Gumroad P.2
Title: Khǽrnips The Holy Cleansing Water
Content: Khǽrnips - (Chernips or Lustral Water, χέρνιψ. Etym. χείρ, “the hand” + νίπτω, “I wash.”)
Hǽrnips is clean, symbolically pure water from which to wash ones hands before ritual 2 or entering a temple. Traditionally, hǽrnips is spring water or ocean water.
Ἰφιγένεια: First I would cleanse them with ablutions pure.
Θόας: In fountain waters, or the ocean wave?
Ἰφιγένεια: All man’s pollutions doth the salt sea cleanse.
Ocean water contains salt, which in itself is purifying , and which symbolizes the Fire-Aithír (πῦρ αἰθήρ).
Hǽrnips is placed near the altar in a vessel called a hærniveion (chernibeion, χερνῐβεῖον) or an ydrána (hydrana, ὑδράνᾱ). Sometimes hǽrnips is sprinkled with a wisp (aspergillum) called a pærirrandírion (perirrantêrion, περιρραντήριον), to purify or dedicate something or someone.
Using hǽrnips is symbolic of the Aithír or Water washing away míasma (μίασμα), pollution. Its use may seem similar to the basin of holy water found near the door of Catholic churches, but khǽrnips represents ritual cleansing, whereas the Christian holy water has more of a connotation of a blessing. In our tradition, the use of hǽrnips is the general means of simple purification: katharmós (καθαρμός). The ritual of washing hands is mostly symbolic; it is indicative of a change in attitude, as expounded in the oft-quoted phrase engraved over the entrance to the sanctuary of Asklîpiós (Asklêpios, Ἀσκληπιός) at Æpídavros (Epidaurus, Επίδαυρος):
"Into an odorous temple, he who goes
Should pure and holy be; but to be wise
In what to sanctity pertains, is to be pure."
(made exactly to reflect the properties of this, but it has also been enhanced in functions and properties)
This will work on charging whatever fluids with the power and energy of the above mentioned, even enhanced to be a little more defined in structure that the original.
Use as much as needed, simply play the audio with whatever fluid you wish the charge around the sound itself.
Title: Kinesthetic Intelligence
Content: Unlock your body’s intelligence and experience enhanced muscular awareness and optimized coordination for seamless and effective movements. Achieve Cardio-Pulmonary synchronization to boost your stamina and overall well-being. Gain Kinesthetic confidence as your proprioceptive skills in timing, coordination, and balance sharpen. Improve motor neuron stimulation for quicker reflexes and stronger muscle contractions. Master your body’s Center of Mass for increased stability and agility in dynamic activities. Our program also hones your peripheral sensory awareness and Force Vector prediction skills , invaluable in fast-paced sports. Finally, seamlessly transition between complex movement sequences and store physical routines in your memory effortlessly. Elevate your physical capabilities with our advanced Kinesthetic Brain Field .
Title: Kubera’s Blessing
Content: As I journeyed through the marketplace i saw a strange seller who caught my eye,
something about her body movements made me stop for a second, it was too precise, with a sort of forced clumsiness.
After consideration, I decided that she was definitely not all who she appeared to be which had me intrigued.
I approached her, “Hello, what do you have for sale?” I asked.
she sized me up and smiled, “I have exactly what you need of course” each word spoken with such precision, I felt like I had played right into her hand.
“and what is it I need?” I asked.
“A bit of luck and good fortune, as do all travelers” she quickly added “especially these lands and these times”.
“Here I have a complete recreation of a Kubera Homa, so you can enjoy the benefits of this yagna on repeat, and on demand for a one time fee”. she stated.
“Hmm” I thought to myself.
“You mean the god of wealth?” “Like a laughing buddha?”
“laughing buddha?” she asked and laughed, "perhaps, as legends and things often flow into one another and change as they move in location and culture.
Kubera is the granter of wealth, The guardian of one of the directions but his forte is unexpected wealth, if you buy this, as well all know, the success of a yagna depends also a bit on a person, their thoughts and actions, that being said I will also add a creation of his blessing and the energies of his mantra, so there can be even a passive benefit if you are not ready to do the yagna." she explained.
I pondered on her words as i checked my coin purse.
(use as needed, 2-3 is a good amount for both, if you are using these, i would suggest both on one day, perhaps also help someone in need and then let the energies do what they are supposed to do. Good luck :) )
Title: L-theanine and EGCG
Content: Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a unique plant compound that gets a lot of attention for its potential positive impact on health. It’s thought to reduce inflammation, aid weight loss, and help prevent heart and brain disease.
It comes from green tea and a few other plants, but there is another component of green tea included here;
L-theanine may affect the levels of certain chemicals in the brain. These include serotonin and dopamine, which influence mood, sleep, and emotion, and cortisol, which helps the body deal with stress. A change in the balance of these chemicals can change a person’s mood or stress levels.
Having a host of benefits themselves, these work a new specific way, both are combined using an underlay of our plasmas light
then a hybrid molecule that induces the positive effects while completely skipping the liver and need for any metabolic breakdown.
1 - 2 times per use, for best effects of course
Title: Lead Oil of Saturn
Content: Description currently blank.
Title: Lightning In a Bottle
Content: Most people can remember at some point in their life, that clean fresh feeling in the air after a heavy thunderstorm.
This creation is more so an industrial strength field or rather more aptly described as a force of nature.
During thunder storms, lightning bolts break apart nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the atmosphere and create reactive chemicals that affect greenhouse gases, combined with subvisible discharges extreme amounts of the hydroxyl radical – OH – and hydroperoxyl radical – HO2 along with Ozone are produced.
Which can break apart methane and a lot of other problematic gases in the environment due to its highly reactive oxidization.
This field, acts in much the same way, Like a literal ‘lightning in a bottle’ that is released when you play the audio. It rapidly creates the effects mentioned above.
It extends about 30 feet+ and keeps increasing as you loop it.
Tall claims of course, so be sure to test it then and measure it however you want.
There is a lot more this can do, being also a smart field, I am not actually trying to convince you to buy it.
In fact, you really don’t need this, and you can buy an ozone generator or whatever else suits your fancy, intend it or whatever else.
Hypothetically speaking, it can also rapidly clear out masses of unnatural particles, mechanically made for whatever agendas that may not be your personally intended future.
This can damage living tissue as well, bleach clothing etc directly due to what it does.
While made in way that minimizes as much damage as possible, this is not for personal listening, it is for the environment.
Play it on loop and leave the area
Title: Literally Longer Lashes
Content: This uses some of the ideas and concepts in the original
Hair growth booster (This works to help push for faster extra hair growth, (and for all genders) Not for miniaturized follicles, but you can use both to speed results. The approach here is a combination of a few things. Activation of the sonic hedgehog path ways but only the fibroblasts directly around hair follicle. The removal of Dkk1 and stimulation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathways. Removal the WISE protein Via induced HAIRLESS protein production. (Which seems to switch the rest to re-growth phase) Then finally Lin28a directly targeted to follicles. This is programmed to directly communicate with the cells and pathways. to produce the intended effect.)
Using these ideas, we tackle a new problem here, the main reason why lashes do not just keep getting longer and longer like normal hair is because of its growth cycle.
the hair reaches a certain length then falls off and the cycle begins again.
So what we are doing is using the older hair growth booster as a base and extending the growth cycle and keeping it in a longer growth ‘phase’
Which results on longer lashes.
Use 1 to 2 times until you get your results.
A frivolous offering for who ever wishes to partake.
Title: Lourdes Water Charger
Content: According to believers, the Virgin Mary appeared to Maria Bernada Sobirós (in her native Occitan language) on a total of eighteen occasions at Lourdes (Lorda in her local Occitan language). Lourdes has become a major place of Roman Catholic pilgrimage and of miraculous healings. The 150th Jubilee of the first apparition took place on 11 February 2008 with an outdoor Mass attended by approximately 45,000 pilgrims.
Today Lourdes has a population of around 15,000, but it is able to take in some 5,000,000 pilgrims and tourists every season. With about 270 hotels, Lourdes has the second greatest number of hotels per square kilometer in France after Paris. Some of the deluxe hotels like Grand Hotel Moderne, Hotel Grand de la Grotte, Hotel St. Etienne, Hotel Majestic and Hotel Roissy are located here.
In the evening of February 11, 1858, a young Roman Catholic girl, Bernadette, went to fetch some firewood with her sister and another companion when a Lady who was indescribably beautiful appeared to her at the Massabielle grotto. Although the Lady did not tell Bernadette her name when asked at first, she told her to return to the grotto. On subsequent visits, the Lady revealed herself to be the “Immaculate Conception”. This was a reference to the dogma of the Immaculate Conception which had been defined only four years earlier in 1854 by Pope Pius IX, stating that the Virgin Mary herself had been conceived without sin. Bernadette, having only a rudimentary knowledge of the Catholic faith, did not understand what this meant but she reported it to her parish priest, Father Peyremale. He, though initially very skeptical of Bernadette’s claims, became convinced when he heard this because he knew the young girl had no knowledge of the doctrine. The Lady also told Bernadette to dig in the ground at a certain spot and to drink from the small spring of water that began to bubble up. Almost immediately cures were reported from drinking the water. And yet the water has been shown through repeated testing not to have any special curative properties. Today thousands of gallons of water gush from the source of the spring, and pilgrims are able to bathe in it. Countless purported miracle cures have been documented there, from the healing of nervous disorders and cancers to cases of paralysis and even of blindness. During the Apparitions, Bernadette Soubirous prayed the Rosary. Pope John Paul II wrote: “The Rosary of the Virgin Mary is a prayer of great significance, destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness”
(from Wikipedia)
This will work on charging whatever fluids with the power and energy of the above mentioned, even enhanced to be a little more defined in structure that the original.
Use as much as needed, simply play the audio with whatever fluid you wish the charge around the sound itself.
Title: Love Gravitation Wave
Content: Gravitational waves are disturbances in the curvature of spacetime, generated by accelerated masses, that propagate as waves outward from their source at the speed of light. They were proposed by Henri Poincaré in 1905 and subsequently predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein on the basis of his general theory of relativity. Gravitational waves transport energy as gravitational radiation, a form of radiant energy similar to electromagnetic radiation.
What this does is harness that to project a wave out from you the listener during the duration of your listening to this, spreading it throughout the earth and universe.
A small thing like this can lead to big changes later on.
The personal effects for you also can be profound on a spiritual level.
It may also attract the attention of higher vibrational beings,
Futher explantation if it was over the top
You become the center of a wave, you are like a ball bouncing in the ocean of spacetime and the ripples you are sending out affects the world around you and universe at large over time.
It works toward helping change you and the world/ collective consciousness by propagating a bit of love to the general experience of life on this dimension.
(it is not meant to grant you wishes or petition your cause amongst other beings, its just that it may be when you do larger things like this, your presence is noticed more)
Title: Love Peace and Joy, 20min Meditation
Content: This audio and video is designed in such a way to help provide a meaningful meditation to you that promotes Peace, love and Joy, when you use it.
You can simply relax and listen or actively meditate, I assure you it should be an amazing experience.
This is programmed with specific fields to help engorge you with the feeling and energy of love, inner joy and a profound feeling of peace.
It also forms a temporary connection with each person who is listening the field itself, to help spread these thoughts, feelings and mental states throughout the earth by the interconnected listeners.
(you become like a temporary node in a giant nexus)
Use whenever you wish.
Title: Lucid Dreamer
Content: Lucid dreaming is the experience of being aware that you are dreaming while you are still asleep and dreaming. In other words, it is a state where the dreamer is conscious that they are dreaming and can actively participate in and control the dream.
Here is a brain wiring field designed to help you master this ability with some extra benefits.
Title: Maha Ganapati Yagna
Content: This Yagna is generally suggested, when one perceives unforeseen obstacles in business, married life, political career etc. Known to help remove obstacles in one’s path so this is traditionally done before the start of any big venture, such as starting a new business venture, marriage etc.
Use as needed but of course in always an Ernest and sincere way.
Title: Manhattan 8k RES
Content: The first part of this creation induces the production of a wide array of membrane lipids in Neurons. Certain types of lipids are structural components of cells that protects them, but more importantly in our case enables many cellular processes and pathways, produces proteins, and contributes to cognitive tasks. These are permanent “hard” structures with equally permanent benefits.
The second part of this creation uses the process of RNA translation to continuously generate brain enzymes and gives an important cognitive boost beyond normal functioning. These side effects should last a while.
Included in this creation is the enzyme ENPP6. I figured the convenience of having it in RNA format outweighs the fact that it has already been released as a standalone audio, since it alone is enough to produce white matter effortlessly. It is also a small part of a much bigger creation.
But keep in mind that while not mandatory, the effects of the fields will be greatly enhanced if you consume Omega3s on a regular basis.
As for the rest of the elements included, they will be synthesized from nutrients contained in a basic diet.
Title: Manhattan Max Relief
Content: Introducing Manhattan Max Relief
Are you tired of living with chronic pain ? Seeking a natural and holistic solution to soothe your discomfort ? Look no further! We are thrilled to present Manhattan Max Relief, a cutting-edge morphic field designed to bring you a new level of comfort and relief.
This remarkable field combines the power of advanced technologies with the wisdom of nature to target pain at its source. Let’s dive into the incredible features that make Manhattan Max Relief a game-changer in the realm of pain management:
Bit of Dopamine and Serotonin: Experience a gentle boost of these essential neurotransmitters, promoting feelings of well-being and relaxation. Say goodbye to stress and tension as you embark on a journey of inner peace and contentment.
