “The Negative Ion Generator”,
“content”: “This video, due to the programming (energetic etc) will create negative ions in the air around you and spread out into your environment for as long as you leave this on.Negative ions are oxygen atoms charged with an extra electron. They are created in nature by the effects of water, air, sunlight and the Earth’s inherent radiation.Negatively charged ions are most prevalent in natural places and particularly around moving water or after a thunderstorm.That taste in the air and feeling you get at the beach, near a waterfall or after a storm is your body being saturated in the benefits of negative ions.In high enough concentrations, negative ions clear the air of mold spores, pollen, pet dander, odors, cigarette smoke, bacteria, viruses, dust and other hazardous airborne particles.They do this by attaching to these positively charged particles in large numbers. This causes the germs, mold, pollen and other allergens to become too heavy to stay airborne.At this point they drop to the floor or attach to a nearby surface. This removes them from the air you breathe and prevents them from causing respiratory problems and other health issues.Being saturated with negative ions also just feels really good and seems to promote health and well being.Use as much as you wish”
“title”: “Super Metabolism Boost and Weight Loss with Cellulite Reduction”,
“content”: “You can expect a huge boost in your metabolism and accelerated weight loss by listening to this video. This video contains the energetic signature and morphegenic field of chlorogenic acid. Listening to this causes your body to generate chlorogenic acid which inhibits fat and sugar absorption along with Lipolysis (which is the breakdown of lipids; it involves the hydrolysis of triglycerides into free fatty acids) There are also morphegenic fields to help generate a higher metabolism. Also included are subliminal and supraliminal programming to create that mindset and tell your body to lose weight, burn fat and also to help with cellulite reduction. Listen as often as you want, until you see the results you need.”
“title”: “Natural Effective Breast Enlargement”,
“content”: “At each cell division in your breasts, the frequencies encoded in this video along with the subliminal and supraliminal programming will cause those new cells to become or take on the attributes of stem cells, fat cells, and human growth hormone, (this will cause those specific cell and hormone types in increase in your breasts) which gradually causes your breasts to increase in size over time, naturally and cost free. You can look at it as often as you wish for faster results.”
“title”: “Far Infrared light therapy”,
“content”: “Far Infrared therapy (FIR) involves the use of Far Infrared rays to gently heal, soothe, stimulate and detox the physical body, as well as the mind.this type of therapy may help in fat loss, chronic fatigue, water retention, skin disorders, as well as in the elimination heavy metals, poisons, and carcinogenic material from our bodies.Far Infrared therapy very gently increases blood flow by expanding the capillaries that carry blood. It also increases oxygenation and regeneration of the blood, deeply detoxifying it for the improved functioning of all of the major organs in the body, which depend on blood for energy. This detoxification is on the deepest level, allowing hidden toxins in the blood and tissue to be dissolved or immobilized.Far Infrared boosts our immune system, increasing the amount of white blood cells and killer T-cells. It can also boost your metabolism.”
“title”: "Experimental Alzheimers Treatment ",
“content”: “Using sound frequencies, and energetic programming, this treatment will try to reverse the condition of Alzheimers, by using interlukin 33 to get your immune system to clear out the amyloid buildup. It is experimental, so results may vary but I sincerely believe it should help. Use at least twice daily”
“title”: “Erectile Dysfunction Treatment”,
“content”: “The combination of frequencies and energetic progamming with work towards treating erectile dysfunction by increasing and restoring hormones and bloodflow while also using the functions of the hMaxi-K gene in the corpus cavernosum. Use twice daily for best results. Do not over use.”
“title”: “Collagen Booster”,
“content”: “The frequencies encoded along with energetic/morphic field programming in this video will cause your body and skin cells to increase its natural collagen production, resulting in a younger looking you with diminished wrinkles and other age related problems. (with skin). Its all natural and cost free. You can look at it as often as you wish for faster results. (recommended twice daily)”
“title”: “Butt Enlargement”,
“content”: “At each cell division in your buttocks, the frequencies encoded in this video along with the energetic programming will cause those new cells to become or take on the attributes of fat cells and muscle cells. It will also work on strengthening the gluteus muscles themselves. All combined to produce growth in the size of you posterior. You can look at it as often as you wish for faster results.”
“title”: “The Mandarin and Cantonese Soul (language Series)”,
“content”: “The Yellow Emperor, also known as the Yellow Thearch, or by his Chinese name Huangdi. he is said to be the common ancestor of all Chinese: Xuanyuan Huangdi, or the “Yellow Emperor.” The first ruler of lands that would later become China, his reign began in 2697 B.C.E. when he united the tribes of the Yellow River plain under a single government.A character shrouded in mystery and legend, The man himself had a hand in inventing numerous useful items such as the calendar and the compass. The 2006 Shen Yun dance Resounding Drums recalls the legend of how the Yellow Emperor invented the drum—not only as an artistic instrument but also as an instrument of war. The thunderous charge of his battle drums boosted his army’s morale and sent his opponent’s forces scattering. As legend goes, his own troops were also shaken, and so he invented the plucked-string guqin to soothe their spirits.This audio here presents the essence of Chinese culture and language, that speaks directly to your subconscious mind, to help with understanding and immersing your self into the soul of this culture, I think nothing better represents the soul of Chinese culture than The Yellow Emperor.You will gain an instinctual understanding of the culture and language.'This will help speed the learning of the Chinese based languagesUse as much as you like, be sure to post your experiences.”
“title”: “Heart Strengthening and Repair (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “The frequencies and energetic programming is designed to work on repairing and regenerating your heart from damage at the same time strengthening and nhancing its function, uses pim1 to facilitate repairs, Use as much as two times daily, do not over use.”
“title”: “Lung Restoration and Strengthening”,
“content”: "The frequencies encoded in this video will program work to strengthen and restore your lung functions and increase its capacity. This would be beneficial to smokers, ex-smokers, as well as helping with age related breathing difficulties. "
“title”: “Oxytocin + Neuropeptide Y”,
“content”: “Oxytocin usually increases trust and generosity and reduces fear of social betrayal. It helps with bonding and enhancing social interactions.It may also reduce the importance of negative memories while reinforcing the positive ones (emotional associations) This is combined with Neuropeptide Y,This is a compound with a wide variety of potential effects on the body and brain. It has been suggested to play a key role in stress, pain, and anxiety, among many other interesting functions which science is still researching.The combination of both these works toward helping with social anxiety and stress reduction.To help you enjoy life when stressful situations occur.Use once per day, or twice at most.Do not overuse as you can exhaust yourself and brain.”
