Audios Description Database

Patreon P.3

“title”: “Core Strengthening”,
“content”: “What this does it work out your core muscle (Transversus Abdominis) with minor contractions, it also works towards promoting area specific fat apoptosis.In addition to Rev-erb for an enhanced workout with direct muscle strengthening.In addition it works towards enhancing your natural grace and balance energetically.Use as much as 3 times a day, start of slowly if you are not accustomed to exercise.”

“title”: “Teeth Regeneration (for existing teeth and damage) Updated Ver2.0”,
“content”: "The frequencies and programming placed on this video is designed to work towards stimulating your teeth for regeneration from cavities and general damage. It will not re-grow lost teeth. It uses α-MSH (alpha version of melanocyte-stimulating hormone) which has been shown in experiements to produce teeth repair and regeneration. Use as much as you need. (up to 3 times a day at most) This has been updated to speed the healing and also the addition of Tideglusib (non-ATP-competitive glycogen synthase kinase 3 inhibitor) and transforming growth factor beta 1. (I am pretty excited about these additions) "

“title”: “Support”,
“content”: "Thank you everyone for all the support you are giving meI appreciate it.A lot of you I am sure have already seen this, but just posting it here again to try to get as much votes as I can.Quoted from previous post.Hey guys, so i have wondered for a while if to post this or not, either way this is a person who is close to me and i am trying to help her reach higher and do great in her chosen profession, this is her link for a competition can potentially take her japan, which i would be included as well(as the other person). other than being a cosplayer myself. I would love this, i have wrestled with the idea if to post this or not. If you can please support us. click on the heart an then click on all the items you see that comes up, composition, costume, pose, etc. thank you kindly if you do this. (hey I know I probably don’t have much Japanese viewers, but I would love to go there) "

“title”: “Arm fat Removal (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “This audio is programmed to promote Apoptosis of the fat cells located under your arm, those that sometimes hang a bit as you get older. It will also work on tightening the skin there. The audio is programmed using morphic fields and energy programming.Use as up to 3 times a day if needed. Good luck with your results!”

“title”: “EXTREME SELF CONFIDENCE/SELF ESTEEM BOOST: (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: "This combinations of energy and frequencies will work together in your conscious and subconscious to nourish/ build and increase your own self esteem, confidence and worth in your own eyes and by extension in the eyes of everyone around you. When feel comfortable in your own skin and believe in yourself, you will live a more fulfilling life and accomplish just about anything you set your mind to. When you love yourself, you enjoy being yourself and interacting with the world. The world becomes your playground and you will find joy in simply being yourself. When you believe in yourself, your confidence aligns with your intentions and allow you to manifest whatever you want in life. When you have confidence, you have little doubt that you can do something and this lack of doubt allows you to perform at the best of your ability and also attract what you want in life. A great self esteem will dramatically improve your state of being and allow you conquer life in the romantic, career, friendship and adventurous level. By listening to this video twice a day, you will begin to notice how an increased level of confidence and self esteem. The more you listen, the more permanent these effects become. (The image is also programmed, part of the series on Instagram. so this is basically two different items) "

“title”: “HIV Treatment (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “The treatment, using a combination of energy, and programmed frequencies, this is designed to help those infected with the HIV virus, what it aims to do is boost and strengthen amount of CD4 immune cells, and provide the correct information needed for the body to recognise and remove the viral genome from within the infected cells. While a cure could be effected from this combination I cannot guarantee it to ply any listener with false hope. Use as free supplement to whatever treatments you have. If it helps then I hope your life becomes better for it.”

“title”: “Brain Regeneration (Morphic and Energetic Programming) Experimental”,
“content”: “The programming in this (energetic and morphic fields) will work toward whole brain regeneration, using amblox and stem cells, focused on the damaged areas. This may be good for coma patients as well. It will target damaged areas and help regenerate neurons, it will also increase the amount of omega 3 fatty acids in the brain for increased and enhanced functioning.”

“title”: "Double Chin Removal (Energetically Programmed Audio) ",
“content”: “This audio is programmed to promote Apoptosis of the fat cells located under your chin/neck area. It will also work on tightening the skin there for a more youthful looking face ( sagging skin under the chin) The audio is programmed using morphic fields and energy programming.Use as up to 3 times a day if needed. Good luck with your results!”

“title”: “Fame Sigil”,
“content”: "So this one is created so you can make your own personal item that works just like the one on the Instagram account.You either print the image or open it wide and use the screen as a flat area. Place your item on the middle and say “Create Fame” leave the item there on the sigil for about one hour. Then afterwards you can use it. Description from the mandala on Instagram.Energetic Mandala SeriesThis one draws fame, well rather it draws attention to you and whatever you do, art/music/business etc.People will tend to notice you more, and wonder where they know you from, you seem so familiar.Definitely a great thing to have to get into that flow along the path becoming a known figure. "

“title”: “Face Combination”,
“content”: "This one is a combination of Facelift and Facial Toning Treatment and Collagen Booster.The frequencies and energies encoded in this video will cause you body to increase its collagen production specifically in your face along with Platelet-rich plasma (the popular vampire facelift) it will also attempt to restore the natural fat in your face, all effects working together to help restore a youthful look in your face. + The frequencies encoded along with energetic/morphic field programming in this video will cause your body and skin cells to increase its natural collagen production, resulting in a younger looking you with diminished wrinkles and other age related problems. (with skin). "

“title”: “Weight Loss Combo”,
“content”: "This one is a combination of the Automated workout system, the Fat Burning Genetic Advantage and the Thermogenic Weight Loss. "

“title”: “Grey Hair Restoration (energetic audio) Updated with additions”,
“content”: “The frequencies and energies encoded in this video will cause you body to increase its natural MSR A and B emzyne production which helps to convert your body’s natural hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicles back to water and oxygen, So it will not be bleaching your hair from the inside out. As we get older and experience more damage our natural production levels of these specfic emzynes drop, which causes greying hair. Use as often as you wish for faster results.Updated version with new additionsAntioxidant addition to hair mitochondriaregeneration of melanocytes in hair follicles”

“title”: “Angelic Vibration ver 2.0”,
“content”: "Updated to version 2.0This vibrates your entire body and being and entire energy system with the base vibration of an Angelic being (the same type as in the angelic intercession). What this does is basically cause you in a sense to give off the energy of an ‘angel’ this energy can burn up negativity and may be strong for some. This can become more permanent over time. I leave the effects etc up to your own interpretations and experimentations. "

“title”: “Mindfulness (Self Realization Series Pt.4)”,
“content”: “The energetic programming embedded in this audio will increase your awareness of yourself and the present moment. It will also increase your awareness of your thoughts helping you stray away from negative thought patterns and to make better choices in life. Mindfulness is key to gaining more control and balance with your mind.Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It is about being mindfulof everything, especially your thoughts and words, taking time to pay attention to what you are going to say and how can it impact the other person. Is it an ego based response? This level of awareness will help you be mindful of it all. Remember we do not live in caves to find enlightenment anymore, so our every day interactions must help develop and grow our spirituality. Daily interactions can either be helpful on our path or just carry us down darker paths. Mindfulness is an essential step to enlightenment. The greater awareness you have of yourself, the more conscious and at peace you will be. Our Self Realization videos can all be listened to daily in a different order or focused on individually in any way you would prefer. They are meant to prepare you for enlightenment.”