CBD, GABA, Opioid Receptors Activation: Activate the body’s natural pain-relieving mechanisms by stimulating these vital receptors. Unlock the potential of your own endogenous painkillers and discover a renewed sense of relief.
Tiam1 Inhibition: By inhibiting Tiam1, a key signaling molecule involved in pain pathways, Manhattan Max Relief disrupts pain transmission and promotes a more harmonious balance within your body. Embrace a life free from the shackles of chronic pain.
Histamine Receptor Blocker: This powerful feature blocks the histamine receptors responsible for triggering pain and inflammation. Watch as discomfort subsides, and your body finds its way back to a state of ease and comfort.
Stellate Ganglion Block: By targeting the stellate ganglion, Manhattan Max Relief interrupts the pain signals and soothes the nervous system. Experience a gentle calm washing over you as your body’s pain responses are harmonized.
Chronic Pain Circuit Removal: Through targeted energy work, this innovative field dismantles the circuits that perpetuate chronic pain. Break free from the cycle of suffering and embark on a path of renewed vitality and well-being.
But that’s not all! Manhattan Max Relief goes the extra mile by addressing not only the physical aspects of pain but also the energetic and emotional dimensions. It works holistically to release trapped emotions and energetic imbalances associated with pain, allowing you to experience a profound sense of relief on all levels.
We understand that pain can be a deeply personal and debilitating experience. That’s why Manhattan Max Relief is designed to adapt and evolve with your unique needs. Over time, this intelligent field becomes more effective at reducing pain, providing you with ongoing relief and support.
Don’t let pain dictate your life any longer. Embrace the comfort, joy, and freedom that Manhattan Max Relief brings. Say hello to a future filled with vitality and wellness. Take the first step on your pain-free journey today!
Title: Manhattan’s Mathematical Madness
Content: Are you ready to unlock your hidden mathematical madness ? Prepare to embark on a transformative journey of brain growth and mathematical mastery. Our innovative program, designed to stimulate the frontal lobe and activate the corpus callosum, will propel your mathematical abilities to legendary heights.
Experience the power of Mathematical Intuition, where your brain’s innate understanding of numbers and numerical patterns is amplified. Our Number Sense Amplification subfield will enhance your ability to recognize and comprehend numerical relationships, allowing for lightning-fast mental calculations and heightened numerical intuition.
Become a master of Symbolic Manipulation with our Proficiency subfield. Develop an extraordinary skill set in manipulating mathematical symbols and equations, enabling you to effortlessly solve complex mathematical problems and engage in advanced mathematical reasoning. Discover the joy of seamlessly working with algebraic expressions, equations, and mathematical notations.
Gain the remarkable ability to represent and translate real-world situations into mathematical frameworks with our Mathematical Problem and Situation Representation subfield. Learn to view the world through a mathematical lens, opening up a world of possibilities for creative problem-solving and innovative thinking.
Enhance your Mathematical Fluency and watch as calculations become second nature. Our Fluency subfield will elevate your speed, accuracy, and automaticity in performing mathematical operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Say goodbye to tedious calculations and embrace a newfound sense of mathematical agility.
Immerse yourself in the realm of Numerical Pattern Recognition, where you’ll develop an astute eye for identifying and understanding patterns in numerical sequences. Join us on this remarkable journey of brain growth and mathematical mastery. Empower yourself with the skills, intuition, and fluency to tackle mathematical challenges with ease. Unleash your mathematical madness and step into a world of infinite possibilities.
Embrace the power of your mathematical insanity.
PS: It includes more, you know, the secret sauce
Title: Mitochondria Protector Blend
Content: A meditational track for you to enjoy,
inspired by Induced Mots - c Production (Longevity series) (Healthy aging can be promoted by enhanced metabolic fitness and physical capacity. Mitochondria are chief metabolic organelles with strong implications in aging. The progressive loss of metabolic homeostasis is a hallmark of aging, which impedes parenchymal function and ultimately diminishes physical capacity. Mitochondria not only produce the bulk of cellular energy, but also coordinate adaptive cellular homeostasis. MOTS-c (mitochondrial ORF of the 12S rRNA type-c) is an MDP that promotes metabolic homeostasis, in part, via AMPK, and by directly regulating adaptive nuclear gene expression following nuclear translocation. MOTS-c expression is age-dependent and detected in multiple tissues, including skeletal muscle, and in circulation, thus it has been dubbed a “mitochondrial hormone or “mitokine. It had been observed in aging mice that systemic MOTS-c treatment reversed diet-induced obesity and diet- and age-dependent insulin resistance. This is designed to work to induce the productions of mtDNA-encoded MOTS-c. (its naturally induced with exercise) In experimental subjects it was observed that MOTS-c treatment significantly improves physical performance regulates skeletal muscle metabolism and gene expression, and finally enhances adaptation to metabolic stress in C2C12 cells in an HSF1-dependent manner.)
AMPK: The Energy Enzyme (Activation) (Energetically Programmed Audio) (AMPK is an energy sensor that, when activated in certain tissues, has many beneficial effects on our bodies. It stimulates the metabolism, improves insulin sensitivity, decreases inflammation, and improves muscle performance. AMPK is also involved in several longevity pathways and may promote healthy aging.)
Sirt 3 and 6 Activation (These genes are responsible for cell/mitochondria repair etc, They have been studied intensively and shown to help with longevity and de-aging. Sirt 6 This gene encodes a member of the sirtuin family of NAD-dependent enzymes that are implicated in cellular stress resistance, genomic stability, aging and energy homeostasis. The encoded protein is localized to the nucleus, exhibits ADP-ribosyl transferase and histone deacetylase activities, and plays a role in DNA repair, maintenance of telomeric chromatin, inflammation, lipid and glucose metabolism. Sirt 3 SIRT3 encodes a member of the sirtuin family of class III histone deacetylases, homologs to the yeast Sir2 protein. The encoded protein is found exclusively in mitochondria, where it can eliminate reactive oxygen species, inhibit apoptosis, and prevent the formation of cancer cells. SIRT3 has far-reaching effects on nuclear gene expression, cancer, cardiovascular disease, neuroprotection, aging, and metabolic control. These genes switch on to certain response or chemical. This induces that switch to be on, it will go back to normal functioning, but in this way it helps provides you with a control system)
As well as far infrared and catalyse targeted to mitochondria
with the additional stimulation of the telomerase enzyme.
Use as needed
Title: Muscles Beyond Limits
Content: Congratulations you have found a Mythic Class item!
This recreates the C313Y mutation in myostatin directly and only in muscle cells. That mutation induces increased skeletal muscle mass that results from an increase of myofiber number (hyperplasia). So it’s the raw base of stopping the production of myostatin, but only to Muscle, No organs included. The changes are induced by your RNA and are quite long-lasting but not permanent.
Directed activation of Myosatellite cells, also known as satellite cells or muscle stem cells, are small multipotent cells with very little cytoplasm found in mature muscle. Satellite cells are precursors to skeletal muscle cells, able to give rise to satellite cells or differentiated skeletal muscle cells. They have the potential to provide additional myonuclei to their parent muscle fiber or return to a quiescent state. More specifically, upon activation, satellite cells can re-enter the cell cycle to proliferate and differentiate into myoblasts
The muscle fibers will recruit myonuclei from activated satellite cells and initiate hypertrophic growth.
Also, Fat cells shall be converted (by using our formula of fat to stem cells) (This video is programmed to induce your fat cells to become stem cells, it works more to the fat around your organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected.
Yes it should help you to regenerate. This is perhaps one of our most powerful fields in that it creates plentiful stem cells to accelerate and maximize regeneration of the body. It is highly, highly effective for healing.
Use as much as you want, No head phones are required.)
they will be induced fat to Muscle Myosatellite cells or muscle stem cells.
All designed for an explosive increase in muscle mass, beyond your natural genetic limits.
Finally, there will also be a directed push of nutrients towards muscle cells. To help with their growth and development.
Of course, you are under no obligation to buy this.
If anything it’s a sit around, do nothing, and get bulked field… even a little bit of work out and people should see massive steroid-like gains.
Being an item of Mythic Class, it is also so protected.
Use 2 - 4 times for best result, may feel hungry after as your body may require a lot more nutrition.
Also, a smart field that gets better at doing what it does.
If you use Adipose Swords, then use at least an hour or two after.
Title: Musically Yours
Content: This works toward enhancing multiple auditory processing circuits and their related memory connections to facilitate pitch, tempo, melodies and consonance recognitions and learning.
Also included are hand-eye/ hand-ear coordination, finger dexterity, muscle memory enhancements etc.
Title: My Personal Emotional and Mental Supporter
Content: This is a smart treatment field, it is meant to function almost like a therapist.
It will address your emotional problems or mental states energetically, while you talk to it.
A great way to use it, would be to create a little list of your problems then read it loud or mentally and you will find it being addressed (sometimes faster and before you read it or reached that point in your reading).
(The only reason I say to write it, is because, it may be a little hard for some to actually feel those problematic things when listening, it also works passively like this, so there is no need to do the exercise above if you do not wish)
I think this may be a wonderful tool to use in time loneliness, heartache, depression, grief and so on.
A lot of us, need an external from of validation to help us feel better, when you are focusing on your hurts, it is always good to have someone around to talk about it with, and guide you back to a healthier mental state.
It not quite a servitor and its actually your own self love that is dressed up to appear as if it comes externally to provide this validation.
This field will grow along with you as you use it, and it will be able to provide a far more personal approach as you continue to use it.
Its knowledge base also grows to create better effects and approaches over time, logically this means the value and scope of this can increase over time.
Use as much as you need.
The base of the passive effect uses a deep appreciation of the core of your being and a comforting protection along with an emotional body cleansing.
Title: Mythic
Content: Temporarily overwhelmed by the luck stat being pushed past its limits a mythical combo drop has appeared.
Detoxed Plasmatron life.
The plasmatron field set combined with aspects of blueprint of life with mitochondrial detoxification.
A deeper detox to facilitate a far deeper healing.
Divine Will
A will beyond will, the will you get when you feel that the universe also supports you and is 100% backing you.
One that can make this ability quite natural to yourself over time.
Full Body Negentropic Coherence
What would happen if the heart coherence was made negentropic and applied to all parts of your energy system and centers?
Mythically protected and the details and implications lie in the experiences ahead.
Nothing you actually need to have a normal life of course.
2 to 3 times each.
Title: Negative Ion Charged Plasma Blood
Content: Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy.
Generally though, it can help improve alertness, and sometimes provide a little mental energy.
Those effects and descriptions above are from webmd and describes the process through inhalation.
This on the other hand directly charges your blood using the heart and veins as an anchor point.
Also included is the Negentropic Plasma Light
The energies an effects are modelled after the famous PRIORE device which was so successful against many diseases in France, particularly cancers and cysts. and its modern version the Theraphi device
More detailed physics behind Priore – and the precise conjugate physics of Theraphi and theraphi dot net)
Negentropy is the reverse of entropy and is considered “the life organizing principle”. It is the tendency to increase order leading to a steady predictable state. Life is considered to be negentropic because it consumes energy like food and transmutes it into the more ordered requirements for cellular function, like cells in the body, tissues, and organs. Negentropy affects our view of time, because time in science is defined as the direction of entropy. Negentropy is referred to as reverse entropy, hence “reverse time”, a process where the cell can remember what it was originally like before disorder set in
These are all combined together to charge your blood as it flows in all veins/arteries etc, it can help with blood inflammation issues, artery repair and just general health maintenance.
3-4 times is usually good.
But just be careful of some detoxing.
(which you should not have a problem with if you have already detoxed from other plasma audio types)
Title: Negentropic Full Body Yawning and Purring
Content: This is combination of 3 things all meant to provide a brand new healing method.
At least in concept, and to plant the seed for its further development.
A yawn is an involuntary reflex where the mouth is opened wide, the muscles relax and also absorb a little prana, blood flow is increased and also a bit of nutrient absorption.
A cat’s purr at 26 Hertz, is a range that is said to promotes tissue regeneration.
Here we have combined both things and applied it via this audio as something the human body can use and wrapped with a mild negentropic smart field as well.
Perhaps a nice way to to prepare for bed for a deeper more healing sleep.
Use as needed.
Title: Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork
Content: Smart Targeted and Smart Activation.
Tailored to each user’s face for “the perfect” face.
Title: Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork
Content: NA
Title: New Perspectives
Content: This is a combination of a few concepts and fields, presented here to be used in a therapeutic way to create a joyous future full of possibilities.
It is a combination of The outlook retrainer (is based on
The Feelgood Session for the 8 Coil Shakti but also helps create those neuron connections in this pathway, causing a wiring that works along the described effects above.
in way, it is like having lots of positive experiences in life, that leads to a healthier mindset,
and excitement for life and living.)
Title: Oil of Mercury
Content: Below is taken directly from alchemical information about the Oil of Mercury.
This being the refined presentation of it as an energetic audio, these were what was claimed in the past,
which may usually be a measure of truth and exaggeration combined, or maybe not.
2 - 3 times per usage
(Alchemical Description)
This oil is made from purified medicinal mercury which has been processed
to absorb in itself the essence of copper. In Indian alchemy it is said that
this mercury has received 5 impressions or memories. This mercury is
alchemically joined to purified medicinal sulphur by the agency of a salt,
thus becoming a bright red exalted alchemical cinnabar. On being exposed
several nights to the full moon it resolves itself into a blood-like oil by
attracting the universal spirit of the world in the form of corporified
To this oil, essences of gold and mica are added along with pure musk,
ambergris oil, Baltic Russian amber paste, saffron and gorochand, which is a
rare orange stone-like animal substance.
