Auto-Mewing (Negentropic)

Part of the Plasma Brothers album


Mewing is a do-it-yourself facial restructuring technique involving tongue placement, named after Dr. Mike Mew, a British orthodontist.
Mewing itself isn’t technically new. In fact, proper tongue alignment is recommended by some orthodontists and other medical professionals as a way to define the jaw, correct speech impediments, and potentially alleviate pain from jaw-related issues.
Supporters of the technique believe that, over time, your tongue position will change your overall facial features, most notably the jawline.

People also believe it may help alleviate jaw pain and provide relief from snoring. Mewing is supposed to work by making your jawline more defined, which can help shape your face and perhaps make it look thinner, too.

Well whatever may be the case, this automates the strengthening of the muscles and all works on all of the parts involved in this process, to give you all the benefits of this technique, which would cause a lot faster results with your own practices or can supplement the effects of doing the exercise itself.

2 - 3 times is usually good enough.
If you want to check out the rest of ‘the plasma brothers’
you are free to do so in the links provided below.
( this works in a negentropic manner also, as with all audios in this album )


What Is Mewing?

Mewing is the practice of resting your mouth in a certain position. Many people rest with their tongue at the bottom of their mouths and their mouths slightly open. However, proponents of mewing say that adjusting the position of your tongue can help correct a myriad of issues ranging from crooked teeth to sleep apnea.1

Rather than resting their tongues on the bottom of their mouths, people who practice mewing rest their tongues on the roof of their mouths.2 Their lips are together, and their teeth are either touching or close together.

People who practicing mewing refer to this as proper tongue posture. And just as regular posture is essential for health, they say that tongue posture has important health ramifications as well. Over time, people who practice mewing train their bodies to naturally return to this position.


How fast can you see results with this ?

Don’t know but pretty fast I will tell you that :joy:


This works fast.
Three times played and I still have my mouth in the tecnique position.
This is good to force full nose breathing too.


Give me 30 minutes to listen to it 2465465787 times. I’ve been mewing for about a year, and seeing fantastic results. I can’t wait to add this to my tongue posture!!


Dont if its placebo but since listening I also have better mouth breathing…


Dreams fields aren’t placebo, trust me, even if you don’t believe it’s working… it really is working lol, I could assure you that from my past experiences


It will be most exciting to see long-term effects from daily listens. It felt very easy after 3 listens, and more natural than usual even though I already practice mewing daily. I’m so excited!!!


I can feel my tongue moving up in the mewing position.

Great, now I won’t have put any effort🥳


Interesting. I did not know what mewing was (thanks Zen!) - it seems like a version of the Khechari mudra (or the tongue lock we use in Microcosmic orbit)?

I remember reading in a Yoga book long ago, “Like a child rests in the mother’s lab, a Yogi should always rest his tongue on the root of the mouth”. I started doing that as a kid, as a mental trigger to get mindful.

And now I realize there are other benefits to it and now we have an awesome field for that too!!!


I fully expected the mewing one to cost money and I would have paid for it too. I will try for my partner’s sleep apnea. Aesthetics aside, having a weak/recessed jawline could be part of the cause of airway obstruction. It’s so terrifying (for me) when they have that pause in breathing.:sob:

Theoretically this could also help with snoring, btw.

Thank you so much! :pray::heart::heart:


I had no idea- thanks for the info. It seems to be one of the few audious I don’t need. :sweat_smile:
My tongue naturally does this.

Seems to be a great gift though for people suffering with sleep apnea :star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. Haha.

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Does the audio mewing also bring the maxilla forward say for example your 29 and it is too late to see results with mewing, will this still have an impact on the maxilla?



There’s abouta be some fine ass women and men from this forum. Lol. :smile:


Anyone else having mad saliva

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Programmed Intention also has a field for forward Maxillae


Sorry it’s paid content. His Patreon subscription is only $1 a month.

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