Gumroad P.3
Title: Vision of Clarity
Content: 20/10 Vision: The best recorded vision in humans is 20/10 vision—the ability to see objects clearly from 20 feet when a normal human can only see them at 10 feet. For reference, The clearest vision a human can obtain is through the science of a vision correction procedure. A surgery like LASIK can give a person 20/20 vision.
Night Vision: Ability to see in low-light conditions, naturally with scotopic vision. The eyes may glow as a consequence.
Astral Vision: The ability to see overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existence targeted to the astral realm. Smart function so it activates with the command: “astral vision on”, can be deactivated with command : “astral vision off”. But to activate this function, the user must mediate with the mandela for 20 mins everyday for 50 days straight. If the streak is broken, must start again from the beginning. I believe this is a necessary precaution so only those really interested will get access to this function.
Optimal Eye Location : Due to long term spectacle wear, the eyes go into the socket causing sunken eyes (enophthalmos). For some people, the reverse happens (exophthalmos). This corrects the eye position to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
Vision Refresh: Smart field to automatically refresh (and lubricate) the eyes when tired based on the palming effect
Negentropic eyes: All organs related to eyes are infused with negentropy thereby curing all eye diseases (astigmatism) , discomfort, floaters etc
Eye Protection: Helps to protect the eyes from any physical damage and prevents external things from getting in your eyes (dust, air particles, fluids, etc.)
Smart Visual Processing : Improvements in contrast sensitivity, color, depth perception, glare sensitivity, Binocular vision ,visual tracking areas of the brain (May help with color blindness to a certain degree)
Smart Automated Eye Exercises: Stimulates eye exercises during times of rest/sleep for a certain duration everyday based on the user.
Enhanced Occular motor system: The ocular motor systems control eye lid closure, the amount of light that enters the eye, the refractive properties of the eye, and eye movements.
Blueprint of Optics: A complete reprogramming of the eyes, tear glands, optic nerves, ocular muscles and other related organs with the flower of life to facilitate change and return to optimal state.
Ailment Suppression: In the case of vision deterioration due to major ailments which need long term fixing to completely cure the eye, a protective bubble of soothing energy (like torsion field, plasma, etc) centered around the eyes which blocks the effects of the disease from taking root in the eye
Automated Eye Acupoint Stimulation: Automated stimulation of targeted acupoints found in stomach, liver, kidney, gall bladder, urinary bladder, governing vessel meridian, conceptual vessel meridian
Electromagnetic Radiation Protection: Neutralization and protection of all the damage caused by EMF and harmful light from all forms of electronics targeting the eyes
Energetic push to eat healthy and enhanced absorption and distribution of nutrients (vitamins, antioxidants) targeted to the eye.
Vision of beauty: An energetic push to view the world in a more positive light and ability to see the beauty in everything while still being grounded in reality
Axial shortening - Reducing the axial length aka reducing the axial elongation aka bringing eyeball back to its normal size ( a smart field to detect each person’s normal eyeball size)
Reducing the eye strain
Smart field to relax and contract the ciliary muscle
Removing ciliary muscle spasm whenever it occurs due to too much close-up time
Optimal Eye Pressure maintenance under all condition
Improved underwater vision, with enhanced adaptability to sea salt sensitivity
Complete functioning of the eye under all weather conditions with enhanced tear ducts for quicker dust removal (optimized of course, i don’t want anybody crying all the time )
Blind Spot Trainer: Automated perceptual training to enhance sensitivity to weak signals, thereby shrinking and gradually eliminating physiological blindspots
Symmetrical eyes based on golden ratio of the individual
Title: Visual Introspection (The Micro Dose)
Content: Microdosing refers to taking a small fraction of what is considered a recreational dose of hallucinogens like psilocybin mushrooms, LSD etc, ). Reportedly, microdosing can improve mood, induce physical and mental stimulation, and encourage creative thinking. Emerging studies support the notion that hallucinogenic drugs, taken in small doses or under the supervision and guidance of a medical professional, can be used to treat mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Here we circumvent the problems by use the mild form actions of psilocybin mushrooms and Salvia divinorum to work towards creating the effects of a unique microdose that can help drive the benefits cited and perhaps allow for a highly creative outlook that can be helpful for any situation that requires creativity.