“title”: “Klotho Booster (Longetivity Series)”,
“content”: "All living organisms age and die. In ancient Greek mythology the Moirai or Three Fates, Klotho (or Clotho), Lechesis and Atropos, were the daughters of Zeus and Themis and determined the duration of life. It was believed that Klotho spins the thread of life, Lechesis determines its length and Atropos cuts it. The klotho gene (symbol, kl) is named after the Moirai who spins the thread of life.Klotho is an anti-aging single-pass membrane protein predominantly produced in the kidney, with shedding of the amino-terminal extracellular domain into the systemic circulation. Circulating levels of soluble Klotho decrease with age.It has been noted that mice with overexpression of Klotho have had an extended and healthier life span, on the opposite side, mice deficient in Klotho experienced a speeded up aging process.This, work towards activating and enhancing the production of Klotho in your body (Via the energetic / Morphic field programming)Use twice every other day for best results, you will find over time, you can use this once a week to maintain a healthy level and de-age. "
“title”: "CoronaVirus Disruption (energetically programmed audio) ",
“content”: “This is programmed to work specifically on the corona family of viruses.Share to who ever needs.It is programmed to use an energetic simulant of laser light, within the visible (purple) spectrum targeted directly to the virus (within the Corona family of viruses).Direct coercion of the immune to create the T cells to kill it and a direct information to the virus cells to shut down the replication system.”
“title”: “(Far) UV - C light as a safer germicide and virus destroyer (energetically programmed audio)”,
“content”: “This is programmed to work around you and your extended environment, UVC (Far UV-C 207–222 nm) disrupts and kills pathogens around you but unlike other UVB/A sources doesn’t harm human or animal cells.It should be a great way to keep you and your environment protected during times of outbreaks or even if you are just a hospital worker.”
“title”: “Hepatitis B and C Treatment”,
“content”: “This is programmed to do a few things, firstly it induces the liver to produce hepatic growth factor which causes the proliferation / regeneration of hepatocytes. Then The T cells in the liver are reprogrammed to actively seek out and the Hep C And Hep B Virus and eliminate it.Use along with what ever treatments you are using, you should see the virus count decrease and hopefully become undetectable /non existent.Use twice a day for the first two days, then use once every other day. Keep with your checkups and see how you are progressing.”
“title”: “AMPK: The Energy Enzyme (Activation) (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “AMPK is an energy sensor that, when activated in certain tissues, has many beneficial effects on our bodies. It stimulates the metabolism, improves insulin sensitivity, decreases inflammation, and improves muscle performance. AMPK is also involved in several longevity pathways and may promote healthy aging.”
“title”: “Photosynthesis”,
“content”: "What this does is create a temporary energetic addition to you body, which allows you to be able to conduct a form of photosynthesis, it will work for a day or two then start to fade, you can always refresh by re-listening.It will directly draw on light to your mitochondria (in effect this is sorta like a chloroplast) it will carry it throughout your body, which is harder to do as a human, as you are not transparent and light wont pass through naturally.So basically you will employ light, especially sunlight as an energy source.You my not feel hungry with this sometimes also.Use 2-3 times at first, then again when you feel it fading. "
“title”: “The Energetic Salt Cleanse”,
“content”: “Cleansing yourself with salt, is an old tradition but very effective and removing stuck energetic debris and just feeling better.Which is why ocean baths usually have you feeling great after, or just a salt soak in the tub.This does the same in an energetic way. You may even feel a bit of salt taste in your mouth.Use as you may need. Some people like a little more salt then others.”
“title”: “Sirt 3 and 6 Activation”,
“content”: “These genes are responsible for cell/mitochondria repair etc,They have been studied intensively and shown to help with longevity and de-aging.Sirt 6This gene encodes a member of the sirtuin family of NAD-dependent enzymes that are implicated in cellular stress resistance, genomic stability, aging and energy homeostasis. The encoded protein is localized to the nucleus, exhibits ADP-ribosyl transferase and histone deacetylase activities, and plays a role in DNA repair, maintenance of telomeric chromatin, inflammation, lipid and glucose metabolism. Sirt 3SIRT3 encodes a member of the sirtuin family of class III histone deacetylases, homologs to the yeast Sir2 protein. The encoded protein is found exclusively in mitochondria, where it can eliminate reactive oxygen species, inhibit apoptosis, and prevent the formation of cancer cells. SIRT3 has far-reaching effects on nuclear gene expression, cancer, cardiovascular disease, neuroprotection, aging, and metabolic control.These genes switch on to certain response or chemical.This induces that switch to be on, it will go back to normal functioning, but in this way it helps provides you with a control system”
“title”: “Meno-Unpause (unpause your menstral cycle, Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: "This is programmed to work on all organs involved in the decline of normal functioning of your body and hormones.It will work towards a complete rejuvenation to an age where you were at the peak of life and functioning.Use as much as 2- 3 times a day, you should notice when you wont need to use this anymore. No need to overuse, it wont make it happen faster.(this is made of females, it will not have any effects on males’ listening, as in causing changes or rejuvenation) "
“title”: “Vitamin C”,
“content”: “This works with the existing information in your body to allow it to produce functional Vitamin Cwe all have the existing genetic information to create this on our own, but it is non functional, this helps to restores that function by DNA and RNA modification, So a few listens will make you be able to naturally produce it.The cells do revert, but this happens at the rate at which you renew cells, so I suggest a few listens then you should be good for a week or two. Then you can refresh”
“title”: “The DHT Overwhelming Presence.”,
“content”: “This will work on energetically stimulating and creating the production of DHT in your body, (energetically) There will be some protection for the scalp buildup, to prevent hair loss, but the amount produced may overwhelm that, so keep that in mind.Of course the benefits are astounding”
“title”: “Vitamin D Production (Energetically programmed audio)”,
“content”: "Vitamin D is produced naturally in your body, the body absorbs UVB and uses it to convert cholesterol (7-dehydrocholesterol) into D3.This is then sent to liver where it becomes a useable form form of Vitamin D.The Programming in this will work with that process to help you produce it. (by drawing in UVB and inducing the cholesterol conversion).Use 2 - 3 times for best results, supplement as you need. "
“title”: “Hearing Loss Recovery (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: "This energetic programming in this video places stem cells and also emits healing energy in the ears to heal the ear and restore it from any damage that has been done. Also in the programming of this video, produces LIN28A in the ears, which is a protein that helps regrow some of the fine hairs in the ear which will help in the ears healing process overall. This video may help with tinnitus as well. "
“title”: “Happy Holidays”,
“content”: "I wont be around until middle of Jan next year guys,please enjoy your holiday times, I love and appreciate everyone here.Life is a journey, always keep pushing forward, I didn’t finish the last thing I wanted to do on youtube, but I am pretty excited to get back and do it.It will be about languages, but it wont make you instantly know languages.It will help you immerse into culture and soul of different languages, which in turn helps you understand better and naturally.I hope I have made some part of your life great, as you have made mine for this year.Thank you all and see you next year! "
“title”: “The Grand Jealousy Reflecting Shield”,
“content”: “This a shield that directly protects you from the negative effects, the jealousy of others can do to you, sometimes people can be very hateful and jealous of anything you accomplish, and either actively work on your downfall or subconsciously create situations where you feel so destabilized and a stream of bad luck seems to follow you around.This works towards depatterning and removing that energy from your being, and shielding you from it.It will stick with you for a few hours after listening.But definitely a good defense to have. Listen as much as you need.”