“title”: “Timelessness (Self Realization Series Pt 3.)”,
“content”: "The energetic programming in this audio takes you away from the normal flow of time and introduces the concept of non- linear time. As humans, we experience time like riding on a train. It is a predetermined line and we can only go forward. Non- linear time would be like us looking at a meter stick from above, where every number is a point in time. We can see every point and go to any point, forward or backwards, at any instant.All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist. Experiencing this truth changes the way we experience time. Time would now feel like one moment, not separate moments divided by different times during the day, days, weeks, months or years. True time moves forward not with the tick of a clock but with the making of a choice. Until a choice is taken, the future is not determined.A great explanation of non linear time comes from Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five:"The most important thing I learned on Tralfamadore was that when a person dies he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist. The Tralfamadorians can look at all the different moments just that way we can look at a stretch of the Rocky Mountains, for instance. They can see how permanent all the moments are, and they can look at any moment that interests them. It is just an illusion we have here on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on a string, and that once a moment is gone it is gone forever. When a Tralfamadorian sees a corpse, all he thinks is that the dead person is in a bad condition in that particular moment, but that the same person is just fine in plenty of other moments.“Now this field will likely not allow you to experience the past or future like Tralfamadore’s do but you will experience a more milder version of this concept. You’ll be able to feel what it feels like to experience non-linear time. There really aren’t many words to describe these abstract concepts. It is something you must experience for yourself. Timelessness is another essential realization on the path of enlightenment. Our Self Realization videos can all be listened to daily in a different order or focused on individually in any way you would prefer. They are meant to prepare you for enlightenment.”

“title”: “The True Self of Others: Divine Spark (Self Realization Series Pt 2.)”,
“content”: “The energetic programming in the true self of others audio allows you to see the divinity in everyone else and yourself. Everyone derives from the source and is a fragment of the all. Through this field, you will begin to perceive the divine spark in every person. (divinity/divine spark to us is ‘source of all creation.’ Our audios are not tied to any religions)Just as we all came from the source of creation, we are the source of creation. Within each and every one of us lies the source of all that it is and having this realization become a part of our lives is one of the essential parts to becoming enlightened. When you are able to see the divinity in everything, you begin to better understand everything. You become much more compassionate of others but even more so, begin to love other people unconditionally. No longer would you see them as simply strangers or typical people. You will be able to see that every single person is of a divine nature. A grand part in the path to enlightenment is the erosion of the ego. As you let go of more of your ego, you begin to lose your sense of feeling separated from everything (which makes us so self centered in the first place) and start to feel connected to everything. As you saw in part one, you begin to experience and perceive the interconnection of all things. And in this part, you begin to perceive the divine spark in everything. You perceive how everyone is equal… people who are deemed as “evil,” “saints,” “celebrities,” “homeless” all derive from this same source and when you can perceive this, your perspective of them changes. You no longer see yourselves as separate. No longer see them as higher or lesser than you. You see the universe in them. You see yourself. And in this way, you will better connect with other people and in turn better connect with the world.”

“title”: “The Interconnection Of Everything (Self Realization Series Pt 1.)”,
“content”: “The energetic transmission of this audio field works on making you see and experience the deeper connection of everything. This also allows you to learn and grow more from other people, via observation rather than the hard way of experiencing it directly. The truth is that you are already interconnected with everything but your ego is what makes you identitfy with being seperate or wanting to be apart. Interconnection with everything is realising that everybody is part of something bigger and that the small things you do can affect everyone around you. That even one act of kindness or love can reverb in celebration throughout entire universes. Everyone that you know, that you meet are part of a greater whole and in essence a part of you. Going through life conscious of this realization will put things in greater perspective. You would become less selfish and more in tune with the world. You would learn and grow through other people’s experiences and and enrich your life in the process. Life would become much more profound as you would more often see the deeper meaning and connection in all things. Realizing that you are connected to everything is one of the most vital realizations on the path to enlightenment. Our new self realization series is a means by which people can begin to understand things in a much larger perspective and lay a very solid groundwork or base state of being able to accept any larger form of complete enlightenment. Either way it helps you to unfold as a better person, more complete spiritual person and universal being. You can see this series as as different paint removers that peel off bits of the heavy paint of the false self created by ego.And in this case, this audio field peels of the illusion that you are seperate from the universe when the truth is that you connected to all of it.Repeated use of this audio will awaken the realization of the connection of all things. The fact you are a piece of the grander puzzle. These are one of the grand realizations reached through enlightenment. Part 1 of our self realization series.”

“title”: “Senescent Cell Removal (Energetically Programmed Audio)”,
“content”: “In the most basic description, cellular senescence is a state in which cells can no longer divide. In older people, the senescence cells (also called zombie cells) add to excess inflammation and even tumor formation. The programming in this video (Energetic/Morphic fields) will work towards inducing apoptosis in those cells. This is great to add to your anti-aging routines. Listen as much as you need. You will reach a point where most would of been removed and you don’t need to really use this, until those cells build back up.”

“title”: “Fungus Destroyer (Experimental) Energetic and Morphic Programmed Audio”,
“content”: “(same base programming as the bacteria one, except the target is different) What this does is use a novel approach by combing a Tick Antifreeze protein IAFGP which also prevents the formation of the protective covering on fungi, leaving it exposed, then it uses your existing oxygen in your body to oxidize and destroy the fungus. Can be use for all fungi infections.Use as much as you need until you experience the effects. Disclaimer, please always be advised by your doctor.Do not replace Medicines etc. This is experimental.”

“title”: "Water Oxygenator ",
“content”: “What this does is add some extra oxygen to your water, also it is a mild experiment with matter manipulation, as a perceptible sweetness should be added as well, the extra oxygen can be beneficial and sometimes give you a bit of a boost in energy. Be sure to let me know if you taste any difference!”

“title”: “Weight Gainer”,
“content”: “What this one does is use platelet-derived growth factor-AB targeted to all existing fat and muscle in your body to cause a growth of these cells which result in a weight increase.Please do not over use, use twice a day for 3 days then wait another week to see how to results go (at the end of that week)You do not want to create a problem where you have too much fat cells and find it impossible to lose weight.”

“title”: “Bacteria Destroyer (Experimental) Energetic and Morphic Programmed Audio”,
“content”: “What this does is use a novel approach by combing a Tick Antifreeze protein IAFGP which also prevents the formation of the protective covering on bacteria, leaving it exposed, then it uses your existing oxygen in your body to oxidize and destroy the bacteria. Can be use for all bacteria infections.Please try to get probiotics a day or two you finish using this to repopulate your stomach/intestinal Flora. Use as much as you need until you experience the effects. Disclaimer, please always be advised by your doctor.Do not replace Medicines etc. This is experimental.”

“title”: “Transmutation of Lower and Basal Energy, Programmed Audio (Internal Alchemy Series pt 6)”,
“content”: “What the programming in this will do, is; work towards transmuting all the lower and basal energies into a higher vibrational ‘spiritual’ energy. It does not change your thinking patterns, but a higher type energy can influence that. Always be mindful of your ego as well. This should complete the internal alchemy series. Use as often as you need.”

“title”: “Hello”,
“content”: "Hey guys, i am having some small problems with data speeds and internet etc for now, so the new uploads would take a bit, but they should be here before the end of the month. (I hope!) Sorry for the delays. "

“title”: “Utter Relaxation and Muscle Massage”,
“content”: “This is programmed to do exactly as the name says, to induce a deep state of relaxation while giving your muscles a ‘massage’ to melt the stresses of life. It uses far infrared as well to help with blood flow throughout your body. Use as often as you need on loop even to sleep with.”

