Auto immune disease suggestion

It’s very hard to find the root cause for auto immune disease. I’m looking for curing alopecia areata. Auto immune disease could be caused by genetic, stress, trauma, food etc … wish @Captain_Nemo comes up with a field to cure all auto immune disease.

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Thats def Plasma family my friend…


Looking for a specific field. Personally, Plasma flares up all my emotional baggages. I have to restrict hearing once a week.

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With all due respect for your illnesses, some, if not all, but lets say, at least issues with the immune system are more likely affected/triggered by emotions, traumas (and that includes everything you can imagine) if could be congenital, but anyway, a field specifically targeting that would take loooong time to fix everything, you might suffer of a couple of thing now but it will keep increasing and spreading and they might even show up again if the root of the issue is emotional so why not facing that now that you have the opportunity in front of you to heal everything in your body plus anything else that can flare up?

If you can only do it once a week even more reason to use that one. Maybe you didnt listen to automated grounding after? That helps the process.
Besides it gets easier and easier with the passing days.

If the plasma is flaring up emotions it means thats what is blocking the healing therefore it needs releasing first.


Ohhh you mean you have to listen that one once a week only because of the things it surfaces, got it now.

Well keep using it in the mean time :blush:


You are right. It can be a combination of different things.

I thought this is a good thing to release all those repressed emotions. When I started listening to my inner work stack daily, I felt depressed and always had nightmares. This lasted only for 2 - 3 weeks and I feel much better now.

If I were you, I would just combine different fields to tackle the root cause of the disease. Field for emotional release is there. I believe I have seen something to put one in the state of negentropy on a genetic level. For food, there is AIP diet you can follow.


Yes I’m having steroids every Sunday one tablets(capsule)
steroid “methotrexate”

Only for 3 months. Then I will stop, again

After 3 months

Repeating since 3 years.

If anyone know steriods fields(frequencies) … Let me know please

Thanks for all your support… :sob:

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What I meant is, I need at least a week to release those emotional baggages that comes up hearing the field for just once. Yes, it is healing holistically. Just that I have my auto immune disease as priority. Plasma protocol is a bit more specific than plasma light . New fields are released with plasma . I looking forward a specific field for auto immune disease.


You mean I must use plasma protocol??

I just meant plasma protocol is bit more specific for body regeneration and healing. Our priority is something even more specific field for auto immune disease. To be more clear, super stem cells with negentropy will also help. I can’t ask my stem cells to focus on my auto immune disease first :sweat_smile: Dream can, and that is my request to him to create such a field.

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How can we request to dream team and sapien team…

I mean through which platform.

I request to all members in this group to request dream team to Make to happen.

Me with millions are looking forward for help.

The Requests and Fields


Read his very first post so you understand how you need to request etc

Well, I have mentioned about this in different threads were dream is active. He probably knows. So let’s expect good things soon. But do go ahead requesting In above mentioned thread.

Hello !! :)
From my opinion trough a bit of observation Health = Balance
The good thing its that you can “change” almost any config in your body with Sapien medicine :)

5 Elements Balanced -
Vitamin C ( Genetic mutation that lasts 7 days + )
Lymphatic Drainage

This are a few audios that can help you , also mmmm since autoinmune disorders most of the time are "unknowed " causes , you can try to approach it from different root causes to see what it fit to you .

Plasma Target pretty much everything haha , so using this while experimenting with other audios its a wise move.


Thank for your valuable information.


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Oh almost forgot : Use Kidney -Adrenal Heal and regen too keep nice levels of cortisol and maybe get low adverse effects from steroids .



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Instead using kidney regen.

May I use stem cell scar tissue removal…

Please advice

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Ye you can use that one , this is only an “specific approach” instead of general approach

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I’m talking about alopecia areata, alopecia universalis. Spot baldness.