“title”: “Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorbtion”,
“content”: “Sometimes, whatever the cause may be, your cells may not be able to get the proper nutrients from the foods that you consume. This is programmed to help and gently coerce your cells (while using this), to absorb a lot more nutrients and energy from what you consume.One side effect is that, it may may speed up the process of healing, even muscle growth. Definitely an effect you would appreciate.This becomes a little harder for your body to do as you grow older as well.Improper nutrition can lead to signs of early aging and a host of other problems. I think is best used once or twice per day about 30 minutes after a meal, for the best results of course.”
“title”: “Experimental Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Treatment”,
“content”: “What this attempts to do (by allowing the programming in the audio to interact with your body) is try to correct the genetic errors in some of the known genes that help create this condition.It works specifically on COL5A1, COL5A2, COL1A1, TNXB, COL3A1, ADAMTS2, PLOD1 and FKBP14, will also induce the creation of collagen throughout your body and heal other potential related mutations and errors.It may work for some, and may not for others, experimental and it aims towards helping to manage or even heal the problems.Use 3 to 4 times a day.Monitor your progress and changes.”
“content”: “The energies embedded in this brain enhancement music will make you become smarter and experience a huge increase in your memory output. This isn’t just a short boost. The more you listen, the sharper your focus and clearer your thinking will be. The programming in this one works in stimulating the hippocampus, areas for reasoning/abstract thinking and also the Broca area and Wernicke’s area. Along with the stimulation, (electrical) nerve growth factor is used in those areas, the total effect would be memory enhancement, iq/intelligence increase and also language learning/understanding enhancement. The more you listen, the more permanent the effects are on the brain. Use as often as you like.”
“title”: “Field Booster (for items)”,
“content”: "Found this, and decided to put it up here for you guys to use. (its in the pdf attached)The item with the field you wish to grow should be placed on a printed copy of the sigil, you then you say the keyword to activate it. Leave the item untouched on the sigil for the duration of the growth which should be one hour. You can re-use it as much as you want. It may be possible to grow any kind of psychic or magical item as long as there is a coherent field present on the item. "
“title”: "Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (from mantra meditations) ",
“content”: "Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is one among the oldest and most important Mantra’s in Indian mythology and spirituality. This mantra belongs to Lord Shiva. It is a combination of three Hindi language words i.e. ‘Maha’, which means great, ‘Mrityun’ means death and ‘Jaya’ means victory, which turns into conquer or victory over death.It is also known as ‘Rudra Mantra’ or ‘Trayambakam Mantra’ (Energetically Enhanced ) "
“title”: “Gynecomastia ver 2.0”,
“content”: “This is combination of other fields to provide faster and better results in treating gynecomastia.Using frequencies and energetic programming, this sound will work towards removing the condition of gynecomastia by inducing cell apoptosis to the specific breast fat and gland tissue. This is also programmed to stop and reduce the excess production of estrogen in the human body.It directly inhibits the production of aromatase, which converts testosterone etc into estrogen (in all the areas that produce it) and it also uses to resveratrol to provide antioxidant protection (resveratrol is an aromatase inhibitor as well) Finally it also will work with Rev-erb for an automated workout with direct muscle strengthening.”
“title”: “Ancestral Knowledge”,
“content”: “This is a bit complicated but what it is programmed to do, is try to bring all knowledge, genetic and ancestral to the forefront of your being.It uses your genetic connection to connect with all ancestors with knowledge to pass on, creates the concepts of it and place this in your subconscious.Any possible genetic knowledge or information itself encoded or ‘hidden’ in your genes, it will also attempt to do the same.What happens is that you will find that you have more ideas and intitutive ways to do things.You may find some things or ideas you 'just know’Some may even experience profound things or even direct communication with some ancestors.(In a protected way of course)”
“title”: “The Hand of Glory”,
“content”: “This video is energetically programmed to work towards creating the experience of glory, but a divine sort, literally the feeling of ‘the heavens’ opening up.Also that special unique feeling from winning, perhaps winning a battle.The energy will surround and infuse you with this glorious energy.The benefit from it, is that, it will create that glorious situation for you!It means, if you use this for anything you need odds of success and winning in it will give you that edge and sharpen your sword.It may not always work 100% of the time in the way you want, but definitely you will be far more prepared for success.Use as often as you want.Use it for that job interview, meeting new clients, whatever you need success in.”
“title”: “Liver Cirrhosis Treatment”,
“content”: "The frequencies and energies encoded in this video will cause you body to produce high amounts of Hepatocyte growth factor and Epidermal growth factor specifically targeted to your liver, these factors help with liver regeneration and restoration of functions. "
“title”: "Cholesterol and Plaque Removal ",
“content”: “The energetic programming in this video will program your body to remove the plaque build up in your arteries and also cause a general reduction in your cholesterol levels.”
“title”: “Food Charger and Enhancer”,
“content”: “We are what we eat, generally your food, commercial or otherwise usually gets embedded with the emotions, thoughts and energetic states of all the people handling it, until it reaches you.This is designed to remove all the negative and ‘unhealthy’ programming in there and replace it with unconditional love and to enhance the nutrient effects of your food. (and maybe the flavor)”
“title”: “Pietersite Energy”,
“content”: “This video will engorge you with the power and energy of Pietersite while listening, via energetic/morphic programming.Pietersite is also known as tempest stone as it is a stone that carries a charge, a little like a storm raging within it. It brings cleansing energy to aid you to create change. It has a strong vibration that makes an energetic connection to your deeper spiritual inner self and it helps you to access spiritual guidance.It allows you to look further than where you are now, to see the big picture.This crystal aids "shamanic journeying", and is a stone that encourages you to understand you are a spiritual being. This utilizing of the power of your imagination to dream, and to create beautiful visions and ideals is very powerful.Pietersite also provides a unified activation of the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, as well as the Third Eye, creating a powerful increase in the energy of personal will and intuitive abilities. It grounds the body’s physical energy centers, not to the earth, but to etheric realms. This rare ability increases the focus of one’s aim in life, enhances meditation, visionary and telepathic powers, and allows spiritual journeying and access to the Akashic Records. Simmons, 305-306Melody, 489Hall, 218 Pietersite is a variety of Quartz, composed naturally of Tiger’s Eye, Hawk’s Eye and Jasper, and is characterized by an incredible chatoyancy and brilliance of life within the stone. Its dominant gold hues are contrasted with deep blue-black, grey and brown, as well as occasional clear areas. It was a recent discovery by Sid Pieters in Windhoek, Namibia, and is currently increasing in value.”