“title”: “Become Whole: Self Acceptance/Self Love/Dissolve Insecurities - Energy Frequency”,
“content”: "What if you could be completely fulfilled in being who you are and love everything about yourself? This is what this audio seeks to do. This audio frequency is embedded with energy that will induce in you a state of self acceptance and unconditional love for yourself. In addition, the energy works on dissolving your insecurities over time. Over time, you will find yourself feeling more comfortable and liberated in your own skin. You will have the level of confidence you have always dreamed of having without changing anything about yourself. It may take weeks but more likely months to reach that level of wholesomeness but a few months of consistently listening to this audio every day will change the rest of your life for the better. If you experience emptiness, this audio seeks to fill that and make you feel complete. "

“title”: “Attract More Love Into Your Life: Energetic and Morphic programming”,
“content”: “Love is the absolute greatest feeling in the world and the energy embedded in this audio will attract more of it into your life. Love is connection and the joy that comes from it. The feeling generally springs from sharing special moments with others but don’t such moments happen on rare occasion? How often do you and a friend or lover share moments of deep and loving connection… the type of connection that gives you a natural joyful high from being in their presence. Its one thing to feel love for others but its another when someone feels love for you and expresses it to you. There is nothing else like it and what this audio does is attract more of that to your life. Listening to this audio on a daily basis, will draw more loving energy into your life and this would result in more love based interactions. The other love audios work more on you feeling and experiencing love while this one works more on others feeling love for you. So in turn, you will attract more loving interactions with the world around you. And yes, its possible you can attract a significant other with this audio. More love in your life equates to more happiness in your life. As human beings, we strive for connection and proof of this is that we get lonely when we receive no love for a long period of time! But this audio is like a magnet that draws love from the world onto your life. A life with more love awaits by listening daily to this audio . For the most part, we experience love on Works on drawing love and love based interactions into your life best to listen once per day”

“title”: “Dopamine Neurotransmitter Overload”,
“content”: "The frequencies encoded along with the energetic programming in this video will cause your brain to produce and saturate your neurons with a massive amount of dopamine. Resulting in an uplifting anti-depressant effect. "

“title”: “Om Mani Padme Hum (With Vibration energy and intent)”,
“content”: “This video and sound was created to infuse the listener with the energy and power of the sacred Om mani padme hum mantra, it will vibrate your entire being and the environment around you with the energy and power of the mantra.This also creates a connection with Quan-yin and ChenrezigJust updating herethese are on another channel, didn’t think anyone would be interested but here it is”

“title”: “Heal those around you. (Be the healer) Programmed audio.”,
“content”: “What this does is basically provide a means by which you heal friends or family or anybody you wish.This will send healing work to anybody you think of while using this video, It works towards speeding up the healing process and providing a general whole body healing, an anti cancer treatment, unconditional love and virus disruption.To use you simply need to think of the person you intend to heal while playing the audio. It will work on that person for the duration of the audio.While it may not be possible in all cases, its always good to get permission first.”

“title”: “Pranayama Training”,
“content”: “Pranayama is basically using your breath to absorb the vital energy around you.An easy method to start doing this is as follows; you take a deep breath for a count of about 4 seconds.Hold that breath for 6 seconds, then exhale for a count of 4 seconds again.Now this part is important, you need to hold an empty breath for 6 seconds, this means do not inhale and keep your lungs empty. Then you restart the process.What this does is create a small ‘vacuum’ in your energy system and lungs, so when you inhale you will automatically draw in energywith the next breath, which then circulates throughout your system.It helps to imagine that you or your nose and lungs have become a giant straw that is sucking in the air/energy.The timing of the breaths and holding it etc can vary, this is not that important right now.The video that starts after also automates the process for you and will help you develop the ability to do this.It will gather the vital energies and facilitate you absorbing it into your lungs.You may start to even feel lightheaded or a buzzing around your nose, face, throat and lungs. This can be used to boost all processes in your body, speed healing and even enhance psychic abilites.”

“title”: “Radiation Removal (Energetic/Morphic Programmed audio)”,
“content”: “It may not seem like too much of a useful thing right now, but it can possibly be in the general future, you, or your loved one’s personal future. What this does is saturate you body with a damage suppressor protein (this protects DNA from degradation) while at the same time removing any junk radiation inside of your body/being. Use as much as you need.This does not work on the environment.”

“title”: “Dreamweaver Card System”,
“content”: “How to use the cards After attunement, which takes about 30 mins to an hour. (depending on your energy system) The best recommendation is to at least wait one day after the attunement to use the cards.Using the card would simply involve holding the card and speaking the name of the card along with the word activate and the energy/work will begin. for example “eviction activate” “attunement activate” etc. To use the cards without actually having the physical card present with you, you can use the sigils and speak the activation words. You can also use the sigils with your radionics machines etc as well. The attunement card directly links you and tells your subconscious and deeper mind exactly how to use the energy systems. You will find yourself having ideas on how to use it that may be unconventional. Even at some point using and accessing all the systems without using the cards or sigils. Trust your intuition on this.Eviction Use this card to get rid of entities or bad energies disturbing you Activation creates a strong tunnel that sucks out energy from energy around and automatically grounds it off Activation lasts for 15 to 20 mins. Be careful to not let it drain you. You can activate it on the card and then move the card to the location you wish or mentally choosing the location you want it placed by visualizing it while activating the card. Healing Use this card to perform healing for yourself or others. Activation will pour energy programmed specifically to heal you and work with your subconscious to speed any from of healing needed. You can use it for yourself or any person Activation lasts for 15 to 20 mins. You can activate it on the card and have it pour into your entire or body or a specific area or person (or area of a person ) of your choosing Simply visualize the area where you want the energy to flow Pain Control Use this card to control pain for yourself or others. Activation will pour energy programmed specifically to stop or reduce pain in any area causing you problems. You can use it for yourself or any person Activation lasts for 15 to 20 mins. You can activate it on the card and have it pour into your entire or body or a specific area or person (or area of a person ) of your choosing Simply visualize the area where you want the energy to flow Chakra stimulator This card compresses energy in and at the same time directly stimulates all of your chakras, providing them with the nourishment they need to grow along with directly working on expanding and developing them. Activation works for about 15 to 20 mins. You can use it on a friend as well. Aura purification This card works on removing junk energy and negative based energy from within your entire energy system, chakras etc. It will also work on removing minor blockages in your energy flow. Activation cause the work to start on you and go for about 15 to 20 mins total. You can also use this for others. Sanctuary This card works with helping you to create your own garden forest, It helps plants grow and nourishes them energetically, You can activate the card then place it next to the plant you wish to work on or drawing the sigil in the dirt next to the plant then activating the energy. This energy works on strengthening the plant’s own energy system, recovery and regeneration as well as directly telling it to grow stronger and healthier. The works on the plant for 15 to 20 mins. Perseverance Activating this card cause energy that is programmed to keep pushing you to complete a task at hand or give you the extra willpower you need to survive or go on. It helps to reset the mental fatigue and give you renewed energy and will to complete whatever needs to be done. The energy will work directly on you for a set period of time 15 - 20 mins but the effects will continue for quite a while after. Shielding Activation of this card causes a strong dense oval shield to surround your entire body and energy system, The shield will keep densifying and reinforcing itself for about 15 mins. This shield will stay with you and gradually erode depending on the natural wear it receives such as interaction with other energy systems (people), attacks or just getting by in general life. You can use this for yourself or other persons as well. Energy Expansion Upon activation, this card work directly on strengthening and growing your energy sensing abilities and your nervous system. It will also grow and strengthen your aura/energy body. It will continue to directly work on you for about 15 to 20 mins. You can also use this for other people as well. Lucid Dreaming This card when activated, will work on you to activate and stimulate the portions of your brain that maintain awareness, it will keep these areas stimulated while you are sleeping, to help you maintain awareness in and of your dreams. Dreams should become more vivid and memorable as well. Again this card can used for yourself or another person you choose. Dreamscape This card is used to help with meditation, it progressively tries to get you into a deeper and deeper mental state from you base level or brain functioning and deeper progressively beta - alpha - theta - delta etc. The energies will start working when activated and throughout your meditation. Attunement The attunement card works on upgrading your existing energy level and functioning along with directly telling your subconscious how to use all the cards and energies in this system. You will find that you have ideas and concepts about how to use them and unique creative ways to manipulate and work with with the energies. It allows you to access and work with the cards and system eventually as in extension of yourself.”

