Auto-Mewing (Negentropic)

It doesn’t necessarily have to do with dream, I have enough past experiences to know that he’s very credible . I just never payed attention to where my tongue in my mouth lies that’s what I mean.

But now I’m pretty sure it does what it should , as this morning I woke up breathing through my nose
! Inthe last days always woke up breathing through my mouth.


can anyone tell me what can be the reason behind my payment not passing through paypal on patreon?

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Why do I produce so much saliva ??:grin:

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This can help in my practice of MCKS Twin Hearts Meditation.
Thanks Sapien

Wow bro

Mewing is shown to do both of these things over time.


Close and open the page again or make sure your card info is up to date and attached to your paypal account, or maybe try another browser.

I remember getting into the mewing community a few years back and it served me pretty well for the 2-4 months I was doing it for. this field is incredibly strong and its dope to hear its negentropic. I think it got my back to those times I had good tongue placement and even then some, thanks dream


The field is on youtube now we the full info on what it does it says that it “works on all of the parts involved” this might mean that it lifts the maxilla up even if your face is aready fully developed. But not 100% sure need somone else to confirm

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I would agree with this. There is no age limit associated with mewing benefits (although older people might receive slower results). With this field being negentropic and the multitude of other audios we have available to us from Dream, I see no reason why you would not see results (even with a “fully developed” face). :slight_smile:


the reason i ask is not beacuse am old its just that mewing will usally take months before seeing any real benefit that is why i was hoping for it to also bring up the maxilla while teaching you to rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth. I have been mewing for some time now but so many factors can effect whether its effective or not like posture, swallow ect theres can cause for mewing results to mess up.


Based on Dream’s work, I believe it will strengthen all the muscles involved and automate the entire process of correctly mewing. So that includes reshaping the bottom jaw, and raising the maxilla.

Try going to sleep in mewing posture. That has helped me to see results much faster than I should’ve. I’m 30 years old, and my face has changed as fast as the teenagers online doing it.


I don’t know the creator, but someone else on here said they trusted them. I couldn’t say if they would interfere or not. Most creators I trust don’t interfere with each other’s fields though.

I think there could be interesting results pairing it with some of Dream’s other fields like: Anti-aging, Telomere extension, plasma light, plasma mitochondria, plasma protocol (I think #1 is bones), negentropic chi, jing, shen, joint regeneration. Just a few off the top of my head.

edit: platelet rich plasma also!!

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But wouldnt them fields only affect damaged bones and not the maxilla?

They should help because you are “exercising” your facial bones with auto-mewing. Could also try HGH? My mind is wandering with possibilities for how fast this could help haha.


Captain does this just strengthen the muscles in the jaw or does it also push the mandible and maxilla bones forward? Because that is mewing at its core. Most the benefits such as more oxygen inhalation in each breath, gettid rid of snoring and sleep apnea, improved facial structure etc is caused by those bones being moved forward.


its the whole thing


Alright thanks. One more question a lot of us have been asking. Does this mean there would be forward growth even if we dont keep our tongues on the roof of the mouth or does it just compliment the process?


would be cool if this audio pulls the maxilla forward instead of only affecting the tongue.

question. I haven’t done mewing because my palate isn’t wide enough. my tongue just presses against my teeth which would cause… complications… long term if I continued lol

so I don’t mew. I can’t physically place my entire tongue on my palatte because it’s too narrow
would the field widen my palate so I could mew properly or nah?


Read 2/3 posts above yours… lol