“title”: “Quasi Crystal From Khatyrka Meteorite (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: "Some years ago scientists found a small piece of a mineral that was created shortly after our solar system, some four and half billion years ago. The mineral was brought to Earth by the Khatyrka meteorite, which landed in Eastern Siberia.The so called impossible crystal, Quasi crystals are crystalline structures that breaks the periodicity (meaning it has translational symmetry, or the ability to shift the crystal one unit cell without changing the pattern) of a normal crystal for an ordered, yet aperiodic arrangement. This means that quasicrystalline patterns will fill all available space, but in such a way that the pattern of its atomic arrangement never repeats.This video is programmed to infuse with the energy and power of this crystal that is literally from out of this world.I personally think it would allow you to be able to shift your own patterns or give you the ability or information to be able to move past what is normal for humans to do.Why be limited within a certain framework of being?Be sure to post your experiences as this is almost a brand new experience and at the moment cannot be experienced anywhere else. "
“title”: “Regulate Hormones (Reduce Testosterone and DHT) Energetically Programmed Audio.”,
“content”: “This works towards reducing the production and buildup of male hormones in your body.It directly tries to stop testosterone production and alsowill suppress all 3 types of 5α-ReductaseUse once or twice a day, For both male and female use.”
“title”: “Hormone Regulation (reduce estrogen) Energetically Programmed Audio.”,
“content”: “This is programmed to stop and reduce the excess production of estrogen in the human body.It directly inhibits the production of aromatase, which converts testosterone etc into estrogen (in all the areas that produce it) and it also uses to resveratrol to provide antioxidant protection (resveratrol is an aromatase inhibitor as well) Any gender can use it, but be aware if you have blocked/reduced the estrogen, then you will have more free testosterone in your body.Recommended listening time is 2-3 times a day or more depending on the effects you want.”
“title”: “Down Syndrome and Cognitive Abnormalities Experimental Treatment (energy programmed audio)”,
“content”: "A team led by researchers at UC San Francisco and Baylor College of Medicine show that some of the intellectual impairments associated with DS may be traced to altered protein production in a region of the brain called the hippocampus, which is central to learning and long-term memory formation. the researchers turned to a common mouse model that captures most of the chromosomal, developmental and cognitive abnormalities that define the human version of the syndrome. The researchers discovered that hippocampal cells in DS mice had activated what’s known as the integrated stress response (ISR), a biological circuit that detects when something’s awry – the presence of an extra chromosome, for example, in the case of DS – and engages a protective response that activates machinery to tamp down protein production.Though the ISR can be activated by four different enzymes, the scientists found that only one of them, named PKR, was involved in activating the ISR in hippocampal cells in DS. By blocking the activity of PKR they were able to prevent ISR activation and reverse the declines in protein production that had been observed in the brains of DS mice. But even more impressive, the researchers found that blocking the ISR significantly improved cognitive function in these mice as well.This audio is programmed to provide the same effect by blocking the production of PKR in hippocampal cells.It also activates protein-manufacturing machinery that competes directly with the ISR’s efforts to shut off protein production.The effects should last at least 8 hours or moreuse as much as you need to. It may also help with other cognitive problems. "
“title”: “Automated Cardio (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “This audio is created to provide an automated cardio workout via the morphic and energy programming.Along with the full body workout and muscle stimulation, what it does is induce and increase fat, sugar and oxygen metabolism, Mild increase in heart rate. It may also it may induce you to sweat. All combined to give you a great cardio workout You can loop for longer effects and be careful if you have heart conditions.Do not use more than 3 to 5 times a day(less is also fine, work with your own body)”
“title”: “Facial Symmetry with Muscle Toning (energetic audio)”,
“content”: “Facial symmetry has been shown to have an effect of ratings of attractiveness in human faces. More symmetrical faces are perceived as more attractive in both males and females, although facial symmetry plays a larger role in judgments of attractiveness concerning female faces. A wide variety of methods have been used to examine the claim that facial symmetry plays a role in judgments of beauty.The programming (energetic/morphic) works towards changing the symmetry of your face to make it more symmetrical and thereby make it appear more attractive.It also directly working on toning and strengthening all your facial muscles.Use as much as 3 times a day, remember this also works the muscles and they can become sore,it may be a brand new thing in the world to have a sore face though?Its also not gender specific. So for Unisex use.”
“title”: “Love, Gratitude and Appreciation (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “This video is designed to fill you with love, gratitude and appreciation, These things can have a massive impact on an individual’s life and state of being. This is designed to be a refuge whenever needed, a hard day at work, depression, stress. Whatever you may need it for.By providing an individual with love, appeciation and gratitude, positivity will be attracted and life gets better and better”
“title”: “Anger Management”,
“content”: “The energetic programming in this audio calms you down when you are angry and helps you develop more control over it.Often, people or events in life get the best of us and we react on pure emotional impulse. Some events trigger us to react angrily and anger is surely a strong negative emotion. It causes us to act irrationally and project a very displeasing energy to other others and our environment. It can also lead to use hurting others and even ourselves. We all get angry sometimes. It is part of being human. But anger is a destructive force and can snowball into a state of negativity that lasts for hours and even days at times. This field calms you down and gets you out of this state of anger. It also helps you develop control over this force of energy. Anger is a very powerful negative force that makes you feel like you WANT to feel that way. It makes you feel like the most ‘rational’ feeling to have is this feeling you have right now. You’re in the right and the world is in the wrong. It truly blinds the senses and logic. And unfortunately some of us habitually react to many situations in life with anger. Such people have little to no control as to how to emotionally react in life. This field will help people with anger issues also gain more emotional control.”