“title”: “Inner Beauty Reflected Outward”,
“content”: “The progamming in this does exactly what it says, it reflects your inner beauty outwards, what this means is that everything that is beautiful about you, will be strengthened and infused within your being. The part of you that interacts with the outside world, to the outside world you will apear to be a lot more beautiful.”

“title”: “Energetic Addendum Est”,
“content”: "This is book i had made a while back. "

“title”: "Clear all Negative Energy and Entity Removal ",
“content”: "The healing/cleansing frequencies and energetic programming in this audio track will work towards clearing all negative energy from your entire energy system and well as removing any negative entities or thought forms that may have attached to you.Negative energy patterns and entities tend to keep us- thinking negatively about everything- depressed- anxious- bad luck/ unable to manifest desire- in constant conflict with others- repeating same bad habits- ext…The energies embedded in this frequency will cleanse you of the negative energy that keeps you in a perpetual state of disharmony. You can expect to feel detoxed and more clear in the head than you have been in a long time after listening to this video. Some of us have much more negative energy built up inside than others, so it may take daily listening to cleanse yourself of the negative energy that has taken form in your body. But surely, if you listen on a daily basis, you can expect a more healthy/positive state of being. "

“title”: "Trauma Release and Healing ",
“content”: “This works to towards helping to gently release mental and physical trauma in your body, trauma can be trapped in damaged areas of your body and of course there is mental trauma. This works towards gently dissolving that trauma and instead filling it with unconditional love and acceptance.You should find yourself less affected mentally by the things you have experienced, the things that weight you down.”

“title”: “The Hyper State Sleep (need less sleep energetic/morphic field on audio)”,
“content”: “This works with the BHLHE41 gene (dec2, etc) Specifically the SNPrs121912617. It works to create an energetic (not permanent) simulation of the mutant gene that allows for less sleep.It will also work to stimulate a higher production of orexin which would help remove the grogginess and effects of sleep deprivation.I would think one or two listens should be enough for it to work for at least 2 sleep times, but you will have to experiment and see how it works for you.This can also help wake you up a bit if you have trouble waking up in the morning.”

“title”: “A life of Magical Abundance (morphic/psychic energetically programmed)”,
“content”: “This video is programmed to create a deep and effective energetic field around you that attracts positive abundance into you life, meaning it will attract things like happiness, joy, luck, beneficial wealth, appreciation, caring and general abundance to help create a way in which you should not need to feel you are without anything in life. This ‘attraction of abundance’ lasts for about 8 hours then fades aways slowly, So there is no need to listen to it more than once or twice every 8 hours or every 24 hours as it fades.”

“title”: "DEPRESSION/Stress/Anxiety Relief ",
“content”: "This video combines frequencies and energetic programming to provides a means by which you can help and reverse all the effects and mental state of depression while also giving you a healthy dose of positivity. This video also provides relief for stress and anxiety. Depression is as much a mental state of being as it is a physical state. When depressed, people tend to think more negatively about everything and their brain produce much less serotonin/dopamine/norepinephrine. The lack of positivity and pleasure neurotransmitters result in a very somber mood that often makes people want to kill themselves. This video works on increasing the production of these pleasure neurostransmitters in your brain while increasing positivity in your mental state of being. This combination will not only relieve your depression but in time, completely reverse it and make you feel whole again. For the video to work to this extent, you must listen to it twice everyday. Everyone is different so it may take longer to completely reverse depression for some people but I am sure if you listen everyday, you will already begin to feel relief from depression and in time, be free of its chains. "

“title”: “Androstenol for Men ( Become The Alpha Male)”,
“content”: “The frequencies and energies encoded along with the subliminal and supraliminal progamming in this video will cause you body to increase its natural Androstenol pheromone production levels, Be careful as some males with become intimidated by your smell and perceive you as a dominant alpha male and they may try to impose their own dominance. Be careful of all the extra attention you will receive also. All natural and cost free. You can look at it as often as you wish for faster results. (recommended twice daily)Not recommended for females, also beware of mild increases in aggression levels and general alpha male behavior.”

“title”: “Automated Micro Cosmic Orbit ( energetically programmed video) (Internal Alchemy pt5)”,
“content”: “Following Taoist traditions, this does an automated version of the micro cosmic orbit, what it will exactly do is carry the energy from your lower dan tien to your base then circulates it upwards, using the channels in the back of your body, to your crown, then back down to your dan tien using the front channels (this is explained in the simplest of ways, for easy understanding)What this does is clarify and clean your energy system, while helping to develop your own system and energy flow.Do not over use, it does a complete circulation per listen, start small, use it once or twice at most per day.You may feel a little tired afterwards, but as your system develops, it becomes a lot better. Also a lot has been in place to make it safe and to maximize the benefits.”

“title”: "Uplift Yourself, People you meet and the world. (energetic/psychic programmed audio) ",
“content”: “What this video does is engorge you with unconditional love and beauty, it will uplift everyone you interact with as well, and finally each time played it will work on infusing the earth with positivity and love. Creating a gentle loving push for a better future for all. This video is best used last if you listen to a few sapien medicine videos per day. Because if you listen to it before, the other energies will overlay on it and you wont get too much of the love around you effect.You can listen as much as want, take a break if it becomes overwhelming.Expect magical things to happen in your life with this.I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned 'wilith”

“title”: “The Sun Gazer”,
“content”: “This serves two purposes to provide you with sunlight, basically, it is the sun and sunlight, you can get your sunlight in the middle of the night or the darkest winter. Also provides a safe means to practise sun gazing for those of you who are inclined.”