Mercury rules the lungs, the lymphs and the nerves. It is very useful in
paralysis, hemiplegia and several nervous disorders such as Zona. It is also
a very helpful agent in treating certain cancers, especially of the lungs.
Ideal for young lymphatic children and the ones suffering of stagnation. It
removes obsessions, fixed ideas, mental viscosity and deep depression of
“lung type.”
In the light geriatrics, it is a powerful regenerator of the immune system,
nervous system, if combined with several mineral essences such as gold,
mica, etc.
Title: Opiate and General Addiction Withdrawal
Content: The programming in this audio is meant to help with withdrawal symptoms. (a little with cravings also) The idea is to make your brain forget this need and urge in the simplest sense of explanations. Use it as an extra help and punch along with your own protocols. While designed to help a lot, use it as a supplementation to your existing protocol.
Opioid withdrawal symptoms are severe and relapse among users is common. This works on interrupting the brain pathway responsible for morphine and a few other drug-associated memories. Thus “erasing” the drug-associated memory from the paraventricular thalamus pathways. (Based on research from the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Stanford University)
Also added is some deep brain stimulation and the usage of ZIP to interrupt the associations and memories as a larger, giant ‘reset’ 2 - 3 times a day is fine until you get the results you want. Usage time may vary with everyone, so see what works for you.
Title: Order by 3 (Black Label Item Series)
Content: Presented as a curiosity and highly protected.
A combination of the Gold Oil of the sun, The energetic output of the negentropic plasma device and Mstate Gold.
A combination of alchemies and approaches for a unique creation.
ONLY works for the one legal purchaser
NON shareable.
NON Tradable
be suitably notified here and now.
‘But what if’
Title: Parad Energies (Self and Atmosphere)
Content: Parad (Mercury) as per ancient text is considered a very auspicious thing. At a room temperature the mercury is liquid, but if treated by various alchemical process it can solidify and becomes quite a boon. There is a host of medicinal chakra and energy benefit attributed to this.
Use as needed.
Title: Plasma soaked Teeth and Gums
Content: This is a combination of the plasma fields along with mitochondrial targeting and voltage restoration with finally the last versions of the teeth and gum treatment
The energetic programming placed on this video is designed to work towards stimulating your teeth for regeneration from cavities and general damage. It will not re-grow lost teeth. It uses α-MSH (alpha version of melanocyte-stimulating hormone) which has been shown in experiments to produce teeth repair and regeneration.
This has been updated to speed the healing and also the addition of Tideglusib (non-ATP-competitive glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibitor) and transforming growth factor beta 1.
Merged with this is the previous new tooth regeneration, which may help with regeneration and even regrowth (so far only 2 cases of regrowth but these were in younger individuals.)
Finally add to this is some mild UVC and hydrogen peroxide for a whitening effect and bacteria destruction. (localized only to teeth)
Using a combination of energy, programmed frequencies, this treatment is designed to help with renewal and regeneration, it is intended to help with regenerating gum tissue from any type periodontal disease (receding gums etc). It tells your body to produce increased amounts of Fibroblast growth factor - 2 which new research has shown to cause gum regeneration. Listening to this regularly will begin the process of creating new cells to renew and regenerate the damaged and receded areas.
But also keep in mind you need to also stop the underlying cause of the problem, meaning, if receding gums were caused by smoking, then you need to stop smoking etc as the case applies.
Oil pulling would be a good way to supplement this treatment.
Use this 4 - 5 times or however you see fit.
Title: Positive Vibes Energy (for yourself/environment/surroundings)
Content: Use this 45min+ audio to depattern/breakup the energy pattern in your environment and create instead a wonderfully uplifting energy that promotes positivity.
Playing this audio wherever you go is like exhibiting an aura of positivity that uplifts everyone and everything around you. You’ll have positive vibes on demand! The second you start stressing out or notice a negative vibe in your environment, you can play this audio and witness how a positive vibe begins to uplift you and everyone else.
Best part about it is, you can play at low volume through your phone’s speakers (on repeat) and nobody will hear a thing. Yet, it will still work on creating a contagious positive vibe that spreads in the environment and affects you and everyone else. Now imagine having the audio on repeat when you:
Go to a party
Job interview
First date
Selling products
This audio will create a positive vibe between you and other people and make connecting with others come more naturally. Especially, since they will be open to connect with you. There are endless ways you can use this audio to improve your life.
*In fact, you can have it playing in your home once a day and eventually, your home will always exhibit a positive vibe. Living in this field of positivity will carry onto you and make you an overall more positive person. Positive people get the things they want in life and live more fulfilling lives.
Title: Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence
Content: This draws from the work of Dr Gregg Barden and the magnetic field of the heart.
The Earth’s magnetic field rises, falls, and regulates everything from climate to ice caps and sea levels. This magnetic field joins all life on Earth from a blade of grass, to an ant, to a goldfish, to a hamster, to us. When many of us come together and create a common feeling, that experience is called “coherence.” “Coherence” can actually be measured. It is 0.10 Hertz. That is the measurement of the coherence created between the heart and the brain.
When we create this coherence inside our bodies, it triggers about 1,400 biochemical changes. Anti-aging processes begin. DHEA level-the life-giving hormone-surges in our bodies. Our immune systems become really strong. We think more clearly. We become less aggressive. The magnetic fields of the heart are now being documented.
This works directly on building, restoring and enhancing that coherence.
Use as needed.
Title: Quintessence of Hyper Femininity
Content: We are proud to announce the release of a groundbreaking alchemical creation: the Quintessence of Hyper Femininity !
This masterfully forged alchemical concoction allows she who takes it to harness the pure essence of her own hyper-feminine power and enables the unlocking of her ultimate potential.
The Quintessence of Hyper Femininity operates as follows:
First, your feminine energy is sampled, purified and vibrationally raised slightly above your current level. Then it is infused with the realised concept of pure Hyper Femininity. This Hyper Feminine essence is then carefully compressed to creates the Quintessence of Hyper Femininity.
This Quintessence of Hyper Femininity is then pumped back into your system where it will flow throughout your being, dissolving blockages, and expanding your femininity to its fullest expression.
A second flow, this time the electrified version of Quintessence of Hyper Femininity will course throughout your physical body, invigorating every cell as it unleashes a new kind of feminine vitality.
A third flow of distilled Quintessence of Hyper Femininity will penetrate deep into your psyche. As the distilled Quintessence of Hyper Femininity intertwines with your psyche, it will initiates a profound process of integration and psyche refinement. You will experience a deeper connection to the quintessential female nurturing instinct.
The consequences of which are up to you to discover
Title: Quintessence of Hyper Masculinity
Content: In a world where the sons of Man seem to have lost their way…
We are proud to announce the release of a groundbreaking alchemical creation: the Quintessence of Hypermasculinity !
This masterfully forged alchemical concoction allows he who takes it to harness the pure essence of his own hyper-masculine power and enables the unlocking of his ultimate potential.
The Quintessence of Hypermasculinity operates as follows:
First, your masculine energy is sampled, purified and vibrationally raised slightly above your current level. Then it is infused with the realised concept of pure Hypermasculinity. This Hypermasculine essence is then carefully compressed to creates the Quintessence of Hypermasculinity.
This Quintessence of Hypermasculinity is then pumped back into your system where it will flow throughout your being, dissolving blockages, and expanding your manliness to its fullest expression.
A second flow, this time the electrified version of Quintessence of Hypermasculinity will course throughout your physical body, invigorating every cell as it unleashes a new kind of masculine vitality.
A third flow of distilled Quintessence of Hypermasculinity will penetrate deep into your psyche. As the distilled Quintessence of Hypermasculinity intertwines with your psyche, it will initiates a profound process of integration and psyche refinement. You will experience a heightened sense of Patriarchal authority, purpose and direction as well as a deepening connection with your core masculine identity and self-expression.
The Patriarchy awaits thee…
Title: Reiki Massage
Content: Energy healing video, its like having your body massaged with energy and a reiki treatment. To help with relaxing, muscle pains and a general all round healing.
Title: Robust Organs For Sure
Content: Imagine a compression of pure fortified and youthifying life force being packed into your organs directly.
Imagine the consequences
Title: Schumann Resonance
Content: This combination of frequencies and energetic programming works towards vibrating every part of your body and being with the Schumann Resonance, it can help remove toxic energies embedded deep inside of you as well as creating a whole body harmony while providing EMF protection. Other than that, it just feels damn good.
-Stronger immune system and accelerated healing
-Connection between the left and right hemispheres of brain
-Reduce stress and induce feelings of happiness/unconditional love
-EMF protection and removal of toxic energies
-Overall balanced state of being
Title: Self Refresh
Content: This field is to reset your beingness, however it is at this moment, to its best working potential. So, taking account your current state of being, the field should set you into the best functioning you at the moment. The following fields are combined to make this best possible.
Being in a negatively charged ion space (increases oxygen naturally)
Field that clear brain fog, stuck patterns of thought or just any distracting energies in the body, and instills a present flow of consciousness. Getting you into a ‘here and now’ flow of being where you are in a positive stream of being. Set you onto positive power waves state of being.
Confidence boost to help with push forward into the present
-Field could pre-measure what we can be at our highest potential. The hypothetical measure as seen with dream of purity
-A mild brain stimulation field that gets your brain working to optimal potential. Increase focus, memory recall, pattern recognition. Anything to give a good enough boost in brain functioning so you have a clearer and better mind to work with.
field’s intelligence provides actual means to apply on the user that what the field scans is required to actually become the best self possible.
-Excitement Field
-Gamma brain waves induced for focus
-a powerful charge for the three dantiens and the central meridian to have loads of energy for all the things happening within
Automated Grounding
Title: Self Respect
Content: Self-respect is a type of ‘self-love’ where a person values the things they have been through, the experiences they have had, the hard work to get where their are. It is having an understanding and appreciation of the underlying character traits of one’s True Self—and most importantly—making life choices and decisions from that authentic aspect of a person’s personality. This is very different than relying on one’s ego or False Self persona that serves as a cover to show the world only “the good stuff” of a person’s personality. The reason self-respect is so important is that it is the gift we give ourselves when we become less motivated to please others in order to get their approval and more motivated to live a life of authenticity and personal integrity despite whatever anyone else thinks about us.
This works from your own perspective, internally, not externally as a ‘validation’
That being said, you will find yourself feeling and making respectful choices to your body and being.
On the path towards a better way of life, sometimes you need to start with yourself.
Use as needed.
Title: Shatachandi Yagna
Content: Here presented is a complete energetic recreation of the Shatachandi Yagna where you as the listener also get the benefits as a participant in this. Of course greater benefits are received depending on your natural state of being as well, meaning that usually people fasted and did some religious cleansing before performing these things.
Also created as a test for feed back to see if people are interested in these things also.
Explanation follows below. (taken from both and
Sat Chandi Havan : People do Sat Chandi Path to please the angelic mother, who is also the preserver of the humankind. The angelic mother is the soul and sole truth of the world, and she enchants all the powers in the world. When people do Sat Chandi Paath Yagya together, as the path is one of the most strong texts in Hindu religion as and gives blessings and advantages to all, and yagna as the fire lab cleans everything.
The importance of sat Chandi maha Yagya lies primarily in Navratri, as a Paath and Yagya of Durga Saptashati are normally done. It is a powerful ritual that also contains the strength of Mantra Chanting of Durga Saptashathi Paath, every day during Navratri. Sat Chandi is a distinctive puja and Yagya. It have the power of Durga Saptashathi Mantra and people chant it during the Navratri. The puja and Yagna finishes all the planetary ill effects.
People do the pooja on the auspicious time i.e. on a full moon night. The full moon day gives all the positive energies when this energy is mixed with the energy of the mantras. It gives positive vibes in nature. It also allows in the purification of mind Body and soul.
There are lots of benefits of Shat Chandi Yagya, few are mentioned below.
Sat Yagya helps in improving health, wealth and happiness.
This Yagya helps in reducing the negative effects, eliminate fear and stress.
This is also perform for Harmony in marital life and finding life partner
This will helps in achieve spiritual motive, Moksha, knowledge and wisdom.
This helps in succeeding in business, career and future vision.
This rituals helps in abolishing of all Doshas and hurdles, caused due to malign planet.
7 In short, The Sat Chandi Paath Yagya helps in getting the desired boons and protection thoroughly .
Use as needed or guided.
Title: Silver Oil of The Moon
Content: Below is taken directly from alchemical information about the silver oil of the moon.
This being the refined presentation of it as an energetic audio, these were what was claimed in the past,
which may usually be a measure of truth and exaggeration combined, or maybe not.
2 - 3 times per usage
This oil is prepared from metallic ashes of silver which cannot return to the metallic state. Those ashes are fused into a colorful glass with special alchemical salts elaborated from a phosphoric principle. Those highly fixed salts are then combined naturally with the universal spirit which contains corporified light or astral fire. When exposed several nights to the full moon, this glass dissolves by attraction into an oily thick paste. The oil which is the soul and heavier falls to the bottom; the spirit which is lighter floats on top.
The moon, silver, rules the brain, the skin and female organs. The silver oil is very useful for children suffering of night terrors and those children who “look old.” It is good for female sterility, also for almost constitutional dysmenorrhoea if given in the first half of the menstrual cycle. It is also good for curing dry constipation. Excellent in controlling mental illnesses and chronic diseases of the brain.
Title: Snapping Synapses
Content: Introducing “Snapping Synapses” - Unleash the Power of Your Brain!