“title”: “Taaffeite Crystal Energy (rare)”,
“content”: “Taaffeite, pronounced “tar-fite”, is a very rare gem variety and is often included in the list of rarest gemstones in the world. At one time only a handful of specimens were known to exist. Recently more material has been discovered, though taaffeite continues to be very rare.Some of the energetic properties areIt has been described to put you into a state of luck or a turn around of bad luckand it enhances charm. But since it is rare, it would be really up to you to discover what awaits.”
“title”: “Moldavite Energy”,
“content”: “What this does is engorge you with the energy and power of moldavite.This strange type of ‘glass’ was formed by a meteorite impact long ago. Its energy can be intense and dangerous for some people, the internet is full of resources, experiences and even profound warnings.This can be even more intense than using moldavite itself of course.I suggest you learn about it firstly. Here is a good introduction to it below;One look at Moldavite and there’s no question it is a stone of greatness, etherically carved of spiritual fire and destined for purpose. This mysterious green talisman is star-born, formed from nature’s violent meteoric impact with Mother Earth. Etched by force and flame as it fell from the heavens Moldavite returned to the earth’s surface transformed, a glass of amazing delicacy and grace ready to serve humankind.As a Stone of Connectivity, Moldavite carries an intense frequency, a fusion of earthly and extraterrestrial energies that are quickly felt, often dramatically in those who resonate with its power. Holding Moldavite for the first time often produces a sensation of heat, felt first in the hand, then progressively throughout the body. In some cases the heart chakra is activated, experienced as a pounding pulse, followed by sweating or flushing of the face, and an emotional release that may range from laughter to tears. Moldavite’s frequency may take some getting used to, but its profound ability to accelerate one’s personal and spiritual evolution makes it highly sought after in the metaphysical world, both for its life-altering capabilities and as a catalyst for drawing in Light to aid in Earth’s healing. Simmons, 262Simmons/Warner, 30-32Hall, 187Moldavite is a member of the Tektite group of natural glasses formed from interplanetary collisions. From the Greek word tektos, meaning "molten," Tektites are glassy mixtures of silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide and other metal oxides with an amorphous crystal structure. Unlike other Tektites from around the world which are tar black or brownish-black, translucent Moldavite is a deep forest green and is the only variety suitable for cutting and faceting as a gem. Simmons, 261Simmons/Warner, 21This beautiful stone is rare, found only in Czechoslovakia, and is named for the area in which it is found, near the Moldau River (called the Vltava in Czech). While scientists differ in theories regarding Moldavite’s origin, nearly all agree its formation coincides with the crash of a large meteorite approximately 14.8 million years ago in what is now the Bohemian plateau. The rock metamorphosed by the heat of impact created a strew field of Moldavite in the two, mostly rural, areas of Bohemia and Moravia. Farmers often turned up the stones when plowing their fields, while other specimens worked their way to the surface after spring thaw or heavy rains in the fall. More recently collectors have "mined" for gem grade and museum quality specimens by sifting and digging through loose sands and gravels”
“title”: “Automated Upper Body Workout (Energetically Programmed)”,
“content”: “This is designed to provide a upper body work out, which will also cut fat while increasing muscle mass.Rev-ErbA targeted to all upper body muscles (biceps, triceps, deltoids, shoulders, back etc etc) along with micro contractions and apoptosis of fat cells, For muscle growth there will be Myostatin inhibiting, HGH and Testosterone boosting along with platelet derived growth factor AB targeted directly to muscles. Use 3 - 4 times at most. (per day)For all genders and especially beneficial to those who are paralyzed or have muscle wastage or for whatever reason, unable to freely work with their upper body muscles.”
“title”: “The Subconscious Speaker”
“title”: “Disconnect From Negative Energy in Your Life”,
“content”: "This audio disconnects you from negative energy from your environment and people around you so you are unaffected by it. We generally enter a negative state of mind due to negative energy from other people and the environment. Negative energy is contagious and I know you have experienced this firsthand when you’ve had someone’s bad mood rub off on you. But most of the time, it is subtle and you don’t notice your environment affecting your state of mind and affecting your mood. In fact, some of us live in negative environments and feel like crap on a daily basis. Its not that we’re negative, its the environment that makes us this way! This audio will change that. With this audio, you will disconnect from the negativity from the outside world and be unaffected by it… You will also find yourself getting into a bad mood less and less often. NOTE: The difference between this video and the "clear negative energy video" is that this video disconnects you the negative influence of other people throughout the day. The clear negative energy video clears negative energy that is inside you and negative entities that are attached to do. "
“title”: “Automated Leg Day”,
“content”: “This is designed to provide a complete leg work out, which will also cut fat while increasing muscle mass.Rev-ErbA targeted to all leg muscle along with micro contractions. Apoptosis of fat cells, For muscle growth there will be Myostatin inhibiting, HGH and Testosterone boosting along with platelet derived growth factor AB targeted directly to muscles. Use 3 - 4 times at most. (per day)For all genders and especially beneficial to those who are paralyzed or have muscle wastage or for whatever reason, unable to freely work on and with their legs.”
“title”: "Quit Smoking Addiction ",
“content”: “The frequencies and energies encoded in this video will reduce and stop your cravings to smoke and nicotine addiction. Best used twice a day early morning and before bed until you feel totally free of your addiction.”
“title”: "Vagus Nerve Stimulation ",
“content”: “The frequencies and programming used in this video will work on stimulating the vagus nerve of the listener for the duration of the video. Can help reduce epilepsy problems, (length and frequency ) Help with insomnia (listen before bed or until you start feeling sleepy) There is a host of other things it may be able to help with from depression to lowering blood pressure. Do not listen and operate heavy machinery or go driving. Use as much as you need.”
“title”: “Experimental Autism Help (Energetically Programmed Audio, not informational)”,
“content”: “This functions to introduce synapse trimming. So that there will not be an overloading of stimulation in specific areas.Highly experimental, it will use Semaphorin ligands, the receptors neuropilins and plexins and some apoptosis to induce retraction of the axons.So this should cause a reduction in over stimulation which should lead to normalizing of behavior and learning. Highly experimental and no guarantees, The effects may not be as profound on someone who is high functioning/high IQ but on the autism spectrum as they may be on someone who has a greater level of disability. It should provide those overwhelmed by sensory stimuli with a way to cope with our synapses intact. It only targets overgrowth that can be detrimental to everyday functioning.Use as much as 3 - 4 times a day, please keep me updated so I can learn, tweak and upgrade etc. if I can.”