“title”: “Stomach Shrinking and Toning (Psychic/Morphic programmed audio)”,
“content”: “This audio is made so that while you listen, the combination of programming will actively work on your abdominal muscles while targeting the fat in your stomach and hips and also induce apoptosis in them. (so the fat cells are actively destroyed) This version is meant to replace and upgrade the previous version.Use as often as you need.Do not over use as you can strain the muscles in your stomach.It will also help with creating more muscle definition in the abdominal areas”

“title”: “Experimental Cataract Treatment (Psychic / Morphic Fields programmed in audio)”,
“content”: “This works to remove the buildup and clumping of the protiens in the eyes that lead to cataracts,(even for existing cataracts) it should work for humans and animals. Listen as much as you need. It works similarly to lanosterol.(This one is a bit experimental, while it should work, i have not been able to test it and tabulate results etc)”

“title”: “Animal Regeneration (Fat to stem cells, psychic / morphic programmed audio)”,
“content”: “When you care for an animal/pet it becomes a very important part of your life and family, you will always want the best for them. This video is programmed to induce the fat cells of your animal friend to become stem cells, it works with to the fat around their organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected.It should help them to regenerate even de-age a bit. Use as much as you want, (or they need) No head phones are required.(works better on mammals but would also work on other animals and pets)”

“title”: “Stem Cells Targeted to Face, Scalp and Neck (Energetic/Morphic field programmed audio)”,
“content”: “This video is programmed energetically to induce the fat stores in your face to turn into stem cells, which then works towards regenerating and restoring your face to give you youthful features, It also works on your scalp and neck to provide the same benefit, (it may also help with hair growth on the scalp)”

“title”: “Transform Fat to Stem Cells”,
“content”: “This video is programmed to induce your fat cells to become stem cells, it works more to the fat around your organs and bones, and the cells are coherced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected.Yes it should help you to regenerateUse as much as you want, No head phones are required.”

“title”: “Stress Relief”,
“content”: “The programming in this audio works to remove cortisol from your brain while also stimulating the production of some endrophins.A safe and effectives means to gain relief from stress.Use as much as needed.Hopefully this can help improve the quality of your life.”

“title”: "The Super Human Mutant ",
“content”: “So this creation allows you to experience some key mutations (in my opinion)to understand the feeling of being a super human.This does not cause a permanent change as it is an energy simulant and the effects usually lasts around 17-20 hours.The mutations and modifications are as follows,overexpression of sirt3 by a factor of 3This effectively ‘detoxes’ and reduces ROS effects in your mitochondria.Function production of vitamin c, we have a defective gene for our own Vitamin C production,This allows you to feel the effects of a functional one. Pepck-cmus emzyne concentrated in muscle tissue.In short this increases mitochondria in muscle tissue, allowing far more power and endurancethan humanly possibleAmblox gene and overexpression of it 10This gene is encoded by atoxyl salamander, which allows them to regenerate any part of their body.Finally a modification of mitochondria by adding a Rhodopsin protien to it, which basically allows to use light as an energy source for your body.Yes you are feeding on light.”

“title”: “Amplify Positive Planetary and Astrological Effects”,
“content”: “This video will work towards increasing and amplifying the positive effects of any and all planetary system that are affecting you in a beneficial way/ This is great for astrologically inclined people. All the positive effects of all the planetary systems will be amplified, it will help with increasing also the good ‘magical’ effects of the planets. i would say from one listen the effects should last 24 hours. Listen and get the benefits, become unstoppable”

“title”: “Nullify Negative Planetary and Astrological Effects”,
“content”: “This video will work towards removing the negativing effects of any planetary system that is affecting you. This is great for astrologically inclined people. All the negative effects of all the planetary systems will be removed, it will help with nullifying the ‘magical’ effects of the planets. i would say from one listen the effects should last 24 hours. Listen and feel the relief.”

“title”: “Animal Empathy/Telepathy”,
“content”: “What this does is help you to understand what animals even to some extent what humans are thinking and feeling, no you wil not hear words in your head, most of the time there might just be an understanding of exacting what your pet/animal want or is trying to communicate to you.It will feel like you ‘just know’ Each listen will train your brain even more to create these connections and develop it.Over time, you will find this is natural aspect to you and you rnormal state or being.It would be great if you are that next animal ‘whisperer’.”

“title”: “Automated Workout System (energetic and morphic programming in audio)”,
“content”: “In that study, a team at the Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter, Fla., reported that a compound they had created and injected into obese mice increased activation of a protein called REV-ERB, which is known to partially control animals’ circadian rhythms and internal biological clocks. Unexpectedly, the treated mice also began using more oxygen throughout the day and expending about 5 percent more energy than untreated mice, even though they were not moving about more than the other animals.The drug, it seemed, was providing them with a workout, minus the effort.The fields in this audio, will work towards doing the same for you. (It activates and stimulates both Rev-erbα and Rev-erbβ throughout your body but mainly in the muscles)It will also increase the natural amount of irisin in your body, which is something that increases in your body with the more exercise you do.All these will work together to provide you with a system to give you a workout, without having to physically do much.”

“title”: “Stretch Mark Removal (energetic/psychic morphic fields programmed audio)”,
“content”: “The programming in this audio will work towards helping to remove stretch marks from your body, stretch marks are bascally scar tissue when the skin expands too quickly, they also do not tan hence the lighter streak appearance. This will induce apoptosis into the scar tissue, which the body will then remove or rather re-absorb. The process can take some time, but i think over time you should see it shrinking and soon become unnoticeable.”

“title”: “Fat Burning Genetic Advantage (energetically programmed audio)”,
“content”: “The programming (morpic and energetic) on this video will work towards inactivating the IRX3 and IRX5 genes, these genes basically tell to body to store energy as fat, and does so effectively.By inactivating these two, the fat cells become energy burners and do not store the energy (as fat). So in effect, it will make your existing fat cells more like brown or biege fat cells, instead of white fat cells. In this way, your body will naturally drop weight, you may even over time find it difficult to even put on weight.”

“title”: “Prostate Health (Energetic Fields for Enlarged and Cancerous Prostate)”,
“content”: “This audio is programmed to help with enlarged prostate conditions, and prostate cancer. It will work towards helping shrink the prostate and also destroy cancerous cells by specific programmed cell death, (if there are cancerous cells) Use as often as you need to get relief.”

“title”: “Lymphatic System Blockage Removal and Enhanced Drainage”,
“content”: "The programming in this will help break apart blockages in your lymph system enhance drainage and also help heal any damage to the system as well as the thymus and spleen. Listen as often as you need. "

“title”: “Advanced Detox + Healing of Billary System (Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas)”,
“content”: "The programming on this video works to specifically cleanse and detox your billiary system, which is comprised of your liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. It will remove toxins, and saturate it with antioxidants and well as provide healing of these areas. You may experience some strong smelling waste, or even sweats, this is a normal part of the removal. Twice to three times a day should be fine. "

“title”: “Epic Beard Growth”,
“content”: “The programming on this video will work on stimulating the latent hair follicles etc on your face with testosterone and a few other hormones to help you grow and develop the most epic beard possible. Use twice a day for best results.”

“title”: "The Exorcism Rite version 2.0 ",
“content”: "Exorcism is defined as "the act of driving out, or warding off, demons, or evil spirits, from persons, places, or things, which are believed to be possessed or infested by them, or are liable to become victims or instruments of their malice.“This video will provide the means by which you can drive away those negative forces and influences from your life.It draws from the traditional exorcism rite with its power and energy multipled and magnified.Regna terrae, cantate Deo, psallite Dominoqui fertis super caelumcaeli ad OrientemEcce dabit voci Suaevocem virtutis,tribuite virtutem Deo.Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritusomnis satanica potestas, omnis incursioinfernalis adversarii, omnis legio,omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.Ergo draco maledicteet omnis legio diabolica adjuramus te.cessa decipere humanas creaturas,eisque aeternae Perditionis venenum propinare. Vade, Satana, inventor et magisteromnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis.Humiliare sub potenti manu dei,contremisce et effuge, invocato anobis sancto et terribili nomine,quem inferi tremunt.Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi faciaslibertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae humiliare digneris,te rogamus, audi nos.Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiaete rogamus, audi nos. Terribilis Deus de sanctuario suo. Deus Israhel ipse truderit virtutemet fortitudinem plebi Suae.Benedictus Deus. Gloria Patri. Omni potentis Dei potestatem invoco,omni potentis Dei potestatem invoco,abrogo terra,hoc angelorum in obse quentum,Domine expuere,Domine expuere,unde abeo Dei perExorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus,omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii,omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.Priinceps gloriosissime cælestis militiæ, sancte Michaël Archangele, defende nos in prælio et colluctatione, quæ nobis adversus principes et potestates, adversus mundi rectores tenebrarum harum, contra spiritualia nequitiæ, in cælestibusus. Veni in auxilium hominum, quos Deus creavit inexterminabiles, et ad imaginem similitudinis suæ fecit, et a tyrannide diaboli emit pretio magno. Omni potentis Dei potestatem invoco,omni potentis Dei potestatem invoco,abrogo terra,hoc angelorum in obse quentum,Domine expuere,Domine expuere,unde abeo Dei perBenedictus Deus. Gloria Patri.Benedictus Deus. Gloria Patri.Benedictus Deus. Gloria Patri.”

