Automated Tibetan Rites

It’s mostly spinning, like spinning yoga

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That posture in the picture is not one of the Tibetan rites.

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Awww, well, that’s just false advertising then, right? :laughing:

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Do tibetan rites makes you immortal?

No. They help make you stronger and more youthful. Hard to prove immortality as you would need hundreds of years of data.



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I’ve actually been doing these daily for the past few weeks and boy oh boy, have I been feeling great and so in tune with my body, mind and spirit. These rites have been so great in addition to my daily cold showers, Pranayama and Meditation.

Meditation seems hard but to me, I do it a few different ways throughout the day. And most of all, it’s a 10 minute break of me just listening to my mind. Just stopping and relaxing and not trying anything. All I am doing is noticing I’m thinking. And as I do, just notice more of the present moment when I get that silence. Obviously, my mind drifts right back into thinking. But so as long as I notice myself thinking again, I go right back to the silence and focus on the present. I get a few more seconds of that before my mind drifts back into thinking. Then notice again and get even more time in the present.

Over time of just relaxing, thinking and noticing I’m thinking and observing the present… I expand my state of peace more and more. Longer periods of silence and peace. And it just gets to the point that when you want to meditate, you are able to just focus on the present and you can feel the impulse of thoughts coming to the surface… til you realize that you are the impulse and can just revert that impulse back into focusing onto the present.

It takes time to get there but really… all it takes to get good a meditating is doing it everyday at least 10 minutes and notice yourself thinking as much as possible and when you do, just focus on the present. Never get agitated with how much your mind goes back to thinking. It’s okay to think. And especially never feel uncomftorable with how your mind just doesn’t like doing this. Be okay with how annoying it is at first.

Part of why we have so much trouble with meditating or self work is because we fight things in our way. When all we have to do is flow with those things in our way. Those thoughts/feelings in the way are US, we are those thoughts and feelings, and when we become them… they become our way. They come neutralized.

Anyways, I don’t know why but I just felt like sharing all that. I can tell most people don’t meditate daily and I am just pushing for it some more lol. If any of you have any ideas for us to make it easier for you guys, you let me know. I would gladly experiment. I’m personally not sure how someone can reach their full potential without reaching mindfulness first. Otherwise, we tend to succumb so easily to duality, habits and past regressions.


Thanks for sharing, Sammy. :slight_smile:


Is this like a full body stretch as well as making you more flexible?

Edit: if not maybe there should be one made.

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No not really. It helps activate and spin your vortices which is supposedly different than your chakras.

EDIT: I suppose I should amend what I said. These movements can help make you slightly more flexible, slightly stronger, if you are substantially detrained but the benefits are with the vortices.


Excuse me but… what are vortices ?


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I get this feeling that everything is allright when im listening to this.

Can I listen to Automated Tibetan Rites using speakers only?

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U can use both to listen.


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This is one of my alltime favorite fields so far, the track is uplifting, brings joy and a feeling of bliss and positivity at the same time stimulating my chakras, giving me more energy and just downright make me feel safe and good.


I noticed meditating after a cold shower helps in silencing the mind more, just a tip ;)

Any reviews for this one?

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