“title”: “The Height Booster (Grow Taller Version 2.0, energetic audio)”,
“content”: “Version 2.0 (experimental)There is a tightly controlled feedback loop that controls the growth or lengthening of bone, the growth plates may still have a small amount of room for growth sometimes,the trick would be to get the ‘resting’ stem cells there to start producing more chondrocytes which will become bone and so help to increase your height. This is programmed to help do that. (by stimulating the cells to reactivate)Take your time and tabulate your growth.(you can use up to 4 times a day)”
“title”: “Energy Storage Item (Photo)”,
“content”: “This one will soon be released as an item on Teespring, a dog tag pendant.The image works the same, so you get first and free access to it, you can print it and use it or Use it on the screen.Basically what it does it store energy, press you thumb to the center and say ‘store’ then it will start storing the ambient energy around you, unless you press it and say ‘stop’, it will continue to do it for about an hour. When you are ready, press it again and say ‘release’, the stored energy will be released unto you if you have the item /photo with you, or the environment if you have it away from you. How can you use this? well you can store the energy of a place or situation and ‘re experience’ later. Save energy for use later to get the extra edge in sports or for when you are tired later. The uses are up to your imagination. Have fun and be sure to let me know how it goes for you. This is like having your own ‘energy pocket’ or even a ‘pocket storage dimension’”
“title”: "Regain your innocence (energetically programmed audio) ",
“content”: “Innocence is a state of mind, reflected by your being.Sometimes the general weathering of life can slowly erode this.Bad experiences can leave you feeling ‘corrupted’ This can help you to regain that special feeling.It may be a strange odd thing to upload, but I am sure a lot of people are gonna find this useful almost even like rediscovering a treasure. (good luck to those who find this, use as much as you need)”
“title”: “The Testosterone Boost (Energetic Programmed Audio) Ver 2.0”,
“content”: “The frequencies encoded along with the energetic programming in this video will cause you body to increase its testosterone levels, This videos also uses energy for testicular stimulation to naturally increase your body’s own production. Updated in this version with a bit of confidence, and the dominating power of a lion. (Also enhanced to be stronger and more effective)(recommended twice daily)Not recommended for females, also beware of increases in your aggression levels and general alpha male behavior.”
“title”: “Subconscious Limits Dissolver, NO MUSIC”,
“content”: “”
“title”: “Gum Regeneration (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “Using a combination of energy, programmed frequencies, this treatment is designed to help with renewal and regeneration, it is intended to help with regenerating gum tissue from any type periodontal disease (receding gums etc). It tells your body to produce increased amounts of Fibroblast growth factor - 2 which new research has shown to cause gum regeneration. Listening to this regularly will begin the process of creating new cells to renew and regenerate the damaged and receded areas. But also keep in mind you need to also stop the underlying cause of the problem, meaning, if receding gums were caused by smoking, then you need to stop smoking etc as the case applies. Oil pulling would be a good way to supplement this treatment.”
“title”: “Immune System Supercharger (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “What this does is attempt to directly strengthen, renew and create new immune system cells T-cells, B-cells and NK cells with PDGF, and also monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils, Also keep in mind, some viruses, use a stronger immune system response to work against you. Also be wary if you have autoimmune diseases. (this may enhance that response) This is energetically programmed audio and you should not use more that 3 times a day.(then every other week)”
“title”: “Superhuman Genius (Energetically Programmed)”,
“content”: “What this does is actively place energetic simulation that create an effect of the overexpression of Klotho and NR2B while also saturating your entire brain with Nerve growth factor and CoQ10.And finally a mild electrical stimulation of the entire brain. ( 1.5 mA )NR2B will excite neurons, klotho and coq10 will help protect them, the nerve growth factor and electrical stimulation will help them form new connections. So what this does in the simplest of explanations is create a very charged brain with a lot of growth potential. (while minimizing any neural problems)Its Good to use this before a brain related task, like studying, active learning, thinking/imagination.That’s where active growth will happen. Use twice a day at most, do not use overnight. Do not overuse.”
“title”: “Experimental Scoliosis Treatment (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “The frequencies and energies encoded in this video will cause your spine to gradually shift and straighten out until you no longer have your condition, It is experimental so effects may not be as drastic but it should cause good changes and relief. Use as much as you need to. Safe for use by non scoliosis users as well.”
“title”: “Endocrine System Rejuvenation (Energetic/Morphic programmed audio)”,
“content”: “There are many glands make up the endocrine system. The hypothalamus, pituitary gland, .The thyroid and parathyroid glands, The thymus, adrenals, pancreas etc. What this does is focus on all the related organs, remove senescent cells, repair damages and increase the telomere lengths of all the cells there while also stopping cancerous growths from occurring.This is best used twice every other day till you see the results. You should expect an increase in body function and youthful energy. Even a bit of de-aging and life extension.”
“title”: “A Belly full of laughter (energetically programmed audio)”,
“content”: “This one works towards helping you feel mirth and joy,you may start laughing even, they say laughter is the best medicine.You may not actually laugh, but I am sure it will place a smile or grin on your face.Laughter can be very important thing. This also minorly works on all the muscles (face and tummy) involved in laughter as well as the associated brain chemicals.”
“title”: “Sun Free Tanning (updated ver 2.0)”,
“content”: “The frequencies encoded along with the energetic progamming in this video will cause your body and skin cells to increase its natural melanin production, resulting in a darker/tanned looking you. Its all natural and cost free without the risk of any skin damage. You can look at it as often as you wish for faster results. Updated version increases your own production of MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone) and has an energetic simulation of alpha MSH. Also has some SIK inhibition.”
“title”: “Download Problems Update”,
“content”: “Hello, I see the download link has gone missing.I have emailed Patreon support to find out what happenedMy apologies, I am trying to fix this. This is their reply **************************Hi there,Thanks for reaching out about this, and apologies for any confusion this has caused.We recently changed the way audio files appear in posts to make your exclusive content more secure. As a result of this change, patrons will no longer be able to download your audio files onto a desktop computer. Your patrons will still be able to download audio content for secure offline listening on the Patreon mobile apps, and listen through the player on both desktop and mobile, or through their own private RSS link.For more information about how to enable audio RSS for your patrons, please visit this help center article for step-by-step instructions.I hope this clears things up. If you have any additional questions about this, please don’t hesitate to let me know.***********Okay I have figured it outI will also add the files as an attachment when posting :) The new uploads should have the file also attached you can download.Its gonna take a long time for me to attach to all the previous files lol”
“title”: "Bone and Organ Breathing ",
“content”: “This is an advanced energy breathing technique, what this will do is work with your breath in a form of pranayama to saturate your bones and organs with prana and oxygen. You should also practice the pranayama method explained in an earlier video, while listening to this.This can help speed healing and regeneration, strengthen and make your own system more robust and able to withstand a lot more than previous. You may feel a buzzy feeling throughout your body, and even a little lightheaded.”