“title”: “The Higher Being Experience”,
“content”: “This is a very unique experience, It allows you to experience what it is like to be a being that exists at a spiritual / vibratory level that is ‘higher’ or more fine tuned than yourself.The reason for this video is to provide people who want to be better or evolve or grow into something more than themselves to have a defined goal of where to go or what to aim for.It may be easier to have a clear goal or somewhat of a road map of what to aim for, so you can focus on that or see what it may be like to reach a point of evolution that is more than what you are, a peek through the curtains. Then to work on acheiving it.(The effect grows the more you listen, also not everybody will experience exactly the same thing)”

“title”: “Pain Control”,
“content”: “Sometimes people suffer from all kinda painful physical situations where getting help or controlling that pain is difficult or expensive.Listening to this programmed audio/video will look for those pain areas in your body and help relieve some of that pain. Use as often as you need.”

“title”: “Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning”,
“content”: “What this does is clear your entire energy system of built up junk and ‘psychic’ debris. With normal day to day living you build up a lot of negative non beneficial energies within your system that can affect you in the short and long term. Every negative emotional interaction usually creates a disturbance in your system.This will clear out everything and wash over you helping you to return to being fresh and clean. I dont not suggest you use this after other energy work or (subliminals) since it will likely clear out those energies as well (not that it is negative, but it is something different than your natural system)”

“title”: “Water Charger”,
“content”: “Place any drink containing water (or just plain water) and play this video, it will make the fluid high energy charged by the end of the video, you should have something that makes you feel really good when you consume it and alkalise your body, use for any situation you need extra energy in. This will also speed up any healing you need done. Also great for watering plants with after or for your pets or loved ones.”

“title”: "Raise your Vibrational State ",
“content”: “This is designed to raise the vibrational state of the listerner, it will have a compounded effect but it is not permanent, which means that, while this would directly work on changing your vibrational frequency to a state higher than what you started at, it is really up to you to make the mental, lifestyle, emotional and even physical changes required to mantain that state, otherwise you would simply go back to your normal state of being.It is good to become slowly accoustomed to higher states, makes it easier for you to mentally accept it and feel comfortable in that state.Keep in mind rasing your vibration can sometimes bring up things you need to work on in order for you to keep progressing.”

“title”: “Facial Symmetry”,
“content”: “Facial symmetry has been shown to have an effect of ratings of attractiveness in human faces. More symmetrical faces are perceived as more attractive in both males and females, although facial symmetry plays a larger role in judgments of attractiveness concerning female faces. A wide variety of methods have been used to examine the claim that facial symmetry plays a role in judgments of beauty. The programming (energetic/morpic) works towards changing the symmetry of your face to make it more symmetrical and thereby make it appear more attractive”

“title”: “Bone Marrow Strengthening and Enhancement”,
“content”: “What is bone marrow?Bone marrow is soft, gelatinous tissue that fills the medullary cavities, the centers of bones. The two types of bone marrow are red bone marrow, known as myeloid tissue, and yellow bone marrow, or fatty tissue.Bone marrow produces 200 billion new red blood cells every day, along with white blood cells and platelets.Bone marrow contains mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells.Around 10,000 people in the US are diagnosed each year with diseases that require bone marrow transplants.Several diseases pose a threat to bone marrow and prevent bone marrow from turning stem cells into essential cells.What the programming in this video does is energise and enhance your own existing marrow production and the quality plus quantity of it. This can be very helpful in your own natural internal regeneration and healing.Listen as much as you wish.”

“title”: “Osteoporosis Help”,
“content”: “The programming in this video uses a combination of approches to help reverse Osteoporosis,It focuses on the spine but all bones are affected, it will target your bones with HGH, IGF-1 and PDGF, also cause it absorb calcium and nutrients for growth and repair.Also your pituitary gland is stimulated to improve your natural production of these hormones etc.If you do not have osteoporosis i do not suggest you look at this often, as it will thicken your bones.Good luck and i hope your condition reverses. Be sure to to get extra nutrients and calcium to support your self.”

“title”: “Angelic Intercession”,
“content”: “Sometimes you need to feel the presence of those angelic beings to help you feel safe and protected in a divine way. You may need help from a higher power something beyond yourself.There is always help available, but most do not know how to ask, here is that connection, that link with the realm that angels exist.Be comforted and soothed then ask for the help you need or simply enjoy the presence.”

“title”: “Hair Growth and Recovery helps with Hair Loss (updated ver2.0)”,
“content”: "This programming in this video works in a few ways to help recover and cause hair growth.It will place follicles on your scalp in the anagen phase, it also uses HGH, Lin28a and stem cells targeted to the follicles to strengthen, thicken and recover them.It also will try to remove any DHT buildup in the scalp.While making them resistant to DHT as well.Updated.added to this is lactate to activate the dormant hair stem cells.and 5-Azacytidine to the skin cells (to create even more stem cells) "

“title”: “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Help (Energetic and Meditative Treatment)”,
“content”: “This video is programmed to help for various forms of OCD, Listening to it will work with your subconscious mind to help you release and change thinking patterns and states of being that lead to obsessive and compulsive behaviour.I think twice a day should be enough to listen to this at most.No need to overdo it.”

“title”: “Slow Down the Perception of Time (Experimental)”,
“content”: “This is a creation, energetic etc that works to change your perception of time while you listen to it.What happens is that your perception of time will slow down, making it seem or even appear with evidence that time is running slower.Which in effect gives you more available free time.It works better the longer you listen to it and the more you listen over time, as your subconscious will accept that time isnt as rigid and we can perceive things at different ‘speeds’ within the passage of time.”

“title”: “Speed Up the Perception of Time (Experimental)”,
“content”: “This is a creation, energetic etc that works to change your perception of time while you listen to it.What happens is that your perception of time will speed up, making it seem or even appear with evidence that time is running faster.Which in effect shortens your time.It works better the longer you listen to it and the more you listen over time, as your subconscious will accept that time isnt as rigid and we can perceive things at different ‘speeds’ within the passage of time.”