Are you ready to unlock your brain’s full potential? With “Snapping Synapses,” you can now supercharge your neural wiring and synapses creation. This groundbreaking brain field is designed to optimize your neural functions by targeting key molecular and cellular processes involved in learning, memory, and overall brain health.
Snapping Synapses harnesses the power of advanced scientific research to bring you unparalleled benefits:
GSK-3β Inhibition
HDAC Inhibition
PDE4 Inhibition
JNK Inhibition
CaMKII Increase
PKA Increase
MAPK & ERK Increase
TrkB, TrkA, NT-3 Increase
CREB Activation
mTOR & Akt Increase
Neuregulin-1/ ErbB Increase
Title: Solfeggio 9 in 1 with 0
Content: While there’s a number of different opinions on where the solfeggio frequencies originated, it’s widely believed they were first introduced by a Benedictine Monk and music theorist named Guido d’Arezzo in the 10th Century.
Guido d’Arezzo put music to a poem called “The Hymn To St John The Baptist.” This hymn, which is a Gregorian chant, is the most widely celebrated example of the use of the solfeggio scale in ancient music. The six original tones of the solfeggio scale are all present in it.
This is the first stanza of The Hymn To St John The Baptist:
Ut queant laxis
Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum
Solve polluti
labii reatum
Sancte Johannes
You may notice that the musical scale of Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La is present, which forms the basis for our modern Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti scales used by musicians today.
Each scale holds a particularly frequency that can be measured in Hz. Here they are:
UT : 396 Hz
Re = 417 Hz
Mi = 528 Hz
Fa = 639 Hz
Sol = 741 Hz
La = 852 Hz
These six tones form the original solfeggio scale. Three extra frequencies were subsequently added, yielding the modern day solfeggio scale which consists of nine tones
This track contains none of the actual tones
but rather a conbination of all the base fields representing the tones, Which in a unique way can offer you a safer alternative.
Please enjoy and use as you please.
It is also copyprotected with a Pinocchio effect, certainly feel free to try.
Title: Soul Restoration (Brow/Forehead Storage Center)
Content: dios and realized conceptual abstracts.
What this does is work on repairing your Brow/Forehead energy storage center, it seals and removes any energetic drainage cords and links that may be draining your energy or taking advantage of you.
This center is where you metal states and stability even projecting psychic energy. Usually the place where people try to mentally influence you from.
A lot of times you can have trouble accessing it properly due to blockages, fragmentation from emotional pain and being taken advantage off.
This can lead to a lot of health and mental problems.
This works towards sealing those leakages and external attachments that try to remove your energy (parasitic types of beings and people)
It strengthens the connection to the original source of that energy, it enhances / widens that flow as well.
It has a compounded effect the more you use it.
But effects should be felt in the first few listens
Take back your own life force!
Title: Soul Restoration (Heart storage Center)
Content: What this does is work on repairing your heart energy center, it seals and removes any energetic drainage cords and links that may be draining your energy or taking advantage of you.
This center is where your emotional center is and also a major storage center that is probably the part that usually has the most energetic drainage and parasitic connections.
A lot of times you can have trouble accessing it properly due to blockages, fragmentation from emotional pain and being taken advantage off.
This can lead to a lot of health problems and speed the aging process.
This works towards sealing those leakages and external attachments that try to remove your energy (parasitic types of beings and people)
It strengthens the connection to the original source of that energy, it enhances / widens that flow as well.
It has a compounded effect the more you use it.
But effects should be felt in the first few listens
Take back your own life force!
Title: Soul/Core Energy Restoration
Content: What this does is work on repairing your core energy center, it seals and removes any energetic drainage cords and links that may be draining your energy or taking advantage of you.
This center is where your life force resides.
A lot of times you can have trouble accessing it properly due to blockages, fragmentation from emotional pain and being taken advantage off.
This can lead to a lot of health problems and speed the aging process.
This works towards sealing those leakages and external attachments that try to remove your energy (parasitic types of beings and people)
It strengthens the connection to the original source of that energy (call it god or the universe or the source of life itself) it enhances / widens that flow as well.
It has a compounded effect the more you use it.
But effects should be felt in the first few listens
Take back your own life force!
Title: Speed Reading
Content: The goal here is to improve reading comprehension while minimizing the time it takes to read a text.
Title: Strawberries N Creme
Content: Please enjoy our first official scent and flavor release.
A fruity fresh strawberry high note with overtures of powdered sugar and a heavy crème background.
The effect is compounded repeated use and lingers on your skin and sweat as a natural perfume.
Enjoy this taste and smell with even some of the strawberry antioxidant effects.
A luxurious yet functional frivolity.
Description is quite literal.
Title: Stress and Anxiety by Manhattan
Content: Step into a meticulously crafted domain where robust mental resilience meets profound emotional balance . This field embodies a steadfast fortress against the prevailing winds of stress and anxiety . As you immerse yourself, you’ll discover an elevated pain tolerance threshold for both emotional and physical discomfort , turning intense moments into navigable challenges. Amid life’s cacophony, envision a sanctuary of calm and tranquility , a mental oasis where the turmoil of the external world fades. Anxiety, instead of being a formidable foe, is transformed into exhilarating excitement , like a current propelling you forward. Adopt a lens of optimistic realism , seeing life not as a series of obstacles but as a sequence of puzzles awaiting solutions. Each setback, each resistance, becomes an opportunity—a challenge to be relished and overcome. And through it all, a deep-seated gratitude infuses every experience, as you recognize the beauty in both the highs and lows, and the growth that emerges from navigating life’s intricate tapestry. Dive into this mastery, where you’re equipped with the tools to not just withstand but to truly thrive amidst life’s complexities.
Title: Super Human Mutant RNA +
Content: Congratulations! you have found a legendary item.
taking the work of the original Super human mutant audio (So this creation allows you to experience some key mutations (in my opinion)
to understand the feeling of being a super human.
This does not cause a permanent change as it is an energy stimulant and the effects usually lasts around 17-20 hours.
The mutations and modifications are as follows,
overexpression of sirt3 by a factor of 3
This effectively ‘detoxes’ and reduces ROS effects in your mitochondria.
Function production of vitamin c, we have a defective gene for our own Vitamin C production,
This allows you to feel the effects of a functional one.
Pepck-cmus emzyne concentrated in muscle tissue.
In short this increases mitochondria in muscle tissue, allowing far more power and endurance
than humanly possible
Amblox gene and overexpression of it 10
This gene is encoded by atoxyl salamander, which allows them to regenerate any part of their body.
Finally a modification of mitochondria by adding a Rhodopsin protein to it, which basically allows to use light as an energy source for your body.
Yes you are feeding on light.
This is not offered on items if you are buying fields,
In the mean while, enjoy the experience and imagine the possibilities.)
to another level with some additions and modifications.
Of course be sure to use the one on YouTube firstly, a try before you buy.
While not a genetic change, the RNA is mobilized to tell the cells to produce these new changes in a physical way. So changes can be long lasting, but not permanent.
with the older one, these few are kept
overexpression of sirt3
(This effectively ‘detoxes’ and reduces ROS effects in your mitochondria.)
Pepck-cmus emzyne concentrated in muscle tissue.
In short this increases mitochondria in muscle tissue, allowing far more power and endurance
than humanly possible
Quite famous in the older experiments done in mice
Genetically Engineered 'Mighty Mouse' Can Run 6 Kilometers Without Stopping | ScienceDaily
(which you really should read to get a better idea)
Amblox gene and overexpression of it 10
Finally a modification of mitochondria by adding a Rhodopsin protein to it, which basically allows you to use light as an energy source for your body.
This can be quite a boon with active practice. But most people just require a good dose of sunshine or light to feel the effects.
Sherpa EPAS1 gene variant.
this is a gene they inherited from Denisovans
It makes your mitochondria use oxygen more efficiently.
the homo sapien mutation for adaptation in higher altitudes produces more red blood cells, (they do this with EPO doping in performance games now)
You can read some more about this here
3 - 4 times is fine, and should be while before you need to use it again.
Of course, legendary items have legendary protection
and a lot more fun things.
remember you are under no obligation to get this, and you can easily get a CRISPR kit.
Title: The Acquisition of Abdominal Definition
Content: This works to specifically cut the fat between the abdominal muscles to allow for a lot more definition.
It does this by uncoupling the mitochondria in those areas along with a few specifics to allow for a larger consumption of fat in those specific areas.
So with that, the definition of the muscles can become a lot more defined and serrated.
In addition, some of the elements in the ‘muscle without limits’ field (Content: Congratulations you have found a Mythic Class item!
This recreates the C313Y mutation in myostatin directly and only in muscle cells. That mutation induces increased skeletal muscle mass that results from an increase of myofiber number (hyperplasia). So it’s the raw base of stopping the production of myostatin, but only to Muscle, No organs included. The changes are induced by your RNA and are quite long-lasting but not permanent.
Directed activation of Myosatellite cells, also known as satellite cells or muscle stem cells, are small multipotent cells with very little cytoplasm found in mature muscle. Satellite cells are precursors to skeletal muscle cells, able to give rise to satellite cells or differentiated skeletal muscle cells. They have the potential to provide additional myonuclei to their parent muscle fiber or return to a quiescent state. More specifically, upon activation, satellite cells can re-enter the cell cycle to proliferate and differentiate into myoblasts
The muscle fibers will recruit myonuclei from activated satellite cells and initiate hypertrophic growth.
Also, Fat cells shall be converted (by using our formula of fat to stem cells) (This video is programmed to induce your fat cells to become stem cells, it works more to the fat around your organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected.
Yes it should help you to regenerate. This is perhaps one of our most powerful fields in that it creates plentiful stem cells to accelerate and maximize regeneration of the body. It is highly, highly effective for healing.
Use as much as you want, No head phones are required.)
they will be induced fat to Muscle Myosatellite cells or muscle stem cells.
All designed for an explosive increase in muscle mass, beyond your natural genetic limits.
Finally, there will also be a directed push of nutrients towards muscle cells. To help with their growth and development.
Of course, you are under no obligation to buy this.
If anything it’s a sit around, do nothing, and get bulked field… even a little bit of work out and people should see massive steroid-like gains.
Being an item of Mythic Class, it is also so protected.
Use 2 - 4 times for best result, may feel hungry after as your body may require a lot more nutrition.
Also, a smart field that gets better at doing what it does.
If you use Adipose Swords, then use at least an hour or two after.)
and combined with all the fields in
‘muscles hungry for fat’ (Using our specialized research and a combination of prior fields and cellular functions, the aim here is to give your muscle a serious prime of energy using the fat around your muscles as fuel.
Also included some mild mechanical stress, help push that priming and even provide a minor workout.) . These are targeted directly to the abdominal muscle system .
So all designed to work together to help define and grow those muscles specifically along with a pleasing aesthetic appearance.
Use 2 - 4 times per usage.
Title: The Acu-Automaton
Content: Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the body, to various depths. Research suggests that it can help relieve pain, and it is used for a wide range of other complaints.
Acupressure involves the use of pressure instead of a puncture.
It is considered a pseudoscience, (according to person editing its wiki page) while I am aware that there have been studies and even qualified doctors who also add it to their practice.
It follows the concepts of meridians and the interconnection of the body.
Presented here in this audio is a active knowledge base that will intelligently scan and perform the treatment on you, in a gentle but deep way.
It is mostly used for pain treatments and some have found it quite helpful for a lot of other medical conditions.
The intelligent treatment provided here will also grow and get better over time as you continue to use it, for better management of the conditions you are treating.
It is designed also in a Negentropic manner.
Use as needed.
Title: The Advantageous Brain Plan
Content: This is a Mythic class item with all the security that it entails.
There are an estimated 37.2 trillion cells in the human body, that’s 13 digits !
The brain alone contains approximately 86 billion neuron cells and another 86 billion glial cells. The Number of synapses alone reaches as high as 100 trillion (14 digits) and every single cell in the human body contains a DNA molecule that would stretch 2 meters long if unfolded with approximately 20,000 genes. These genes act like a library of instruction to synthesise proteins with very diverse functions.
Here is a creation designed to regulate a wide set of genes in order to produce permanent structural changes in your cerebral cortex (and entire brain) for an increase in functioning beyond the normal range available.
Now, this is a significant feat of genetic work, where each of the tens of genes at play have been selected individually based on their specific contribution in our overall strategy. You can think of it like a computer system becoming more efficient and compacting more computing power in a smaller area.
You can expect a significant boost in your cognitive output (ie: intelligence), an increased in well being and more sensitivity to growth stimulation from other brain fields.
Like it says “not for the faint of brain”
Title: The Alchemical Blueprint of the Past
Content: This is a combination of the ideas and concepts in both
The Alchemical Revision of Childhood (Here is a more complex concept, in that there is an alchemical mental change of the past to produce a specific well ordered, full childhood, the the outcome of what you could of been if you had experienced a great childhood with parents, a wide extended support family, a village even.
Rooting for you, supporting you.
These changes can reflect as new self concepts and change of the foundations of being, welling up and blossoming outward.)
The Blueprint of Life (This violin track, was originally going on a game, but I decided to use it here.
The intention behind this audio is to create the right mental and physical mindsets to facilitate change while you use it.
Let the violins carry you on a journey of change as a a very concentrated light of change that sinks down to an even genetic level to implement a higher form of harmony.
Imagine the pure concept of the flower of life in a negentropic manner changing the inner you, the core of your genes influenced by harmony and negentropic order.
Of course if you extend this thought process outwards you will see a host of potential effects not quite unlike a massive awakening into becoming a entirely new you.