“title”: “Skin Brightening and Glutathione Super Anti-Oxidant”,
“content”: “Glutathione also known as GSH, is the most powerful, prevalent antioxidant that your body system naturally generates. It is present in every single cell within your entire body.This audio contains the energetic signature and morphogenic field of Glutathione, that tell your body to produce more. Listening to this causes your body to generate in the skin cells a higher amount of the chemical, which leads to reversal of free radical damage and brightening of the skin.”
“title”: “Sedona Dynamic Portal”,
“content”: “Hope you guys like this one.”
“title”: “Diabetes Type I and II Treatment (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “Using frequencies and energetic progamming this treatment will work towards healing your pancreas, using betatrophin targeted to pancreas to increase beta cells and also Rev-erbα (targeted to muscle) to increase insulin sensitivity. This multi layed approach seeks to provide a treatment for both types of diabetes with little to no negative effects to you. Use at least twice daily until you see results.”
“title”: “Eye Regeneration (Energetically programmed audio)”,
“content”: “This works by focusing on the damaged areas and inducing the cells there to turn into a stem cell state, then driving those cells to work on repairing the damage. Use 2 to 3 times for best results.”
“title”: “Portals”,
“content”: “So these I have been working on in the meanwhilejust like the ones on the dreamseeds channel.They are a dynamic energetic connection to the places they represent, you can buy in a better quality at (which I will also add more and different portals, even to mystical places hopefully)These I have really enjoyed making.The images above also work the same way. Imagine it like having a real window into another place. (and worlds soon) Let me know what you think”
“title”: “Nitric Oxide Boost (Morphogenic/ Energetic Programming)”,
“content”: “When you listen to this, It works towards increasing the production and effect of nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, meaning it relaxes the inner muscles of your blood vessels, causing the vessels to widen. Bodybuilders and health conscious people will recognize the benefits of this, this is what gives you the ‘pump’ during workouts. Use as needed. more than 3 or 4 wont really be effective per day, but that’s up to you.”
“title”: “Induce Creativity”,
“content”: “This works (when listened to) towards inducing some creativity when you need inspiration and also to increase your long term creative potentials.It helps create an increase in some neurotransmitters and stimulates (while also creating some ne neuron connections) in the Frontal cortex, Hippocampus, Basal ganglia and the corpus callosum. (also some mild sensory wiring along the lines of synesthesia) Use at most three times a day.”
“title”: “Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance”,
“content”: "This attract wealth and prosperity video is made with energetic programming to help you remove any negative belief system you have for wealth etc and help attract massive amounts of prosperity, wealth and abundance in all areas of your life. Observe as your life starts changing for the better and more positive things start becoming a natural part of your life.What would it be like to attract wealth, prosperity and abundance? Well imagine finding success in everything you do and attracting everything you want into your life. The problem is the majority of us are ingrained with negative/limiting beliefs about wealth such as "I’m broke," "wealthy people are arrogant," "Money is evil," "I will never make a lot of money," "I never have enough," "I don’t deserve wealth," and so on… The audio also programs your mind with positive beliefs about wealth and your energy field to attract all forms of wealth. Wealth is the abundance of money and valuable possessions. You may find that you end up getting the house you want for a sum of the original price or a raise at your job.Being that the audio attracts wealth, you will also find much more success in your business or career. Expect more sales and exponential growth. The more prosperity you attract, the more success you have in your life. If you listen to this audio one or twice every day, you can expect to be abundant. To be abundant is to have everything you want and be satisfied with what you have. And fulfillment results in a much happier lifestyle. "
“title”: "Human Growth Hormone Release ",
“content”: “A combination of frequencies and energetic/morphic programming that will help stimulate the pituitary gland and elevate the levels of human growth hormone in your body. HGH can help with anti aging, muscle growth, collagen production, wrinkle reduction, reversing hair greying etc.”
“title”: “Skin Regeneration”,
“content”: “Using a combination of energy, and programmed frequencies, this treatment is designed to help with skin renewal and regeneration, it is intended to help with any type of skin healing, from cosmetic purposes for a younger more vibrant looking you to healing scars and any type of damage (sun, acne, burns, wounds etc.) It tells your body to produce increased amounts of epidermal growth factor in your skin throughout your entire body which cause skin to begin the process of creating new cells to renew and regenerate the damaged areas.”
“title”: “Pure Estrogen Boost”,
“content”: “The frequencies encoded along with the energetic/Morphic progamming in this video will cause your body to increase its Estrogen levels. All natural and cost free. You can look at it as often as you wish for faster results. (recommended twice daily)”
“title”: “Natural Testosterone Boost”,
“content”: “The frequencies encoded along in this video will cause you body to increase its testosterone levels, This videos also uses energy for testicular stimulation to naturally increase your body’s own production. (recommended twice daily)”
“title”: “Positive Vibes Energy”,
“content”: "Use this audio to depattern/breakup the energy pattern in your environment and create instead a wonderfully uplifting energy that promotes positivity. Playing this audio wherever you go is like exhibiting an aura of positivity that uplifts everyone and everything around you. You’ll have positive vibes on demand! The second you start stressing out or notice a negative vibe in your environment, you can play this audio and witness how a positive vibe begins to uplift you and everyone else. Best part about it is, you can play at low volume through your phone’s speakers (on repeat) and nobody will hear a thing. Yet, it will still work on creating a contagious positive vibe that spreads in the environment and affects you and everyone else. Now imagine having the audio on repeat when you:Go to a party Job interviewFirst dateSelling productsThis audio will create a positive vibe between you and other people and make connecting with others come more naturally. Especially, since they will be open to connect with you. There are endless ways you can use this audio to improve your life.*In fact, you can have it playing in your home once a day and eventually, your home will always exhibit a positive vibe. Living in this field of positivity will carry onto you and make you an overall more positive person. Positive people get the things they want in life and live more fulfilling lives. "
“title”: “Unconditional Love”,
“content”: “This sound/video has combined frequencies along with programming and a connection to the source of unconditional love it is designed to send this pure unconditional love into all of your being. To make you feel loved and appreciated without any opinions or judgement.”