“title”: “The Negative Ion Generator”,
“content”: “This video, due to the progamming (energetic etc) will create negative ions in the air around you and spread out into your environment for as long as you leave this on.This audio, due to the progamming (energetic etc) will create negative ions in the air around you and spread out into your environment for as long as you leave this on.Negative ions are oxygen atoms charged with an extra electron. They are created in nature by the effects of water, air, sunlight and the Earth’s inherent radiation.Negatively charged ions are most prevalent in natural places and particularly around moving water or after a thunderstorm.That taste in the air and feeling you get at the beach, near a waterfall or after a storm is your body being saturated in the benefits of negative ions.In high enough concentrations, negative ions clear the air of mold spores, pollen, pet dander, odors, cigarette smoke, bacteria, viruses, dust and other hazardous airborne particles.They do this by attaching to these positively charged particles in large numbers. This causes the germs, mold, pollen and other allergens to become too heavy to stay airborne.At this point they drop to the floor or attach to a nearby surface. This removes them from the air you breathe and prevents them from causing respiratory problems and other health issues.Being saturated with negative ions also just feels really good and seems to promote health and well being.Use as much as you wish”

“title”: “Become a Kinder, more Patient person in all ways”,
“content”: “By listening to this, (due to the progamming in the audio) your mental outlook will begin to change, you will yourself responding differently to situations, less easy to stress and generally to become to wonderful person you really are inside.Unfold yourself beautifully into a kinder, patient and loving person.This is great for parents as well.”

“title”: “Experimental Arthritis Treatment (energetically progammed audio)”,
“content”: "This audio will work towards trying to help stop and reverse the damage and pain caused by arthritis, It may not be able to help all types of arthritis but may improve the health and function of your joints. This is achieved by a combination of progamming, to remove uric acid crystals buildup, regenerate cartilage and stop excessive attacks by the immune system. Use as much as you need. "

“title”: "Stem Cell Targeted to kidneys, adrenals, bladder, urinary tract ",
“content”: “The progamming in this audio will fill your body with the energy /frequencies of stem cells specifically targeted to your kidneys, adrenals, bladder, urinary tract. It will help cause regeneration of these specific organs resulting in a healthier stronger you, which should increase the quality of your life.Listen as often as you need. but at least twice a day for best results.”

“title”: "Stem Cell Targeted to Heart, Liver, Lungs and Pancreas ",
“content”: “The progamming in this audio will fill your body with the energy /frequencies of stem cells specifically targeted to your heart, lungs, liver and pancreas.It will help cause regeneration of these specific organs resulting in a healthier stronger you, which should increase the quality of your life.Listen as often as you need. but at least twice a day for best results.”

“title”: “Nerve Growth factor (targeted to brain and entire nervous system)”,
“content”: “Nerve Growth Factor plays an important role in cognitive function, depression, inflammation, autoimmunity, histamine intolerance, western disease, pain, cancer and much moreNerve growth factor (NGF) is one of a group of small protein like molecules called neurotrophins that are responsible for the development of new neurons, and for the health and maintenance of mature ones.NGF promotes growth, maintenance, and survival of neurons and axons (part where electrical signal passes). It also helps repair myelin sheath, the coating around the axons.It was once believed that after our nervous system developed, we had a set amount of nerve cells that declined with age. It was only until recently that it was discovered that our body is actually able to generate new nerve cells, including brain cells, well into our adult lives.This audio/video will simulate your brain and entire nervous system with NGF to entice it to produce and regenerate/repair damage and even create new connections.This uses energetic and psychic progamming to help acheive this effect. use as much as you want.”

“title”: “Overcome Addictions: Dopamine Receptor Repair & Addiction Healing”,
“content”: "Repairs dopamine receptors in the limbic system, using a faster healing field with nerve growth factor and also repairs the dopamine production areas. This also work with your subconscious to give you the inner strength and will power to overcome your addictions.Addiction creates an imbalance in your dopamine receptors. People tend to become addicted when they begin to depend on a substance or activity for pleasure (generated by release of dopamine).Over time, the brain adapts in a way that actually makes the sought-after substance or activity less pleasurable. In nature, rewards usually come only with time and effort. Addictive drugs and behaviors provide a shortcut, flooding the brain with dopamine and other neurotransmitters. As a result of these adaptations, dopamine has less impact on the brain’s reward center due to less production of dopamine and people have to take or do more of it to get the same dopamine “high” they got used to. And at this point, little to nothing other than what you are addicted to can generate dopamine for you. The fields in this audio work on repairing the imbalance created by addicted behaviors. Repairs dopamine receptors in the limbic system, using a faster healing field with nerve growth factor and also repairs the dopamine production areas. Over time, this will restore your dopamine levels and allow you to feel a good amount of pleasure again from any activity. This also helps tremendously with depression. The reward circuit in the brain includes areas involved with motivation and memory as well as with pleasure. Addictive substances and behaviors stimulate the same circuit—and then overload it.Overcoming an addiction is also very difficult because repeated exposure to an addictive substance or behavior causes nerve cells in the nucleus accumbens and the prefrontal cortex to communicate in a way that couples liking something with wanting it, in turn driving us to go after it. That is, this process motivates us to take action to seek out the source of pleasure. Over time, this takes almost complete control over our willpower… making it feel impossible to overcome addiction. The fields embedded in this audio works with your subconscious to give you the inner strength and will power to overcome your addictions. Addicts very much lack the strength and willpower to to overcome their addiction. Even if they want to change, their brain is already programmed to want their addictive substance/activity more. The fields in this audio grant you back strength and control of your willpower and with programming to push you to overcome your addiction. The fields in this audio work on fixing the physical (dopamine receptors) and spiritual (willpower/inner strength) to overcome addiction. "

“title”: “Shen Energy”,
“content”: “Shen is one of the Three Treasures (sanbao) we have as corporeal beings. Shen is our spirit which connects to the ethereal Tao and the Mind beyond mind. The other two treasures are our Qi and Jing. Qi (chi) relates to what animates a being, and it is related to the breath and our vital energy. Jing is the energy derived from what we eat, thus making up our physical essence. Shen derives from Qi and Jing, and Shen energizes the Qi.We derive our Shen energy from two sources. First, there is the Shen with which we are born. It is also called Prenatal Shen. It is this energy which connects with the Tao, or eternal aspect of the universe. Through knowing it, we can connect with the Mind of Tao. It never leaves, it is our eternal soul, but it can be difficult to recognize due to our conditioned mind.Another aspect of Shen is derived from the Jing and Qi developed after birth, or the Postnatal Shen. Our habits, conditioning and environment shape this type of Shen. It is affected by our thinking processes and behaviors. Excessive behaviors, including too much thinking, can lead to spiritual exhaustion and disconnection from one’s Prenatal Shen.What this video does due to its energetic/psychic/morphic programming is enhance the connection and also engorge shen into your body and being. (especially heart and brain areas)”

“title”: “Forgiveness and Release”,
“content”: “The energetic/morphic fields and frequencies embeded in this audio will work to help you release things you feel unresolved in your life, also to forgive others and be forgiven for things you have done. In order to grow and develop, sometimes it is neccessary to release all the bad things lurking in your mind that keep you down or in a specific pattern of thought. So relax and listen to this and feel the weights being lifted.Go forth lighter and happier and enjoy your life and know that you are forgiven and that you can forgive others who may have wronged you as well.”