But of course on occasion to create this new you, the old you must be purged or changed. It becomes harder to reach new states of being with accumulated junk. Sometimes a heavy detoxification of old habits etc can occur.)
So imagine it to be a guided imposing of and alchemically created blueprint, (from the blueprint of life) to the mental world of your past.
Meditational, mean to be used as needed or so guided
Title: The Astral Primer
Content: The Astral Primer. The first of a set of astral audios to take you on the voyage and guide you on a safe and conscious ride there.
Below is an attempt to provide a testing stepping ground as we develop more audios for this astral series.
This will attempt to provide an induced speeded training using the essence of experiences & techniques from various teachers who specialized in astral travel. Done so that a safe environment is also provided for safer testing and learning.
Seasoned negentropically also.
Title: The Auroch Potion
Content: The alchemical soul, strength and power of an Auroch
Red Oil of Mars (Alchemical soul of iron)
Testosterone 2.5
and for the sceptics
2-3 times max.
Be so guided
Title: The Black Mirrored Stone Shield
Content: Here is an energetic mix of Hematite and Black Tourmaline using the shielding aspects
Black Tourmaline is probably the most powerful, all-round protector against negative energy.
Its metaphysical power is likened to an electrical force around your aura. This stops lower vibe energy and psychic debris from attaching to you and transmutes it into positive. So, this is a great crystal for empathic healers.
and Hematite
Hematite, once polished, takes on a black mirror-like appearance. It acts as a reflective shield that deflects unwanted energies and vibrations.
As it’s rich in earth energy, Hematite is one of the strongest stones for grounding. This helps empaths from becoming overwhelmed emotionally.
Designed to create all these effect stretched across your own skin as a tight weave of this black mirrored shield.
Use as needed, you can expect its shielding ability to wear down as with the weathering it /you experience.
Title: The Brain Game by Manhattan
Content: A complex blend meant to enhance neurological features such as extending your astrocyte’s endfoot down to synaptic clefts to form tripartite synapses. It will also improve intercellular gap junctions, Dopamine, Serotonin and Oxytocin systems as-well as certain cytokines and ion complexes relating to electrical signal generation.
Title: The Brain Key
Content: Here is a redesigned version of the original Superhuman genius audio, a smarter and more potent (beefier) version.
Mostly targeted at those having developed endurance from the original.
Please be responsible.
What this does in the simplest of explanations is create a very charged brain with a lot of growth potential.
A potent blend of:
NR2B (enhanced)
M-state gold and silver
Smart amphetamines
The whole being alchemized together in a clever way.
Included are protections against side effects such as an enhanced axon pruning (autism field-like effects).
Title: The Carboxytherapy Field
Content: Carboxytherapy is used to treat cellulite, dark under-eye circles, and stretch marks. People who undergo the procedure find an improvement in:
skin elasticity
fine lines and wrinkles
It also aids with collagen repair and the destruction of fatty deposits.
Additionally, it can help reduce under-eye circles by increasing blood flow to the eyelid. Some physicians have also used the therapy to treat erectile dysfunction, acute arthritis, Raynaud’s syndrome, and alopecia caused by poor blood circulation.
For fat and cellulite reduction, the procedure is often preferred over more invasive and high-risk methods, such as liposuction.
Carboxytherapy can be used on the face, eyelids, neck, stomach, arms, legs, and buttocks. Through this audio, you can find improvement with cellulite, stretch marks, bags under eyes, small face wrinkles and localized fat deposits.
Title: The Cold Laser Therapy
Content: Cold lasers are handheld devices used by the clinician and are often the size of a flashlight. The laser is placed directly over the injured area for 30 seconds to several minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated and the dose provided by the cold laser unit.
Once the light energy passes through the layers of skin and reaches the target area, it is absorbed and interacts with the light sensitive elements in the cell. This process can be compared to photosynthesis in plants - sunlight is absorbed by plants, which is then converted to usable energy so that the plant can grow.
When cells absorb this light energy, it initiates a series of events in the cell that is theorized to eventually result in normalizing damaged or injured tissue, a reduction in pain, inflammation, edema and an overall reduction in healing time by increasing intracellular metabolism.
This creates a simulation of a 600 and 700 nanometers wavelength, does not penetrate more so directly reaches the areas needed.
Smart field as well.
Use 2 - 3 times per usage.
Title: The Conceptual Conglomerate
Content: We present the conceptual conglomerate, it started with an improved version of Conceptual realization to which we kept adding layers and layers and now it’s a conglomerate.
Unshackle yourself from the limitations of surface-level understanding. Through this approach, you’ll learn to grasp the true essence of words, actions, and even entire narratives, diving deep into the conceptual underpinnings that define them. You’ll acquire the mental dexterity needed to blend and even reverse concepts, granting you the capacity to view problems from multiple dimensions and to identify unique solutions.
Imagine understanding not just the core of a concept, but also its finer nuances, including its limitations and potential for expansion. This enables you to dissect ideas into their fundamental elements, offering a granular view of the world that few can match. Furthermore, you’ll gain the ability to cluster these elements, allowing for quicker analysis and better decision-making.
You’ll become adept at using the past as a framework for the present and future, effortlessly recalling memories and experiences that are contextually relevant. This not only enhances your situational awareness but also aids in the rapid assimilation of new knowledge. And, through specialized mental training, you’ll create a lattice of interconnected memories and understandings that make retrieval a breeze, enriching both your professional and personal life.
All this will be wired for fast and natural perception instead of conscious will-powered processing.
Title: The Cone Of Power
Content: The cone of power is a method of raising energy in ritual magic, especially in Wicca. The cone of power is visualized as a cone of energy that encompasses the circumference of the circle of Wiccans and tapering off to a point above the group. As a group, the cone is formed by the Wiccans standing in a circle, sometimes holding hands, and focusing on a single point above the group and in the center of the circle. They then dance, drum, chant, or perform various other ritual gestures, in order to raise the energy and extend it upwards. When the state that these actions create has reached a peak, the ritual leader will signal the group and the energy is released upwards and the cone is “sent” towards the goal This is called “Raising the Cone of Power”.
So we have the above description from Wikipedia, we can get a understanding of what what this does, it functions as an amplified re creation of the ritual, especially tailored to the user.
The user simply needs to define their goal and focus the good and successful intentions towards it.
Of course a little imagination is needed to understand the implications of having an ‘energetic punch’ to help achieve goals.
Use as needed.
Title: The Crucible of Stored Trauma
Content: This here is a combination of The Internal Alchemical Crucible (This combines a few processes and techniques to create a new internal alchemy,
It gathers the impurities and negative thinking the core of your being, and burns it, while transforming and transcending the level basal energies into a clarified nectar for the lake of the mind.
I guess we can call it an internal basal energy transformer, but it also involves the body itself in this process, so it works on physical and energetic.
(an enhanced digestion and processing of internal poisons)
it is an expanded work of
Mula - Uddiyana - Jalandhara bandha with a wider scope of energy drawing for transformation and elements of tummo and internal body processes.)
Added to this base field is a unique process that works on the transmutation of the stored pain in the body, in areas that have the memory of pain, a gentle way to transform and replace,
in a sort of crucible into love and appreciation.
A little more details.
So what it does, is target all the areas that may have had this stored pain, like trauma areas, even old wounds.
and sends a deep appreciation to those cells, now the idea here is, within this work… the cells do not give up the ‘stored’ pain without a reason or replacement, the appreciation sorta ‘thanks’ it for all that has happened and it has been through.
which softens the ‘hard storage’ of it and allows it to be ‘given up’ as it is being given up, we will use that energy and convert it into a strengthened sort of unconditional love and give in back in return.
Works on physical trauma areas not too much mental, as that is a whole other approach.
But there may also be some help in these areas also.
Use 2 - 3 times or as needed.
Title: The Cyber Brain
Content: In science fiction, a “cyber brain” typically refers to a computerized brain or a brain-computer interface. This concept often involves the merging of human consciousness with technology.
This package of brain-based abilities has been inspired by Artificial intelligence and computers using various tailor made psychic techniques to mimic AI and merge humans and machine to some extent.
Title: The Dolphin Totem
Content: What do Dolphins symbolize?
Known for their intelligence and grace, Dolphin meaning is associated with the ability to delve deep into emotional waters and also to connect the Heavenly plane with the mundane and bring emotional healing.
Their playful and joyful nature also lend to Dolphin meaning associated with youthfulness and harmony, love and the connection with our Inner Child.
Enjoy this short meditative audio, to guide you into those dolphin guarded knowledge and mysteries and even experiences.
Title: The Endocriner
Content: NA
Title: The Enigma of the Black Martian Jing
Content: A unique combination of
The alchemical black oil of mars, life force and jing.
Presented for your musical curiosity of course.
Title: The Essence of Three Kings
Content: A uniting and uplifting of the alchemical souls of Frankincense, myrhh and sandalwood.
For personal and environmental use.
(may be scented) ;)
Title: The Face Sculptor
Content: A crazy conceptual creation
with a heavy amount or prior fields to draw musical inspiration from.
(Black Label Tier Item )
Facial Symmetry with Muscle Toning
Nose Straightener
Double Chin Removal
Stem Cells targeted to Face, Scalp and Neck
Shiny Hair Revitalizer
Teeth Regeneration
Teeth Whitening
Skin Scarring Repair
Skin Regeneration
Acne Treatment
a smart field that also incorporates
a smart field to perform these functions
Blue light: this is the bacteria-fighting LED light. It triggers photochemical oxidation in order to kill bacteria living on the skin. This makes blue light an excellent choice for those with acne, eczema or rosacea.
Red light: stimulates our fibroblasts for cell renewal and ATP regeneration.
Near-Infrared: has no colour but it can be used to reduce inflammation and redness in the skin. It also speeds up wound healing and reduces pigmentation.
Amber: Amber LED light is the least common in at-home devices, but works to revitalise the skin, reduce swelling and boost your skin’s radiance.
All pure ideas with this meditational music.
Title: The Facia Shakeup Wakeup
Content: This draws from the ideas and concepts of regenerated facia hold and tighten the skin, appearance and cellulite
(For example a facia blasting device that manually and vigorously stimulates the skin)
The idea is that this new approach can use the Kanpu masatsu (乾布摩擦, literally dry towel friction) approach,
Targeted negentropically with life force and few other bells and whistles (rejuvenation and toxin removal etc) to shake up and wake up the facia.
2 - 3 times
Title: The Golden Glow
Content: Golden glow is an evolution of our old Charisma/Glamour field, to the extent its its own thing altogether. It’s a torus like structure that will depattern and microcsmically flow your energies to cleanse automatically while also giving off a very golden ‘welcoming’ energy. By welcoming, I mean drawing people in and for your presence, words and emotions to have more effect. This is for the energy body.
The field also instills some mental confidence and forward clicks the amygdala to reduce fear and to push forward rather run away.
Title: The Holy Paladin
Content: The Holy Paladin is a combination and enhancement of the Knight warrior mindset field,
tower of power and alchemical holy light. It also has a new field subset,
The alchemical revision of fear.
The combination of these fields can build a foundation of mental strength and emotional control, with spiritual and energetic support. This combination could lead to a more balanced, empowered, and resilient state, where one is better equipped to handle challenges with a blend of courage, energy, and divine support. The synergistic effect of these fields could significantly enhance one’s ability to navigate life with confidence, vitality, and a sense of divine backing.
Knight/Warrior Mindset: This field works in-depth on the subconscious to instil traits reminiscent of an idealized, honourable knight. It fosters confidence, courage, assertiveness, and better emotional control. Additionally, it diminishes fears and phobias, leading to a perception of the listener as a source of inspiration for others. This audio also has a rejuvenating effect on energy and aura, with effects that compound through repeated listening.
Tower of Power (Holy Light): This field acts as a source of radiant energy infused with alchemical holy light, faith, and prayer. It is akin to a paladin or cleric summoning energy in role-playing games for various needs, such as sustained energy for demanding tasks. The field is responsive to specific requests made by the listener eventually in this holy paladin set the user should be able to use and summon the tower of power at will.
Alchemical Holy Light: This audio draws from the significance of the signum crucis (sign of the cross), acting as ‘divine interference’ and combining with the power of phase conjugate plasma. It actively repels lower vibrational energies and adds an element of divine luck. Users report physical relief and an overall feeling of protection and blessings. It’s suggested to listen to this audio after setting intentions, as it adapts to the listener’s needs, again the user is mentally and subconsciously trained to summon and emit holy light at will.
The alchemical revision of fear, works as the prior alchemical revision series but focused on fear, through childhood to adult (or present age)
Title: The Intestinal Cleanser
Content: The intestines are a long, continuous tube running from the stomach to the anus. Most absorption of nutrients and water happen in the intestines. The intestines include the small intestine, large intestine, and rectum.
Intestine health problems often includes one or more of the following symptoms:
Bloating ,Constipation, Diarrhea, Heartburn, Incontinence etc etc.
Its pretty apparent that your intestine health can affect you in a multitude of ways and most of us are guilty of indulging in things we really shouldn’t be.
There is always an amazing boost in energy and a general feeling of health, I think, more so as we are now able to absorb more nutrients easier (with a healthy intestine)
This works on the actuality of the old ‘colon cleansers’ etc, using oxygen therapy
Oxygen is absorbed from you and transported in abundance to the intestines as you listen.
Oxidizing all stuck residue etc. Old harmful bacteria may also get removed, and of course old fecal matter build up.
(Also the intestines themselves are mildly vibrated, to help the process)
That being said, you should consume at least a cup or two of water 10 mins before listening, for maximum benefits.