“title”: "Childlike Wonder ",
“content”: "This field recreates the excitement of experiencing things as if it is the first time. It makes you feel the curious wonder toward nature and the world around you. Essentially it would make life seem magical as it once was as a child. As a child, everything was new so it had a special spark to it. We awoke every day with a genuine interest in doing and learning things. As we grow older, we repeatedly see and experience the same thing so we generally don’t find as much excitement in many things anymore… When we get older, we tend to stray away from trying new things or genres because the excitement and sense of exploration we had as kids fades away. That’s why most of us as adults tend to stray away from newer music and stick to the songs we listened to as a kid. But these songs… we’ve heard them thousands of times. What if it could feel like you are listening to it for the first time? What if you could feel like you are going to the park for the first time and experience the sense and wonder you would feel in the park the first time? Life would become more exciting again. Experiencing life anew will awaken the spark that gave you the infinite energy to explore and tr new things as a kid. You’ll notice things you didn’t notice when you were a kid when you heard those songs you liked or went to the park. But best of all, you’ll enjoy these things and kill the dullness in your life. There are many ways to use this audio… Want to be creative? Listen to this audio before diving into being creative. Creativity tends to become a chore to those who have been working at it for years. And creative blocks are a pain in the *. So, listening to this audio can open your mind to new ways of looking at something and awaken your drive In creating again. Want to be productive? Listen to this audio before doing work and you’ll find yourself enjoying work more. Want to enhance entertainment beit a book, video game or even movie? Listen to this audio before doing so and you’ll find that you enjoy it much more! The possibilities are truly endless. Children are limited to what they can do because they are so young and innocent yet they possess the energy to do anything. We grow older and gain enough knowledge and freedom to do the things we want but don’t because we lose the energy. This field recreates the energy we so that you can enjoy life with the energy of a child but the mind/freedom of an adult.Note: Works even better when listened to 2-3 times in a row. 1 time may suffice though. "
“title”: “Antioxidant Formula”,
“content”: “This formula works so that catalase is specifically targeted to mitochondria and hair follicles, activation of sirtuin1 gene and increasing its expression via Lamin A and Resveratrol and finally D-ribose for ATP restoration. This should be key in helping with body restoration and delaying the aging process.Antioxidants protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Many experts believe this damage is a factor in the development of blood vessel disease (atherosclerosis), cancer, and other conditions.Increasing one’s antioxidant intake through this video can prove to be quite essential for optimum health, especially in today’s polluted world. Boosting your antioxidant intake can help provide added protection for the body against:• Heart problems• Eye problems• Memory problems• Mood disorders• Immune system problems”
“title”: “Acne Treatment (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “The frequencies and energies encoded along with the subliminal and supraliminal programming in this video will cause your body to shrink the sebaceous glands in your face along with disrupting the life cycle of any bacteria living in your face, all these things work together to help create an acne free you. Use as much as you need to”
“title”: "Multiple Sclerosis Experimental Treatment ",
“content”: "The frequencies and energies encoded in this video will try to address the problem of Multiple Sclerosis. As it is experimental, I would like feedback to know if this is helping or not, so I can research and keep working on making a better treatment for the benefit of all people experiencing this condition. "
“title”: “Vocal Strengthening and Range Increaser (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “What this one does it directly strengthen your vocal cords and increases your range, in both higher pitches and lower ranges. It also helps you with some vocal control.No need for autotune again.Use 3 - 4 times at most per day.”
“title”: “Improve Eyesight- Get 20/20 Vision- (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: "The frequencies and programming placed on this video is designed to work towards reshaping your lens and strengthen the ciliary muscles that control the lens. With persistent and daily listening, you can expect to dramatically improve your eyesight and eventually not need to wear glasses any more. "
“title”: “Anti Cancer Treatment (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “The frequencies encoded along with energetic/morphic programming in this video will cause you body to effectively remove cancerous cells from your body, It works by strengthening your own immune system, removing tolemease enzymes and the tolemere caps from the specific cancer cells and inducing Apoptosis. Should work for all types of cancer.”
“title”: “Experimental Virus Disruption/Healing (Morphic/Energetic Programmed audio) ver2.0”,
“content”: “See, what a virus does is hijack your cells and uses the cells’ underlying wiring to multiply and spread. If you start killing the cells directly as soon as they are infected, then infection cannot continue. This works towards doing exactly that.”
“content”: “Using frequencies and energetic programming, this video works to stimulate/super charge muscle growth by inhibiting Myostatin production as well as compressing HGH and Testosterone directly into your muscles, best used after a work out. Using this after every workout, will increase your gains and build your muscle at a much more efficient and faster rate. This audio is safe for male and female use. EXERCISE CAUTION: with use, treat as you would a steroid, excess testosterone and HGH can lower your own natural production if you overuse, the body can also increase estrogen production to compensate for increased testosterone.”
“title”: "Stop Procrastinating ",
“content”: “The frequencies and programming in this video will work towards stopping you from procrastinating, it will help you get off the couch start moving to finish whatever needs to be done. It carries a strong field of willpower that will overcome your laziness and provide you motivation you need.Listen as much as you need to.”
“title”: "Energetic Apparel ",
“content”: “Decided to do some designs this weekend, I had fun making these, will keep updating along with the other things.See if there is anything you like, or just your opinion :)”
“title”: “Self Healing and Acceptance”,
“content”: “I would like to introduce to you a new perspective on healing here, that could have profound mental and physical effects.Have you considered working with your own mind/body/spirit connection?I remember a story in my youth about a lady who was losing her eyesight.The healer did small general question interview with her,a lot of the statements she made includes the term "I can’t see""I dont like seeing" for example, I dont like seeing how the world is becoming.It become apparent the lady was creating a mental state in which her own subconscious was responding to by ‘removing her sight’.With this in mind, let us rather create a loving environment of acceptance to all of the parts that make us up.Literally communicate with the intelligences in our cells to create rapid healing.The first step in this i think, is to love your being, fill yourself with that unconditional love and appreciation.Directly from yourself.The audio that follows after (is energetically programmed) will help create and induce that in your body, your being will be guided to saturate all your internal organs, bones and energy system with your own love, while trying to dissolve some of the limitations that may reduce that.”
“title”: “New Tooth Regeneration (Experimental Morphic and Energetically Programmed)”,
“content”: “This is an experimental treatment, to actually grow new teeth in your mouth (except wisdom, since those become problematic.)It treats the gums and dental lamia with 5-Azacytidine these cells and then coaxed to become primordium (tooth).which results in new tooth development, It uses your own former blue print of your existing teeth to shape them properly.Very experimental and I really hope it works amazingly well for everyone.”
“title”: “Joint Regeneration (Morphic/Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “The works toward trying to regenerate all joints in your body, using the fat to stem cell idea, the converted stem cells will be moved to all joint areas to provide regeneration of cartilage and bone, connective tissue and tendons etc. Use as much as you need, results of course should be permanent. It is designed to work on all joints.”