1-2 times per use.
Title: Wealth Mantra Meditations
Content: This is designed to be something that contains the essences and impact of a few specific, archetypes,
mantras, energetic concepts and structures.
This a weaved tapestry of mantras, that target wealth generation and stabilization, maintenance of this abundance and the removal of blockages to this flow.
While wrapping it nicely with some gratitude and the correct measures of each element.
Made as a crowd project I present to you, ‘Wealth Mantra Meditations’
Shanti Mantra and Ananda hum.
Om Vinayakaya Namah
Om Ganesh Rinnam Chhindhi Varenyam Hoong Namaah Phutt
Kamalatmika - the highest expression of prosperity and hence called a Mahavidya (the great mantra)
Dhanada - a deity dedicated to immense riches. She is a Yakshi who works for Kubera and is the true source of his wealth.
Kubera - for unseen and unexpected riches
Srisukta - a holistic formula for prosperity
OM Namo Narayanaya
Title: What fat?
Content: Q: What are you going to do with those fat cells ?
A: In phase 1:
We activate the CASP9
Shut down the heat shock protein defenses : quercetin, KNK423, 17AAG,
Then we blast the UV-C light,
shock them with electrical current,
melt them with radio frequencies,
frack them with the ultrasound
and oxidize what’s left.
Phase 2:
We protect the liver and kidney,
enhance the drainage of fat with bits of the circulatory engineer
drop kick everything left through the back door.
Best done in the comfort of your home for obvious reasons.
Title: White Matter
Content: First we tweak the common and abundant Omega-6s present in the body by adjusting the chemical bonds and chain sizes through direct morphic field manipulation to obtain the potent DHA molecule thereby bypassing biological processes and the need from fish and krill oil. Then we transport these new DHA molecules up to the brain and increase the production of myelin shealth related enzymes which gives us a highly convenient, unlimited and instantaneous source of white matter anywhere at any time with any diet… for life.
Fact: The myelin sheath (aka White Matter) accelerates nerve signals up to a staggering 50 times in our brains.
At the same time comes the blood flow and nutrient absorption boosters in the brain cascading through your every nooks and crannies, feeding neurons.
The Nitric oxide and water absorption targeted at the brain.
Last but not least (seriously): Hydrogen and Oxygen generation from water and pushed straight to the brain for stimulation in a more potent way than previous hydrogen fields as it all concentrates directly in the brain. Making this creation a potentially violent brain wiring booster or not based on your consumption of water (raw materials) while using this field.
Yes, this is also a booster
Title: Wholistic Thinking
Content: We present Wholistic thinking, a brain wiring field allowing one to psychically sense overarching patterns and mildly stretches one’s consciousness in time.
It will develop the brain connections necessary to notice interconnections, identify ignorance, that is the absence of knowledge itself as a way to find guidance. It will widen your frame of reference so as to make current contexts more obvious, train you to see more nuances when making decisions and push you toward an outward and creative thinking style so as to overcome tunnel vision, lack and/or self-centered mindset.
More to discover on your own.
Overall this provides a subtle yet powerful way forward whether in your personal life or intellectual pursuit.
Title: Wolf Silver Moon Oil
Content: A combination of the alchemical souls of silver (Oil of the moon) the essence of wolf based energy. (with life) Or rather the potential distillation of the essence of a wolf.
with a seasoned dash of negentropy as well.
Title: Woven Worlds - Contentment
Content: When we think of manifestation, we generally think of creating a life of peace and abundance.
But the task of visualizing such a reality gets overwhelmed by our current discontent. Discontent that impairs the drive to push towards the reality we want and snaps us back into our troubled world…until now. The basics of manifestation is visualizing the desired outcome and energizing your mind/reality to lead you to that outcome… and then act towards it.
With ‘Woven Worlds,’ the desired outcome is conceptualized for you. It is the feeling of being content with all aspects of your life. Your family, your home, your finances, direction your life is going and just the pure joy of living. That feeling is universal and pure and is instilled as the destination your world is headed towards. And you will get the push you need to reach this destination.