Do no use while driving or operating heavy materials.
Contents being removed, may sometimes require urgent evacuation.
Title: The Iron Gullet
Content: This is created with a very large combination of fields and effects, all designed to treat a large amount of stomach and intestine conditions.
Firstly it helps provide a means to reduce inflammation in the stomach, esophagus, and intestines by providing a unique combination of antioxidants, the approach is to provide a measure of natural antioxidants (catalase targeted to mitochondria and induced ALA), Induced Glutathione and AMPK production and a collection of excess hydrogen through your normal respiration to accumulate it around your stomach, esophagus, and intestines, these provide a host of benefits that will work in a very synergetic manner to provide the proper environmental conditions for a gentle healing and reduction in inflammation. Also added is an induced production of vitamin C to all related areas.
Second a specific targeting of the areas mentioned above with the
Auto immune reversal field
This works in two main ways, the problematic areas for auto immune conditions are sought out following the inflammation markers etc.
Existing Immune cells are induced to relax in their programming to become a multipotent cell which will then work on healing the area it was once attacking (localized areas)
Then the existing Tregs in the area are induced to produce their localized suppressive functions.
As the name suggests regulatory T cells (also called Tregs) are T cells which have a role in regulating or suppressing other cells in the immune system. Tregs control the immune response to self and foreign particles (antigens) and help prevent autoimmune disease.
Tregs suppress activation, proliferation and cytokine production of CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells, and are thought to suppress B cells and dendritic cells. Tregs can produce soluble messengers which have a suppressive function, ( TGF-beta, IL-10 and adenosine).
In this way in works in two ways to provide a faster relief and then a long term reduction and hopefully removal of symptoms. (Specific to stomach, esophagus, and intestines )
Induced production of extracellular vesicles (nutrient rich) to provide a means of creating a delivery mechanism which should be capable of enhancing tissue regeneration.
also included a speeded regeneration field and scar tissue removal.
2-3 times per use or as needed.
(Well seasoned with negentropy)
Title: The Iron Lion Of Mars
Content: A combination of the alchemical souls of Iron (red) (iron (red )Mars oil) the essence of Lion based energy. (with life)
and Mstate Iron. An interesting combination with welcome effects.
Title: The Kinetic Quasi Crystal
Content: A quasicrystal, is a structure that is ordered but not periodic. A quasi-crystalline pattern can continuously fill all available space, but there is no translational symmetry.
The atomic structure is very unique and called impossible sometimes.
Using this concept the added fields of M state, Gold, Silver, Iridium, Rhodium, Chromium, Platinum, Indium and Platinum.
All arranged in the quasi-crystalline pattern (and also a giant crystal in and around you, that constantly shifts in a torus formation)
Providing you with a unique insulation and positively charged energy pattern that move through the body’s energy system, it can help create a balance and harmony, and also a constantly shifting and refreshing insulation for when the environment becomes a little harder to bare.
These are inspired by some glass creations that have become quite popular as the new ‘crystal’.
Use as needed.
Title: The Leg Shredder
Content: This is an advanced version of automated leg workout that maximizes gains by targeting for explosive growth. In addition to automated workout throughout the legs, these three fields will work to maximize gains:
BAM15 - Experimental compound with a host of benefits.
Muscles Beyond Limits – A powerful blend of fields that literally push Muscles beyond limits. Fields that: Convert fat cells to Muscle Myosatellite cells or muscle stem cells, recreates the C313Y mutation in myostatin directly and only in the legs’s muscle cells, Directed activation of Myosatellite cells and more!
Muscles Hungry for Fat – Gives your muscle a serious prime of energy using the fat around your muscles as fuel. Fuel that gets burned and converted to lean mass with the automated workout function targeting the leg muscles.
Use 3-4 times for best results.
Title: The Manhattan Method
Content: This is designed to help you understand the world in a new way and will support those looking for spiritual as well as scientific awareness.
There are many linked fields and subfields tightly fused in this one that allows you to mentally represent concepts in your mind and intuitively perform new types of mental operations.
This will help you access a deeper layer of thoughts by developing abilities that are usually acquired slowly over years or decades by the top thinkers in human history and enhanced with completely original additions.
Based on my (long) description of intuitive thinking processes I have recently become aware of but haven’t yet completely understood (I don’t even have a name for them at the moment). Captain recognized these and developed a method to train our brain and mind to achieve it consistently then we proceeded to speculate on possibly related mechanism which Dream once again found a way to create before adding his own additions.
Title: The Manly Man by Manhattan
Content: Unveiling “The Manly Man", the groundbreaking masculinising field designed to revolutionize modern men’s health and virility.
This transformative field provides Sertoli and Leydig cell therapy in the testicles, working at a cellular level to boost your permanent testosterone and sperm production.
Featuring an intricate design, “The Manly Man" will also increase the density of key receptors throughout the male body including the brain, targeting the Androgen Receptor (AR), Human Growth Hormone Receptor (GHR), and Luteinising Hormone Receptor (LHLGR), leading to increased efficiency and hormone response (includes a few more that are related). It supports intercellular communication for optimal hormonal expression, coupled with the enhancement of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 receptors .
The Manly Man stimulate the production of DHT producing enzymes (yes, RNA).
The Manly Man uses Aromatase and Resveratrol inhibitors to curb oestrogen levels while providing antioxidant protection.
The Manly Man provides direct stimulation to AR, GHR, LHLGR, and a few other related receptors while including protections for sensitive areas.
And finally, The Manly Man stimulates some neurogenetic properties harvested straight from the Y-Chromosome leading to developments unique to the male brain.
Disclaimer: Y chromosomes and testicles are required but not provided by the seller.
Title: The Microcurrent Facial Simulant +
Content: This carefully created audio is based on a host of products and procedures, ‘The microcurrent facial’ is a short and long term deep skincare treatment. There are 43 facial muscles and 26 muscles in your neck, over time through natural aging, they will lose their tone, firmness and freshness. ‘The Microcurrent facial therapy utilizes a low-grade electrical current to “train” all those muscles. It contours, tones, firms and lifts the muscles and the skin. The result is a healthier complexion that makes you look younger.’
This field also adds some negentropic concepts to the micro electrical fields and includes micro pulsations / vibrations to further the compound the effect.
Short term is a very fast tightening effect.
Use this 2 - 3 times then go look in the mirror. (and recommended use time)
This lasts a while from that point which will then return your normal look over some time.
But the effect on your muscle is compounded through each day of use, as in a training system for your muscles.
Which leads to sustained uplifting changes as the muscles themselves get stronger.
Works for all genders and a great fix before a public appearance which will also lead to long term results.
Title: The Microkinesi-Therapist
Content: In this gentle therapy, the basics of homeopathy are applied manually: through delicate touch, the body is reminded of unhealed injuries and a finalizing self-healing is initiated. This causal approach reaches irritation and trauma even if they are not remembered consciously.
Because the aim of the therapy is not to ease symptoms but to delete debilitating information, the success, which is usually achieved within two to four one-hour sessions, is lasting. The gentleness of applied manipulations makes Microkinesitherapy a method without danger or contraindications. Patients remain fully dressed during treatments.
Microkinesitherapy is especially suitable for acute injuries, pain, exhaustion, learning difficulties, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and vegetative or psychosomatic disorders. Usually, two to four sessions are sufficient to address a given condition. Microkinesitherapy is to be considered complementary to professional medical or psychological treatment and not a replacement.
This form of therapy has been developed and scientifically tested by the French physiotherapists and osteopaths Daniel Grosjean and Patrice Benini in collaboration with embryologists, physicists, and biologists.
(Taken from their site, be sure to check it out Microkinesiotherapie - Physiopedia )
So this one is quite complicated, it contains the knowledge base of the two doctors and their application of that knowledge. In the purest informational sense of course. So drawing from this knowledge this audio can apply that treatment and also check and recheck with its knowledge base to update its understanding and become more effective over time, as you use it more and each person uses it.
Use as much as you want, or until you feel that you have had a complete treatment suited to you.
Title: The Muscle Roar
Content: Introducing the revolutionary Muscle Roar. Our cutting-edge formula incorporates a wide range of scientifically proven ingredients to help you achieve unprecedented muscle gains. With the Muscle Roar, you can take your bulking to that next level.
We took Muscle Beyond Limit (Congratulations you have found a Mythic Class item!
This recreates the C313Y mutation in myostatin directly and only in muscle cells. That mutation induces increased skeletal muscle mass that results from an increase of myofiber number (hyperplasia). So it’s the raw base of stopping the production of myostatin, but only to Muscle, No organs included. The changes are induced by your RNA and are quite long-lasting but not permanent.
Directed activation of Myosatellite cells, also known as satellite cells or muscle stem cells, are small multipotent cells with very little cytoplasm found in mature muscle. Satellite cells are precursors to skeletal muscle cells, able to give rise to satellite cells or differentiated skeletal muscle cells. They have the potential to provide additional myonuclei to their parent muscle fiber or return to a quiescent state. More specifically, upon activation, satellite cells can re-enter the cell cycle to proliferate and differentiate into myoblasts
The muscle fibers will recruit myonuclei from activated satellite cells and initiate hypertrophic growth.
Also, Fat cells shall be converted (by using our formula of fat to stem cells) (This video is programmed to induce your fat cells to become stem cells, it works more to the fat around your organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected.
Yes it should help you to regenerate. This is perhaps one of our most powerful fields in that it creates plentiful stem cells to accelerate and maximize regeneration of the body. It is highly, highly effective for healing.
Use as much as you want, No head phones are required.)
they will be induced fat to Muscle Myosatellite cells or muscle stem cells.
All designed for an explosive increase in muscle mass, beyond your natural genetic limits.
Finally, there will also be a directed push of nutrients towards muscle cells. To help with their growth and development.
Of course, you are under no obligation to buy this.
If anything it’s a sit around, do nothing, and get bulked field… even a little bit of work out and people should see massive steroid-like gains.
Being an item of Mythic Class, it is also so protected.
Use 2 - 4 times for best result, may feel hungry after as your body may require a lot more nutrition.
Also, a smart field that gets better at doing what it does.
If you use Adipose Swords, then use at least an hour or two after.) and enhanced with Rev-ErbA and micro-tearing.
The field intelligently guides satellite cells to either fuse into the teared areas, aiding in the repair process and leading to hypertrophy, while simultaneously generating new muscle fibers through the activation and differentiation of satellite cells.
This comprehensive approach is further supported by an organic boost and guidance of key structural proteins such as Myosin, Actin, Troponin, Tropomyosin, Titin, dystrophin, and Desmin which are involved in developing the actual filaments and muscle fibres.
Finally, the muscle fibres and sarcomeres will be pushed into better alinements for health and performance enhancement benefits.
Title: The Myofascial Release and Anointing
Content: A Strange and unique creation this is a smart myofascial release field uses a deeply compressed forced built out of The Anointing of The Alchemical Holy Oil field (The Anointing of The Alchemical Holy Oil Using the idea of the abramelin oil, also called Oil of Abramelin, is a ceremonial magic oil blended from aromatic plant materials. Its name came about due to its having been described in a medieval grimoire called The Book of Abramelin written by Abraham the Jew (presumed to have lived from c. 1362 – c. 1458). The recipe is adapted from the Jewish Holy anointing oil of the Tanakh, which is described in the Book of Exodus (30:22-25) attributed to Moses. Abramelin oil became popular in the Western esoteric tradition in the 20th century after the publication of the S. L. MacGregor Mathers English translation of The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage (1897), and especially via Aleister Crowley, who used a similar version of the oil in his system of Magick. There are multiple recipes in use today and the oil continues to be used in several modern occult traditions. Here we present a purified version of the holy oil complete with herbal elements and a mild infusion of the alchemical holy light (audio from teespring))
Using public research from the John F. Barnes, PT and their methodology as follows below
Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. This essential “time element” has to do with the viscous flow and the piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate.
Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.)
The use of Myofascial Release allows us to look at each patient as a unique individual. Our one-on-one therapy sessions are hands-on treatments during which our therapists use a multitude of Myofascial Release techniques and movement therapy. We promote independence through education in proper body mechanics and movement, self treatment instruction, enhancement of strength, improved flexibility, and postural and movement awareness.
We then apply this understanding with the specific points suggested, pleasantly holy oil wrapped and applied to create the release and relief along with a host of other benefits and experiences.
Use as needed, but no more than 5 or 6 per loop.
but also as you are so guided.
Title: The Navagraha Homam
Content: Navagraha homam is commonly believed to reduce the malefic effects of the planets in very effective manner. Navagraha homam benefits can be mainly seen by pacifying the planets when they are moving or changing from one place to another.
The complete energetic re-creation of this elaborate set of rituals, are done with you, the listener being active participant, thereby providing you with the benefits.
Combined here is the older dreamseeds fields of
Amplify Positive Planetary and Astrological Effects (This video will work towards increasing and amplifying the positive effects of any and all planetary system that are affecting you in a beneficial way/ This is great for astrologically inclined people. All the positive effects of all the planetary systems will be amplified, it will help with increasing also the good ‘magical’ effects of the planets. i would say from one listen the effects should last 24 hours.
Listen and get the benefits, become unstoppable.
Nullify Negative Planetary and Astrological Effects (This video will work towards removing the negativing effects of any planetary system that is affecting you. This is great for astrologically inclined people. All the negative effects of all the planetary systems will be removed, it will help with nullifying the ‘magical’ effects of the planets. I would say from one listen the effects should last 24 hours. Listen and feel the relief.