“title”: “Stem Cells Targeted to Scalp for Hair Regeneration”,
“content”: "It does exactly what is in the topic name, there are many approaches to hair regeneration, this is another one, which hopefully should do the trick. It targets all the hair follicles and sends existing stem cells and also creates stems cells directly in the follicle, which should help with the growth and regeneration of hair. "

“title”: “Jing Restoration”,
“content”: "Jing (along with Chi and Shen) is one of the Three Treasures identified by the Taoist Masters of ancient China, and it is an especially relevant concept for us modern humans to understand. Why? Well, Jing is the Yin manifestation of Qi in the body (we all know Qi (or Chi) as energy) and it is the fundamental potential for life and growth in the body. If you plan on living for a long time. Jing is where all of our energy comes from; it is the precursor to Qi and the key to a healthy, happy life lived aligned with our heart’s purpose. Jing is consumed throughout our lives by our daily activities and it is said that we die when our Jing becomes too low. The rate of depletion of our Jing is closely related to how well we look after ourselves. This video compresses jing into your internal organs (brain not included) especially the kidneys. People who are aware of taoist princles etc will know the value of this video. "

“title”: “Chi Compression into lower Dan Tien”,
“content”: “Prana or life force is the vital energy that keeps the body alive, and channeling that energy to the different organs in our body is equally important to maintain a state of good health. Our bones are living organs too that provide structure for our body, protect all our important organs and help us nourish our entire body by producing red and white blood cells.Dan Tien is one of three energy centers in the body. It is most important for martial artists and energy practitioners.In Taoism, martial art, Qi Gong, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is known to be the sea of Qi/Chi, the elixir field, or red field. It is also known as the Alchemical Cauldron.It is not only the storage or reservoir of energy, it is the connection to the rest of our body. Where does the human energy comes from? The core. All power which mobilizes the body originates from the Dan TIen.Of all the areas in the human body, the Dan Tien is most important to spirituality because it is the source of vitality and health. It helps you to become magnetic, have greater stamina, be stable, vibrant, strong willed, and have abundant health.This Video/Audio, automates that process for you, by using energy/psychic work, frequency progamming etc.Listening to this will compress that chi into your lower Dan Tien to supercharge your being with power.”

“title”: “Two downloads on Media fire”,
“content”: “The DNA activator is not my creation, it was made a long time ago by xtrememind, but i am not sure if they still have it for download.(this one also has affirmations, mostly positive, but there may be some to make you loyal to xtrememind as a company etc) It is supposed to help put your body into a healing crisis.The other file is one that keeps being requested.”

“title”: “After workout muscle recovery”,
“content”: “The energetic programming in this audio field speeds up after-workout muscle recovery. You went to depth on every squat rep and pushed your reverse lunges to failure. Your quads are beat and your hamstrings burn. Your workout was tough, but it didn’t build an ounce of muscle.The opportunity for muscle growth begins the moment you stop lifting, and that growth can’t happen without proper recovery protocol. Muscles don’t grow in the gym; they grow after. When you lift heavy, muscles suffer microtears and are actually broken down via a process called catabolism. Immediately after you lift, your body begins repairs and they may take some time. In the process of repairing, you may also experience fatigue and soreness and have little strength to carry on the rest of the day. This audio field speeds up the recovery process to reduce fatigue and more quickly gain muscle. After workout muscle recovery replaces energy in muscle and bone, speeds up healing and recovery and removes the lactic acid buildup in the muscle. Listening to this audio after workouts will dramatically assist your muscle recovery and also allow you to get right back to it the next day. This audio is not meant as an alternative to medical treatment, always consult with your doctor.”

“title”: “Chi Compression in Bone Marrow”,
“content”: “Prana or life force is the vital energy that keeps the body alive, and channeling that energy to the different organs in our body is equally important to maintain a state of good health. Our bones are living organs too that provide structure for our body, protect all our important organs and help us nourish our entire body by producing red and white blood cells.An ancient Taoist practice that uses this life force to restore health and give strength to the bones, is ‘Bone Breathing’.The practice uses breathing and visualization to bring more healing Chi into the bones and joints.This Video/Audio, automates that process for you, by using energy/psychic work, frequency progamming etc.Listening to this will compress that chi into your bone marrow to rejuvenate and energise you.”

“title”: “Using NMN to improve NAD+ levels along with sirt1 activation”,
“content”: "NAD is a key regulator of protein-to-protein interactions in DNA repair. NAD, identified a century ago, is already known for its role as a controller of cell-damaging oxidation.Treatment with the NAD precursor NMN mitigates age-related DNA damage and wards off DNA damage from radiation exposure.Sirt1 gene when activated consumes NAD to propagate its process,In short both are needed for antiaging, This audio with try to boost the production of NAD to enhance dna repair and whole body regeneration along with activation the sirt1 gene for longetivity. "

“title”: “The Dragon Golem”,
“content”: “Create your own servitor :)”

“title”: “Confidence, Dominance and Authority”,
“content”: “Ever wonder why most people listen to Generals etc? Because of their uniform.? If you look closely most of these guys (and ladies of course) act differently, they walk and talk with authority, like own and control the place. This type of thinking and body language is learnt over time. The field here works to replicate this in you. This can be very useful for leaders and those aspiring to be. They always say ladies love a guy in uniform, but is it really his uniform or the authority and control he represents? This can help you acquire a bit of that authority.All the fields here work together and are designed to complement each other and work for getting complements to you. You can use the sigil on this book to create your own item to help instill confidence, make you dominant and command authority”

“title”: “Gamma Brain Wave Audio”,
“content”: “Gamma Brain Waves are the fastest brainwave frequency with the smallest amplitude. They are associated with the “feeling of blessings” reported by experienced meditators such as monks and nuns, and with peak concentration and extremely high levels of cognitive functioning.Neuroscientists believe that gamma waves are able to link information from all parts of the brain and not only that, but the entire brain is influenced by the gamma wave.The gamma wave originates in the thalamus and moves from the back of the brain to the front and back again 40 times per second. This rapid “full sweep” action makes the gamma state one of peak mental and physical performance. Gamma is the brainwave state of being “in the Zone,” that feeling that you can do anything.Everyone has gamma brainwave activity, but the amount of gamma waves produced varies. Low amounts of gamma brainwave activity have been linked to learning difficulties, poor memory and impaired mental processing.The benefits of producing the gamma frequency are: Increased memory recall (the 40 Hz frequency is known to regulate memory processing); people with high gamma activity have exceptionally vivid and rapid memory recall. Increased sensory perception. Senses are heightened when the brain produces gamma waves. Food tastes better; vision and hearing sharpen; sense of smell becomes more powerful; and your brain becomes far more sensitive to all sensory input. This makes for a much richer sensory experience and a better perception of reality. Increased focus; but this enhanced focus is not necessarily aimed at one individual object or task. In the gamma state, your brain is able to process all sensory information faster and more fully with greater sensitivity; and combine the whole scenario into a highly memorable experience. People with high gamma activity can recall everything about any memorable event – the food they ate, the music they heard, the conversations, the names of people they met, the air temperature, etc. One of the most remarkable properties of the gamma state is the processing speed: the brain is able to process incredible amounts of information very quickly, remember it, and retrieve that memory later. People with high gamma activity are naturally happier, calmer and more at peace. This is Nature’s best anti-depressant (people suffering from depression typically have very low gamma activity). Gamma waves are present during REM sleep and visualization. Compassion comes from a feeling of one-ness with all creation. This is the “feeling of blessings” and ecstasy that accompanies high levels of gamma brainwave activity. This audio has been created in order induce and propagate gamma brain waves in your brain. Download and enjoy!”

“title”: “Book of Long Life and Good Health”,
“content”: “This Book has three sigils that can be used to help with maintaining your health and keeping you living long and healthy.”

“title”: “Gregorian Chants”,
“content”: "This audio has a higher frequency of love and angelic inspiration and energies infused in it. Created to help inspire you on your journey. "