The background build-up of this uses the active physical push of the need to create a completed action. This action is this ‘auto manifestor’ with a heavy power pushing behind it. Pushing, powering and empowering through the physical, psychic, subconscious and extra dimensional; a brute force energy creation but ever so elegantly done.
So with that powered push the envisioned world starts to become your very real reality. This means getting the things you want that lead to the abundance and peace that you seek.
Be it because of insightful action on your part, a concerted action of a team, a random gift, whatever that will lead you to achieve and actualize this envisioned reality of yours.
Beyond this deeply tailored complexity, there are also elements of the cone of power to again work synergistically towards the goal. This is a powerful combination that makes manifestation easier than it’s ever been. Find yourself engorged with the desire to act on a better future and weave your world into one you enjoy living. This is our most powerful manifestation tool yet and should give the necessary push much of you may need to find the fulfilment you deserve.
Part of a weaved worlds series.
Use as need, I suggest starting very small at the start.
Title: Woven Worlds - Millions
Content: Quite possibly the most common thing that people wish to manifest is: a million dollars.
A million dollars can go a long way of solving many of our financial issues.
It can go a long way of allowing us the financial freedom to do the things we want to do.
This version of ‘Weaved Worlds’ provides the physical and energetic push to get you to a million dollars and beyond.
The desired outcome is having a million USD. Of course, this can be compounded to millions more as well. This is the concept being instilled in your subconscious and from which, the energetic and physical push is driving you towards attaining a million USD and more. Just like ‘Weaved Worlds: Contentment,’ the background build-up of this uses the active physical push of the need to create a completed action. This action is this ‘auto manifestor’ with a heavy power pushing behind it. Pushing, powering and empowering through the physical, psychic, subconscious and extra dimensional; a brute force energy creation but ever so elegantly done. So with that powered push, attaining a million dollars starts to become your very real reality. This means attracting the right set of circumstances and getting exactly the things you need to make the million dollars. It can be getting an investor for your business venture, having the extra drive to talk to the right people and say the right things, making the right investments and just being driven in the right direction toward your million dollar goal.
Remember, this is all in support of your pursuit of making money and won’t just fall in your lap. But the energy behind this field will push you to act and practically run towards the millions. With specially tailored complexity, ‘Radical Positive Change’ and elements of the ‘Cone of Power’ work synergistically towards the goal here.
This is a powerful combination that makes manifesting a million dollar lifestyle easier than ever before. Find yourself engorged with the desire to act on a better financial future and weave your world into one you can enjoy the luxuries of life. This is our most powerful manifestation tool yet and should give the necessary push much of you may need to find the financial freedom you deserve.
Use as needed and take charge.
Title: Woven Worlds - The Journey of The Chosen One
Content: This audio is designed to bring that auto manifested end goal of, well in a sense ‘famous’ or more so recognized.
The push is positive and backed with gratitude, you will deeply be inspired to reach this end goal, and the world will seem to shift as changes and opportunities present themselves.
Quite versatile and will work with you and change to suit as your goals change, nothing really required on your end, except engagement.
Be propelled forward and be ready to meet this new world.
This version of ‘Weaved Worlds’ provides the physical and energetic push to becoming popular (as whatever profession, (IG, YouTube, stock trader, insurance agent, whatever) via positive channels and connections to experiencing the end product of being recognized.
Just like ‘Weaved Worlds: Contentment,’ the background build-up of this uses the active physical push of the need to create a completed action. This action is this ‘auto manifestor’ with a heavy power pushing behind it. Pushing, powering and empowering through the physical, psychic, subconscious and extra dimensional; a brute force energy creation but ever so elegantly done. So with that powered push, attaining that magical existence starts to become your very real reality. This means attracting the right set of circumstances and getting exactly the things you need to get there, the realizations, the right people or even being led down different rabbit holes.
‘Radical Positive Change’ and elements of the ‘Cone of Power’ work synergistically towards the goal here as well.
and when you reach this level, remember we have the Financial Protector to keep your money energetically clean and well appreciated.
Title: Woven Worlds - The Magic
Content: This is a very delicate dream.