Both of these either work on increasing and amplifying the positive effects or decreasing an,d nullifying the negative effects, of any and all planetary system. That are affecting you in a beneficial way/or negative way. This is great for astrologically inclined people. All the positive effects of all the planetary systems will be amplified, it will help with increasing also the good ‘magical’ effects of the planets or vice versa, depending on the situation.
Title: The Navapashanam Energetic Elixir
Content: Navapashanam is one of the most acclaimed Siddha elixirs known to mankind.
It is the alchemical combination of nine specific poisonous substances into something unique and healing.
This is an energetic equivalent and tribute to the Navapashanam Elixir.
Title: The Plasma Flaunt
Content: The three previous plasma combo audios(This is a trifactor of three very complicated fields.
Plasma + Hyperbaric Compressor + Stem Cells (with scar tissue removal), with telomere lengthening and also some antioxidants.
The first audio (Plasma Combo 1) targets the Bones, Muscles, Joints, and nervous system.
The second one (Plasma Combo 2) targets all internal organs.
Finally, the final one (Plasma Combo 3) targets the epidermis, hair follicles on the head, and all of the circulating blood.
All combined to provide a fast but hard restorative effect (and faster de-aging)
Hard in that, you are probably gonna get very exhausted using these and need a lot more rest than regular. In fact, some may barely be able to get out of bed sometimes, so use when you can spare the time, work out a routine that is best for you.
I personally think sticking to one audio for a week is good before moving to another. (with taking breaks in-between)
I think each should be used twice to thrice per listen. Work out what works best for you and good luck!
Be careful as there is somewhat of a little detox with this, and also if you use drugs it may change your tolerance levels as things are being regenerated.)
combined with tesla’s violet ray and a host of other smart fields, tweaks and upgrades.
A beautiful hauntingly surreal track unique in its own right, 3:42 secs
Title: The Plasma Flower
Content: This is working hybrid of two complicated fields
Plasma + Flower of Life on a torsion carrier which piggy backs on the earth resonance to propagate in the environment around you.
The ‘Plasma’ aspect is a kind of strong charge field which in the simplest terms promotes negentropy, to all aspects of your being. In the most simplest descriptions, the instruction of order is given to ‘disorder’ So any disorder is pushed to be reversed.
The flower of life field represents the core makeup of things, most things follow this pattern in being expressed as a form of life, even a cross section of DNA has this pattern.
So lets simply say, it is the original blueprint of how things are supposed to be.
So what this does is order a return to an original blueprint in a very harmonious way, which affects you and the world around you.
Audio is around 16 mins, with a pleasant ambient sound.
Title: The Plasma Glass Skin
Content: Congratulations Adventurer!! =)
You have unlocked a legendary item!
This is a unique combination of techniques to restore the face to a very young age but as naturally as possible, So you simply look younger but in a very natural way.
It induces collage production at youthful levels and works towards a permanent reset so that the results are permanent and undo only with normal aging.
It functions a bit like retinol, but with minimized skin sensitivity problems.
It is all built in a negentropic manner which helps allow for the reversion to youthfulness.
The production of ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) is directly induced which has a host of benefits if properly absorbed, we bypass that problem and naturally induce its production, for fast and direct effects.
Finally, the production of the protein COL17A1 is induced, which can help slow down aging by allow only well functioning cells to grow, instead of the weaker damaged ones.
This can lead to long term permanent rejuvenated appearance.
So we tackle both the very fast and long term results, compounding your journey back in time.
This targets, the face, ears head and neck.
2 - 3 times a day is a fair time for optimal effects.
Of course being a legendary item, it is also protected a bit ;)
So black-market items may be ineffective.
Title: The Plasmatron
Content: This combines two previous fields to create something brand new with interesting effects.
The field from the Orgone Accumulator (Originally based of George Van Tassel’s work on the Integratron, with our experiments the best we can gather from the functions is that it is more of an electrical charge to the body, or restorative charge. Restorative in that it enhances cellular functions.)
also added is The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach (Which is based on the work of Dan Winter’s Theraphi and the Priore device.
Theraphi is a powerful double conjugate plasma light / infrasound bioactive field. More detailed physics behind Priore – and the precise conjugate physics of Theraphi Theraphi team- Conjugate/Fractal Field Plasma Rejuvenation System
The actual plasma tube arrangement used for this ‘time reverse / rejuvenation’ conjugation is depicted with remarkable accuracy in the Egyptian stone carving, It is phase conjugate, centripetal, negentropic.
This kind of strong charge field is by definition simply the electrical opposite of swelling, cyst and tumor growth. It IS this charge distribution efficiency perfected by definition- which is the electrical opposite of cancer. Theraphi – usually generates strong feelings of being energized, metabolic acceleration, circulation and sensation increase.
It is obvious that charge circulation optimized clearly facilitates blood and nerve circulation optimized. In disease cases of many types – there are many early reports of very significant benefit. These are being replicated now by medical professionals.
(Quoted from Dan Winter’s work for your reference)
Use 2 to 3 times at most.)
Title: The Point of No Return
Content: The Point of No Return is when you’ve hit the lowest low in life and no matter what you do to rise above your problems, you just keep running into more problems. Your efforts to change aren’t rewarded. The universe seems to be against you. The baggage you carry from the past weighs like 150 pound bag strapped to your back. This is a point where people feel stuck. And it might not be so dramatic for some people… they might just feel stuck and like nothing they do works at all.
And the truth is that this aura of negativity we carry at these low points actively work against our efforts to progress and overcome a situation.
This special blend of fields works toward clearing this aura of negativity and multitude of blockages that work against our efforts to change and once in a neutral state, repatterns our energy into a more positive and productive state of being.
The audio contains a clearing segment to it and repatterning element to it (music is clearing, drone is repatterning).
The clearing element goes into clearing away bad luck, consistent negative energy patterns within and external (and energy blockages in general), any entities feeding off of you or influencing you, psychic attacks or just negative energy directed towards you from others (most psychic attacks are unintentional and just spawned from pure hatred/jealousy/ext…), built up emotions and even any emotions caught from others. (some of these overlap)
Also clearing unhealthy patterns from connections to others, neutralizing negative built up emotions such as fear/shame/guilt/anger, neutralizing overly strong pattern of desire. Clearing up subconscious limiting beliefs and neutralizing negative self esteem. I think ego dissolution, amygdala healing and brain reset could be included in this as well as they can both reset the brain. Clearing the other things to reset the energy and consciousness.
The first segment is basically a hard reset. It would be like dreamseed’s energy clearing audio but a neutralizing of many different blockages at once. It should work at setting someone into a temporary neutral state of being which is ideal for change.
The repatterning element will take advantage of the temporary neutral state that the clearing sets you into. The field will reconnect you to the divine (higher self/god/universe). Perhaps also to that universal aspect of unconditional love so that the feeling of loneliness and helplessness can fade away.
Patterning of acceptance. Acceptance of all the problems you have. Of all you feel you lack. Of all that is bothering you. Acceptance of it all (this may best work if you do this consciously while listening to this segment). And embracing it all. Positive perspective on your negative aspects (new perspectives field can help with this). Change in perspective is what can sometimes shift a negative energy into a neutral/positive one.
In addition, patterning of self love, gratitude, appreciation, hope and pure positive energy.
Restabilizing dopamine in the brain and neutralizing the desire feedback loop. Perhaps work on reprogramming it to want more of what you have/what is now (not sure if this is possible).
An empath shield that takes in energies but filters out the negative/lower vibrational energies once received.
Point of No Return is an ultimate one in all clearing field that also repatterns you with the necessary energy to feel positive and move forward.
Title: The Precarious Pinoline
Content: A strange chemical that became elusive to prove that the brain produces it.
Enjoy this harp track on repeat for a 6 - 10 mins.
Title: The Probability Wave
Content: Using the Love Gravitation Wave (Gravitational waves are disturbances in the curvature of spacetime, generated by accelerated masses, that propagate as waves outward from their source at the speed of light. They were proposed by Henri Poincaré in 1905 and subsequently predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein on the basis of his general theory of relativity. Gravitational waves transport energy as gravitational radiation, a form of radiant energy similar to electromagnetic radiation.
What this does is harness that to project a wave out from you the listener during the duration of your listening to this, spreading it throughout the earth and universe.
A small thing like this can lead to big changes later on.
The personal effects for you also can be profound on a spiritual level.
It may also attract the attention of higher vibrational beings,
Futher explantation if it was over the top
You become the center of a wave, you are like a ball bouncing in the ocean of spacetime and the ripples you are sending out affects the world around you and universe at large over time.
It works toward helping change you and the world/ collective consciousness by propagating a bit of love to the general experience of life on this dimension.
(it is not meant to grant you wishes or petition your cause amongst other beings, its just that it may be when you do larger things like this, your presence is noticed more)) as a template,
Title: The Prostaglandin Problems
Content: This field is focused on a specific problem, but also general enough that all can use it, and it helps with general pains as well (but doesn’t target stomach itself, as there is a slim chance it can lead to acid over production long term).
All women get menstrual cramps the difference is the intensity of the pain, the inflammation of the area, and what adds on they have that are health related.
Excessive secretions of a hormone like called Prostaglandin causes a lot of pain and inflammation, general pain medications work as (cox 1 and 2 inhibitors) to stop this production while to reduce inflammation and thereby reduce the pain problems…
This will reduce that production, while also providing a general internal gentle healing and care on a few levels, which will help also nourish your organs a bit.
All these effects, the bloating, inflammation, back pain, nausea etc are caused in a large way by this excessive prostaglandin production.
Use as much as you need.
Title: The Quick and Easy Muscle Cheat
Content: great workout audio
imagine if it could compress
(Fa jin, fajin or fa chin (fājìn, 發勁)) (This is a unique creation which incorporates elements of Fa jin, fajin or fa chin (fājìn, 發勁), sometimes misspelled as fajing, is a term used in some Chinese martial arts, particularly the neijia (internal) martial arts, such as xingyiquan, t’ai chi ch’uan (taijiquan), baguazhang, bak mei, and bajiquan. It means to issue or discharge power explosively (wikipeadia)
and an electrically charged version of chi to produce a very unique creation designed to work in healing/charging/cultivating way of healing. )
and lifeforce directly to muscle.
I would say that would be perfect before use and for recoveries.
Spectacular really.
all genders
Title: The Quintessence of Marrow
Content: This is directly targeted to your bone marrow, the intention here is to create a very solid effect of healing and regeneration
It will compress Fa Jin Gong Healing (This is a unique creation which incorporates elements of Fa jin, fajin or fa chin (fājìn, 發勁), sometimes misspelled as fajing, is a term used in some Chinese martial arts, particularly the neijia (internal) martial arts, such as xingyiquan, t’ai chi ch’uan (taijiquan), baguazhang, bak mei, and bajiquan. It means to issue or discharge power explosively (wikipeadia)
and an electrically charged version of chi to produce a very unique creation designed to work in healing/charging/cultivating way of healing. )energy into the marrow throughout your body.
The DNA repair system (This intention behind this and the work is meant to provide a signal that switches on 5 major repair pathways involved in the repair of DNA damage; homologous recombination, nonhomologous end joining, nucleotide excision repair, base excision repair, and mismatch repair.
Meant to initiate a deeper all round repair for things at that level and also provides a deeper energetic renewing of life force.
Use your discretion and be careful as always.
It is presented as is, life long inherited genetic problems may seem a natural ‘part’ of your system so there wont be a reversion, as such a state never existed.
Which means that, this repair system, will repair generally to match the system you were born with.
inherited problems may be harder to change, as there is no pre-existing state, without the problems (if you were born like this)
Now, this is speculation due to how these repair systems work in the body, with their error checking etc.
It may very well heal genetic inheritance, but this is presented here to work on general buildup of errors that occur because of our habits and environment.
Because it is not guaranteed to work on inherited problems.
The mechanisms used here are similar for a wide variety of life.
So you can use this for pets, and even random interested alien visitors.) field set, targeted to marrow.
added also is a bit of mitochondrial uncoupling, to help use/burn the collected fat in the marrow, providing a high ratio of red marrow, or rather highly charged/energized red marrow, with corrected errors.
The nutrient and blood flow to marrow is also enhanced during this process.
This leads to a lot of very pro life effects and regeneration and easier bone movement.
Use 2 to 3 times every other day.
Its not meant to be used to often after about a week or two as a simple maintenance would be all that is needed after.
Title: The Reality Bubble (Ocean Room)
Content: This is a sort of out of phase ‘reality bubble’
which surrounds you almost like a reality away from reality with bits of salt air, ocean waves and sunlight.
A mind vacation, perhaps great for sleeping with or just escaping to when you are in places or situations you cannot remove yourself from.
Perhaps you simply need a quick break, or even a day working at beach.
This world is yours only, you will find the toxic energies of those around you, a little harder to reach you and affect you.
Not really a shield per say, but more along the idea of removing yourself from situation by not even being there (energetically)
The effects are quite solid, so you may even feel the heat of the sun, smell salt/ions in the air etc.
The effects can stay with you quite a while after listening as well.
Use as needed.
Title: The Reiki Smart Field
Content: Reiki (霊気, /ˈreɪki/) is a Japanese form of energy healing, which is a subset of alternative medicine. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a “universal energy” is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing. (wikipedia)
This has evolved over time into 100s of other modalities each with observed and sometimes fanciful claims.
Present here is a direct reiki lineage to the original source of it (if that lineage thing matters to you) also a smart field that learns and gets better at doing what it does.
Enjoy and use as needed.
Title: The Rose Potion
Content: A musically and energetically blended production.