This is unique in this series, here the goal is being able to see and live in a world of magic, wonder and beauty. Exactly those concepts in full and whatever it may entail.
It can lead to a life full of explorations and adventures in whatever ways they manifest.
This version of ‘Weaved Worlds’ provides the physical and energetic push to get living in a place where this is your experience of life, a place of wonder.
Just like ‘Weaved Worlds: Contentment,’ the background build-up of this uses the active physical push of the need to create a completed action. This action is this ‘auto manifestor’ with a heavy power pushing behind it. Pushing, powering and empowering through the physical, psychic, subconscious and extra dimensional; a brute force energy creation but ever so elegantly done. So with that powered push, attaining that magical existence starts to become your very real reality. This means attracting the right set of circumstances and getting exactly the things you need to get there, the realizations, the right people or even being led down different rabbit holes.
‘Radical Positive Change’ and elements of the ‘Cone of Power’ work synergistically towards the goal here as well.
Be forever in wonder at the magic that blossoms forth as your excitedly step towards a joyous unknown.
Use as needed.
Title: Ye Old Negentropic Harmonizer (Slightly Frivolous Album Release)
Content: This is inspired by the old Slim Spurling Environmental Harmonizers,
which was purported to be effective in clearing EMFs, geopathic stress and Hartmann grid issues.
This field being a larger negentropic attempt, ambitiously tries to extend to about 500+ feet
To create the said affects above, also included is an official sapien medicine scent.
often copied, but never quite the same smell.
The slightly more glamourized description is,
The field here will invite your world and reality to become more like the one described below.
Welcome a maelstrom of environmental healing with a dose of ingenuity accompanied by scents of honey dried coconuts vanilla undertones drifting along that
refreshing negentropic beach breeze
Title: Your Energetic Being
Content: Mandala and Audio
NFT level community project made public
NFT level protection as well of course
features are not limited to
1: Complete restoration and rejuvenation of your energetic being.
Soul Restoration
Auric and Energy body repair
Cord Cutting
2: Strengthening and upgrading the energy system
Energy Blockage Removal with plasma torus field chakra stimulation and growth
Energy expansion aspects from the IG Card system
A combination of energies compressed into our energy body/energy system (Jing, Chi, Shen, Ojas, Prana & Mana)
3: Nervous System help and Grounding
Nervous System development
Nerve Healing
Body coherence
From a Community Project
Title: Your new Improved Skin
Content: This cutting-edge field stimulates the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) in your skin, a critical element for cellular turnover and healing, while also promoting the natural production of Elastin fibers to enhance skin elasticity. It encourages the generation of natural hyaluronic acid for optimal hydration and plumpness and provides direct specialized healing to the primary cells of the epidermis, known as Keratinocytes, to support the skin’s barrier function. The field ensures overall skin hydration beyond just hyaluronic acid, and introduces Glycolic acid in a controlled manner for gentle yet effective exfoliation. In an innovative approach, it triggers programmed cell death in scar tissues, reducing their appearance over time. Uniquely, this field goes a step further by remodeling collagen fibers in scar tissue to follow a normal, healthy pattern. Additionally, it activates collagenase production in areas of old scars and stretch marks, effectively removing excess collagen that contributes to their appearance. This activation is particularly effective when paired with the collagen fiber remodeling feature
Collagen remodeling and collagenase activation in scar tissue are groundbreaking features that address the root causes of scarring, rather than just its superficial symptoms. Collagen remodeling is crucial because scar tissue often forms in a disorganized manner, unlike the normal, aligned collagen fibers in healthy skin. By remodeling these fibers to follow a natural, healthy pattern, the field seeks to normalize the texture and appearance of the scar, making it less noticeable or raised. The remodeling allows for an easier scar removal through Collagenase enzyme.
Collagenase activation targets old scars and stretch marks by breaking down the excess collagen that contributes to their visible, uneven nature. Collagenase is an enzyme that specifically breaks down collagen, and its activation ensures that the scarred or stretched skin areas are actively improved from within. When combined, these two features offer a comprehensive approach to not just managing but reversing the appearance and texture of scars and stretch marks.