Rose Oil
Rose Quartz
M-state Copper
Burnt cinnamon
Comfort and Security (with ASMR) (This is made more along the lines of creating a safe space that you can feel secure and comfortable to be yourself or let go a bit. Most times we find it difficult to find moments for ourselves where we can truly feel comfortable in our own shoes and to just be ourselves. This is designed to provide this space along with the physical effects of ASMR to help hone in those feelings and provide a deeper bit of ‘you’ time. Use as needed.)
Title: The Shamanic Medicine Blend
Title: The Shungite Shake
Content: “Shungite is technically not a crystal but a mineraloid (like amber, opal, or obsidian), due to its structure. But that doesn’t make it any less powerful! Used for centuries, shungite has long been considered a stone for healing, with Peter the Great of Russia using it in his spa to purify water. Northwest Russia is actually where the largest and oldest source of shungite lies, with other deposits reported in Austria, India, Kazakhstan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.”
Shungite Properties: The Benefits Of This Purifying Stone | mindbodygreen
The stone has a unique composition. It contains fullerenes, or 3-D spherical molecules made of 60 carbon atoms. These molecules are hollow and sometimes called buckyballs.
Along with fullerenes, shungite consists of nearly all the minerals on the periodic table.
The origin of shungite is a mystery. Typically, materials made of carbon come from decayed organic substances like old forests. But the stone is thought to be at least 2 billion years old. This is before organic life existed on the planet.
Some theories of shungite’s origins include:
a large meteorite collided into Earth and deposited shungite into the ground
shungite formed due to microorganisms in nearby water
the composition of organic matter in sedimentary rocks changed over time
Although scientists are unsure of how shungite was formed or where it came from, they attribute the stone’s potential benefits to its fullerene content.
Title: The Smart Cord Cutter Field
Content: Using the template set by the earlier field, which you are free to try as well.
Etheric Cord Cutter (An Etheric Cord is something that allows you to connect to another person, place, time or event and receive and send energetic information. This audio works on an energetic level when listened to; on cutting and removing those connections negative and lower beings have made with you. It may be painful for some, but the gain in life, energy and power is immense. Literally you feel lighter afterwards.)
This here is an upgraded smart field re creation, that can be quite an interactive experience.
So while the above description is still automated, now you simply need to think of the person you are wishing to cut ties with, using this, all the corresponding etheric cords are now gonna focused on with a lot more intensity.
The field envelopes you in a protected space to perform these cuttings without the threat of immediate backlash.
Also added is the creation of a self sustaining entropic patterned copy that provides a decoy while also persuading the person to please completely remove their link and the attempts to re-establish the connections.
Use as needed.
Title: The Social Bonder
Content: A Social Skill brain field
Based on Attachment theory this wiring field will retroactively procure a secure base for yourself and others, fostering a sense of safety, trust and emotional stability. It will grow your empathetic skills, make you a better active listener, facilitate bonding and feelings of belonging, social enjoyment whilst giving you a patient and socially proactive mindset.
Title: The Welcomed
Content: If we apply the concept itself of negentropy itself as an idea, and apply it to the answer of the question. What would be the best way, to create a situation where the outcome is gonna be in your favor. Yet, without influencing the people around you directly.
As, that is never really a good idea.
But how about creating a positive environment that invites abundance and positive outcomes, all wrapped in a bundle of feeling welcomed, personally invited and in rapport with those around you.
Uses I imagine can range from, before meeting preparations, store ambience, meeting somebody new, etc etc.
This affects the environment and the people in the environment.
Loop as needed.
Title: The Womanly Woman
Content: Experience a profound transformation and embrace your authentic feminine essence with “The Womanly Woman” field. This cutting-edge morphic resonance technology is designed to enhance your overall well-being, fertility, revitalize your femininity, and empower you on your journey to self-discovery. Let’s dive into the remarkable features of this remarkable field:
The Meno-unpause field from youtube, combine with hormone receptor enhancement of estrogen and progesterone. Increases estrogen and progesterone production, assisting in achieving optimal hormone levels that promote well-being and feminine radiance
Follicle Development Optimization: Unlock your reproductive potential as this field enhances follicle development, supporting the production of healthier and higher-quality eggs for those desiring motherhood.
Maintain optimal levels of anti-müllerian hormone, a crucial marker of fertility and ovarian reserve, ensuring your reproductive health remains vibrant and flourishing.
Vaginal Rejuvenation: Experience a renewed sense of intimacy and confidence with the rejuvenation of the vaginal tissues, including tightening and enhanced nerve repair for heightened pleasure and comfort.
Skin Regeneration: Embrace your natural beauty as this field encourages the regeneration of your skin, promoting a youthful glow, improved elasticity, and a more radiant complexion.
Oxytocin Receptor Repair and Enhancement: Foster deeper connections and experience profound emotional well-being with repaired and enhanced oxytocin receptors, allowing you to embrace the power of love, compassion, and bonding.
Which includes unconditional love targeted to oxytocin receptor to restore optimal pair bonding and more.
This field will remove the physical oxytocin bond between you and former partners/lovers.
It will remove Phthalates (micro-plastic) from the womb, uterus and breasts.
Emotional Release and Clutter Removal: Liberate yourself from the burdens of acquired masculine energy and emotional clutter, creating space for true feminine authenticity and self-expression.
Inner and Outer Beauty Reconnection: Rediscover your true inner and outer beauty as this field works to remove negative programming and reconnect you with your innate grace, elegance, and magnetism.
DO NOT USE IF: Pregnant or having periods (use it after).
Title: Tin Oil of Jupiter
Content: Below is taken directly from alchemical information about the Tin Oil of Jupiter.
This being the refined presentation of it as an energetic audio, these were what was claimed in the past,
which may usually be a measure of truth and exaggeration combined, or maybe not.
2 - 3 times per usage
(Alchemical Description)
This oil is made from ashes of incinerated tin, which cannot return to the
metallic state. These ashes are then dissolved in a strong vegetable alkali
alchemically prepared from oak wood. This metallic solution, when put in a
warm place for digestion, starts to precipitate into an earth. This earth
swells and ferments, thus releasing a gaseous vapor in the form of thousands
of bubbles and foam. When the fermentation is completed, the matter has
completely putrefied while passing through various beautiful soft colors
which culminate in a black tar-like substance. The body is then considered
dead as it has released or given up its soul in the form of a fiery orange
oil. This is called the solution or the separation of the elements. Jupiter
or Tin rules the liver, the cartilage and the muscles. This oil is excellent
in case of someone “loosing shape.” Its key organ is the liver; thus it is
best for jaundice; hepatitis; cirrhosis; certain types of eczema; liquid
ovarian cysts; inflammatory effusions; pleurisies; certain phases of
manic-depressive people; certain types of obesity. It is an excellent
antidote for the bad effects of its metal in polarity: mercury.
Title: Tonic No. 31 (Sapien Proprietary Blend)
Content: This Energetic field combination imbued in the audio is designed to induce the synthesis of Spermidine along with the energetic information of it targeted to your skin, and organs.
Studies suggest spermidine can improve memory and slow cognitive decline. One of the ways it does this is by triggering the process of dissolving amyloid-beta plaques by autophagy
Spermidine is a relatively new player on the scene, but is being increasingly used in supplement products. It is not a silver bullet, and will not offer a miracle extension of your life expectancy on you own. However, it does mimic some of the other life extending interventions such as calorie restriction in keeping cells healthier, improving brain function and keeping your body ticking over for a little bit longer.
Also added is a complete simulant as well as an induction to get you cells producing higher levels on its own.
(Following quoted from klarity clinic )
NAD+ therapy administered intravenously can be a boon for your health and energy. NAD+ stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a natural coenzyme of vitamin B3 (niacin) that is present in every cell in your body. The compound fuels metabolic reactions and drives your cells to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids.
NAD+ also has a role in gene expression that’s associated with age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.
NAD+ therapy involves infusing a high dose of the compound straight into your bloodstream. You get the benefits of NAD more quickly than you might with other delivery systems, such as the oral route, so you experience a faster, more effective treatment outcome. NAD+ therapy optimizes your own cells’ NAD levels so they rev up and provide you with more immediate energy.
NAD+ therapy can also fight the physical effects of aging, reduce depression and anxiety, combat chronic fatigue and sleep disturbances, and help relieve you of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
2-3 times per day or as needed (which may be more on a weekly basis, just to keep pushing for that general boost in health and wellness)
Title: Torus Weaved Respect
Content: What is respect? The definition is; a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
This is how respect is gained over time, in natural situations.
There are beings who gain this respect through fear as well, this is not the type we are discussing here or anything related to that.
These general concepts and ideas of respect and being respected are used to create a living torus type field of energy that circulates, and removes limitations of this type of respect.
A very regal negentropic aura of respect, that inspires those around you to be a lot more respectful. The applications, are endless; board meetings, school presentations, meeting new people, sales.
2 or 3 times for best effects.
The field itself is a lot more complicated, but kept simple in description.
Again, something you do not need and you can acquire through your own hard work and efforts.
You are under no obligation to buy.
Title: Unstoppable Willpower
Content: Willpower can help us develop good habits and eliminate bad ones.
It allows us to persist in difficult times and to act ‘gritty’. It also provides us with the fortitude to stick to our decisions and see things through even when we do not feel like it.
This is energetically programmed to work towards directly strengthening and developping that innate ‘will’ you have.
Title: Urinary Incontinence
Content: It is pretty much an advanced form of pelvic floor exercises.
Title: Vaastu Homam
Content: Vaastu is a science of construction, It is a term used to describe a specific type of eastern architecture, where it is thought that alignment, orientations and designs play an important role in integrating quality energy into a building.
Vaastu Homam is performed, usually before moving to a new home or office. It is a ritual dedicated to the gods of the direction. These are: Indra (east), Agni (southeast), Yama (south), Pitru (southwest), Varuna (west), Vayu (northwest), Kuber (north) and Brahma (center). Each god is a symbol of such things as fire, thunder, peace, prosperity, and so on.
A ritualistic and energetic way to create a peaceful and favorable environment.
It is said to purify every nook and cranny of the house. The effects of which can contribute to the stability of life and peace of mind. A home filled with peace and happiness.
2-3 times per use.
Effects do tend to last a while.
These can go into a sort of quarterly practice.
Title: Vibration of Creation
Content: One of the most essential aspects of spiritual growth is raising your vibration. Through consistent meditation, clearing and growing the chakras and other such practices, your vibration may naturally begin to rise. But what keeps it from rising is all the negative baggage we carry that keeps our energy dense rather than light and free. What this audio does is get rid of all of this dense clutter that your body carries while at the same time raising your vibration on an unprecedented level.
This audio vibrates all your cells, even down to the mitochondria, with the vibration of creation. The source sound of the universe. The ‘Om.’ Vibrating every part of your body with this energy literally shakes up all the energetic clutter built up in your body (organs, chakras and entire energy system) and clears it away. By clearing all this energetic clutter and raising your vibration at the same time, you will begin going back to the essence of who you are.
The audios works on your consciousness in a larger level as even the parts of you that extend higher into different dimensions as well is effected. It provides a higher vibrational energy for the chakras to grow and evolve. It’s one of our most powerful spiritual audios thus far and is a gem for anyone on the spiritual path. I would most recommend this to people who have already had prior energy work on their bodies as this audio is rather advanced.
Title: Vibration of Divine Love
Content: One of the most essential aspects of spiritual growth is raising your vibration. Through consistent meditation, clearing and growing the chakras and other such practices, your vibration may naturally begin to rise. But what keeps it from rising is all the negative baggage we carry that keeps our energy dense rather than light and free. What this audio does is get rid of all of this dense clutter that your body carries while at the same time raising your vibration on an unprecedented level.
This audio vibrates all your cells, even down to the mitochondria, with the vibration of divine love. This is unconditional love but of a higher and finer frequency/vibration. This love vibrating in every part of your body will shake up energetic clutter while raising your vibrational state, You can add this to the higher vibrational item as a means to super charge your development, you can use this along with its sister audio ‘vibration of creation’.
The audios works on your consciousness in a larger level as even the parts of you that extend higher into different dimensions as well is effected. It provides a higher vibrational energy for the chakras to grow and evolve. It’s one of our most powerful spiritual audios thus far and is a gem for anyone on the spiritual path. I would most recommend this to people who have already had prior energy work on their bodies as this audio is rather advanced.
Title: Vibration of Transcendence
Content: Vibration of Transcendence is the vibration of the consciousness of the universe. This is the third installment to a three part series. The ‘Vibration of Creation’ is the ‘Active’ (creation) aspect of the universe , ‘Vibration of Divine Love’ is the ‘Passive’ (unity) aspect of the universe and the Vibration of Transcendence is the Non-Dual aspect of the Universe.
The consciousness of the all; which is what some would consider to be ‘god.’ This connection will elevate your vibration to a very high level while at the same time purifying your entire beingness. But this raising of the vibration is amplified to a much higher extent because of the next part of this field.
Vibration of Transcendence also includes ‘Ego Dissolution.’ The ego is the barrier of separation that keeps you from experiencing the full extent of the universe. It also houses all the mental patterns that limit our spiritual and mental freedom. This field dissolves these patterns and allows for moments of pure clarity. In such moments, we can change and choose to be how we want to be.
This field creates an overall sense of peace and freedom that most people into could ever dream of. And best of all, is a powerful tool that will further elevate anyone walking the spiritual path.
I highly recommend using the previous audios in the ‘vibration of’ series as they refine, define and prepare you for this one.
It may not be a comfortable experience for those who are not as prepared.
This is the final audio in this series.